Hotlips - Ifrit

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PM Ifrit.Hotlips

Historique des prix (25)
Thunder Spirit PactMay. 3, 2011KayaHotlips400,000
Scroll Of Utsusemi: NiMay. 2, 2011HotlipsMagio800,000
Sheet Of ParchmentMay. 2, 2011NenHotlips5,000
Chunk Of Light OreMay. 2, 2011KayaneHotlips6,000
Hierarch BeltFeb. 6, 2011HotlipsTaiyo20,000
Mercenary's KnifeJan. 17, 2011HmphHotlips12,000
Vomp Carrot x12Dec. 11, 2010HidyHotlips10,000
Archer's RingDec. 8, 2010BrezzaHotlips200,000
Scroll Of PhalanxDec. 2, 2010HotlipsIcanhold450,000
Claymore GripNov. 29, 2010HotlipsSelaph10,000
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