Are These People Serious?

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Are these people serious?
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-11-04 18:52:47
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Remember this:

"If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"
Serveur: Asura
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user: Ludog
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By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-11-04 18:54:26
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Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this:

"If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"

"No, you're just ugly and blaming god wont fix it."
Serveur: Sylph
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Posts: 3663
By Sylph.Beelshamen 2009-11-04 18:55:05
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Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this:

"If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"

Know the story of Adam and Eva?
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-11-04 18:55:26
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Asura.Ludoggy said:
Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this: "If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"
"No, you're just ugly and blaming god wont fix it."

"But we are human, we never err, its that other ***'s fault"
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-11-04 18:56:32
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Sylph.Beelshamen said:
Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this: "If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"
Know the story of Adam and Eva?

Thank you for pointing out why woman are inferior to men. If you believe in stories.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Saiya
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By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-11-04 18:58:40
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;_; My posts never get responses. Should I be more insulting? Maybe less articulate? I dunno ,_, /fail
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Beelshamen 2009-11-04 18:59:23
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I was actually referring how mankind received "perfection" but ruined it.. etc etc.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-11-04 19:00:16
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Bismarck.Saleam said:
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
I'm agnostic. I think being an atheist is too arrogant on its own. Since I don't know, I pick the middle road and live my life.
Also, I don't think being an atheist is too arrogant at all.

Beel has a point. No one has complete omniscience and can safely say "there is no God." Being an agnostic simply acknowledges the possibility of the existence of God/a god/gods.
Bismarck.Saleam said:
If you take a look at religion, and take what they say at face value then I could argue that my claim to own a magical eraser that flies and talks and guides my life along the path of righteousness is just as valid.

And you'd have every right to, because if that's your perspective on life, there's nothing anyone can do about it :)
Bismarck.Saleam said:
Is it so much to ask for proof? Could not such an incredible being as god, who is renown for creating the world in five days, send down another prophet in modern times (cell phone pictures or it didn't happen) like he supposedly did Jesus?

Bismarck.Saleam said:
If he exists, he sees the doubt in all of us, he sees the wars over it... What's he doing? having a lol over it?

He's letting you choose. ;)
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3663
By Sylph.Beelshamen 2009-11-04 19:00:22
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Cerberus.Saiya said:
;_; My posts never get responses. Should I be more insulting? Maybe less articulate? I dunno ,_, /fail

Hey there, nice icon you got.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-11-04 19:03:57
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Cerberus.Saiya said:
It seems a very 'human' concept to insist that God created man 'in his own image'^^. Leave that kind of raving conceit to humans any day. Religion far too closely resembles politics in my opinion, and I'm sure anyone will see the negative connotations of that comparison. I know for a fact that for many people, organised religion gives them something to focus on and enriches their lives, genuinely, which is a wonderful thing. Then again, my ex-girlfriend now has some 'serious' mental issues as a direct result of being involved in devout Christianity =/. That being said the existence of such a powerful tool which by default isn't required to substantiate the majority of things it does, seems like a bad idea when you consider the large potential for human subversion. I guess what I mean is many of the principles inherent in religious teachings are great and wonderful things. But if something has such potential for spurning some of the horrific acts mentioned in this thread, the question is raised; overall, wouldn't we be better off without it? Added Note: It's always bothered me that the Pope lolls around in gold & jewel encrusted robes... where's the humble? XD

I completely agree with this. In terms of Christianity, religiosity has been completely corrupted by politics. Were it lived out in how it's actually supposed to be lived out, things would be much, MUCH different.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Vegetto
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By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-11-04 19:08:23
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I like how the bible encourages selling your daughters into slavery :)
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-11-04 19:11:45
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Ragnarok.Anye said:
Cerberus.Saiya said:
It seems a very 'human' concept to insist that God created man 'in his own image'^^. Leave that kind of raving conceit to humans any day. Religion far too closely resembles politics in my opinion, and I'm sure anyone will see the negative connotations of that comparison. I know for a fact that for many people, organised religion gives them something to focus on and enriches their lives, genuinely, which is a wonderful thing. Then again, my ex-girlfriend now has some 'serious' mental issues as a direct result of being involved in devout Christianity =/. That being said the existence of such a powerful tool which by default isn't required to substantiate the majority of things it does, seems like a bad idea when you consider the large potential for human subversion. I guess what I mean is many of the principles inherent in religious teachings are great and wonderful things. But if something has such potential for spurning some of the horrific acts mentioned in this thread, the question is raised; overall, wouldn't we be better off without it? Added Note: It's always bothered me that the Pope lolls around in gold & jewel encrusted robes... where's the humble? XD

I completely agree with this. In terms of Christianity, religiosity has been completely corrupted by politics. Were it lived out in how it's actually supposed to be lived out, things would be much, MUCH different.
<3 Anye. I personally have no doubt that the world would be a very lovely place!

But it's like LARGE-scale communism. There's always someone who doesn't do what they're supposed to do and screws it up. So it's a great idea, but it'll never truly work.

And assuming that Atheism is the "belief that God does NOT exist", I don't think that could be considered arrogant. I personally think that it's a lot of old tosh, and i've met many religious people who insist beyond a shadow of a doubt that he exists, and in fact refuse to admit that it's possible that he doesn't. I don't think it's arrogance, just conviction^^. Just make sure not to spread your conviction and become any shade of a bigot, lol.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Caiyuo
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By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-11-04 19:11:51
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Adam & Eva sound like a 90s R&B group. Just sayin'. They probably decided on religiosity, if anything, though.

Cerberus.Saiya said:
It seems a very 'human' concept to insist that God created man 'in his own image'^^. Leave that kind of raving conceit to humans any day.

Religion far too closely resembles politics in my opinion, and I'm sure anyone will see the negative connotations of that comparison.

I know for a fact that for many people, organised religion gives them something to focus on and enriches their lives, genuinely, which is a wonderful thing. Then again, my ex-girlfriend now has some 'serious' mental issues as a direct result of being involved in devout Christianity =/.

That being said the existence of such a powerful tool which by default isn't required to substantiate the majority of things it does, seems like a bad idea when you consider the large potential for human subversion.

I guess what I mean is many of the principles inherent in religious teachings are great and wonderful things. But if something has such potential for spurning some of the horrific acts mentioned in this thread, the question is raised; overall, wouldn't we be better off without it?

Added Note: It's always bothered me that the Pope lolls around in gold & jewel encrusted robes... where's the humble? XD
I actually missed this post altogether and only noticed it in Anye's quote, but I do think you make some good points. I mentioned it earlier, but it's less religion itself and more the people produced, the notably bad offspring, that bother me more than anything.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 19:15:44
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Bismarck.Saleam said:
If you take a look at religion, and take what they say at face value then I could argue that my claim to own a magical eraser that flies and talks and guides my life along the path of righteousness is just as valid.

And you'd have every right to, because if that's your perspective on life, there's nothing anyone can do about it :)

but there is something people can do about it. They can pick up that eraser, look at me and just shake their heads and *face palm* because they can prove that erasers can't fly or talk because they don't have flying wings or super powers and probably lack a tongue and vocal cords/box. But unlike religion, we have the knowledge and the means to prove that an eraser can't do those things. However we lack the knowledge to prove religion doesn't exist and even if we did...? Would anyone really wanna jeopardize the massive amount of control and order religion creates for the politics/rulers? What would millions of people do then? It would just create more war for those who would still deny undeniable, sensible logic =O We just have to look for ourselves and not live our lives the way someone tells us and be above that level of mindless fear...

Bismarck.Saleam said:
Is it so much to ask for proof? Could not such an incredible being as god, who is renown for creating the world in five days, send down another prophet in modern times (cell phone pictures or it didn't happen) like he supposedly did Jesus?


Are you saying it is too much to ask for proof or that he could send down(up? 0.o who knows if he's up or down) some evidence? If asking for proof is too much, then asking me to live my life by the wishes of a 1000 year old zombie is too much. And don't flame me for insulting Jesus, I'm entitled to an opinion. You are however, welcome to throw your opinions back at me :D Anything to keep me away from my history essay.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 19:18:26
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Asura.Ludoggy said:
Bismarck.Saleam said:
Could not such an incredible being as god, who is renown for creating the world in five days

He lol's at stuff like this.

Sorry did I have my bible facts wrong? I read the first page of it and said *** this, then went back to my Harry Potter.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-11-04 19:27:50
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Bismarck.Saleam said:
They can pick up that eraser, look at me and just shake their heads and *face palm* because they can prove that erasers can't fly or talk because they don't have flying wings or super powers and probably lack a tongue and vocal cords/box. But unlike religion, we have the knowledge and the means to prove that an eraser can't do those things. However we lack the knowledge to prove religion doesn't exist and even if we did...? Would anyone really wanna jeopardize the massive amount of control and order religion creates for the politics/rulers? What would millions of people do then? It would just create more war for those who would still deny undeniable, sensible logic =O We just have to look for ourselves and not live our lives the way someone tells us and be above that level of mindless fear...

Actually, I'm a biology major with a minor in chemistry, and there are a good lot of ways to prove evolution (i.e., Endosymbiotic theory) which make sense, but can only account for a few of the developments of current and past biological systems. And yet, it still can't account for the inherent complexity of life that I'm studying right now. I could go into a whole schpiel about a few of the billions of proteins in the human body alone that I've studied and how it all just works out too perfectly for me to accept that there isn't Someone out there.

Bismarck.Saleam said:
Are you saying it is too much to ask for proof or that he could send down(up? 0.o who knows if he's up or down) some evidence?

Oops! No, meant to say it isn't too much for God to do all that, and yes, he could send some one down for evidence. But the point isn't to force your belief (unlike what a lot of other "believers" are trying to do).
Bismarck.Saleam said:
If asking for proof is too much, then asking me to live my life by the wishes of a 1000 year old zombie is too much.

The thing is, that's like asking you to love me. XD The whole point of Christianity is that, in our love for God, we "live by His wishes."
Bismarck.Saleam said:
And don't flame me for insulting Jesus, I'm entitled to an opinion. You are however, welcome to throw your opinions back at me :D Anything to keep me away from my history essay.

I'm just responding, don't worry. Anything to keep me from my Music and Film test/essays. :(
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Enjoylife
Posts: 120
By Shiva.Enjoylife 2009-11-04 19:40:16
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well like it or not jesus was a real person. this is a known fact. even jews accept this, they just dont think he was there prophet

there are plenty of things in the bible that have been found in real life too. im not a scholar nor do i take not of every thing thats been found. so i cant list them off unless i did some research

and while athiests spend all there time trying to disprove my beliefs,
why dont you explain to me how the big bang theory make any sense.

im to believe that there was coincidence after coincidence that resulted in all of the universe being formed?

i saw this thing explaining the big bang theory and they were talking about how the moon was made. They say a huge astroid hit the earth when it was still molten and a chunk flew off and created the moon.

Well just recently they discovered ice on the moon, and even bombed it.

but if the moon came off a huge piece of molten earth how could there be ice?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 19:45:45
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Ragnarok.Anye said:

Actually, I'm a biology major with a minor in chemistry, and there are a good lot of ways to prove evolution (i.e., Endosymbiotic theory) which make sense, but can only account for a few of the developments of current and past biological systems. And yet, it still can't account for the inherent complexity of life that I'm studying right now. I could go into a whole schpiel about a few of the billions of proteins in the human body alone that I've studied and how it all just works out too perfectly for me to accept that there isn't Someone out there.

That's pretty cool. I'm a biology senior high school student ;D
Though if you look at some of the theories floating out their you'll come to string theory... It's all very complicated but it relates to alternative realities and parallel universes. Now I don't have any proof of this and I'm just kind of talking out of my *** now since the only research I've done is a 2 hour documentary I watched with a slack jaw and energy drink in hand BUT I see it like this:
99% of every parallel universe= fail
things didn't line up, nothing happened, no life, no nothing.

But in the vast span of continuity (time) there is plenty of opportunity for that 1% or even 0.01% to = win

You look at the moon and the sun, and pretty much everything that depends on anything, and wonder what the chances of this perfect balance of everything coming together like this had to of been... but the point is, there was that chance. Over billions of years, at one point in time, things just lined up?

I was driving home along the Stuart highway (NT AUS) with a hitch hiker last night. (also saw a black headed python on the road just before I got home =] first wild snake I've seen out here in the desert. Didn't have my cam with me though =[) and he was 100% nuts. Talking about how he was on a quest some aboriginal gave him 25 years ago trying to get to Alice springs, and going on and on about the "skins" or how the government of every country had detained him and interrogated him(At this point I had my nun chucks from out of under my seat just in case lmao) but he reminded me allot of my skitzo brother and my wacky spiritual sister... And how everyone who smokes weed eventually get's a little crazy. Whose to say anyone who claimed to be a prophet or messenger from god wasn't just barking or on drugs haha?

Oh and here's a joke. "We're all the children of god. Jesus just bragged about it"
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-11-04 19:46:03
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Shiva.Enjoylife said:
there are plenty of things in the bible that have been found in real life too

Have you ever heard the phrase "A convincing mixture of truth and lies?"

"Take two parts truth to one part lie, stir well and serve." ^^
Serveur: Midgardsormr
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user: Sect
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By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-11-04 19:48:01
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Shiva.Enjoylife said:
well like it or not jesus was a real person. this is a known fact. even jews accept this, they just dont think he was there prophet

I'm an atheist/nihilist, and I also believe that there was this dude named Jesus and he spread peaceful teachings. Personally, I think a lot of what Jesus said was pretty chill. I just don't think he was more than any other human.

Shiva.Enjoylife said:
there are plenty of things in the bible that have been found in real life too. im not a scholar nor do i take not of every thing thats been found. so i cant list them off unless i did some research

I'd be curious to see if you can remember any of them at all, because I really find looking into that stuff pretty fun.

Shiva.Enjoylife said:
and while athiests spend all there time trying to disprove my beliefs,
why dont you explain to me how the big bang theory make any sense.

im to believe that there was coincidence after coincidence that resulted in all of the universe being formed?

We don't spend all our times trying to disprove your beliefs. We spend as much times as religious people spend telling us we're wrong, at least in my experience. It's really no different than a Muslim and a Jew arguing. It's all a battle of attrition.

I'm personally not sure if the The Big Bang Theory is anything more than a good TV show. I do believe though that humans pretty much spent 7 million years evolving to our current state and that planets were pretty much coincidence.

Shiva.Enjoylife said:
i saw this thing explaining the big bang theory and they were talking about how the moon was made. They say a huge astroid hit the earth when it was still molten and a chunk flew off and created the moon.

Well just recently they discovered ice on the moon, and even bombed it.

but if the moon came off a huge piece of molten earth how could there be ice?

Why would God put water on the moon? Just because one TV documentary said the moon may have been a piece of molten rock doesn't mean it's true, et cetera et cetera. I honestly don't know if we can prove anything at all that we can't stimulate; be it religion or science.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-11-04 19:54:49
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Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra said:

Why would God put water on the moon?

To make the nerds happy and give them something to do.
same with Jesus burring the dinosaur bones. All so God's children can have some fun =p
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 19:56:56
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Shiva.Enjoylife said:
well like it or not jesus was a real person. this is a known fact. even jews accept this, they just dont think he was there prophet

A real person? Unless you have like DNA PROOF or something this is not a 100% fact. If you want I could get you a definition of the word 'fact' He could of been real, he could of been crazy, he could of been made up ect.

Shiva.Enjoylife said:

there are plenty of things in the bible that have been found in real life too. im not a scholar nor do i take not of every thing thats been found. so i cant list them off unless i did some research

Of course, the bible had to be based off of some truth otherwise no one would believe it. BUT I'm still waiting for my endless supply of wine on demand from my tap.

Shiva.Enjoylife said:

and while athiests spend all there time trying to disprove my beliefs,
why dont you explain to me how the big bang theory make any sense.

I'm still waiting for atheists to knock on my door and try to sell me a book full of things proven to be BS from the bible... And believe me one day someone will explain how the big band makes sense. And that will be before anyone can tell you how god makes sense.

Shiva.Enjoylife said:

i saw this thing explaining the big bang theory and they were talking about how the moon was made. They say a huge astroid hit the earth when it was still molten and a chunk flew off and created the moon.

Well just recently they discovered ice on the moon, and even bombed it.

but if the moon came off a huge piece of molten earth how could there be ice?

Have you seen their explanation for how water came to exist on earth? They say it was from an asteroid . Also it is cold in space =]
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 19:58:52
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Aw damn, Sectumsempra. Beat me too the quotes =P
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Enjoylife
Posts: 120
By Shiva.Enjoylife 2009-11-04 20:13:55
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space being cold would explain how water turned to ice, but how do u get water out of molten lava?

and here u go, after 5-10 min of digging this is what i found, imagine if i really spent time looking

User submitted image

User submitted image
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Enjoylife
Posts: 120
By Shiva.Enjoylife 2009-11-04 20:14:28
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User submitted image

edit- the picture doesnt want to show, atleast not on my screen so heres the link
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Enjoylife
Posts: 120
By Shiva.Enjoylife 2009-11-04 20:17:11
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Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this:

"If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"

maybe its because your commiting the sins of sloth and gluttony.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-11-04 20:22:03
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Shiva.Enjoylife said:
Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this:

"If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"

maybe its because your commiting the sins of sloth and gluttony.

Let he without sin cast the first stone.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 20:22:25
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Shiva.Enjoylife said:

space being cold would explain how water turned to ice, but how do u get water out of molten lava?

Another asteroid could have hit the moon. There are craters on the moon you know. Any number of reasons for why their could be ice on the moon. Hell astronauts might of pissed on it =O

Shiva.Enjoylife said:

and here u go, after 5-10 min of digging this is what i found, imagine if i really spent time looking's_ark.htm

User submitted image

User submitted image

I have restricted internet access as I am using a school computer so I couldn't see most of those. But if you're trying to find geological evidence to support your argument I propose this:

How do you know that people didn't just look at these natural occurrences and say "Well god did this" *makes little note on papyrus"

and don't get me started on Noah's little flood xD
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-11-04 20:23:22
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Noah's little flood; one of the most hypocritical stories in the world, imo.

Of course, it was ripped from every other culture before anyways ._.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Saleam
Posts: 164
By Bismarck.Saleam 2009-11-04 20:24:32
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Shiva.Enjoylife said:
Asura.Korpg said:
Remember this:

"If God created me in his own image, and I'm imperfect, does that mean God is imperfect too?"

maybe its because your commiting the sins of sloth and gluttony.

I committed all those sins and more. I still have a six pack and tan. I can't say I'm good looking as that would be kinda vain but if my looks were decided by my sin/good ratio even gollum from LOTR would say "yeah, I'm outta here, precious."
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