@Casualty: Actually, Supply and demand is the reason for the price drop, not just an oversight. If there are several stacks up the price will drop, high supply, low demand, lower price. If there are none on the AH, high demand, low supply, price will increase. As you pointed out people were undercutting, which meant a high supply so the price SHOULD have dropped.
@Vagustae The Wiki's 50.6% is not actually an average drop rate without TH. It's the average drop rate for everyone who farms Coeurls (or anything for that matter) including people with Thief mains, /THF, and no TH at all.
Thief main with TH2 or higher will likely get you better drop rates than what Wiki reports because on average, not every person that farms something is a Thief. As for /THF, we can't be sure because a lot of people who go out to farm tend to go /THF. These people who specifically farm an item are also more likely to report drop rates than a person who happens to kill two or three running through the zone.
What the hell is wrong with you people? You take down the price a couple hundred to make it sell faster. But you are too stupid to comprehend that AVERAGE means that it doesn't sell fast so if you want it to sell fast then go get some Beehive chips or something and ruin the market there. Because if you think about farming these much longer and they drop from 4k to 2k and you sit there with your finger up your bung hole wondering, "Duh, what happen to the 1337 prisorz" THEY DROPPED BECAUSE YOU ARE AN IDIOT AND YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SUPPLY AND DEMAND! You just want to get your gil fast. LMAO, you are probably also one of the idiot's that are sitting there wondering why the American economy is in a tailspin as well. Oh, and just for refrence.
Pheonix Max Pricing for this product was 5k, currently it is 3.8. That's 1.2k that Pheonix farmers have lost because they have the intellect of a jnun.