On some servers, these cost about the same as the Mahatma Slops, which provide more INT and MND and give you +CHR, equal enmity down, and the only trade-off is the negative melee stats and -15mp. While you might prefer the Jets, this is something to consider. :)
These are better than Mahatmas for BLU curing because Mahatmas have -VIT (yes this HURTS cure power) and BLU obviously does not have access to WHM gear.
@ Zeberdee: RDM should melee in something like Prince's Slops, not these.
Considering these & Mahatma are similar in price It would be wise to pick Mahatma over these as any real BLM or RDM would know that INT+1 can make all the difference.
For all the people concerned about the VIT-, Goliard Trews are a macro away.
300k hmm I prefer to put the 300k into an extra INT and MND
but that is just me. If I wanted to get +7 INT and MND I would go NQ cheap. "People that use the excuse, well I prefer jets because they don't have negs and I wont die faster." It is called Stoneskin, blink and Phalanx pple, they are really cool spells... Guys should try them sometimes =p
NOTE: Titan prices sorry didn't look up all the prices. =p
they also look ugly too, look like MC hammer pants. lol "Can't touch this!"
I see some Dark Knights that use these for there weapon skills like spinning slash (int) and Guillotine (mnd) that uses int as a mod not because its the best but has good mods that includes -enmity to help not pull hate. Key word is help most cases they will pull hate anyway.