Frobos - Unicorn

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users online
PM Unicorn.Frobos
Windurst 10 | Amphitrite Shucker
Frobos Frobos Bo Brobos Banana Fana Fo Frobos, Mi My Mo Mrobos, Frobos!
1 10 1
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana Fate in Haze
Campaign Moonlight Medal
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
Smithing 0
Clothcraft 9
Alchemy 9
Woodworking 0
Goldsmithing 0
Leathercrafting 0
Bonecraft 0
Cooking 99
Fishing 4
war 90 MNK 10
WHM 90 BLM 90
RDM 90 THF 90
PLD 79 DRK 15
BST 24 BRD 90
RNG 90 SAM 75
NIN 90 DRG 88
SMN 90 BLU 90
COR 24 PUP 90
DNC 90 SCH 90
Exp total
Niveau total
Exp total
Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap
Reliques (80)

Historique des prix (100)
Peacock CharmMay. 7, 2011FrobosOimochan500,000
Cure ClogsMay. 7, 2011FrobosSayo580,000
Oversized SockMay. 7, 2011FrobosEstancia14,000
Vendor's SlopsMay. 7, 2011FrobosSolai55,000
Silken SlopsMay. 7, 2011FrobosSolai60,000
Silk SlacksMay. 6, 2011FrobosBire40,000
Lacquer Tree LogMay. 6, 2011FrobosLungo3,000
Jet SeraweelsApr. 17, 2011FrobosInaho20,000
Silk CloakApr. 16, 2011FrobosShadotter50,000
Black CotehardieApr. 15, 2011FrobosKenzyee70,000
Commentaires (1)
Unicorn.Hanarecca[Report] Score: -1
As many of you know Frobos is an actor and a quite good one at that. You have probubly seen him in pictures or his major role in Silence of the Lambs as Buffalo Bill. Great guy and an even better actor, as Frobos would say "it puts the lotion on the skin".

You can currently see him on Broadway in the hit show "Hairspray". He plays Edna Turnblad.
2007-12-16 09:56:33
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