Dylvana - Sylph

Langues: JP EN DE FR
users online
PM Sylph.Dylvana
Windurst 10 | Dynamis-San d'Oria Interloper
Wer ne deutsche social ls sucht, mich einfach ig antelln
1 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Lance Corporal
Altana Lest We Forget
Campaign Emblem of the Steel Knight
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
Smithing 16
Clothcraft 4
Alchemy 26
Woodworking 70
Goldsmithing 6
Leathercrafting 2
Bonecraft 19
Cooking 69
Fishing 24
war 49 MNK 38
WHM 91 BLM 91
RDM 75 THF 91
PLD 90 DRK 95
BST 95 BRD 90
RNG 90 SAM 49
NIN 49 DRG 90
SMN 91 BLU 26
COR 90 PUP 50
DNC 46 SCH 94
Exp total
Niveau total
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Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap

Historique des prix (25)
Scroll Of Cura IIINov. 19, 2012ShihohoDylvana14,000
Scroll Of AddleNov. 19, 2012LoryneDylvana15,000
Scroll Of Regen VNov. 19, 2012ShihohoDylvana15,000
Scroll Of Holy IINov. 19, 2012DiosaxDylvana9,000
Scroll Of Curaga VNov. 19, 2012SafyDylvana10,000
Scroll Of CometNov. 19, 2012MerruDylvana11,000
Pet Food Eta Biscuit x12Nov. 14, 2012JyutaDylvana31,000
Jug Of Cloudy Wheat Broth x12Nov. 14, 2012ClevelandDylvana20,000
Jug Of Lucky Broth x12Nov. 14, 2012NavyDylvana28,000
Square Of Cotton ClothNov. 11, 2011DylvanaMilkcocoa700
Commentaires (5)
Bahamut.Miinako[Report] Score: -2
schlechten leuten gehts immer gut hehe^^
und wie gehts dir so auf sylph?
2010-09-05 11:20:41
Sylph.Shadowfox[Report] Score: -1
Cool cosplay pictures indeed. and you're on sylph! :O Sylph rocks!
2010-11-04 17:29:39
Cerberus.Aversine[Report] Score: -13
Hey Dylvana ^^ na alles fit^^?
2011-03-03 04:32:30
Odin.Voidedge[Report] Score: -3
Hammer die Cosplay Bilder einfach nur knuffig Haha
2011-08-06 21:15:08
Asura.Pimousss[Report] Score: -2
I like your cosplay <3
2011-08-07 18:16:19
Screenshots (28)