For people who managed to steal it, do you have aura steal merits or not?
Because I only seemed to be stealing Blaze Spikes or nothing in the 20 Steal attempts I made.
November 2023 Version Update |
November 2023 Version Update
For people who managed to steal it, do you have aura steal merits or not?
Because I only seemed to be stealing Blaze Spikes or nothing in the 20 Steal attempts I made. anyone get it with Despoil, or just Steal?
Asura.Sechs said: » For people who managed to steal it, do you have aura steal merits or not? Because I only seemed to be stealing Blaze Spikes or nothing in the 20 Steal attempts I made. Yes, I steal with 5/5 Aura Steal. I got the Impish item, after 8 attempts. I use Feint > Steal each time. The Locus Imp I was fighting was below 25% but he also had his horn instrument on his waist. The horn instrument appeared on his waist after he used Deafening Tantara (spelling?). The last 12 attempts I did were all on an imp under 25% with the horn on his waist. All the attempts had me Feint then Steal.
Good to know you can steal with 5/5 Aura Steal though, because I started wondering if that was blocking me out or not. I had AAEV, KoH, Joachim, Sylvie and uhm... I forgot my last trust honestly. Qultada? I think I have steal+25 or something, Twash R15 MH, Ternion+1 R15 OH. Wish SE would disclose what Steal+ even does, because despite low sample so far it seems to me it's not making a huge difference. Supposing it's working as intended and not broken, I get the impression the Steal chance increase each +1 Steal gives is very small. Like 0.5% chance for each +1? I was in Secares group on the fight and just a few things to comment on.
Just the leader needs the box. Popping the box will spawn the mobs. 6 players = 6 mobs More mobs more chances at the direct drop to inventory. Leaden salute did 95k at 1k tp. 1 earth time lockout. Pld had hate even when pld had berserk/charm. Only 1 dropped for the group. COR COR PLD SCH GEO RDM Things for us to try next. Ascension enspells See if corsairs roll can boost the EP gained. Quote: I dont even give a ***about the drop, 60k exemplar is the real reward I've been away since yesterday and only got to catch up on the thread now. I was going to say this if nobody else did. The fight rewards you 10K exemplar points per party member who enters. That's a LOT of exemplar for what is seemingly a reasonable fight for a party to clear. And if a couple people in the party have an entry item you can get a few hundred K exemplar in a short time. That's considerable. As far as the entry item goes, I'll give it a whirl today and see how I fare. Asura.Melliny said: » Quote: I dont even give a ***about the drop, 60k exemplar is the real reward I've been away since yesterday and only got to catch up on the thread now. I was going to say this if nobody else did. The fight rewards you 10K exemplar points per party member who enters. That's a LOT of exemplar for what is seemingly a reasonable fight for a party to clear. And if a couple people in the party have an entry item you can get a few hundred K exemplar in a short time. That's considerable. As far as the entry item goes, I'll give it a whirl today and see how I fare. As long as we dont figure out a more reliable way to get the item, 60k EP is actually a loss compared to what you can get in that time by just EPing normaly Asura.Melliny said: » Quote: I dont even give a ***about the drop, 60k exemplar is the real reward I've been away since yesterday and only got to catch up on the thread now. I was going to say this if nobody else did. The fight rewards you 10K exemplar points per party member who enters. That's a LOT of exemplar for what is seemingly a reasonable fight for a party to clear. And if a couple people in the party have an entry item you can get a few hundred K exemplar in a short time. That's considerable. As far as the entry item goes, I'll give it a whirl today and see how I fare. Afterwards we tried entering using someone else's pop, but no dice. So unfortunately you're not gonna be able to get a few hundred K in a short time, max 60k per JP midnight. I’d give it a little time to see how things develop. But I do see the issue with time to reward here. I’m reserving judgment for now. If the fight ends up being a shinryu-Ish situation I’ll call it for what it is. It’s only a day old though so time will tell. The devs have very limited dedication and resources for new stuff, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a waste of time. I don’t expect much anymore.
Quote: So unfortunately you're not gonna be able to get a few hundred K in a short time, max 60k per JP midnight Ok I take it back. It’s already sounding pretty bad. Just another time sink. The devs did one thing definitely right with this, the drops are gonna be accessible even to smaller groups who want to do it.
The drops seem to be on a flan by flan kill basis, you don't actually have to get the full clear. It's not a difficult fight by any means, but for the moment at least, seems to be very unforgiving if you don't have the right jobs for it. The armor is pretty nice if you have lehkos ring. The lack of haste is an issue otherwise, but it’s got so much magic defense I think you can definitely make the argument that it would be very good for V-25 oddy nms. Unfortunately that’s the only use case I can think of for it. Without any form of multi attack, stp, wsd or whatnot it’s not gonna see any other form of use.
I'm sure some people could find some uses for it.
Some jobs for example really lack -dt in casting sets and such, that could be an easy 1 gear slot option to instantly make you more durable if it's acceptable to lose whatever you had on the body slot prior. Also for those of us who don't use gearswap, having a high hp all jobs body can be really useful to stop hp drops during macros, just gotta write a line for it on the line above an equipset line. Particularly useful for tank jobs to keep enmity retention. The patch notes specifically say that if you pop the box (aka leader uses it as entry item), that person won't be able to re-enter for 1 IRL day.
Everyone else supposedly can re-enter after 1 vanaday (1 hour). So if you rotate out leader/box poppers, you can theoretically get 60k EP every hour plus chances at the gear. I'll go test that now, i'll drop the leader who popped it and only bring the others in.
I think you might have slightly crossed wires from those patch notes.
"If you enter the battlefield but do not use the Impish Box item, you can enter it again after one day has passed (Vana'diel time)." I'm pretty sure what that actually means is, if you enter the bcnm, and no one pops the mobs, you can re-enter again after one game day has passed. I have a team of 3 players here all with the pop item who did not use theirs in the prior fight, can't enter. edit. Also we did the fight many hours ago. Asura.Secare said: » Siren.Kruel said: » I think you might have slightly crossed wires from those patch notes. "If you enter the battlefield but do not use the Impish Box item, you can enter it again after one day has passed (Vana'diel time)." I'm pretty sure what that actually means is, if you enter the bcnm, and no one pops the mobs, you can re-enter again after one game day has passed. I have a team of 3 players here all with the pop item who did not use theirs in the prior fight, can't enter. edit. Also we did the fight many hours ago. Thanks for checking! What about that stream Helmaru posted? The guy did two fights in like an hour.
I was skipping through, but I didnt see any video cuts. There also werent any timestamps either though, so the guy coulda gone once before JP mid and once after? Carbuncle.Nynja said: » What about that stream Helmaru posted? The guy did two fights in like an hour. I was skipping through, but I didnt see any video cuts. There also werent any timestamps either though, so the guy coulda gone once before JP mid and once after? That elixir item is likely just what is given to you as a reward if you get a second meat to trade in. That's my best guess anyhow.
So this looks like a Your Pop Your Drop kinda thing. So if you go in with a party of six, and use the item to spawn the monsters, are you unable to enter the BC for an entire day or just unable to be the leader for a day?
Asura.Saevel said: » So this looks like a Your Pop Your Drop kinda thing. So if you go in with a party of six, and use the item to spawn the monsters, are you unable to enter the BC for an entire day or just unable to be the leader for a day? I thought the JP stream link above said that the streamer didn't pop his box, but did get the meat? I didn't scrub through the stream to watch the order of events, but someone commented that. I think it's more like one person brings orb, everyone gets locked out and has a chance at getting meat. Maybe more people can provide their testimonials and we'll hone in on the actual lockouts/drops. The 1 hour lockout for not using item is because they know Troll-Asurans will tie up the area.
Carbuncle.Nynja said: » The 1 hour lockout for not using item is because they know Troll-Asurans will tie up the area. That's not the question. Is the party leader, who used the box, locked out for helping for a day? Since drops are from a shared pool, it's going to be a YPYD scenario like what we did with BCNM/KSNM orbs. Lets say a semi-static have three pop items between six people, can the first person enter / beat the fight, then pass lead and come back an hour later to assist the 2nd person, and so forth. I know the idea of helping others and forming groups is completely alien to you six boxers, so this might require thinking a bit differently. Went with a group of 6 last night. The party leader entered and used his item and we killed the 6 mobs that popped without any drops. When we exited, we changed leaders and waited until the next game day. Couldn't enter. We dropped the original leader and tried to enter again, and couldn't enter. One of us was out of zone when this happened, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
By the way, that charm move has a huge range. I ran to about 18 yalms away and still got charmed. Annoying. Also, had trouble landing sleep but break worked. Party was RUN RDMx2 COR BRD GEO. Enspells worked great. Forgot to add, sanguine blade was doing roughly 70k with our buffs, but that charm move was spammed making it hard to get many WS off. |
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