Chihgo - Quetzalcoatl

Langues: JP EN DE FR
users online
PM Quetzalcoatl.Chihgo
Windurst 10 | The Trustworthy
Member No. #1 of the Faithful Falcorr and Mikhe Aryohcha Fan Club
1 10 8
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Captain
Altana Lest We Forget
Campaign Medal Of Altana
C.Prophecy Those Who Lurk in Shadows (II)
M.KupoD'etat Rescue! A Moogle's Labor of Love
S.Ascension Burgeoning Dread
Smithing 70
Clothcraft 100
Alchemy 70
Woodworking 70
Goldsmithing 62
Leathercrafting 70
Bonecraft 70
Cooking 70
Fishing 11
war 99 MNK 99
WHM 99 BLM 99
RDM 99 THF 99
PLD 99 DRK 99
BST 99 BRD 99
RNG 99 SAM 99
NIN 99 DRG 99
SMN 99 BLU 0
COR 99 PUP 0
DNC 99 SCH 99
GEO 99 RUN 39
Exp total
Niveau total
Exp total
Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap

Historique des prix (15)
Phoenix FeatherJul. 28, 2015ChihgoRimru10,000
Phoenix FeatherJul. 26, 2015ChihgoHekepon10,000
PapillionJul. 26, 2015MyokiChihgo36,774,496
Ebony LogJul. 26, 2015ChihgoChocolatelily2,000
Phoenix FeatherJul. 20, 2015ChihgoNrsss9,900
Imperial Bronze Piece x99Jul. 18, 2015ChihgoMonokuro60,000
Phoenix FeatherJul. 18, 2015ChihgoChise10,000
Philosopher's Stone x12Jul. 18, 2015ChihgoBasriku150,000
Sword StrapJul. 16, 2015ChihgoTooru20,000
Plate Of Sole SushiJul. 16, 2015ChihgoDrewvalentino4,900
Commentaires (2)
Lakshmi.Naveyah[Report] Score: -3
I agree that it is time for Meow World order! :3
2010-07-31 17:28:11
Phoenix.Avelle[Report] Score: -1
Meow World Order! :3
2010-11-19 04:17:21
Screenshots (8)