macsdf1 said: »
so does requesthecat work?
Ramuh Ambuscade V1 |
Ramuh Ambuscade V1
macsdf1 said: » so does requesthecat work? Grav will stop it from fleeing, but then it will summon regardless of proximity, not really worthwhile in my opinion
I think I remember it "working" last time, but Tomahawk'd Savage Blade just did more damage because Savage Blade is a very fair and balanced weapon skill.
If you took 2 BLU can you terror Ramuh then the SMN?
Also I seem to remember RUN using 2h helped with killing Ramuh? Not sure if you can terror Ramuh.
Both RUN and PLD can also help with killing Ramuh. But they definitely do need to keep hate. RUN probably needs to pop Battuta immediately upon engaging. Primary focus is keep hate and don't die. Dealing damage secondary. I mean it already only takes 3 minutes from entry to exit. Updated video for Soloers of easy and Normal and some party strategies discussed.
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Asura.Hya said: » Asura.Aquatiq said: » Asura.Eiryl said: » Probably should've given this the bump a few days ago but I forgot. The same QD strat won't work as well (maybe?) Quote: Intense Ambuscades have undergone the following adjustments. A visual effect will now display when Bozzetto Ramuh activates a special ability when using Astral Passage. The Bozzetto Doppelganger will find it more difficult to flee when afflicted with weight or bind. The Bozzetto Doppelganger now has resistance against all form of damage. * The amount of damage reduction is unchanged. correct just tried and usual 10k QDs were doing 1k, all damage was down to about 1/10th however the fight is pretty much zergable if the add after Ramuh is managed lol Did you try Requiescat? As I recall, this was one of the other kill methods the first time around. didn't try it V1VD setup: COR x2 - sam/chaos/fighter's/tactician's brd pld rdm war (any DD) you could do it with 1 cor who cycles their rolls to get Tactician's in after Ramuh & the first subsequent avatar are both dead while the add is slept, but it'll just take longer. the 3k tp is mostly for peace of mind, a strong party won't need it, but a non-ML'd party will want the TP. but we did wipe a few times to not killing things fast enough (one DD running in on their own and starting to attack before the rest of us drew weapons) DD/cor/brd/RDM were /NIN just to absorb a few melee hits if hate went weird or things didn't get controlled well early on, even our 2hander WAR all run in together tightly along with the PLD with 3k TP and zerg Ramuh down. then avatar and add spawns, RDM goes off and sleeps the add while we immediately kill the avatar. if you want, your DDs can chill while your tank pulls it away from the fight area in case of wipe and reraise. once avatar dead, we chill out waiting for 3k tp again, and then all attack the add and it's dead in 2 rounds of WS's. wipes are 100% recoverable if you're out of aggro range and are always worth trying as the mobs don't regen HP (probably better ways to do it, this is just how we found success at 5am with bloodshot eyes) Shiva.Muginn said: » Not sure if someone already posted this strat for VD (1m:45s clear): PLD SAM BRD COR (Last 2 can be carry or anything) SAM need to have Murasamemaru Songs: 2x Haste, 1x Minuet, 1x Madrigal (Save N/T for Sleep) COR: Crooked Chaos, Sam Same as other strats PLD run in Shield Bash > Sentinel. PLD SAM BRD and COR all DD on Ramuh. After Ramuh dies BRD N/T Sleep SMN. Kill 2nd Avatar. SAM switch to Murasamemaru > Meditate (wait for 2k TP) > Sneak Attack > Konzen (for good measure) > Fudo. This should one shot the SMN ![]() Does this not work anymore ? Requiescat doesn't bypass DT, so it would make sense that Murasamemaru doesn't either.
Bahamut.Belkin said: » Not sure if you can terror Ramuh. Both RUN and PLD can also help with killing Ramuh. But they definitely do need to keep hate. RUN probably needs to pop Battuta immediately upon engaging. Primary focus is keep hate and don't die. Dealing damage secondary. I mean it already only takes 3 minutes from entry to exit. So along with this, regarding BLU, you can pop diffusion > Occultation at the start, to give all of your DD a few extra shadows. Paired with Battuta, you should be fine to survive AC Volt Strikes if the tank gets hate, but even if he doesn't, Occultation gives DDs a buffer so they don't instant die. For BRD, I just don't bother Troubadouring at the start and do Troub Lullaby for the SMN instead so I can /NIN for DD. Fight lasts shorter than non-Troubadoured songs, anyway.
PLD goes in pops Sent/Ramp/Shield Bash > all gather > Kill Ramuh RDM ES/Stymie Sleep2 SMN > kill add (if done right should only be 1 add) > BLU ES Terror SMN > Easy kill Reis. Flux 6/3, Sky, Cirdas Cavern Waypoint all work. Good luck and happy hunting ^^ Can he pop more adds if the one he first popped is slept?
Starbucks said: » Can he pop more adds if the one he first popped is slept? The summoner will continue to summon them in 30 second intervals if he himself if left awake. It's possible to just have all of them out at once. Beau said: » Not sure if it's been said but you can get key item from SMN's avatars, i.e. Tonberry's Elementals. I just got one from the Temple of Ugg at ML39 and the elemental checked too weak. Pld Rdm Brd Cor War Drg. DD's can be any in general.
Brd normal songs, save Nightingale/Troubadour. Swap V-March for another Minuet since Haste2's. Cor Tact + Chaos, Tact for when only Smn left. PLD Divine Emblem Flash pulls, use Fealty to resists any stuns etc Ramuh can do. Shield Bash to remove Shock Spikes(with Relic Hands+2/3). Save JA's abit incase he Stunga's which is a total hate reset on Tank + a fixation on 1 PT member which can take some getting off. Dont forget Reprisal so PLD shieldblock most or all of his Volt Strikes. Shields to use Priwen, Ochain or Srivatsa would work as well with ML's PLD can now use JA's to establish hate. Once Ramuh is Dead Tank Flashes next Avatar fast incase it's Shiva before she can Sleepga. BRD is ready with Nightingale/Troubadour Lullaby the SMN. While DD kills 2nd Avatar. During this Rdm Gravity 2/Bind/Silence and debuffs SMN. When Avatar dead. Wait for TP with Tact Roll, when Ready Rdm Dia3's and everyone WS's, should die before any action is taken from SMN. Easy Month, happy hunting c.c! Managed to get this down with no tank strats using the blue mage as the tank.
BLU/BLM,(DD/RDM)x2, COR, BRD, WHM - probably don't need the rdm or WHM but I don't have other options. BLU tanks using usual BLU tank stuff, fantod, actinic burst etc or just by doing the most damage to ramuh, key part is keeping up Occulation, I start by doing diffusion occulation at the start to stop people being one shot by volt strikes. The AOE stun does not remove it. During Volte Strike spam you can either reapply occulation or just kite for 30 seconds up to you. rest of the fight is the same by using nitro to sleep the boss and then absolute terror elemental seal to make sure boss doesn't move. Asura.Wotasu said: » Pld Rdm Brd Cor War Drg. DD's can be any in general. Brd normal songs, save Nightingale/Troubadour. Swap V-March for another Minuet since Haste2's. Cor Tact + Chaos, Tact for when only Smn left. PLD Divine Emblem Flash pulls, use Fealty to resists any stuns etc Ramuh can do. Shield Bash to remove Shock Spikes(with Relic Hands+2/3). Save JA's abit incase he Stunga's which is a total hate reset on Tank + a fixation on 1 PT member which can take some getting off. Dont forget Reprisal so PLD shieldblock most or all of his Volt Strikes. Shields to use Priwen, Ochain or Srivatsa would work as well with ML's PLD can now use JA's to establish hate. Once Ramuh is Dead Tank Flashes next Avatar fast incase it's Shiva before she can Sleepga. BRD is ready with Nightingale/Troubadour Lullaby the SMN. While DD kills 2nd Avatar. During this Rdm Gravity 2/Bind/Silence and debuffs SMN. When Avatar dead. Wait for TP with Tact Roll, when Ready Rdm Dia3's and everyone WS's, should die before any action is taken from SMN. Easy Month, happy hunting c.c! Couple additions usually fealty is still up when Ramuh is dead so if Shiva does spawn and Sleepga. As the tank I would resist it and prioritize in making sure the BRD is woken asap in case they didn't get the sleep off. But with Majesty I can also wake the entire party also. Another is swapping the RDM for a BLU. Starting off with diffusion and occultation for all party members makes this super safe for everyone even if PLD loses hate due to Stunga. Can Also use Osmosis to remove shock spikes and Absolute terrors the summoner which lasts long enough to kill the summoner. I saved Rampart also for AC Volt Strike spam. Since he can't hate reset while doing this so it secures hate during this phase and he usually dies before AC even wears. It's a pretty easy month with great flexibility in job choices. Use to do this with RUN tank last time also but PLD with the correct buffs etc (Reprisal, fealty etc) makes this a joke. Asura.Wotasu said: » Pld Rdm Brd Cor War Drg. DD's can be any in general. Brd normal songs, save Nightingale/Troubadour. Swap V-March for another Minuet since Haste2's. Cor Tact + Chaos, Tact for when only Smn left. PLD Divine Emblem Flash pulls, use Fealty to resists any stuns etc Ramuh can do. Shield Bash to remove Shock Spikes(with Relic Hands+2/3). Save JA's abit incase he Stunga's which is a total hate reset on Tank + a fixation on 1 PT member which can take some getting off. Dont forget Reprisal so PLD shieldblock most or all of his Volt Strikes. Shields to use Priwen, Ochain or Srivatsa would work as well with ML's PLD can now use JA's to establish hate. Once Ramuh is Dead Tank Flashes next Avatar fast incase it's Shiva before she can Sleepga. BRD is ready with Nightingale/Troubadour Lullaby the SMN. While DD kills 2nd Avatar. During this Rdm Gravity 2/Bind/Silence and debuffs SMN. When Avatar dead. Wait for TP with Tact Roll, when Ready Rdm Dia3's and everyone WS's, should die before any action is taken from SMN. Easy Month, happy hunting c.c! If you need to squeeze out more time, could RDM sub BLM and {Spontaneity} Stunx2 as he wakes up? YouTube Video Placeholder A little off topic somewhat, but need some help.
I'm a returning player this month, trying to gear up in ambuscade vol1. I do not have sky access. Where should I go for the key item? I also do not have Escha - Ru'Aun or Reisenjima access either. I've been running all over Vunkerl Inlet(S) killing sprites, haven't tried the umbrils yet, but not sure if I can solo the umbrils as a somewhat fresh 99. Edit: Just found out about the seelies and unseelies in Abyssea - Grauberg right by #5. Maybe those will work? If you're not going to get Sky access anytime soon (which should be pretty simple nowadays, can probably get it done in half a day), Abyssea will probably be your best bet for a consistent location. Theoretically you could try Demon Elementals from Demon SMNs in the Castles, or Tonberries in the Temple/Den, but not 100% sure they'd have the level requirements for xp.
Definitely recommend getting Sky access before doing Ambuscade though, both for what it gets you access to for NMs, gear, and events, as well as the ease of access for the KI. Yeah... Honestly I was trying to stay away from ZM4 and ZM5 for as long as possible. Those are 2 boring, off putting missions.
-Pat if you have cleared Colkhab (Ceizak Battlegrounds Wildskeeper Reive), you can use the device SW of Bivouac 1 to fight Umbrils in whichever Gates area that is.
Yep was just going to edit my post.
Cirdas Caverns Enigmatic Device: Livid Umbrils. Somewhat of a tough solo for my crappy DD bard, but no danger of dying. They're right by the device also. Thanks all! -Pat ![]() Quote: The battle against Ramuh in Volume 1 will also see you facing the summoner that joins the fight. If you defeat the avatar Ramuh before the summoner, note that significant damage will be incurred. So they either want you to deal with all the avatars now or you just sleep/terror zerg the summoner at start with tank holding ramuh?
Was the summoner immune to damage while avatars were out before or did he just not spawn til ramuh died? |
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