a very nice DEF based shield for BST, teh +10 pet DEF is nice. Just wish they would add Pet Attack Bonus for Job trait and some pet DEF on AF and Relic, anyways a good shield
The NM can be tough, but 6-8 Bsts (you can toss a Smn or 2 in for good measure) take it down nice and easy. Need 3 Bsts to kite the NM's 3 Tiger pets.
As opposed to taking a whole party/alliance down there to kill the placeholders, a Bst duo or trio can kill the PHs quite effortlessly, while getting some exp/merits too.
altho the axe with reward is better for a reward build
this shield is awesome for those nm's you can't attack for what ever reason Bakka for example
still i got mine today solo with a dipper and i used my 2 hour for fun
no point paying 600k asking price when it is a easy solo
any one with a reward build of any kind will fine this a cake walk NM ........... Happy Hunting