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this is my LARP character :D
Score: 3.96
Votes: 24
Classification Player » Dylvana
Date Submitted 2011-03-03 22:52:13
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Commentaires (9)
Odin.Suotuo[Report] Score: 19
This is what happens when you mix drugs and ffxi
2011-03-04 19:26:08
Fenrir.Flamm[Report] Score: 15
is this a dude?
2011-03-04 19:37:37
Leviathan.Remoraforever[Report] Score: 11
I think its awesome you put so much time into designing and creating this cosplay. If you don't mind I'm going to add my own critique in here, I'll try to be as nice as I can :3

The blue is a little overwhelming for the whole costume, although it matches with the tribal print, Windurst colors are green and beige.
2011-03-04 19:00:22
Cerberus.Ethics[Report] Score: 10
Uh, hon...
2011-03-04 18:59:36
Lakshmi.Turkish[Report] Score: -8
Amazing job with the face paint, however I would rather see Mithran RSE!
2011-03-05 08:03:23
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: -9
Looks awesome :D
2011-03-04 22:52:07
Phoenix.Avelle[Report] Score: -9
I give you an A for effort. Trying to make a suitable Mithra costume has to be difficult and posting it on a website where you're under the scrutiny of thousands of FFXI fans is even more so.
2011-03-05 04:28:48
Sylph.Dylvana Montrer Score: -10
just let you know... this is my LARP chara.
In LARP you cant normally play a mithra. And this Cathumanoid is blue colored because it is cured
2011-03-05 12:48:38
Asura.Poupee Montrer Score: -12
actually... I always wanted to do larp because of reasons that will not be said. but I would have to do it in africa for no one to know its me
2011-03-05 20:59:48