Ornette - Ragnarok

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PM Ragnarok.Ornette

Historique des prix (25)
Moat Carp x12Jun. 28, 2017OrnetteNiky5,000
Refractive Crystal x12Jun. 19, 2017OrnettePandemicc130,000
Pot Of Moonbow UrushiJun. 16, 2017OrnetteMoldl400,000
Jug Of Bubbly BrothJun. 16, 2017PiacereOrnette300,000
Square Of Faulpie LeatherJun. 14, 2017MountainshapeOrnette1,300,000
Square Of Faulpie LeatherJun. 14, 2017MountainshapeOrnette1,300,000
Square Of Faulpie LeatherJun. 14, 2017RioriaOrnette1,300,000
Cyan OrbJun. 14, 2017RockhandOrnette241,000
Pallas's ShieldJun. 11, 2017OrnetteKhyron30,000
Vulcan's StaffJun. 8, 2017OrnetteQrun30,000
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