Corse Ambuscade V1 |
Corse Ambuscade V1
Two months in a row where BLU is meta and the month before these was NIN use. Lightning really does strike thrice.
PLD/WAR/MNK/COR/BRD/GEO video from 2023, somehow managing to clear the fight by doing the mechanics: I've read ppl will be using blunt dmg, but since Corse is undead, wouldn't Banish 2 from Paladin or Banish 3 from WHM ideally be amazing on top of the other usual stuffs?
It will reduce their dmg resistance to slashing by 70% and 97% respectively, allowing for any dmg type zergs Banish is referenced in the breakdown below - The BRD and COR make use of Banish, but the x2 BLU and WAR still make use of clubs as they use a PLD as the healer, along with the BLUs (no WHM). Banish II 'only' reduces the penalty by 70%, though Tomahawk is also used. That's still a sizeable penalty remaining. Especially since Black Halo and Judgment are very solid WSs in their own right. Banish is certainly not to be overlooked, and should absolutely be used. There are plenty of job combinations for this Ambu that are viable. It's just people see a video with a working strat and it kind of just tends to become the de facto approach for a lot of groups, especially PUGs. Bahamut.Alseyn said: » PLD/WAR/MNK/COR/BRD/GEO video from 2023, somehow managing to clear the fight by doing the mechanics: Version update day stream from the above fellow, featuring a WHM/NIN dropping 97k-damage Judgements on the Corse Bahamut.Alseyn said: » Version update day stream from the above fellow, featuring a WHM/NIN dropping 97k-damage Judgements on the Corse On the other hand... WAR/WHM didn't do a very good job keeping the party alive. To be fair to the WHM, they did whip out dual-wield Yagrush and Gambanteinn to Cursna the party, so I can’t fault their dedication lol
Bahamut.Alseyn said: » Bahamut.Alseyn said: » PLD/WAR/MNK/COR/BRD/GEO video from 2023, somehow managing to clear the fight by doing the mechanics: Version update day stream from the above fellow, featuring a WHM/NIN dropping 97k-damage Judgements on the Corse i wonder with what kind of gear tho, aeonic club to use judgement? or with yag u mean? lol sounds crazy... r30 nyame too maybe or just full buffs magic xD Maybe whm/dnc box step/Dia2/Banish3 maxentius(magesmasher +1, Csth Palug Hammer)/kraken club shenanigans. Prebuff with SCH and you practically don't have to do anything but dps/occasional -na. JP ambu comps are always full of surprises.
WHM TP set isn't so bad, at worst on par with GEO or even better; they can use Ayanmo +2, obviously Nyame. Empy+3 comes with a ton of accuracy too. Asura.Ayahuasca said: » Bahamut.Alseyn said: » Bahamut.Alseyn said: » PLD/WAR/MNK/COR/BRD/GEO video from 2023, somehow managing to clear the fight by doing the mechanics: Version update day stream from the above fellow, featuring a WHM/NIN dropping 97k-damage Judgements on the Corse i wonder with what kind of gear tho, aeonic club to use judgement? or with yag u mean? lol sounds crazy... r30 nyame too maybe or just full buffs magic xD My mistake, I mixed up the names of the party members and it looks like the WHM was actually using Black Halo (just looked at a bit of the VOD, didn't rewatch the whole thing), which I saw hitting as high as 86k, while the WAR was doing Judgments. Assuming no lockstyle on the clubs, it was Maxentius and Cait Sith club. Leaving aside gear, I'd assume they'd have had 9999 attack (from the Corse charm), blunt advantage, and Holy Circle in their favour. Lakshmi.Buukki said: » JP ambu comps are always full of surprises. Funnily enough, I think the WHM was taking a DD slot in the usual composition for the streamer’s strategy (PLD, DDx2, COR, BRD, GEO). The write-up which accompanies the above JP video translated half-assedly by myself below. Credit to the creator: Corse Trigger: Xarc[S]; Fei-Yin Mob Behaviour All Monsters Slashing -12.5% / Piercing -50% / Blunt +25% Magic DT -90% / AoE DT -95% Petrification/Sleep Immune (Other debuffs work) Bozzeto Pishogue (Main) DRK / BLM Summons 4 skeletons at 90% and 30% with message, "The boss has donned a magical mantle" (or similar) Blood Wep @ 25% - Removes all debuffs + Dmg Boost + -DT Effect on itself Spells used depends on party's distance to mob: targets < 10 yalms = Magic dmg. buff (harmless); > 10 yalms = AoE Charm/Doom (dead) = stay within 10 yalms Bozzeto Warders Skeletons with clubs; regain (WS a lot) Appear with hate reshuffle = they will all go after diff. people upon popping Use Dark Cloud move; dark dmg, slow, def down, m.eva down Strategy 1. PLD takes main and back tanks (faces away from the monster while holding it) 2. DD dd from behind main and take down main to 90% to pop adds 3. When adds pop, PLD has 2 duties: 1) positioning adjustment, 2) regain hate. Positioning - PLD must remain facing away from the Corse but move so the Corse faces all of the other members of the party Hate Mgmt - use vallation, valiance, plufg to grab hate (spam these) 4. After adds are down or mid if you aren't fast enough, main will use Hecatomb Macabre (aoe charm 15s/doom 20s). Wait for charm to wear and immediately spam holy waters OR if mage in party, cursna (or both). 5. Resume dd on main, PLD back tank 6. @ 30% HP, new wave of adds pop; repeat process from #3 above. PLD can use, sentinel, rampart, pallisade. 7. When main is at low HP it may Blood Weapon. PLD to shield bash dispel asap. 8. Bring main to 0% Buffs / Job Related COR: Chaos/Sam/DD PLD: Aegis/Oboro shield/heals/hate tools via RUN BRD: honor/victory/mad/dirge and ballad + thunder carol for PLD/GEO GEO: Indi-barrier/geo-fury/entrust-haste/heal/cursna/dd PLD: holy circle Doom removal items are a big help here like Nicander. Nice job summmarising - I also did a quick translation of the whole page recently, which I’ll leave here for additional info and specifics (the bg-wiki description for this ambu is a mess and it’s out of date, too): Fire up your adblocker, because the ffxiclopedia entry for this actually carries a lot of the same info (uses the above page as a reference): Question - why does the PLD turn the corse to face the party when adds spawn?
Does ShellCrusher work on the boss? Using it anyway but not sure if it sticks.
Weeew said: » Question - why does the PLD turn the corse to face the party when adds spawn? No PLD needed. . . Mnk, cor, brd, whm or sch, geo rdm.
No pld needed but holy circle is that deeps bonus
Plus holding the adds so the melee don't get shield blocked, more deeps bonus. Of Corse
Asura.Yankke said: » No PLD needed. . . Mnk, cor, brd, whm or sch, geo rdm. No DD needed... PLD WHM WHM WHM GEO GEO Asura.Eiryl said: » No pld needed but holy circle is that deeps bonus Plus holding the adds so the melee don't get shield blocked, more deeps bonus. Punch all the things like a boss. . . Is Debuff geomancy nerfed against the boss and/or the adds?
Asura.Sechs said: » Is Debuff geomancy nerfed against the boss and/or the adds? Half potency. It's in the thread, that's why the thread exists. Okay, so...I can do Easy with a 100% success rate after a lot of trial and error. Nobody seems to want to do Ambu this month, and it's getting difficult to gather people to try Hard or above. I'm just doing 1-2 Easy's a day, and should be able to squeak out my 26k this month for Alexandrite.
This is mostly for lowman, but this seems to cheese the charm mechanic completely so maybe it could be made useful in higher difficulties too. Regardless, it does show that there seems to be some kind of rule to the Charm/Doom. I dual box...Have my BRD summon all the trusts. I always use two tanks just in case one dies for whatever reason. I buff up as RDM, put Phalanx II on everything including the trusts. Refresh the healer. Nitro songs go like this Minne V -> Minuet IV -> Minuet V -> Marcato Honor March. Then I Pianissimo -> Adventurer's Dirge on the RDM to overwrite Minne, and use Ballad 3 on the healer. Three minutes in, all buffed up... Run in with the RDM to pull with para. Engage with the BRD so the trusts will engage. Then move the BRD back 20 yalms or so and keep them there the entire time. For whatever reason (and this also applies to Normal difficulty), he rarely ever tries to charm at all, and when he does, my RDM always dodges it. I've never seen it land once. HOWEVER, if I do take hate, I will immediately get charmed, even if it's the AoE variant. If I bring the BRD in range, one of us is always charmed when he AoE charms. Takes about 11-13 minutes, but it's pretty stress free. I kill all the adds when they spawn. I have done normal with Soul Voice, but the trusts are just too squishy when the second set of adds spawn. It's not reliable. In any event, at least it's an option for this month if anyone else out there is desperate. |
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