'Remapster' Project: HD Maps for FFXI
By spalose 2020-05-21 15:24:06
What is Remapster?
The goal of the project is to develop a Windower addon that allows players to easily use high definition maps (created by myself and possibly other artists) to navigate FFXI.
Dev Blog & Reddit
We are tracking progress over on the dev blog and this reddit post but will try to provide updates here as much as possible.
Art Goals
Create HD map assets (at least 2048 x 2048) that remain true to the character, style, and feel of the legacy maps, remastered in high definition. This means that while I will be redrawing the maps from scratch, if I do this right they shouldn’t look or feel too much different from the originals, which have a lot of sentimental value for many of us. The goal isn’t to be super disruptive here – as lacking or flawed as some of the maps are, I also have a deep reverence for them.
Source and integrate popular features and data from other community map projects that provide useful location information for things like:
Certain important quest markers
One-way cliffs / drops / doors / holes
Critical gameplay entities like Home Points, Waypoints, Cavernous Maws, Survival Guides, Telepoints, etc.
Frequently used gameplay entities like Colonization and Lair Rieves, etc.
All that being said, I do not want to clutter these maps, so I’m going for quality and usefulness over throwing everything and the kitchen sink on there. There are a lot of items and coordinates that, after many years, aren’t as relevant anymore, and might better be left off.
(TLDR: It’s impossible to replace all wiki guides, so realistically, we shouldn’t be clogging the map in an effort to try. Instead, we can be thoughtful in our inclusion of certain POIs (points of interest) and weight it more toward the most useful for the community at large.)
For maps that are straight-up unreliable for getting anywhere (Yuhtunga Jungle, Yorcia Weald, I’m looking at you…), I would like to maintain their look but provide accurate pathing information so that you can actually use and rely on the maps to help you get where you need to go. You know, like a map is supposed to do.
This includes maps that have “hidden pockets” that aren’t drawn into their design.
This is a “free time” activity for me, and likely anybody else that gets involved. I can only work at the pace I can work at. For reference, I’ve got two kids and a full-time gig. I started playing FFXI when Chains of Promathia came out, and at that point I was in my late teens.
Using this reddit thread, I will source the community (via upvotes and follow-up replies) for direction on which maps I create and in what order.
I will provide project updates in the devBlog section of the site and make the art available to download and view for free, all I ask is that you properly credit me and redirect people back to the site and reddit thread.
If you have any questions, you’re welcome to reach out to me via the Windower Discord; I go by the name spalose in there.
Below is a look at the current version of HD Bastok Markets (click the image to see full resolution):
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Asura.Nuance 2020-05-21 15:34:48
Looks great
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-05-21 15:39:27
this is amazing, hope to see this working soon
By Draylo 2020-05-21 15:57:31
Appreciate the effort! I will say though I'm a bit worried about the status of wiki. Imagine if they just decided to stop hosting BG wiki? I wonder what would happen, because the mods over there have 0 interest in XI and as each month goes by the site loses a lot of traffic due to various reasons. I would imagine in the event they didn't want to host it anymore, they would give the option for someone else to do it who is well off but then it would be at the scrutiny of some random person. Sadly this game relies heavily on a wiki based site because they don't tell you where to go and use the most obscure hints or none at all sometimes.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-05-21 15:58:38
Critical gameplay entities like Home Points, Waypoints, Cavernous Maws, Survival Guides, Telepoints, etc.
I would say these could take a side seat for now, considering most of them are already superimposed in vanilla, love the rest.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-05-21 16:00:22
Appreciate the effort! I will say though I'm a bit worried about the status of wiki. Imagine if they just decided to stop hosting BG wiki? I wonder what would happen, because the mods over there have 0 interest in XI and as each month goes by the site loses a lot of traffic due to various reasons. I would imagine in the event they didn't want to host it anymore, they would give the option for someone else to do it who is well off but then it would be at the scrutiny of some random person. Sadly this game relies heavily on a wiki based site because they don't tell you where to go and use the most obscure hints or none at all sometimes.
Need us a Brady's guide, but like encyclopedia Vanadilia edition. Maybe a complete volume per expansion? ;p
By spalose 2020-05-21 16:05:07
Critical gameplay entities like Home Points, Waypoints, Cavernous Maws, Survival Guides, Telepoints, etc.
I would say these could take a side seat for now, considering most of them are already superimposed in vanilla, love the rest.
Since the current plan is to create an addon that doesn't utilize the inherent map functionality (and thus wouldn't have the superimposed legacy markers), that's why we're including them in the new look.
By HiPotion 2020-05-21 16:07:59
I suggest adding UNM Warp location, as where UNM warp would take me to.
Thank u for ur efforts <3
By spalose 2020-05-21 18:35:17
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 350
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2020-05-21 19:58:46
looks amazing. thank you for your efforts
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Asura.Aessk 2020-05-21 21:32:00
These look awesome. Can't wait to see the rest.
Just a note, I think the HP#1 in port bastok is in the wrong spot. It's supposed to be near the Gustaberg gate. And the Synergy things are down closer to where the HP#1 is marked now.
By RadialArcana 2020-05-22 02:05:23
Appreciate the effort! I will say though I'm a bit worried about the status of wiki. Imagine if they just decided to stop hosting BG wiki? I wonder what would happen, because the mods over there have 0 interest in XI and as each month goes by the site loses a lot of traffic due to various reasons. I would imagine in the event they didn't want to host it anymore, they would give the option for someone else to do it who is well off but then it would be at the scrutiny of some random person. Sadly this game relies heavily on a wiki based site because they don't tell you where to go and use the most obscure hints or none at all sometimes.
By Heghmoh 2020-05-22 16:19:35
This is badass. I'm a graphic designer professionally. LMK if you need production assistance.
By spalose 2020-05-22 17:58:36
This is badass. I'm a graphic designer professionally. LMK if you need production assistance.
I may take you up on this - got a portfolio of any of your more illustrative work?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2020-05-22 18:50:39
Super awesome!
I love how you took the time to re-draw/create icons and markers.
I'm pretty good w/ AI, so throw my name into the hat too if you ever need an extra pair of hands.
By spalose 2020-05-23 00:26:29
Hit a great milestone by recreating the Giddeus map(s) tonight, pulling in a lot of the philosophy of the project.
The Giddeus Experiment
By Aliekber 2020-05-23 01:33:17
Love the look and feel of these maps. Best of luck for your project!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2020-05-23 05:49:08
Cool, keep it up!
Personally I heavily rely on a lot of stuff from the dat modded maps, so keep in mind adding all of that also!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2020-05-23 09:23:13
Cool, keep it up!
Personally I heavily rely on a lot of stuff from the dat modded maps, so keep in mind adding all of that also!
This, so much of the charm of the original modded maps was rhe information of where NMs could be found and drawn out hidden areas.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-05-23 09:40:36
Critical gameplay entities like Home Points, Waypoints, Cavernous Maws, Survival Guides, Telepoints, etc.
I would say these could take a side seat for now, considering most of them are already superimposed in vanilla, love the rest.
Since the current plan is to create an addon that doesn't utilize the inherent map functionality (and thus wouldn't have the superimposed legacy markers), that's why we're including them in the new look. Good call, would be handy to see that kind of info on the wiki maps too.
This plugin that you mention? What would some of the features of that be?
Maybe a way to show party members on maps when you are viewing them from the travel menu would be handy.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-05-23 09:44:57
May want to add Sparks and unity NPCs also. Maybe VW and unity NM pop locations, and where you would land if taking the warps.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-05-23 11:06:54
I like the addition of the "Map #1" and "Map #2" at the top. It's useful since I find myself using the Change Map function to look up positions for others when they have questions, but I'm not on the map.
By spalose 2020-05-23 12:33:34
The current plan as far as addon functionality is considered, is to allow players the ability to toggle certain types of POI markers on/off. That way you can get more on the map if that's your jam, but if you want to hide them, you can also do that.
By Korgull 2020-05-23 13:20:09
Your maps are amazing, can't wait for the release!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2020-05-23 15:05:31
The current plan as far as addon functionality is considered, is to allow players the ability to toggle certain types of POI markers on/off. That way you can get more on the map if that's your jam, but if you want to hide them, you can also do that. This is great! I've wanted these types of maps for a while, even dabbling in trying to find the time to create better maps, but your style is superbly on point.
What would the actual addon functionality look like? I'm assuming the map images would sit separate from the dat files, alongside the addon, especially considering the toggle of POIs as they'd be separate assets.
I'm 100% up for helping out with any functionality or issues via PRs etc.
By ashcrow 2020-05-23 15:36:54
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Akaden 2020-05-23 16:33:00
The current plan as far as addon functionality is considered, is to allow players the ability to toggle certain types of POI markers on/off. That way you can get more on the map if that's your jam, but if you want to hide them, you can also do that. This is great! I've wanted these types of maps for a while, even dabbling in trying to find the time to create better maps, but your style is superbly on point.
What would the actual addon functionality look like? I'm assuming the map images would sit separate from the dat files, alongside the addon, especially considering the toggle of POIs as they'd be separate assets.
I'm 100% up for helping out with any functionality or issues via PRs etc.
I've been working with Spalose on the prototype. The current plan is to composite the images to maintain performance as much as possible and maintain the art style as much as possible as it's rendered onscreen. Managing all the additional images would be daunting though not impossible. It's currently the backup plan if compositing doesn't work out.
The main things we want to work out is obviously the normal stuff in the in-game map, zoom/pan/player centering/etc, but also a toggleable layer system that updates the map by compositing layers on top of each other. And hopefully add local entities as little dots you can hover over to see their name. We'd also need to include widescan, which shouldn't be horrible.
We have some other ambitions as well, but we'll save that for when we've worked out those kinks.
All this is very much early in the process, but we're not rushing. Spalose is fast and the finished product is beautiful, but there's a LOT of maps to go through, and I'm sure a few curve balls in those maps we'll have to work out. :P
By spalose 2020-05-26 18:59:04
By spalose 2020-06-05 22:58:06
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2020-06-07 08:01:41
These look amazing.
Highly concidering using the city ones for a D&D campaign!
What is Remapster?
The goal of the project is to develop a Windower addon that allows players to easily use high definition maps (created by myself and possibly other artists) to navigate FFXI.
Dev Blog & Reddit
We are tracking progress over on the dev blog and this reddit post but will try to provide updates here as much as possible.
Art Goals
Create HD map assets (at least 2048 x 2048) that remain true to the character, style, and feel of the legacy maps, remastered in high definition. This means that while I will be redrawing the maps from scratch, if I do this right they shouldn’t look or feel too much different from the originals, which have a lot of sentimental value for many of us. The goal isn’t to be super disruptive here – as lacking or flawed as some of the maps are, I also have a deep reverence for them.
Source and integrate popular features and data from other community map projects that provide useful location information for things like:
Certain important quest markers
One-way cliffs / drops / doors / holes
Critical gameplay entities like Home Points, Waypoints, Cavernous Maws, Survival Guides, Telepoints, etc.
Frequently used gameplay entities like Colonization and Lair Rieves, etc.
All that being said, I do not want to clutter these maps, so I’m going for quality and usefulness over throwing everything and the kitchen sink on there. There are a lot of items and coordinates that, after many years, aren’t as relevant anymore, and might better be left off.
(TLDR: It’s impossible to replace all wiki guides, so realistically, we shouldn’t be clogging the map in an effort to try. Instead, we can be thoughtful in our inclusion of certain POIs (points of interest) and weight it more toward the most useful for the community at large.)
For maps that are straight-up unreliable for getting anywhere (Yuhtunga Jungle, Yorcia Weald, I’m looking at you…), I would like to maintain their look but provide accurate pathing information so that you can actually use and rely on the maps to help you get where you need to go. You know, like a map is supposed to do.
This includes maps that have “hidden pockets” that aren’t drawn into their design.
This is a “free time” activity for me, and likely anybody else that gets involved. I can only work at the pace I can work at. For reference, I’ve got two kids and a full-time gig. I started playing FFXI when Chains of Promathia came out, and at that point I was in my late teens.
Using this reddit thread, I will source the community (via upvotes and follow-up replies) for direction on which maps I create and in what order.
I will provide project updates in the devBlog section of the site and make the art available to download and view for free, all I ask is that you properly credit me and redirect people back to the site and reddit thread.
If you have any questions, you’re welcome to reach out to me via the Windower Discord; I go by the name spalose in there.
Below is a look at the current version of HD Bastok Markets (click the image to see full resolution):
