June 2022 Version Update

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June 2022 Version Update
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By IGDC 2022-06-11 11:59:47
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Outside of the first 10~15 ML's, it's not absolutely important to have them capped. Most of the job changing benefits happen in the first few extra SJ levels.

Don't say this often, but Saevel has a point here.

Afania said: »
Just because you "Have" a job, doesn't mean it "needs" ML 40. Players have more jobs now because progression is faster now.

This I do say often, Afania has a point here.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2022-06-11 13:45:42
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Seun said: »
Afania said: »
So you guys choose to maintain 10-16 jobs, then complain about the grind being insane? >.> How about choose not to maintain 16 jobs so that won't be a problem.

The defining feature of this game is the flexibility and freedom that the job system allows. It's more than likely the reason many players were drawn to the game in the first place, but absolutely the reason why players like me can still enjoy it almost 20 years later. Asking people to just stick to a few jobs given the games foundational principle is irrational.

I wasn't trying to say that people shouldn't play 10-16 jobs. I was simply saying ML40 is a desire, not a need, when Odyssey was brought up as a support argument to complain about the grind.

I have about 10~ jobs geared with escha/ambu weapons/one for all sets too, 5-6 of them has 2100 JP or super close. It's good enough for content 2 years ago for ***and giggles.

But for v20 T3/4 Odyssey I pretty much only use my top 3 jobs. Because many jobs has shared roles. Like for example I have both DNC and THF that shares mostly the same gears. But I pretty much always bring DNC if I need piercing dmg, because it shares the same role as THF and it has better gears.

Do I bring THF for ***and giggles in lower level content? YUP. Chest opening and casual farming in B ftw! But I don't need ML 40 on it, because I don't bring it to the hardest content. It's a solo job that I play with for fun.

So I find this argument saying the grind is bad because Odyssey needs multiple job isn't quite valid from my experience. I personally find 3 jobs in different roles good enough for Odyssey.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hiraishin
Posts: 91
By Asura.Hiraishinsenna 2022-06-11 13:52:10
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That's prolly cause you have people adapting to your jobs and playstyle and not the opposite. Someone has to play BLM and SCH against Ongo, MNK WAR against Ngai, BST BLU or PLD against Mboze, so yeah you need multiple jobs possibly with high ML for Odyssey.
Just because you feel like bringing 3 is enough for you it doesn't mean it's the same for other people.
Posts: 9006
By SimonSes 2022-06-11 15:13:30
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Asura.Hiraishinsenna said: »
That's prolly cause you have people adapting to your jobs and playstyle and not the opposite. Someone has to play BLM and SCH against Ongo, MNK WAR against Ngai, BST BLU or PLD against Mboze, so yeah you need multiple jobs possibly with high ML for Odyssey.
Just because you feel like bringing 3 is enough for you it doesn't mean it's the same for other people.

Yeah imagine having MNK, GEO and RDM as you mains before Odyssey. You have no job to go for segments, unless someone will let you go on RDM. You have no DD for most A3 NMs and 2 of your support jobs are probably also main job of several more people, so you don't even have 18 playable jobs to make 3 fights.
People with very few jobs don't realize, that they can use their 3 jobs comfortably, because someone else has 10+ jobs to cover niche jobs for them.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-06-11 15:22:43
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used to be quite viable to have 2-3 jobs completely decked out, and you could count on being valued for endgame content based on how you played those limited jobs and how well geared they were. You could build a reputation as "oh yeah, she's got an insane BRD" or "have you ever seen that dude's MNK", and people on a server would rightfully seek you out for a singular purpose for years.

Now, if you're in a static Odyssey group its highly likely that multiple people all will have some of the same jobs equally highly geared, and played equally well. For example, in my group we have 4 high end SCHs, everyone is a 4 song 3+RMEA brd, 4 Idris GEOs, 4 Epeo RUNs, and everyone is a +7roll COR with 2+ RMEAs. You can't just be "that killer COR" or whatever any more. These days being the person who for years had that underused DNC or BST that they know as intimate as their children is more valuable than that endgame monster with GEO,BRD, and MNK, and versatility has surpassed all other factors.

Take away subjobs like Gaol does, and all those extra base stats gained from Master Levels becomes even more important, often just to get back to a base STR, INT or the like one is used to seeing with subjobs.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4380
By Cerberus.Kylos 2022-06-11 15:36:34
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Damn... I wish I could only focus on 3 jobs, try playing on a small server where you have to work with what you can find. You don't have any choice but to be as flexible as possible, which means putting as much as you can in to each job that you have. I'd have way more than 6 jobs if I could, but it's already enough work. And that's what it ends up being... work, in a game that is meant to be about having fun.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-06-11 15:41:24
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It's also not that difficult to gear up new jobs once you get some oddy progress. If your nyame and tier 3 sets are reasonably leveled they serve as a baseline that enables you to play most jobs effectively. From that point its just a matter of getting a good weapon, a few JSE pieces, and the appropriate accessories and capes. It's not unreasonable to want to play, or even be expected to play a pair of supports, a few dds, and healer and/or a tank if you want to participate in an Oddy group capable of killing the higher tier vengs. Having eight jobs really isn't that many anymore.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4380
By Cerberus.Kylos 2022-06-11 15:45:11
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Fenrir.Melphina said: »
It's also not that difficult to gear up new jobs once you get some oddy progress. If your nyame and tier 3 sets are reasonably leveled they serve as a baseline that enables you to play most jobs effectively. From that point its just a matter of getting a good weapon, a few JSE pieces, and the appropriate accessories and capes. It's not unreasonable to want to play, or even be expected to play a pair of supports, a few dds, and healer and/or a tank if you want to participate in an Oddy group capable of killing the higher tier vengs. Having eight jobs really isn't that many nowadays.

Yeah I can't believe people are saying you should only focus on 3 jobs in 2022. It's not 2005 guys. You either need a massive selection of people, or just happen to have leaders who don't mind you only running with 3 jobs. It's understandable for those returning to the game, but for those who have been around for years, we surpassed 3 jobs forever ago (especially guys like me who lead events), mostly out of necessity because you're sick of looking for the elusive brd/sch/rdm/whm/tank etc.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-06-11 15:57:34
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mostly out of necessity because you're sick of looking for the elusive brd/sch/rdm/whm/tank etc.

Even beyond that, just the nature of oddysey itself mandates a variety of jobs because each Tier 3 fight has its own unique mechanics. S-E was extremely generous with the base level stats of the tier 3 oddyysey sets too. They let you play most of the jobs on them pretty effectively even unaugmented. The message we're being given is clear. Between the fact that you can't have multiple jobs in gaol, nor sub jobs, and with the ease of fitting into new jobs nowadays... s-e wants us to branch out and play more than just 1 or 2 things.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2022-06-11 15:58:05
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Guys you don't need all your jobs ML40 RFN (right ..... now). Pick out the one that will receive the most benefit, then work on that, then move on to the next and so forth. People are freaking out because they seem to think they absolutely positive need all useful jobs at ML40 as of yesterday. You don't, and you likely won't for a long time coming.
Posts: 9006
By SimonSes 2022-06-11 15:58:21
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Yeah I currently have all jobs beside PLD, geo, run and sch (tho sch and run has capped job points and even some MLs and gear, but no macros). I currently working on PLD. In last month I used BLU, DRG, THF, BRD, COR, WAR, PUP, BST, SMN, DRK and I barely played in the last month.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-06-11 16:01:59
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Guys you don't need all your jobs ML40 RFN (right ..... now). Pick out the one that will receive the most benefit, then work on that, then move on to the next and so forth. People are freaking out because they seem to think they absolutely positive need all useful jobs at ML40 as of yesterday. You don't, and you likely won't for a long time coming.

I think any sane person who isn't botting or buying MLs feels the same way, but its also possible to see the finish line as "it'll come when it does" while also seeing great value in the first handful of easier to reach MLs. Even just getting to ML10 on jobs is a pretty reasonable task and brings great benefits both when you have a SJ and not.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-06-11 16:04:46
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Zealots gonna zealot.

M30 is gimp even though absolutely nothing changed. You MUST be M40. No equivocations. No excuses. No logic. and no delay. You're already behind.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-06-11 16:06:31
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Guys you don't need all your jobs ML40

I agree with this, and I don't think many here would argue otherwise. You and Afania are correct. Just having a job doesn't mean it needs to be M40. None of the current content was balanced around having Mlvl 40 so it's just a luxury and nothing more. I think the way the discussion went over the last page may have gotten a little confusing, because we're going in two directions now. The only point I wanted to get across in my last few posts was that its important to have job variety in the current meta and that 3 or 4 jobs is very limiting. I wasn't talking about the Mlvl grind associated with them anymore.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2180
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-11 16:09:19
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Only lvl 3 jobs bro. Trust me... Your gonna have a great time bro. Please trust SE.


I love the fact the only options players have is to

A) Spend all your game time Exping/looking for groups to grind out multiple Jobs

B) Pay a merc

C) Bot

Great idea SE to implement another EXP system that rewards botting or forgetting RL.
Posts: 1113
By Seun 2022-06-11 16:30:19
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Afania said: »
Seun said: »
Afania said: »
So you guys choose to maintain 10-16 jobs, then complain about the grind being insane? >.> How about choose not to maintain 16 jobs so that won't be a problem.

The defining feature of this game is the flexibility and freedom that the job system allows. It's more than likely the reason many players were drawn to the game in the first place, but absolutely the reason why players like me can still enjoy it almost 20 years later. Asking people to just stick to a few jobs given the games foundational principle is irrational.

I wasn't trying to say that people shouldn't play 10-16 jobs. I was simply saying ML40 is a desire, not a need, when Odyssey was brought up as a support argument to complain about the grind.

People aren't maintaining numerous jobs to *** around in old content. They want to gear and play the jobs they enjoy at the highest level. I wouldn't represent that ML is necessary, but it's certainly meaningful to many jobs and that scales as difficulty increases. Also consider that ML and Empy +2 may very well be our only increase to player power in the near future.
By RadialArcana 2022-06-11 16:36:23
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Damn... I wish I could only focus on 3 jobs, try playing on a small server where you have to work with what you can find. You don't have any choice but to be as flexible as possible, which means putting as much as you can in to each job that you have. I'd have way more than 6 jobs if I could, but it's already enough work. And that's what it ends up being... work, in a game that is meant to be about having fun.

You quit playing, having 2-3 best jobs and 3 good enough is preferable to not playing cause you burned out from stressing over capping 6 jobs to rank 20 and mlevel 40.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Isszo
Posts: 11
By Carbuncle.Iszo 2022-06-11 18:24:11
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This is way too much.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2180
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-11 19:00:41
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Carbuncle.Iszo said: »

Thanks for Sharing. Crazy that you did this so fast. you must be tired.

Considering we get what... 120 a kill on CP mobs and 700-1k+ on the harder stuff. They really didn't have new/returnee/casuals in mind when they created this... Bad game design at its finest.

Again this only rewards botters and people with a huge pool of playtime.

Also, wtf is even the point of cap of 500 on job points when they do ***like this lol.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Isszo
Posts: 11
By Carbuncle.Iszo 2022-06-11 19:16:09
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Bismarck.Nickeny said: »

Thanks for Sharing. Crazy that you did this so fast. you must be tired.

Considering we get what... 120 a kill on CP mobs and 700-1k+ on the harder stuff. They really didn't have new/returnee/casuals in mind when they created this... Bad game design at its finest.

Again this only rewards botters and people with a huge pool of playtime.

Also, wtf is even the point of cap of 500 on job points when they do ***like this lol.

I spent a lot of time hanging out with an awesome person who it made it more enjoyable. The sheer amount of points required is far beyond ridiculous. I am quite tired and this is only one job.

I put in a lot of time to do this, but I'm not certain that it's worth it.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2180
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-11 19:28:01
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Haha yeah...

Sadly my team is all working non-stop these last couple of months so I've been solo for the most part - only got War and Cor to 30 - Rdm Brd Mnk Dnc Thf 20ish - And I'm gearing rng and blm now lol.

This doesn't look fun at all...
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2022-06-11 20:00:28
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Asura.Hiraishinsenna said: »
That's prolly cause you have people adapting to your jobs and playstyle and not the opposite. Someone has to play BLM and SCH against Ongo, MNK WAR against Ngai, BST BLU or PLD against Mboze, so yeah you need multiple jobs possibly with high ML for Odyssey.
Just because you feel like bringing 3 is enough for you it doesn't mean it's the same for other people.

It's less about "3 jobs is enough" to me, it's more about "If I level 16 jobs to ML 40 I wouldn't have time to do anything else that isn't playing FFXI." Lol. So I'd rather cut down the to-do than add more. That's time management and prioritize.

I agree that BLM and RNG is generally the tough one because nobody plays them. It's a DD for NM with a DPS check so ML 40 really helps. So if your group needs it, it makes sense to ML 40 both.

Mboze has rampart strat, not just TP drain strat. And if you use drain TP strat do you really NEED a ML40 high end BST anyways? It seems that most people just bring an average BST and get it done. But correct me if I'm wrong on that one.

I personally don't find MNK WAR hard to find, it's popular DDs. Worst case you add MNK on the list as another main job?

I don't think somebody needs to play 10-16 ML40 jobs in a static if people's main jobs are spread out. If your group is missing some jobs, like BLM RNG you can ML 40 it to cover it. But ML40 on all? That sounds very time consuming on something that is not required.

Certain jobs like whm doesn't need ML40, then you can leave them out of your to-do list. I would and already did.

Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Now, if you're in a static Odyssey group its highly likely that multiple people all will have some of the same jobs equally highly geared, and played equally well. For example, in my group we have 4 high end SCHs, everyone is a 4 song 3+RMEA brd, 4 Idris GEOs, 4 Epeo RUNs, and everyone is a +7roll COR with 2+ RMEAs. You can't just be "that killer COR" or whatever any more. These days being the person who for years had that underused DNC or BST that they know as intimate as their children is more valuable than that endgame monster with GEO,BRD, and MNK, and versatility has surpassed all other factors.

People's aren't arguing endgame players should have 10+ jobs. They are arguing that endgame players needs 10+ jobs at ML 40 LOL. When 10+ of their jobs probably has overlapped roles with someone in their groups or one of their own jobs.

If your group has 4 epeo RUN, sch, geo, cor, don't ML40 it. They can play these roles. That's already 4 jobs out of to do list.

I personally find DNC whm extremely functional without ML 40. 10 haste and 23 def down and cures works the same ML0 or ML40. So 2 more out of the list.

Does BST need ML40 to do BST things in Odyssey? It seems that most people bring one, land debuff and just get it done. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Out of all the jobs that you said your group has, I see BLM RNG benefits the most from ML40 if your group is struggling with BLM RNG setup DPS.

Which other job is ML40 or bust? Give me an example please.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2022-06-11 20:22:41
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Seun said: »
People aren't maintaining numerous jobs to *** around in old content. They want to gear and play the jobs they enjoy at the highest level. I wouldn't represent that ML is necessary, but it's certainly meaningful to many jobs and that scales as difficulty increases. Also consider that ML and Empy +2 may very well be our only increase to player power in the near future.

Yup, desire, basically. You already agree that ML 40 is not necessary. But you want them. Then you make a choice between spending 300 hour of your time to ML 40 it all, or you spend your 280 hour of your time in a more meaningful way, such as reading a good book or with family?

Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
Only lvl 3 jobs bro. Trust me... Your gonna have a great time bro.

I said focus on 3 jobs, not level 3 jobs. And that's because more than 3 person are QQing about insane grind so I'm finding a solution for them.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Yeah I can't believe people are saying you should only focus on 3 jobs in 2022. It's not 2005 guys. You either need a massive selection of people, or just happen to have leaders who don't mind you only running with 3 jobs.

I have 10+ jobs too, but I'm *** not ML40 them all until SE implement EP campaign. Those time could be spent else where in a library reading a good book, or learning a new language or something.

And if I'm on a small server missing people, I'd rather switch to Asura/Baha/Odin for bigger selection of people so I can find 5 people to cover the missing roles, or even take a break until EP campaign is out, before I spend 300 hour of my time ML40 them all only because my server has less people online.

If you are ever in a situation that you feel you need 10+ ML 40 jobs to play FFXI, forgive me if this sounds rude: I think you probably made the choice yourself, not because the game force you to.

Fenrir.Melphina said: »
Guys you don't need all your jobs ML40

I agree with this, and I don't think many here would argue otherwise. You and Afania are correct. Just having a job doesn't mean it needs to be M40.

Thank you for actually reading my main point ;D
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-06-11 20:24:25
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I play all 22 jobs for odyssey, and I definitely pick and choose which to ML, and some jobs are just easier to get into PTs with, but I'd argue you dont need high ML on any of the currently available content, not even for DD or tanks if you're decked out. I'd say ML10 is probably ez enough to get just doing random stuff.

I've been in an odyssey group that with 1-2 members who only have 3-4 jobs geared, and we definitely had to revolve our strats around their job limitation, especially on charged runs

I wish that contents would give more exemplar points so we can actually passively level jobs that we use, like maybe 10k exemplar for killing gaol NMs.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1364
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-06-11 21:24:04
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I mastered 3 jobs on my main from 0 JPs last month, finished off 3 jobs that were already half done on my wife's account, did all of GEO for 1 friend and a couple of random jobs for another while they were afk. And why? Because I refuse to do JPs off campaign. They are all jobs that are a maybe if I'll ever really gear them and play them. But if I need them, here they are.

Not shockingly, I got several jobs 25 > 30 or 15 > 25 on mastery levels that were burning out JPs for the new jobs. The point of last month wasn't to get Mastery Points, but we got them all the same for helping people and for people who were helping me. As an added bonus, we have several 0 mastery level jobs on several accounts that we can level sync to.

Why do 1 thing grindy, when you can wait and do 2 things with 1 on campaign for far better result? How much is it going to suck to have Master Level 40 jobs that are going to be capped for the next 6 months that you use all the time? Literally what is the rush?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2180
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2022-06-11 21:42:13
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Afania said: »
I said focus on 3 jobs, not level 3 jobs. And that's because more than 3 person are QQing about insane grind so I'm finding a solution for them.

Not really a solution imo. Not going into detail about how bad that comment is but

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
It's understandable for those returning to the game, but for those who have been around for years, we surpassed 3 jobs forever ago (especially guys like me who lead events), mostly out of necessity because you're sick of looking for the elusive brd/sch/rdm/whm/tank etc.

Phoenix.Iocus said: »
I got several jobs 25 > 30 or 15 > 25 on mastery levels that were burning out JPs for the new jobs. The point of last month wasn't to get Mastery Points, but we got them all the same for helping people and for people who were helping me. As an added bonus, we have several 0 mastery level jobs on several accounts that we can level sync to.

That's wonderful but also subjective asf. Like you said you don't jp outside events. You have a network of newbies and returnees. And last but not least... Playtime. That's great the stars aligned for you but more than likely this would not be a typical situation ever.

I'm not even mad at the grind. I got so many lvls doing Sheol C and exping randomly. What would help would increase the Mastery XP mobs give in let's say... Dyna D, omen, ambu etc to entice people to do it, instead of complete silence and the notion that there will be no new zones to exp in outside of changes to existing ones.
Posts: 1113
By Seun 2022-06-11 23:59:01
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Afania said: »
Seun said: »
People aren't maintaining numerous jobs to *** around in old content. They want to gear and play the jobs they enjoy at the highest level. I wouldn't represent that ML is necessary, but it's certainly meaningful to many jobs and that scales as difficulty increases. Also consider that ML and Empy +2 may very well be our only increase to player power in the near future.

Yup, desire, basically. You already agree that ML 40 is not necessary. But you want them. Then you make a choice between spending 300 hour of your time to ML 40 it all, or you spend your 280 hour of your time in a more meaningful way, such as reading a good book or with family?

Your suggestion to people who have already spent hundreds of days of playtime preparing their jobs to play them at a high level... is go to read a book instead? What the... nvm, this is where I get off. Good luck with that reasoning.
Posts: 169
By IGDC 2022-06-12 00:19:21
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Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
Also, wtf is even the point of cap of 500 on job points when they do ***like this lol.

For people that don't have Dynamis clears or access to them to turn in the 500 needed a week for getting KI to upgrade their weapons.
Posts: 104
By Tokimemofan 2022-06-12 04:29:58
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IGDC said: »
Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
Also, wtf is even the point of cap of 500 on job points when they do ***like this lol.

For people that don't have Dynamis clears or access to them to turn in the 500 needed a week for getting KI to upgrade their weapons.
Honestly I have no idea why anyone would do that method. Even mercing it is better than that.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-06-12 04:40:42
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Tokimemofan said: »
Even mercing it is better than that.

Yeah, NOW it is. It didn't used to be.
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