May 8th, 2022 Livestream Thread

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May 8th, 2022 Livestream Thread
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-08 17:13:42
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From my experience, PUGs that don't care about max efficiency (IE, most of them, since they're just trying to clear) will usually just come on their favorite 2 handed job like SAM or DRK just as often as they some Naegling WAR or something. It's not something that's taken over the meta to the exclusion of "normal" playstyles outside of Odyssey. I even still see dagger BRDs in places like Ambu.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-05-08 17:24:15
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not really true, if you have a group that's consistant about segment farms and you got v20 clear in the first month you likely have several sets capped by now

It depends on how invested you are. I've taken breaks here and there and probably only used about half my moglophones alloted to me in the past month. People I run with are efficient but burnout is still a factor. Oddy is a major grind and even with the moogle amp bonus getting a whole set to rank 25 is a significant investment. I want to get five sets to rank 25 so I've got a backlog to work through. I've made good progress and I'm happy with my current state, but finishing the task will still take some time. And I make sure to keep my sanity in check by taking days off to do other stuff when I need to.

Beyond that there's the issue that most of the players frequenting these forms are the game's higher tier players. But the majority of the playerbase doesn't post here, and the average level of progress for the total population is quite low. People pay mercs to clear vengence zero daily, and pickups that join my ambuscade/exemplar/general event farms are often coming in with oddy augs in the single and low double digits. General player progress is nowhere near what the average level of progress is for the people on these forms. And that's an issue for vengence 25 because vengence 20 is already brutally hard. They're stressful with an efficient group of coordinated top level players with the necessary job variety and gear, but downright impossible without. The difficulty spike from veng 15 to 20 was extreme. I think going from 20 to 25 is asking too much for at minimum the rest of this year.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 229
By Odin.Lusiphur 2022-05-08 17:35:12
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Can you nimrods take your off-topic ***somewhere else?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 576
By Asura.Meliorah 2022-05-08 17:53:30
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Yeah take it to some other part of this small secluted forum.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Chakan
Posts: 229
By Odin.Lusiphur 2022-05-08 17:53:38
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This is what the people who bothered taking the survey that are actual PAYING CUSTOMERS wanted. Notice how few of them are asking for an Offline version, an HD Remaster, a *** MOBILE port, etc. The vocal people asking for this ***on the web apparently aren't paying customers or didn't bother taking the survey. So which is it, whinerbros? Did you not bother to take a very short survey and just whine on *** Reddit and FFXIAH... or are you not a paying customer? Why should SE care what you want?

Personally wanted some sort of roadmap or confirmation of what's coming on the back half of this year. I got it. I'd prefer to have seen some promo video but whatever. I'd definitely not prefer to spend any more time in a bland place like Rakaznar if that's where the new content ends up.
Posts: 101
By Tokimemofan 2022-05-08 18:11:27
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Neviskio said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Ambuscade is an exact counterpoint to your claim; it's only 6-man, but because it's much less demanding in terms of winning
While what you underlined is likely one of the main points, I think there are more, often more subtle points that contribute to the sense of frustration that some people have shared about Odyssey, to the point that many don't even feel like tryin the event at all.
Using Ambuscade as per your example.

The biggest difference is also that there's not 10 secs latency and mobs that never die, targeting that gets stuck on your healer, sets not switching, spells not going off, JAs mysteriously vanishing into the ether in ambuscade, even at peak times, even on asura. It's still a mystery how odyssey in EU is so unplayable while ambuscade never gets any issues like the above.

Also for ls like mine where there's like 10 players consistently playing it just happens some don't get into odyssey unless they go with shouts, and that's not fun for people not going in...

For alliance event some people wont be able to find 18 players. Thats also not fun.

PUG for 18 people is also a pandora box experience.

18 people events lag like ***.

You could make 6-18 scalable event, but it would probably be too easy for 18 people or too hard for 6, simply because how many buffs and debuffs are available for tank and dd in 6 and 18 ppl groups.
It’s weird how many people have
GetHelpNerd said: »
Odin.Stayfresh said: »
Except any fight that is actually hard you don’t get ANY sub job. Any content that allows sub jobs you don’t need master levels to beat. I just don’t get why people are so happy about going back to exping for hours on end. I’m too old for that ***now.
ya this part shows the inability of the player-base to call out bad design.

there are 30+ posts here a month railing on the old days of EXPing in the dunes and it taking forever. but they are craving more master levels so they can grind for a couple weeks straight essentially doing more work than they would have in any other era.

you're probably going to bot a new job because most of you that's what you do, but if you didn't it would take you longer to get a job to 99, get jp to 2100 and get master level to 30(and then double that time to 40) than it would have to get a job to 75 back in the day. accept this reality and never put this dumbass "hur dur don't have time to level up in classic eras" ***on my screen again

make up your mind and realize deliberate time sinks for what they are
It’s weird how many people have this issue. The day after ML20 came out I saw several players in besieged who were already capped. I’ve only ever once been in a legit ML party that achieved exemplar points at a rate that could support that. More grinding is just bringing more level bots
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dropy
Posts: 45
By Asura.Kendlar 2022-05-08 18:30:44
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 709
By Asura.Iamaman 2022-05-08 18:51:34
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Odin.Lusiphur said: »
This is what the people who bothered taking the survey that are actual PAYING CUSTOMERS wanted. Notice how few of them are asking for an Offline version, an HD Remaster, a *** MOBILE port, etc.

I like to think people who interact with the game on a day to day basis have a clearer grasp on why these things are unlikely and the challenges associated with them. We see the cracks in the wall, the dated mechanics that can’t be updated, and likely have a better understanding of the sheer magnitude involved. It’s easier to miss that if you haven’t logged in for 10 years
Posts: 928
By Seun 2022-05-08 19:00:08
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Asura.Kendlar said: »
FFXI: Refurbished
Now with 8% more "return" people.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: quro
Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2022-05-08 19:01:47
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Valefor.Furyspawn said: »
jobs already struggling such as MNK, BLM, THF, SMN, and NIN definitely weren't done any favors
Actually, Ongo is the first major fight in years where a BLM has a place to shine, MNK is damn near mandatory for a few other fights, our group frequently uses SMN as a support precisely because of the job restrictions in the event and NIN is a very strong DD for farming segs. THF is not really used, true, but that's because it more or less shares a spot with DNC and it's hard to compete with "free" aoe heals in an even where subs are not available.

Shiva.Thorny said: »
they can't even spring for a new zone
Unless, I'm severely misunderstanding something, we are getting an entirely new zone (just probably not for empy reforge content). They talk about it at this timestamp.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9934
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-08 19:08:35
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Asura.Neviskio said: »
It's still a mystery how odyssey in EU is so unplayable while ambuscade never gets any issues like the above.
Probably not that mysterious.
Dynamis Divergence has a similar situation, both events present an unusual amount of lost packets, which create further issues for us who rely on Windower addons (there's issues even for people who play vanilla, aplenty, but I guess less)

Both events have additional calculations happening serverside and depending ont he data of each client.
You have RP being calculated and distributed (even if you don't currently have any RP-gaining item equipped, the calculations still happen) in Divergence, and you have the RP-from-boss calculations being performed in Odyssey.

I'm sure things are more complicated but I think Thorny explained some time ago in a very understandable post why those things might be the culprit in creating the unusually high rate of lost packets.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9934
By Asura.Sechs 2022-05-08 19:15:50
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SimonSes said: »
For alliance event some people wont be able to find 18 players. Thats also not fun.
Not fun at all, but unlike the raids in some other games (REQUIRING you to have the right amount of people) how many years has it been in FFXI since we REQUIRED a full alliance?
Content has scaling stats from 6 to 18 and you could argue some (most?) content was actually easier with 6 than 18.
Take Delve, Incursion, Vagary, Omen... everything had scaling stats.
I left Divergence out of this list because Divergence, to my knowledge, doesn't change the monsters' stats according to how many people enter, but again we're talking about an event that doesn't "require" 18 people.

As long as they make content like this, I don't think it's a problem to have content that offers you the POSSIBILITY to be played with 18 people, but can still be played with 6 or even less if you so desire.

Now getting back to Gaol or Segments, I don't really see them doing that. For Segments it could be cool, finally relaxing segments getting 16k+ Segs per run even with people making mistakes! Where do I sign for that?!
But for Gaol that wouldn't really be viable, would it?

I'm all for them making older Vengeance level easier for returning players, catch up or whatever other reason.
Making content "X" easier after it has been out for some time is quite expected if you ask me.
They probably meant to achieve that through Master Levels?
But it's nowhere near enough imho, and Master Levels are so incredibly grindy that I get the feeling a lot of people are simply ignoring they even exist, atm.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1229
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-05-08 19:25:29
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Draylo said: »
They must be treating TVR like its a full blown thing, when most of us know its not as big as they make it seem. Just feels like a watered down add-on. I guess we'll just have to scrape by with that stuff for another year or so and hopefully once TVR is done something else can be had. If they continue with the slow drip of content they are just going to bleed more players though.

Yeah it feels like an addon scenario. They really need to add some more new zones/events to TVR if they want it to be anything more than a bunch of back track with occasional rewards.

Draylo said: »
It's funny how they want to push Master Levels and EXP grinds, something the 75 cap kids all were desperate for and yet they never care to participate in it. I've had so many friends quit the game because "Abyssea made leveling too easy" and yet whenever they come back to retry the game they prefer to skip anything related to EXP or bot it. Really hypocritical, I don't now why they keep creating certain content to cater towards that 75 era only crowd.

I have 1 job to mastery lvl 30 and a couple more to 20+. I hate this grind, but I'm still totally going to do it because I do it with a friend. Chatting while leveling is definitely the core of this game and what makes it worth doing. It's not hard to add this kind of content to get more mileage out of the game while they keep working on the next content.

The flagrant full parties of bots all stacked on top of each other makes me think the devs are going to take their sweet time before we get any boosts to how quickly we can get exemplar points. I will say that at least it provides me with the fun game of seeing how many Iron Giants I have to kill to respawn them on top of the bots. It's usually not very many as though they are programmed to do it. It's not exactly goblin trains in the dunes, but it's pretty close.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Furyspawn
Posts: 139
By Valefor.Furyspawn 2022-05-08 19:41:35
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Continuing conversation

It occurs to me that the differences in our experiences might be due to the servers we're on.

There are currently 350 characters online during what should be a peak, 40 of which are below level 99 and 60 that are anon. Of the 6 parties in Mhaura at the moment, 3 are multi-boxers. English PUGs are infrequent on Valefor and there are no merc groups shout-vertising (thankfully), so a lot of parties that I see running content are already established, formed by a multi-boxer or members from one of the few remaining linkshells.

The characters with well-geared BRD/COR/GEO tend to be part of a multi-boxed crew or already in fixed groups, so it's not uncommon to do content with a single support (usually an alt) if it's not just a tank, healer, and four DDs.

The number of people that I run into with augmented Nyame seems relatively low on this server. As a server, we only recently completed enough Bumba kills to max out the price decrease on Nyame from the Odyssey moogle.

Beyond that, it's a struggle to find people with an inclination to skillchain. Most are either reluctant or not capable of doing SCs without a lot of coaching, especially if you're talking about coordination with another person. It's particularly frustrating for me as someone whose first jobs to 75 were SAM and BLM, and as someone who keeps coming back to the game for the SC and MB mechanic. People generally don't skillchain unless it's a SAM self-skillchaining as an achored DD because they're not comfortable doing it with someone else.

These are probably all factors that contribute to the Savage Blade spam-demic on my server. It most likely seems easier to get decent damage in that moment (when you're only looking at the numbers from the WS) with the inherent strength of the Savage Blade using a weapon that takes less effort to get than a REMA and most of your WSD augments coming from Oseem's stingy fingers.

Truth be told though, I've seen a healthy number of people using Naegling with good gear in high-buff situations so maybe it's just a general mindset here. It's possible the sample size of my experience is too small, skewing my perspective, but it does seem to be one of the more popular approaches in the last couple of years.


Delve P.S.:

Ahhhh, I see what you're saying now. If there was a point not long after it was released that it got patched/nerfed, I most likely missed the distinction between item level versus not since I have no memory of it. I'll defer to your experience on that.

A lot of the initial runs I went on were practice on outside NMs to prep for running the whole fracture once we had a good feel for mechanics before the mega boss. The first actual fracture that I ran was Morimar Basalt Fields, which is when I got my Oatixur. In my memory, it's a short, uninterrupted timeframe from the release of the content but it's possible (and probable based on what you're saying) that it happened after the switch. We did have a Formless Strikes strategy in place, but fighting Tojil was still a very chaotic kill-it-before-it-kills-us.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Furyspawn
Posts: 139
By Valefor.Furyspawn 2022-05-08 19:55:28
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Asura.Essylt said: »
Valefor.Furyspawn said: »
jobs already struggling such as MNK, BLM, THF, SMN, and NIN definitely weren't done any favors
Actually, Ongo is the first major fight in years where a BLM has a place to shine, MNK is damn near mandatory for a few other fights, our group frequently uses SMN as a support precisely because of the job restrictions in the event and NIN is a very strong DD for farming segs. THF is not really used, true, but that's because it more or less shares a spot with DNC and it's hard to compete with "free" aoe heals in an even where subs are not available.

Having instances where the job is useful is definitely a start, but when it amounts to 2~3 fights out of 17, there's still a lot of room for improvement. I'd considered making a side note with the points similar to yours, but the sheer number of fights where the job sans sub job struggles to be as useful far outnumber the rest. Had sub jobs been available, it might've been possible to more readily include those jobs, e.g. MNK counter tanking.
Posts: 2360
By Nariont 2022-05-08 20:04:48
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Valefor.Furyspawn said: »
Beyond that, it's a struggle to find people with an inclination to skillchain.

That's common regardless of server, even with all the QoL improvements people would rather just hit the ws button then cooridinate majority of the time unless you drag them by the hair to do it, been that way forever really.

Naegling SB is prominent simply because its an incredibly strong WS, if not the best 1 handed ws(or even 2 handed) depending on jobs other options, on a weapon that is readily available to everyone and we're out of the age where monster evasion is a major hurdle to overcome, hell we're off-handing weapons with 0 additional skill and still able to get a decent hit rate if buffs are provided.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2022-05-08 20:05:50
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I'd rather they just not repeat the no sub job restriction on any future content and let Oddy be a one of. I'd also rather they not repeat the damage type restriction. The reason for many of the job exclusions from seg farms is largely because sheol C heavily favors slashing damage so any DD that isn't on nageling has a hard time getting invites. When Omen was a major thing and still today within dynamis almost any job can participate without being a liability.

I'd also like to see new content where treasure hunter actually matters, but I also love playing thief so maybe that's just me. Too many of the fight's we've been given over the past half decade or so guarantee all the drop slots load 100%. It's just fighting with the distribution pool at that point. I find it refreshing to see stuff where farming for drops actually benefits from treasure hunter nowadays.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2022-05-08 20:34:09
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It's not update time without ffxiah jacking off over alliance content when you can run around most servers/zones at 800% without Clipper ever detecting another player.

Makes sense.

Keep my server dead, please. what the *** do you mean most of these aervers are dead so alliance content would be a waste??????????
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2022-05-08 20:46:23
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Kyte said it pages back
Siren.Kyte said: »
The only reason why half the people ask for 18-man stuff is because they want to insist on bringing their mules, not because they want to help their bros

They want 18 character content to double triple quadruple dip rewards, not 18 player content.

Dynamis isn't 18 player content, its 3 cor bots and 15 leeches
By KyLouie16 2022-05-08 20:55:41
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Kyte said it pages back
Siren.Kyte said: »
The only reason why half the people ask for 18-man stuff is because they want to insist on bringing their mules, not because they want to help their bros

They want 18 character content to double triple quadruple dip rewards, not 18 player content.

Dynamis isn't 18 player content, its 3 cor bots and 15 leeches

I 100% disagree (as it pertains to myself) I can 6 box dynamis and get a wave 3 clear with only my 6 toons (and if it was all about me me me I would just go by myself), but I like being able to bring the rest of my linkshell into dynamis so they can work on the jobs/equipment they need to work on. Our entire linkshell for the past 3-4 years has been able to do dynamis because I facilitate this process.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1197
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2022-05-08 20:56:52
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I don't want content designed for 18 people. I want 18 person content designed for 6 people so I can complete it without having to be the best because I am bad at the game and just want to get stuff anyway

This is not sarcasm

If I wanted a difficult/thought provoking game I'd go elsewhere
Posts: 81
By Ninjaxtasy 2022-05-08 22:49:19
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So SE just took a ***in our face... nothing really ground breaking for a 20th anniversary , all that hype I am disappoint..
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2022-05-08 23:07:53
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Ninjaxtasy said: »
all that hype

What *** hype?
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2022-05-08 23:10:52
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I left Divergence out of this list because Divergence, to my knowledge, doesn't change the monsters' stats according to how many people enter, but again we're talking about an event that doesn't "require" 18 people.
Neither Vagary nor Omen do this either.
Posts: 226
By GwenStacy 2022-05-08 23:11:16
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let me know if anyone wants to buy my accounts, all of them absolutely decked out.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Botosi
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2022-05-08 23:18:40
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GwenStacy said: »
let me know if anyone wants to buy my accounts, all of them absolutely decked out.

After reading the first page, glad I did a few months back ;)
By Draylo 2022-05-08 23:30:46
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Lakshmi.Avereith said: »
I don't want content designed for 18 people. I want 18 person content designed for 6 people so I can complete it without having to be the best because I am bad at the game and just want to get stuff anyway

This is not sarcasm

If I wanted a difficult/thought provoking game I'd go elsewhere

Oh yeah? What game would you go to that is difficult and thought provoking.
By Draylo 2022-05-08 23:48:33
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Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Ninjaxtasy said: »
all that hype

What *** hype?

idk why yall like to pretend they didnt hype this event up. It was done multiple times, its not something we invented.
Posts: 271
By Bosworth 2022-05-08 23:52:48
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I don't know. It seems to me like people took something that was a 5 and blew it up to a 10. I went into this knowing we weren't going to get anything huge, and so did a lot of other people. The people who had tempered expectations seem ok with what we got.
By Draylo 2022-05-09 00:00:52
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Yea the same 5 posters (mostly socks) all circle jerking that their idea of FFXI being shut down is finally coming closer and closer. Just insane that people with such negative outlooks for this game even bother to post on a forum related to the game still, they must be happy anywhere else right?

I understand the few haters that only come around when something is happening like some mods/admins, but the socks and regulars that do it is just sad. Let this old game be, there was reason for people to get their hopes up given the wording SE used for this a few years ago when they had that time/roadmap given to work on the game. I swear there's like some angst pent up in some people who felt jaded by this game at some point, they moved onto other games like XIV and still have that angst and somehow feel better seeing people who enjoy XI being disadvantaged in any way. Could do a whole case study on it.
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