Triston - Midgardsormr

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PM Midgardsormr.Triston

Historique des prix (19)
Meat Chiefkabob x12Jun. 14, 2009ToshiTriston12,500
Silken CoatMay. 15, 2009RockwilderTriston40,000
Wind Crystal x12Apr. 6, 2009TristonOtakguy800
Earth Crystal x12Apr. 6, 2009TristonLustanik1,000
Earth Crystal x12Apr. 6, 2009TristonSaskiot1,000
Fire Crystal x12Apr. 6, 2009TristonJokerman1,000
Wolf Mantle +1Apr. 6, 2009AyukaTriston10,000
Rolanberry Pie x12Dec. 26, 2008OdyynTriston4,000
Bottle Of Yagudo DrinkDec. 26, 2008BluemoretTriston1,400
Bottle Of Yagudo DrinkDec. 26, 2008BluemoretTriston1,400
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