A propos
FFXIAH.com was originally created with the goal of allowing players of Final Fantasy XI to view in-game auction
house information on all 32 virtual worlds from their browser window. The permanent nature of the data recording
allows the transaction database to track economic status and estimate item prices automatically. We are
continually expanding our database and website with increasingly powerful tools and social features for
registered users.
The Team
Matthew Scragg
Founder, Lead Web Developer (Hanging on)
Founded FFXIAH.com in February 2006, developed and designed the entirety of the custom
site front-end and database schema.
Updates the blog occasionally. Maintains the website handling miscellaneous problems.
Cliff Spradlin
Data Collection, Server Administration, Scaling, Advising (retired)
Joined FFXIAH in July 2006. Developed data collection utility that is able to track
auction house transactions
at a massive volume and speed. It sparked overwhelming traffic and forced us to upgrade to multiple
dedicated servers.
Cliff optimized and designed key aspects of our servers to make them scalable and efficient. He was
also a lead developer
Dorian Ouer
Web Developer, Community Manager, Localization (retired)
Joined FFXIAH in January 2007. Translated the entire site and FFXI database entries in
Japanese. Communicates with the FFXIAH community,
especially the Japanese players. Dorian has worked for a number of MMO/game companies over the years
such as Areae, Origin/EA, Sony Online, and Bungie Software.
Michael Scragg
Web Developer (retired)
Developed and enhanced community based features of the website such as Relic and
Achievement sections. Assists with bug fixes and content management.
Drew Nelson
Web Developer
Maintains the website.
Chuck Mason
Data Collection Application Development (retired)
Sarchar of Titan. Developed first data collecting tool used by FFXIAH which inspired the
establishment of FFXIAH.com.
Forum Moderators