Fusenaikyo- SU5 - Questions?

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Fusenaikyo- SU5 - Questions?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: arouis
Posts: 31
By Asura.Arouis 2019-11-23 02:57:56
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Just a few Q's really, just planning on some fun with a mule but able to still put up some numbers, does anyone have any experience of this GK at all? Yes I will build Masa eventually, but I can just buy this, and I kinda want it :)
Posts: 124
By Fayona 2019-11-23 06:48:44
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I’ve used SU5 Gk as solo DD in the frog ambu and Odin VD using path B. It’s incredibly effective as it allows Sam to cap SB2 without changing an ounce of your TP set. If you’re using monks roll you can run full zanhasso. In both instances the fight lasted about 2 mins, as the mobs die from a standard 5 step plus 1 or 2 more SC.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1081
By Asura.Bippin 2019-11-23 18:32:39
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Been on the fence on picking one up for a while now.

Edit:*** it got it

Do you not get access to Tachi: Kaiten with it?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: arouis
Posts: 226
By Bahamut.Fulgrim 2019-11-24 02:15:34
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Asura.Bippin said: »
Been on the fence on picking one up for a while now.

Edit:*** it got it

Do you not get access to Tachi: Kaiten with it?

Only under Sekkanoki, how's the damage looking?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2019-11-24 02:28:23
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Situations where you don't have a COR, then Fusen. (Path B) is a worthy and swift blade..

In situations where you have a critical window of time to end a battle with an incredibly powerful Fudo.. Then switch to Fusen. (Path C) to unleash Sekkanokki'd full power Fudo at 3k TP to annihilate the enemy and all of its surroundings..

On many NMs I've reached 90k+ Tachi: Fudo and not even fully buffed...

This is why many of the SU5 blades are worthy of being in their own class as legendary weapons.. They can do things that REMAs can't.. Another great weapon to add to your arsenal for certain situations if you have the gil..

Which by now everyone should..

The Acronym of a Completed SAM =

A-D.R.E.A.M. - SAM

A=Ambuscade (Polearm)
D=Dynamis SU5

.. ^_*)
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2019-11-24 02:33:12
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^Isn't patch C better for that? 100wsdmg under sekka?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: arouis
Posts: 226
By Bahamut.Fulgrim 2019-11-24 02:43:04
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Asura.Syto said: »
Situations where you don't have a COR, then Fusen. (Path B) is a worthy and swift blade..

In situations where you have a critical window of time to end a battle with an incredibly powerful Fudo.. Then switch to Fusen. (Path C) to unleash Sekkanokki'd full power Fudo at 3k TP to annihilate the enemy and all of its surroundings..

On many NMs I've reached 90k+ Tachi: Fudo and not even fully buffed...

This is why many of the SU5 blades are worthy of being in their own class as legendary weapons.. They can do things that REMAs can't.. Another great weapon to add to your arsenal for certain situations if you have the gil..

Which by now everyone should..

The Acronym of a Completed SAM =

D.R.E.A.M. - SAM

D=Dynamis SU5

.. ^_*)

Is path A not worth?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2019-11-24 03:41:31
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Bahamut.Fulgrim said: »
Asura.Syto said: »
Situations where you don't have a COR, then Fusen. (Path B) is a worthy and swift blade..

In situations where you have a critical window of time to end a battle with an incredibly powerful Fudo.. Then switch to Fusen. (Path C) to unleash Sekkanokki'd full power Fudo at 3k TP to annihilate the enemy and all of its surroundings..

On many NMs I've reached 90k+ Tachi: Fudo and not even fully buffed...

This is why many of the SU5 blades are worthy of being in their own class as legendary weapons.. They can do things that REMAs can't.. Another great weapon to add to your arsenal for certain situations if you have the gil..

Which by now everyone should..

The Acronym of a Completed SAM =

D.R.E.A.M. - SAM

D=Dynamis SU5

.. ^_*)

Is path A not worth?

Not really... there are better alternatives and less expensive..

Path B and Path C provide exclusive benefits in unique scenarios and worth it..
Posts: 1444
By Chimerawizard 2019-11-24 03:59:16
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I H.A.V.E. A D.R.E.A.M.

D-Divergence Su5

Only 4 more ultimate weapon varients remain.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2019-11-24 04:30:13
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Chimerawizard said: »
I H.A.V.E. A D.R.E.A.M.

D-Divergence Su5

Only 4 more ultimate weapon varients remain.

Only 3 more..

D.R.A.M.A Q.U.E.E.N.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1081
By Asura.Bippin 2019-11-25 14:07:40
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Bahamut.Fulgrim said: »
Asura.Bippin said: »
Been on the fence on picking one up for a while now.

Edit:*** it got it

Do you not get access to Tachi: Kaiten with it?

Only under Sekkanoki, how's the damage looking?
On Kaiten? Still kinda sucks
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-11-25 15:26:54
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Anyone selling 2 of them? Asura is always empty by the time I transfer.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1081
By Asura.Bippin 2019-11-25 15:28:41
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I would check who normally sells them on Asura and message them about buying two.

I am thinking of picking up a second one at one point to do path C on.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2019-11-25 15:36:36
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I tried this in the past but had very little luck, people were mostly busy doing other weapons it seemed.

I guess I'll hop on my Asuran mule and bother than Z crafter, he seems successful.
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Posts: 259
By Demhar 2020-01-10 18:37:29
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I have witnessed path b out parse r15 masa in dynamis run due to the pure spam machine.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2020-01-10 18:55:52
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Demhar said: »
I have witnessed path b out parse r15 masa in dynamis run due to the pure spam machine.

Everything can happen in Dynamis, because of connection and people speed in switching target being the biggest factor. Also SAM is getting TP so fast, that in most cases SU5 wont WS faster, but simply will have higher TP overflow, but that TP overflow wont beat 70STR and +10% Fudo damage and then there is also higher white damage on Masamune.
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