Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far? |
Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
If the deer is in your yard, you can shoot it with a nice quiet crossbow. Then just clean and butcher it yourself, no one will know a thing.
Meh it's dead simple now. The Democrat would put everything including the kitchen sink and FFXI into the bill and wait for the Republicans to bargain it down.
It's not that unreasonable with all the provisions esp when you have poor people getting the shaft if you don't target them but it would create a lot of headaches if people signed it. Their excuse? "The bill is there, just sign it". Of course, they can't sign it and that's how it will become. "Republican refused to sign stimulus bill and Trump is inept at dealing with the economy" Bahamut.Celebrindal
simple new policy. If you've got a (D) or an (R) after your name and talk about this, I will immediately turn off whatever media platform is poisoning me with your idiocy. I'm only listening if you got both the D and the R.
Posts: 970
Draylo said: » People are losing their jobs, LONG TERM DAMAGE is approaching for many people. What do you think is funny about that to say "stop being a baby?" It isn't just some "sacrifices" they are quite big. Businesses are going under, people are heavily relying on credit and building debt, the economy is suffering hard. A lot of misinformation is going around. I specifically remember watching all the news broadcasts and them saying this will barely have an affect on younger people aged 20~40 that don't have pre-existing conditions. So people are worried about the future and how they will be suffering economically. People who are facing the streets or no food and you're calling them babies, just to be clear. A tiny check from the government that won't even cover most peoples rent cost for a month in NYC alone, not to mention other expenses. The threat of doing this for another 2~3 months is real and scary, more than the virus here. Taxes pay my salary. Without people working and spending money I have no income. On the flip side, I'll be 40 in a couple of months. I have stage 2 hypertension controlled (sort of) with four medications. I am pre-diabetic as well. I started going to the gym a couple of months ago to try to beat both of those. I now can't go to the gym because those have been closed down (yes I know I can do other things), and am noted as essential personnel. My job can't be done from home due to federal and state laws governing NCIC and who can/can't even look at the computer screen. I'm on the fence. Do I support a lockdown and keep people from spreading their nasty all over because I have to go to work and may catch something, but then they can't spend money and my dept starts laying people off, or do I support a return to work and risk catching COVID19 in which I am one of those at risk people you mentioned (pre-existing condition). Also me catching it means giving it to my immune compromised wife and elderly mother. Is this as bad as doctors and nurses are saying or is this just a little sniffle and you'll be fine? The vast amount of crap information spreading around makes me want to error on the side of caution. Offline
Posts: 1600
New Zealand seems to be in control of the virus. We've got roughly 250 confirmed cases in a population of 4,600,000 or so. None have been fatal and most have been traced to nationals returning from overseas when the government strongly suggested they get home before the borders were slammed shut.
We're two days into a month-long lockdown. It's the right way to beat COVID honestly, the virus living on surfaces in public places will be long dead by then and community transmission will cease quickly once it peaks. The main issue I see the country facing is what will happen when seasonal flu hits when we approach the winter months of June-August. I can see a lot of people getting the regular flu, panicking and thinking they have COVID somehow. New Zealand, heck the world, has to figure out a way of safely reconnecting after the dust has settled. I think the best plan for New Zealand will be to re-open travel to places which have undergone lockdowns and gotten it under control; Singapore, South Korea and Japan will be first most likely. Whether this is the plan the rest of the world uses or not I have no idea. Why the USA has not slammed into a complete lockdown yet I have absolutely no idea, I know individual states have but this needs to be nationwide to really kill the virus. Stay strong and persevere through lockdowns and we'll see you on the other side. No, locking NYC for 6 months will not be fine. NY is at the center of a lot of business, it will ripple out to your tiny town in whatever random state youre in. It will not survive a 6 month lockdown, I can guarantee that.
Posts: 970
kireek said: » The region I live in has around 100-150k people, there has been 1 case since it started. It's almost all going to be in the main cities like London, New York etc etc due to mass dense populations that take part in repeated international travel. I live in a rural area, population is 48,000. We've had two confirmed cases, one of which was initially turned away from the main hospital due to not having traveled anywhere outside of the state within the last month. She presented with what her primary thought was pneumonia, didn't respond to treatment, finally was tested and popped positive for COVID19. This, admittedly, may be anecdotal, but so far our rate of infection is 4x higher than yours. If our system(s) can't survive a lockdown for a couple months, maybe the broken system(s) need to be fixed. No time like the present.
If our healthcare wasn't linked to employers. If people earned a living wage so they could save for emergencies (spoiler pandemics DO happen!) and wouldn't be doing slave labor for slave pay scraping by paycheck to paycheck. If we had paid sick leave and wouldn't get fired for getting Covid-19. If our idiot in chief had capable staff. I mean the list is a mile long. Shelter in place is the last and only reasonable option left. Next is concentration camps and murdering victims to stem the spread. I mean yeah, if only we lived in a perfect world. I can see the effects of this shutdown myself already and I am positive there are people in a much worse situation than me in NYC. I have good savings and a lot of available credit to use to keep me going. Many people live paycheck to paycheck.
If you think locking down NYC won't effect you in your backwater state or even in another country, you are sorely mistaken. It will be a really big problem if this goes on more than a month or so. We'll all be fine if newyork gets wiped off the map. There's a lot of open space on earth, it's almost as if humans shouldn't all gather in one location so things like this don't happen. hmmm.
In fact, we may do better once you're all gone. Nope, its the most important place in the world!
Posts: 970
Draylo said: » Nope, its the most important place in the world! I'm honestly trying to think of why, save for wall street, which is significant considering retirements are tied to stocks. Is there not a contingency plan in place? Not everyone has the luxury of working from home.
It doesn't matter if its a city, How exactly are you going to prevent a virus from entering your state or country? Most times they don't even know its present. The chance to that type of warfare has been around forever. WW1 for example? They don't use it now for a reason, I'm sure they would rather use nuclear warfare first as option over that. There is always going to be threats, that isn't an excuse to dismantle all popular cities around the world and force people to live in farms and work online.. lol. Little extreme thinking here don't you agree? Bahamut.Lexouritis
huttburt<3 said: » H1N1, SARS, and now this have all traced back to China. Why? China is the only place that has huge "wet markets". It has to do with a bunch of wild game, that's caged live and slaughtered in one place. Wild game is an incredible host for disease H1N1 is the American Virus. Can be said for how we americans obtain our meat. Many CAFO's are way worse than any open market in china. Everything we eat literally lives in it's own ***. Also H1N1, mutated from a common virus found in the american pork industry, came from one of these CAFO's right here in the USA. This corona thing isn't that bad, it's contagious as *** though. That's a big problem though. The more in spreads, the more chances it could mutate into several, possibly more virulent forms. Then you'll really see a rush for TP. kireek said: » If you were to turn off your TV and internet, you would never even know this is happening. This is where I stopped reading, how about everyone else? Caitsith.Shiroi said: » kireek said: » 10% of 3k is 300, is there only one hospital in Canada? An ICU unit in Montreal has a maximum capacity of about 30 patients, varies a little depending on the hospital. There's like 800~ cases in Montreal, so let's say about 80-100 people requiring ICU care ON TOP of people needing care for issues unrelated to COVID-19. It's starting to get crazy, yes. You are going to have to break down what an ICU unit is man. |
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