November 2023 Version Update |
November 2023 Version Update
If you thought SE adding yet another "use it or lose it" daily was the absolute worst and they couldn't set the bar any lower, they never cease to disappoint. The pop item being tied to locus imps only obtainable by a low-rate JA on a 5 minute timer is *** wild.
The thing about steal is no one ever looked into if acc/macc mattered Idk If I'd wear barts knife over a 119 for example
It went from like 100% to 5% in that update 17 years ago and died entirely. Oldwiki has "information" Quote: Success rate is dependent on user's level in comparison with the enemy's level. < Stay 119 Using Feint and then Steal may increase the success rate. < Eva/Acc Matters The target's HP seems to greatly affect success rate < (Why does HP matter) Not that it's worth getting the item for the bc for that armor in the first place, but if it makes you happy. The update notes say if you don't use the Impish thingamabob, you only have a 1 hour (1 vanadiel day) lockout. Since only the party leader uses the item on entry, does that mean technically the other 5 members of the group could run again the next vanadiel day?
Is this the start of ghetto "alliance" statics, where you just cycle out party leader and slowly run all members of alliance 6 at a time... lol? The worst entry method ever implemented in this game if it's working as intended. Which is a shame because the fight is actually pretty unique and fun.
Maybe in a week things'll look different and the community will have found a more reliable way to obtain the pop item and win the fight reliably. But if this is working as intended... what are we doing here SE? Why are you like this?
Siren.Dekoda said: » They have lower +steal compared to the options you provided, but offer ilevel stats. Granted that until we know wether or not any of these stats affect Steal, it's all moot I guess. Eh the armor would have to be a lot better to get idiots paying 10x for steal+ (I would hope...)
No Xa no stp no wsd no pdl no regen no refresh relatively low meva mdb only matters so much ZERO haste. Terribad hybrid piece not a great idle piece. Dagger: EX
Ammo: EX Head: EX Waist: EX Legs: EX Boots: EX Hands could be gouged easily by someone monopolizing Tonberry Tracker Ring could be gouged, I cant imagine too many people willing to deal with BCNM50 unless the demand and price go way up. No way neck can be gouged, it comes from a SKC10 fight. Pretty tough to monopolize a mob that respawns every 30 minutes and has a 10% drop rate on a non-rare item. He will drop ~5 a day.
Maybe on Asura someone will bot him all day and monopolize it. On any reasonable server even if these things are the hottest, most desired gloves in the world they will be cheap guaranteed. Fight information:
Only one person, the leader presumably, needs the Impish Box. 30 minute time limit. Upon using the box inside the BC area, the item is consumed and three Flan Princess spawned with three players in (presumably one per player?). They don't cast, and their accuracy was very low against a RUN in standard tanking gear. Helix is very effective, capping without MBing with Malaise and dealing the majority of the damage. They only have two abilities I saw: Dissatisfaction - Absorb-Attri, one status effect, may or may not be conal Unnamed ability (they'll say "Let's tango!" in /say) - Inflicts "animated" on one or more players, which is effectively Charm but you attack the Flan Princess instead. Enmity isn't affected at all, they'll continue to attack the tank while they're animated. TP is lost when it wears off. Each Flan Princess gave every player 10k Exemplar Points when defeated. No Guimauve Meat dropped for anyone. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: » bot him all day and monopolize it Supply and demand. If theres one mob that spawns every 24 minutes with a 10% drop rate on an item that becomes very helpful to get the Impish Box, price will go up. SE after every terrible update
![]() I'm going to pretend this doesn't exist just like prime weapons and continue to waste my life completing V25 and then quit. tree and bumba to go ~ I have some questions about the fight.
The Nov update notes states in red that all players require the imp box, however Mischief confirmed that, just the leader is needed. Does the consumption of the imp box allow the player to get the drops since the notes states that it is a direct drop? I’m confused as hell. zixxer said: » I have some questions about the fight. The Nov update notes states in red that all players require the imp box, however Mischief confirmed that, just the leader is needed. Does the consumption of the imp box allow the player to get the drops since the notes states that it is a direct drop? I’m confused as hell. Mistranslation I think, JP update notes seem to indicate that just a Singular player needs the box. Just using google Translate so could be inaccurate, but since Mischief entered without everyone having one I'm leaning towards mistranslation. Asura.Sechs said: » Siren.Dekoda said: » They have lower +steal compared to the options you provided, but offer ilevel stats. Granted that until we know wether or not any of these stats affect Steal, it's all moot I guess. Should be noted that Rogue's Ring only works if the player has less than 75% HP and 1000 TP. Also, you do not need to +1 the legs, because the NQ Culottes give the same amount of Steal. About to try get this pop item again from the Imps... this time with Steal+29. I'm only missing the dagger. I'll post results. zixxer said: » I have some questions about the fight. The Nov update notes states in red that all players require the imp box, however Mischief confirmed that, just the leader is needed. Does the consumption of the imp box allow the player to get the drops since the notes states that it is a direct drop? I’m confused as hell. The way I read the notes, you was meant to get everyone a box, enter, beat the fight, and then you'd be able to use the box to get a reward. But then, somebody said they had to pop it in the battlefield to get the Flans to spawn. Someone who has beat this fight needs to confirm, lol. 1/7 on the box from my first locus imp. The horn appears at the imps hip after using a tantra (may or may not be required). I just got it down to <25% and used steal and despoil when it was up. +10 steal in set
Double post.. website lag on here recently is real
You can increase steal success rate by stealing from behind, using hide (or invisible), pairing it with sneak attack, or casting blind on the opponent.
Is this before or after touching the ebon panels?
after, but just before taru sacrifice
These super confident Thiefs be rocking up to Locus Imps like...
![]() Why does SE make it so extremely difficult for Thiefs to steal anything? They are so bad at their own job. I remember the days of farming Gold Beastcoins from the mobs at the Monastic Cavern entrance on under leveled THF, then zone the aggro. Repeat every five minutes. Literal hours to earn one stack. You don't know pain.
Lakshmi.Buukki said: » I remember the days of farming Gold Beastcoins from the mobs at the Monastic Cavern entrance on under leveled THF, then zone the aggro. Repeat every five minutes. Literal hours to earn one stack. You don't know pain. I used to do this, so I know, lol. Shiva.Thorny said: » Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: » Giving one single empy upgrade item would be se style, and add the item like kupon I seals to all the event related seal bcnm each month to encourage people to do them etc Been trying to get this just as it does Abrasive or Deafening Tantara with Steal+29 and still nothing so far, after several hours. This is ridiculously bad.
I know Mischief posted above, wanted to chip in with my fight experience.
Enter the Cutter into Ashu Talif, buffs wear, but no enemies are present upon entry. Only on using the box do enemies spawn. You have 30 minutes from entry, not from enemy pop. Once popped, they immediately go for whoever (instakilled our WHM) I can confirm that the battlefield scales - 5 players had 5 pink princesses. Physical damage was garbage, magic damage is 100% the way to go (we ended up with everyone spamming Seraph Blade for 2-3k, Leaden'ing for 30k, and enspells for basically all the damage.) The worst part is that they love to charm, for 30s, frequently. Once you uncharm, you lose all TP, so it's frustrating to get WS off frequently enough. Tank was dispelled basically permanently, they'll steal a buff if it's dispellable, clone it if it's not. I'd recommend focusing as a group if you can, to reduce the charm frequency. My guess would be each Flan has one player that it charms whenever it says "Let's Tango". As long as your tank can hold hate and you can do magic damage, it's fairly manageable. Just frustrating that all the agency is taken away for a while! As mentioned, 10k exemplar per mob. No meat for any of us. Sounds like the fight isn't the hard part, it's getting the boxes to do it. Is there anything special to up the chances here? Because I've been sat in Caedarva watching my trusts holding imps for hours now, and nothing. And yes, I have got the HP very low, and yes, I am aiming to Steal during Tantara with +29 Steal gear.
Edit: I gave up on trying to get a pop item for this. Either SE fixes it, or someone finds a better method. Not wasting anymore time on this. Some may have got super lucky, but that's all it was, unless someone has a working method they have yet to share. |
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