Jaytee - Pandemonium

Langues: JP EN DE FR
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PM Pandemonium.Jaytee

Historique des prix (15)
Flask Of Echo Drops x12Oct. 22, 2009OrufaJaytee9,000
Powder BootsOct. 21, 2009HouichirouJaytee20,000
Toolbag (shihei) x12Oct. 19, 2009CathrinJaytee53,000
Dusk LedelsensOct. 17, 2009IhikaJaytee320,000
Dusk GlovesOct. 17, 2009CladyJaytee140,000
Terror ShieldOct. 17, 2009NoirJaytee1,800,000
Communion EarringOct. 11, 2009JayteeTavjon900,000
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Oct. 7, 2009ChiyinJaytee8,000
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Oct. 7, 2009ChiyinJaytee8,000
Pinch Of Prism Powder x12Oct. 7, 2009MapiJaytee7,600
Commentaires (3)
Pandemonium.Abrianna[Report] Score: -4
Jaytee.. You're awesome. :P Haha.. Now! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU&feature=PlayList&p=91B4B3C433DC9765&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=22
2009-07-24 18:15:15
Pandemonium.Kunoki[Report] Score: -3
Soon enough Jt will own every item in the game.
2009-08-31 04:15:20
Pandemonium.Despain[Report] Score: -3
Hold my hand as we embark on this journey we call life. Lets marry.
2009-10-14 09:16:16
Screenshots (1)