Suoh - Gilgamesh

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PM Gilgamesh.Suoh

Historique des prix (25)
Wind Crystal x12May. 8, 2011SuohMarionette5,000
Slab Of PlumbagoMay. 6, 2011SuohChachapuu5,000
Scroll Of Blizzaga IIMay. 4, 2011SuohOmnicry4,000
Spider WebMay. 2, 2011SuohRurun1,000
Spider WebMay. 2, 2011SuohRurun1,000
Spider WebMay. 2, 2011SuohRurun1,000
Wind Crystal x12May. 2, 2011SuohMomom3,000
Antican PauldronApr. 25, 2011SuohTukanko1,000
Antican PauldronApr. 24, 2011SuohWezard1,000
Antican PauldronApr. 24, 2011SuohWezard1,000
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