Malekith - Korpg - Wooooodum - Blazza

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Malekith - Korpg - Wooooodum - Blazza
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Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-04 08:23:11
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This post is entirely matter of fact. I'm not going to make any remarks towards you and simply call things as they are without judgement. Comments made are observational, not personal. Please fully understand this when you read, I'm trying to help you. Without further ado:

Korpg said:
You bash me for no reason at all.

If you really feel that way, why do you "bash" back? I can't understand the logic you are reiterating; you always play the victim and make out like everyone is on your case, but the simple fact of the matter is you're the firestarter the majority of the time or fight back. "Two wrongs don't make a right".

When I first started posting on these forums one of the first things I noticed was how you kept making remarks towards people... Not necessarily "Terribly rude or spiteful" remarks, but they were remarks none the less. A few people would be discussing something and you'd enter the thread and post your opinion. The only problem is, you didn't, and never do, just post your opinion. You add in a few lines that are directed spitefully towards the individuals; Let's quote you from this thread for an example:

Korpg said:
I don't really flame anyone without a reason. I just point out ***. If thats being a "prat" then the whole world is against you.

Was the underlined part necessary in any way? The point you were making would have been made even stronger if you left that out. By posting that extra sentence on the end, you've not only insulted Blazza but you've also basically put your flag up for a flame invite. Almost every post you make when you "Post your opinion" contains a tag-sentence of this nature.

There is a reason people receive us the way they do. It's through our actions, our words and our choice of language to other people that somebody's judgement is made. The way in which you conduct yourself is the way in which people treat you.

"Treat others as you would like to be treated".

If you treat people this way, you can not say you're being picked on, ganged up on, wrongly bashed for no reason, because that is the reason; you are responsible for this behaviour as well. If you feel people have the wrong image of you and that your "good intentions" are being mis-received, why do you lash out? Surely you should attempt to build bridges? The only reason people are on your case is because of how you've treated them before. As Saiya said, if you are good towards other people, the problem is then with the other individual if they lash out at you in return. I know full well that if you were polite in posts for awhile, my opinion of you would change and I might even grow to like you. Same can be said for the majority of people on these forums.

If you have the good intentions you suggest, perhaps you should re-read your posts just before you post? You could quite easily have me to believe you have good intentions if you refine your posts a little and take out the spiteful remarks you so commonly put in.

Korpg said:
I unfortunally make mistakes and can't fix it in time without people pointing out those mistakes

If they're mistakes, why don't you just put your hand up and move on? Why do you lash out?

Korpg said:
I do accept the fact that I'm human and move on

Lashing out is not moving on, Korpg. It's fighting back and furthering the argument. Why do you feel the need to lash out at anyone who points out these mistakes? If they're constantly on your case for making mistakes and you do nothing or say nothing back, who's "the bad guy" then? They are.

This all ties in together with your conduct; your posts are usually always spiteful and remarkful towards a previous poster or any given individual; are you really surprised people are inclined to pick up on your mistakes? I'm not, and coming from somebody who has been on your case recently, that's the only reason I have been; because of the way you word your posts and lash out at everyone else. Sometimes, even when somebody has attempted to be nice to you, you've lashed out.

Do you remember the thread where you asked for goldsmithing help? I gave you some solid advice and you insulted me back for it and called my posts "empty". This is exactly what I'm talking about. You could've just as easily gone "That doesn't work for me, but thanks anyway", and nobody would've looked down on you for it.

Perhaps it's just the choice of words you make, but your posts show no signs of your good intentions.

Korpg said:
Most of the comments against my opinion as of late has been because they are my opinions, not because the poster thinks my opinion is wrong.

Most of the comments against your opinions recently has been because of the way you've presented your opinions. If you simply say, "I believe this, because...", what ammunition would people have to flame you? The fact is you never do just post your opinion, you add in some patronising, spiteful remark towards somebody else everytime. If your post is polite, true and fair, nobody has any material whatsoever to bash you.

Are you starting to see the pattern? Everything is down to your conduct and the manner in which you treat people. If everyone is on your case, perhaps you should begin to understand the problem might be something to do with the way in which you post?

Korpg said:
I don't flame anyone because they have a different opinion than me.

Do you really believe this?

Korpg said:
I point out my opinion, why I think their opinion is not correct, and let debate happen

You don't though. Everyone knows you don't. Who are you trying to blind? Us or yourself? You never simply "post your opinion, debate theirs, move on". Ever. You always make remarks towards somebody else or make snide comments.

Korpg said:
Its those who like to stir up trouble that make the most drama, and they love to use me as their scapegoat (i.e. this thread).

As far as I can tell, this thead is included at the four of us. We all like a good argument, do we not? You took it on yourself in your first post to presume it was solely about you, and you proceeded to complain about it. The topic title clearly says "Malekith - Korpg - Wooooodum - Blazza". As for being the scapegoat, I can't talk on Malekith and Blazza's behalf, but I think that's more "I'm the victim" material. It's not true, Korpg, I'm sorry but it's just not.

I remember when I first started reading these forums. You posted an apology to everyone about your attitude and how you were going to change. This was back before me and Blazza were posting on the forums. Perhaps there's a point behind this... We're not the problem. You are. For somebody who doesn't like being singled out or bashed on, you sure do draw attention to yourself a lot.

I hope this post helped. I'm trying to make you see things from everyone else's point of view.

Now, AFK to cook some bacon.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Ricard
Posts: 25
By Phoenix.Mayuri 2009-03-04 08:30:45
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Wooooodum is my hero don't ever change... that is all :D
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-04 08:48:54
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I still think someone needs a hug and now that egg fighting is coming, you guys can throw eggs at each other! :P
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Farmdog
Posts: 41
By Asura.Farmdog 2009-03-04 11:37:28
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Karusan said:
I concur, Sterling grow a womb (if you don't have one) and have my babies.

Karusan, Sterling must be a woman as this extremely long drawn out thought process could only come from one. If this were a man's steps to eating bacon it would only be like 3 steps. I want bacon >> cook bacon >> eat bacon. I LOL'ed hard though (esp. about not wearing pants) and printed it out to show co-workers. Thanks for helping to lighten up our day.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-04 11:50:02
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This bacon you speak of is it Pork or Turkey... I am intrigued...
By 2009-03-04 12:06:03
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-03-04 12:06:22
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Korpg said:
Blazza said:
If he starts acting like a human being instead of lashing out at everyone, he'll be treated as one.


So, to defend yourself is against human nature now? I must have missed the memo......oh defend oneself is human nature....

You're missing the point here, Korpg. He's not saying you're acting outside of human nature, he's saying you place yourself above every opinion pitted against yours. If you would only consider that everyone's opinion is worth the same as yours and reply in such a manner, I could guarantee there wouldn't be as much enmity against you for being so callous and inconsiderate.

Korpg said:
Just face it, I like to argue with people without cause.

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-04 12:11:21
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Less flame and moar of this plz

User submitted image
By 2009-03-04 12:13:10
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-03-04 12:14:38
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Actually, no :< I just had a Denny's Grand Slam last weekend and it's not as good looking as that. Add 25% more grease o.<
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-04 12:14:51
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I don't think so, I just put up a random breakfast plate image >.>
I think I'm craving biscuits and gravy today... If not I'll go with waffles ;3
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Scizor
Posts: 1444
By Ramuh.Scizor 2009-03-04 12:19:13
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User submitted image

Korpg (Found it!)

Edit: I mean no disrespect with this image this is just something "to fear"

Edit2: I actually want this dog, be awesome to scare the ***outta kids :/
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-04 12:19:16
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All of this is pretty mentally exhausting trying to think about the why and if's, I personally think this post being started was drama being started and everything else after that is just +10 points to the drama factor.

Hence the food de-rail, Some people just don't get caught up in all the stuff that goes on. I like reading posts and whatnot because i like to help, There will always be a few people that are exceptionally outgoing and very straight forward. I'm pretty straight forward myself but i choose my battles and when to say things, I don't know what's going on fully to really place my opinion so i just hang back lol XD
By 2009-03-04 12:20:58
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-04 12:27:42
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-03-04 13:20:15
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Bartimaeus said:
Someone fed that dog after midnight. I TOLD YOU NOT TO FEED IT AFTER MIDNIGHT.

<3 xD
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-04 13:21:38
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oh snap
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Farmdog
Posts: 41
By Asura.Farmdog 2009-03-04 13:35:44
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Anye said:
Actually, no :< I just had a Denny's Grand Slam last weekend and it's not as good looking as that. Add 25% more grease o.<

When ever I get a grandslam at Denny's I always go home and poop a 2 run double.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-04 13:38:28
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Ricard
Posts: 25
By Phoenix.Mayuri 2009-03-04 15:33:36
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Artemicion said:
Less flame and moar of this plz

User submitted image

just made breakfast food for lunch because of that!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-03-04 15:34:58
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Farmdog said:
Anye said:
Actually, no :< I just had a Denny's Grand Slam last weekend and it's not as good looking as that. Add 25% more grease o.<

When ever I get a grandslam at Denny's I always go home and poop a 2 run double.

LMFAO well I just break out in pimples the next day. Hate that :<
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-03-04 15:49:16
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Scizor said:
User submitted image

Korpg (Found it!)

Edit: I mean no disrespect with this image this is just something "to fear"

Edit2: I actually want this dog, be awesome to scare the ***outta kids :/

I'm pretty sure this dog died back in 2005. Hairless Chinese Crested are ugly dogs >.<
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-04 16:12:45
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Bartimaeus said:
You know, I remember Korpg being not-so-pleasant awhile ago, but it seems ever since everyone else is on the attack about him.

I mean hell, the guy posted a thread about a hot dog, used a descriptive word (redundant) instead of words other people would have used, and ya'll shot it down as fast as topicly possible.

Not that he's been nothing but a barrel of joy all the time, but I'm seeing a lot of attacks, which can only lead him to retort, then you blame him for responding.

"You took it on yourself in your first post to presume it was solely about you, and you proceeded to complain about it."

Let's be fair. The first post was about him, and a lot of this IS about him, and in turn how the rest of you think. Can't blame him for feeling like this thread has a common theme (him).

Is Bart defending Korpg? Amazing isn't it.

On the other hand I'd really like for you to stick to what you said in that apology Korpg. I still <3 ya Wooooooooooodum. Perhaps it's just too early, and I'm being cranky old man.

Of course, I also could be entirely wrong. I do not read most of the posts if it's about something I'm not interested in, and maybe Kor does cause problems in them.

Thank you
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ardath
Posts: 79
By Ramuh.Ardath 2009-03-04 16:35:25
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Sterling said:
User submitted image

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-03-04 16:49:07
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Not to be the one to keep to the OP again but Korpg did you even read anything anyone else said? I think that's all people really want, is you to acknowledge the issue and make attempts to change it. People are saying things at you because they DO want your feedback. Bart is making the point that everyone is picking on you and I agree, everyone is, but I believe there is reason involved in that targeting.

And Bart I would say that the reason people are also targeting Korpg was because he is the only one that made an issue of the thread out of the four people. Everyone else it was water of a ducks back.

Farmdog said:
Karusan, Sterling must be a woman as this extremely long drawn out thought process could only come from one. If this were a man's steps to eating bacon it would only be like 3 steps. I want bacon >> cook bacon >> eat bacon. I LOL'ed hard though (esp. about not wearing pants) and printed it out to show co-workers. Thanks for helping to lighten up our day.

Well then Sterling needs to grow another womb to have my babies because I want a new one all for myself.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-04 17:14:22
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Karusan said:
[P]eople are targeting Korpg was because he is the only one that made an issue of the thread out of the four people. Everyone else it was water off a duck's back.

Darn right I lol'd at this thread!

Yet I would bet my last gil that 90% of the trollers were expecting me to toss smart grenades...

Sorry to disappoint kids, BUT I'm not up for it! Get your lolz, lols, and lulz someplace else...

As for everything else discussed, I've got nothing to say that I haven't already. It's just good to see other people making the same points that I have prior both publicly and in private.

Anywho time for me to toast up some ego's... I wants moar waffles!
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sterling
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By Carbuncle.Sterling 2009-03-04 18:33:58
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Ow my womb!
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-04 18:45:22
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/em hands a cupcake to Sterling

I hope that helps with the womb pains!
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-04 19:28:02
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Just wish to take this oppurtunity to further my point about Korpg; read my post at the top of this page, and notice how he hasn't responded to it. It's clearly not looking for a fight and clearly an attempt to bridge the divide that has obviously sprung between the two of us...

Why do I even bother.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Kyaaadaa
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By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-03-04 20:09:17
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Wooooodum said:
Just wish to take this oppurtunity to further my point about Korpg; read my post at the top of this page, and notice how he hasn't responded to it. It's clearly not looking for a fight and clearly an attempt to bridge the divide that has obviously sprung between the two of us...

Why do I even bother.

Wooooodum called Korpg an "it". loool
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