Draciont - Ifrit

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PM Ifrit.Draciont
http://www.lmxvii.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=61 for rare/ex items

Historique des prix (25)
Piece Of Rosewood LumberSep. 24, 2010GiuhatiDraciont2,000
Piece Of Rosewood LumberSep. 24, 2010TaguDraciont2,000
Rosewood LogSep. 24, 2010StasisDraciont1,500
Scorpion ClawSep. 23, 2010HadanelithDraciont600
Scorpion ClawSep. 23, 2010BlackpearlDraciont700
Square Of Velvet ClothSep. 23, 2010KarisumaDraciont3,500
Square Of Velvet ClothSep. 23, 2010KarisumaDraciont3,500
Coeurl WhiskerSep. 23, 2010ReyoruDraciont1,000
Coeurl WhiskerSep. 23, 2010ReyoruDraciont1,000
Dark Crystal x12Sep. 20, 2010TereDraciont1,200
Commentaires (1)
Ifrit.Draciont[Report] Score: 0
Prices on cursed -1 are somewhat negotiable /tell in game/leave comment/Message me for more detail
These are Pre-Order so depending on my current Dragon blood supply and the order could take some time to make item, Of coure body and mask take time while finger and legs are quicker

2008-10-01 00:14:54
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