New ideas for FFxi (be a positive open mind)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 12:14:41
This is a friendly positive brainstorming topic. Possibly vote on some ideas presented. Trolling is always great but let's see who really is invested and interested in helping this game. After reading the long topic of "this game is dying" post Cherrywine has actually given me an idea. Okay I'm a long (too long) playing ffxi player who has never taken a hiatus. Play when I can now but the most hiatus I've ever taken was a week. Now here's the thing:IF yes that's IF you had the chance to make a new FFxi expansion here are the questions that must be answered:(take time when answering)
Amount of chapters/missions:
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs:
The land:what kind of land and government would it be? Describe different areas, etc
Content:new battle content or endgame content
Relation: how it helps present game and still continuing with the new content.
Story:The main beginning,middle and end.
Old FF into new expansion: what characters or avatars could be in this expansion taken from Any Ff game that have not been included already in 11.
Point of playing: it's relation and importance of doing this expansion.
Rewards:what kind of rewards do you get at finishing this expansion?
Price:how much
Now would be nice to see people take this seriously it would be neat to see people's ideas. I will revisit these in exactly one month then maybe we can vote. Also this is a work in progress not for people to argue back and forth. Mine won't be posted for awhile because I'll be busy with doctor appointments. But let's be chival guys and girls. No judgement on people's ideas let's see what people can create.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Valefor.Heabea 2017-08-18 12:58:51
make it super simple. to reduce dev time drastically just do something talked about in game lore that reuses a lot of models and is very story limited. maybe even no story at all except for some introductory and quests. All end game combat like escha/reis
Name: Orcish Campaign
lands: orcish homeland
-a small barebones fort, mainly elvaan manned, would like a colonial american style semi wooden/ semi stone fort (maybe even like a quebec city style thing)
-an open grasslands with regular mobs and interspaced orcs
- mountainous region that actually has a real climb like a non-snowy ulu range. Maybe a magically volcano on top with a quest to restore and fight phoenix for SMNs
- a monastic caverns 2.0, much bigger, maybe a mission or quest involving orcish shaman trying to revive an orc emperor or god or something.
- swampy area, has a troll encampment (new beastmen, sorta like skinny orcs, allie to orcs).
- orc stronghold, like a way more fortified ghelsba.
-maybe 1-2 other zones for completion.
quests: mostly based on a coalition/campaign op/assault system involving efforts to keep down the orcs, ex: supply raids, NM assassinations, fortification take downs. could have a small campaign style thing.
what's in it: you find a troll forge at one point that can +2/3 relic and empyrean armor.
new jobs: as much as I would like to see new jobs, there are too many as is. Just make aesthetic sets (or useful armor). New sets can include onion knight, calculator, time mage, mime; easy for SE to make to please fans, and put stats that related to said job on the gear.
story: orcs have finally built their forces back up after the last campaign (post crystal war that was alluded to in wings). The elvaans and their allies can hold anymore and have asked adventurers to enlist to aid in holding off a mass scale invasion of the mainland. The orcs are preparing to revive one of their fallen leaders to finally invade the middle lands. Its not so much involving the avatars and gods this time, mostly a mortal conflict.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Asura.Nuance 2017-08-18 13:59:16
Far East / north / south would all be dope additions. Gigas homelands to the north Mithras to the south and the ever fabled Far East we always see items describing and where things like ninja and samurai come from.
As much as I'd like an epic story like that of chains of promathia and cut scenes like that of wings of the goddess I'd be completely happy with a bare bones expansion with little to no main missions and the whole thing revolve around keeping this faction or that faction from an effort to invade the homelands of bastok sandy and windy in the form of an assault or campaign style system as stated above.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-08-18 14:05:00
I just wish they would fully convert the game to PC, so they could add more abilities/spells etc.
By zaxtiss 2017-08-18 14:10:12
I just wish they would fully convert the game to PC, so they could add more abilities/spells etc. i thought they did? or are the JP's still able to use PS2?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2006
By Asura.Lokimaru 2017-08-18 14:11:08
The game is fully PC only...
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-08-18 14:26:18
Pretty sure they still update the game through a PS2 dev kit. What I mean by that is, I want them to remove the limitations. On PC there should not be limitations. Aka fully code it for PC.
Unless I am derping that's the reason they are "full" with spells, not able to make new animations etc
By Chimerawizard 2017-08-18 15:01:31
Even Everquest had a tutorial town + dungeon. It's long overdue.
To get the most response to the addition of a tutorial/npc flags, start an ad campaign for the game to spur new blood. It's the only thing I can think of to revitalize the game. lower the baseline of the learning curve in game + try and rope in a bunch of people at the same time, so they aren't stuck playing solo to 99 instead seeing other new players all around them to join up with.
Name: New Player tutorial
lands: Tavnazia (S)
zone: Lufaise Meadeaus as it was during the great war.
story: Player starts as a non-combatant escaping from the battle of tavnazia's fall in great war. You must find a boat and flee before you are killed by the invading beastmen.
missions: many missions/quests are given starting with learning how to navigate the menus and ending with a full scale battle against some low level goblin NM with several trusts assisting.
Point of playing: Get new players acclimated with the game so they aren't just thrown in the world.
Gear: some accessories increasing combat/magic/crafting skill gain can be given out at the point in time when each is taught to the player.
Price: free.
Content: In addition to adding new areas for players, add a toggle to display new/current quest, mission, vendor, etc flags above npc heads. I dislike them but to help ease new/returning players into the game it would probably be a nice addition.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2017-08-18 15:16:57
This is a friendly positive brainstorming topic. Possibly vote on some ideas presented. Trolling is always great but let's see who really is invested and interested in helping this game. After reading the long topic of "this game is dying" post Cherrywine has actually given me an idea. Okay I'm a long (too long) playing ffxi player who has never taken a hiatus. Play when I can now but the most hiatus I've ever taken was a week. Now here's the thing:IF yes that's IF you had the chance to make a new FFxi expansion here are the questions that must be answered:(take time when answering)
Amount of chapters/missions:
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs:
The land:what kind of land and government would it be? Describe different areas, etc
Content:new battle content or endgame content
Relation: how it helps present game and still continuing with the new content.
Story:The main beginning,middle and end.
Old FF into new expansion: what characters or avatars could be in this expansion taken from Any Ff game that have not been included already in 11.
Point of playing: it's relation and importance of doing this expansion.
Rewards:what kind of rewards do you get at finishing this expansion?
Price:how much
Now would be nice to see people take this seriously it would be neat to see people's ideas. I will revisit these in exactly one month then maybe we can vote. Also this is a work in progress not for people to argue back and forth. Mine won't be posted for awhile because I'll be busy with doctor appointments. But let's be chival guys and girls. No judgement on people's ideas let's see what people can create.
I posted something in a thread very similar to this. Maybe a month or two ago? I'll see if I can track it down. IIRC it had several people who loved the ideas. I can also expand on the ideas further. This will include new zones, new NMs, 22 new jobs, and a huge expansion to the synthesis system.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9969
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-18 15:20:37
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs:
No more new jobs, seriously no more. Each additional job adds another layer of difficulty in balance between them. There are only six positions in a party and we already have several jobs that are practically mandatory. This game has become support heavy because they all stack and SE kept adding more of them.
Instead current jobs should be further enhanced via new spells and abilities that horizontally expand the job.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2017-08-18 15:28:06
Ok, found the post.
Check below.
Quote: I, personally, would love a "Job Upgrade" system similar to what the original Final Fantasy had where it had this...
Warrior > Knight
Monk > Master
Thief > Ninja
Red Mage > Red Wizard
White Mage > White Wizard
Black Mage > Black Wizard
But for Final Fantasy 11, the quest would involve farming a colored tail (Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 4 The After Years reference) specific to your job and some dialogue with Bahamut (just like original FF)
Once the job upgrade quest is complete, you are Lv. 1 again (like Cecil FF4 when he went from DRK to PLD) and must level back up to 99. Once the upgraded job is 99, the job is 30-40% stronger than the non-upgraded version, however, it will take x2 the EXP required per level. For instance, Lv. 1 to Lv. 2 normally takes 500 EXP. With an upgraded job, it would require 1000 EXP to level up to Lv. 2
Some of the "upgraded" job ideas....
Warrior > Gladiator
Monk > Black Belt
Thief > Rogue
Black Mage > Sage
White Mage > Devout
Red Mage > Onion Knight
Paladin > Holy Knight
Dark Knight > Vampire
Beastmaster > Tamer
Bard > Musician
Ranger > Hunter
Samurai > Ronin
Ninja > Assassin
Dragoon > Dragon Master
Summoner > Caller
Blue Mage > Magus
Corsair > Pirate
Puppetmaster > Machinist
Scholar > Professor
Dancer > Figurant
Geomancer > Elementalist
Rune Fencer > Runic Knight
Each of these upgraded jobs would have their own lore, their own Artifact and Relic armors. They all will also have their own synthesized gear of all levels 1 through 99 which would revitalize the crafting market and include items that are not normally used as synthesis materials. Also, weapons already in existence can be used by these jobs. Plus there would be new synthesizeable weapons that are specific to the upgraded jobs.
By Azurea 2017-08-18 16:06:32
They should remove the level cap quests so you can just burn 1 to 99 on a new account with PL
You had me until you said PL. Sure, that's fine for secondary accounts, but for a new player they should level AT LEAST one job on their own. There are enough "veterans" that get to 99 and have no idea how to play their jobs, much less complete beginners.
Edit: Also I've always wanted a sub-subjob, to be half the level of your actual subjob -- 99/49/24. I used to have dreams of this back at 75, to do things like PLD/NIN/WAR. Haven't given it much thought at the 99 cap, but eh, I can dream!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 314
By Phoenix.Libbien 2017-08-18 17:15:57
Upgrading jobs would be cool. I said in another thread that non repetitive content would be huge for me. Something free flowing (no downtime between fights) with more of a read and react element than a preplanned strat. This would require some degree of randomness like SR or Einherjar sort of was so I'm not sure of the limitations, but the potential would be huge. The most fun I've had in this game is when things go south and you have to make split second decisions that either save or end the run. Those moments are when you find out who knows how to play their job and who only knows what is required most of the time.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10
By Asura.Maphesto 2017-08-18 17:54:12
I'd love too see them makes Monstrosity and Pankraton relevant for an end game option, I know that almost no one playing cares about it but I like to hop in it from time to time, I even enjoy playing as a mob. They could make it a supplement to Ambuscade, I honestly think it would liven up the game as a unique option for end game content and it's possible that it would help fulfill many people's desire for a better pvp system in the game.... (granted I'm not in to pvp at all). Thoughts?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-08-18 18:08:24
System Merge: Ability to take 6 friends and Morph into a Big Robot type monster, and go fight other Monsters for group and individual Prize.
Prize would be unique gear and rare items to be used for upgrades and augments.
Alternatively could enable the player base to have an all tier gear. Where as all jobs can wear the same gear, same benefits and remove the notion of "Light, Medium, Heavy" armor types for this specific group of gear.
Ive always wanted a set bonus where 2~3 give auto rr, 4+ gives AOE arise effect.
By Blazed1979 2017-08-18 18:21:05
This is a friendly positive brainstorming topic. Possibly vote on some ideas presented. My contribution:
1. Bring back Tanakka
2. Make Matsui serve as his foot stool
3. Sage Sundi as official forums moderator - please look forward to it.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 19:14:52
They should remove the level cap quests so you can just burn 1 to 99 on a new account with PL
You had me until you said PL. Sure, that's fine for secondary accounts, but for a new player they should level AT LEAST one job on their own. There are enough "veterans" that get to 99 and have no idea how to play their jobs, much less complete beginners.
Edit: Also I've always wanted a sub-subjob, to be half the level of your actual subjob -- 99/49/24. I used to have dreams of this back at 75, to do things like PLD/NIN/WAR. Haven't given it much thought at the 99 cap, but eh, I can dream! Well I thought that at first too but I want to get a couple of friends playing but the quests remove the ability to pl straight to end game, the only level worth being. So I would like it for this reason. Maybe they should allow it if the character has a gold world pass or the new player pays to start at 99. I don't know but the level cap every 5 levels is a massive *** block to getting more people to play for me personally. You mean after level 50? I mean there's no cap before that unless they changed that.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2017-08-18 20:28:09
Title: The Master's Monstrous Mistake
Amount of chapters/missions: Many. Access to the final set of areas are gated behind Monstrosity. Once finished with the Monstrosity content already in existence, a few additional quests lay the story work that bridges the gap from Vana'diel to Mordion Gaol.
The Setting: Mordion Gaol, the place where Pandemonium Warden, Tumult Curator and the Master referenced in Leafalia originate.
Content: You start as your avatar from Monstrosity, fighting with other monstrous PCs in Walk of Echoes-like battlefields called Valhalla. Your opponents are all former PC models: Tarutaru, Galka, Mithra, Elvaan and Hume.
The final tier of these WoE-like battlefields houses the terrestrial avatar of Chaos, Hades, a Kuluu tonberry who long ago made a pact with Odin in an attempt to circumvent the curse upon his people. Instead it compounded the curse, making him a focal point of chaotic energies, opening a path to Mordion Gaol but trapping him on the far side. The first encounter with him is a mission battle.
Upon completion of these tiers, a battlefield to obtain Hades as a summon is opened to PCs. Other rewards include tank, mage and DPS-orientated accessories. After winning once, a HTBF version is made available for other rewards.
After clearing the Hades mission battle, Hades remembers who he had been in Vana'diel and he calls Odin to appear. Odin grants you the power to return to your original form for content in Mordion Gaol.
Since Odin arrives, Alexander also appears because that's just how it works. He starts the quests for "job upgrading" and the new REMAs, finally directing you to consult Bahamut, with his blessing.
The next zones of Mordion Gaol are delve-like in progression, look like Outer Ra'Kaznar, but have hidden NMs like Salvage. These NMs follow the tradition of Unity, but lean heavily on the missing families fought in ZNM. These zones provide mid-challenge and gear. There will be a lot of reason to replay these zones, but they are not meant to be endgame.
Endgame will be fought in a twisted version of Limbus. Here players will learn the origin of Caturae, evil automatons controlled by demonic PUPs.
Caturae battles will play well with DRKs, proper Demons will play well with SAMs, and other monsters of every family will also play a significant part in these zones. BSTs and any jobs with Circle effects will have a reason to use these abilities. If not already clear, PCs can be their original race or a Monstrosity avatar, so those options are also present.
The second to last battle will be with the Master, a PUP that can and will utilize Overdrive and the SPs available to its Caturae automatons. There will be 6. His goal is to better understand the multitude of life created by the shattering of the Mother Crystal so that he can reassemble them within himself and become a proper god.
Defeating the Master opens a new zone, that looks like Sea, to fight through that ends with a final battle against Chaos, the culmination of the Master's research and efforts, that is some kind of twisted Absolute Virtue-thing.
After killing Chaos, the Master's underling spermies come to you, revealing that they are also Sanruku and Ryo, looking for purpose. You shrug like you always do in every final cutscene, revealing some greater truth that had always been right in their faces but they had never noticed before. They leave for their own journey and mention some cryptic nonsense about Ebon Panels, but, before they go, give you some crystalline potion the Master had made. Pouring this over the remaining artifacts of Phoenix bring the missing avatar back to strength, balancing Hades so that the pair can happily conflict between chaos and hope.
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs: We don't need new jobs. I really like Siviard's idea of "upgrading" our existing jobs. The items needed to do so could be littered about the content available within this expansion.
New REMAs would be cool. Tartarus platemail-like appearance, but in weapon form and more celestial in color. Instead of glowing with the red of hell, more blues, whites and golds. Soul Calibur-esque, I imagine.
Plot-wise, we could have Bahamut be the NPC that takes the place of Goblins for the new REMAs as well as the job upgrade quests. Bring him items that prove you have fought against the taint of Mordion Gaol, and he will reforge them with dragon fire into pure soul gems or something.
Price: All of your money.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:31:54
Fenrir.Cherrywine said: »Title: The Master's Monstrous Mistake
Amount of chapters/missions: Many. Access to the final set of areas are gated behind Monstrosity. Once finished with the Monstrosity content already in existence, a few additional quests lay the story work that bridges the gap from Vana'diel to Mordion Gaol.
The Setting: Mordion Gaol, the place where Pandemonium Warden, Tumult Curator and the Master referenced in Leafalia originate.
Content: You start as your avatar from Monstrosity, fighting with other monstrous PCs in Walk of Echoes-like battlefields called Valhalla. Your opponents are all former PC models: Tarutaru, Galka, Mithra, Elvaan and Hume.
The final tier of these WoE-like battlefields houses the terrestrial avatar of Chaos, Hades, a Kuluu tonberry who long ago made a pact with Odin in an attempt to circumvent the curse upon his people. Instead it compounded the curse, making him a focal point of chaotic energies, opening a path to Mordion Gaol but trapping him on the far side. The first encounter with him is a mission battle.
Upon completion of these tiers, a battlefield to obtain Hades as a summon is opened to PCs. Other rewards include tank, mage and DPS-orientated accessories. After winning once, a HTBF version is made available for other rewards.
After clearing the Hades mission battle, Hades remembers who he had been in Vana'diel and he calls Odin to appear. Odin grants you the power to return to your original form for content in Mordion Gaol.
Since Odin arrives, Alexander also appears because that's just how it works. He starts the quests for "job upgrading" and the new REMAs, finally directing you to consult Bahamut, with his blessing.
The next zones of Mordion Gaol are delve-like in progression, look like Outer Ra'Kaznar, but have hidden NMs like Salvage. These NMs follow the tradition of Unity, but lean heavily on the missing families fought in ZNM. These zones provide mid-challenge and gear. There will be a lot of reason to replay these zones, but they are not meant to be endgame.
Endgame will be fought in a twisted version of Limbus. Here players will learn the origin of Caturae, evil automatons controlled by demonic PUPs.
Caturae battles will play well with DRKs, proper Demons will play well with SAMs, and other monsters of every family will also play a significant part in these zones. BSTs and any jobs with Circle effects will have a reason to use these abilities. If not already clear, PCs can be their original race or a Monstrosity avatar, so those options are also present.
The second to last battle will be with the Master, a PUP that can and will utilize Overdrive and the SPs available to its Caturae automatons. There will be 6. His goal is to better understand the multitude of life created by the shattering of the Mother Crystal so that he can reassemble them within himself and become a proper god.
Defeating the Master opens a new zone, that looks like Sea, to fight through that ends with a final battle against Chaos, the culmination of the Master's research and efforts, that is some kind of twisted Absolute Virtue-thing.
After killing Chaos, the Master's underling spermies come to you, revealing that they are also Sanruku and Ryo, looking for purpose. You shrug like you always do in every final cutscene, revealing some greater truth that had always been right in their faces but they had never noticed before. They leave for their own journey and mention some cryptic nonsense about Ebon Panels, but, before they go, give you some crystalline potion the Master had made. Pouring this over the remaining artifacts of Phoenix bring the missing avatar back to strength, balancing Hades so that the pair can happily conflict between chaos and hope.
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs: We don't need new jobs. I really like Siviard's idea of "upgrading" our existing jobs. The items needed to do so could be littered about the content available within this expansion.
New REMAs would be cool. Tartarus platemail-like appearance, but in weapon form and more celestial in color. Instead of glowing with the red of hell, more blues, whites and golds. Soul Calibur-esque, I imagine.
Plot-wise, we could have Bahamut be the NPC that takes the place of Goblins for the new REMAs as well as the job upgrade quests. Bring him items that prove you have fought against the taint of Mordion Gaol, and he will reforge them with dragon fire into pure soul gems or something.
Price: All of your money. Interesting using the old within the new. But man all of my money!? Lol
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:32:24
Leviathan.Brotherhood said: »System Merge: Ability to take 6 friends and Morph into a Big Robot type monster, and go fight other Monsters for group and individual Prize.
Prize would be unique gear and rare items to be used for upgrades and augments.
Alternatively could enable the player base to have an all tier gear. Where as all jobs can wear the same gear, same benefits and remove the notion of "Light, Medium, Heavy" armor types for this specific group of gear.
Ive always wanted a set bonus where 2~3 give auto rr, 4+ gives AOE arise effect. Talk about team work and voltron.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:32:55
I'd love too see them makes Monstrosity and Pankraton relevant for an end game option, I know that almost no one playing cares about it but I like to hop in it from time to time, I even enjoy playing as a mob. They could make it a supplement to Ambuscade, I honestly think it would liven up the game as a unique option for end game content and it's possible that it would help fulfill many people's desire for a better pvp system in the game.... (granted I'm not in to pvp at all). Thoughts? Look at cherrywines idea. I'm sure inspired by yours.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:34:56
Ok, found the post.
Check below.
Quote: I, personally, would love a "Job Upgrade" system similar to what the original Final Fantasy had where it had this...
Warrior > Knight
Monk > Master
Thief > Ninja
Red Mage > Red Wizard
White Mage > White Wizard
Black Mage > Black Wizard
But for Final Fantasy 11, the quest would involve farming a colored tail (Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 4 The After Years reference) specific to your job and some dialogue with Bahamut (just like original FF)
Once the job upgrade quest is complete, you are Lv. 1 again (like Cecil FF4 when he went from DRK to PLD) and must level back up to 99. Once the upgraded job is 99, the job is 30-40% stronger than the non-upgraded version, however, it will take x2 the EXP required per level. For instance, Lv. 1 to Lv. 2 normally takes 500 EXP. With an upgraded job, it would require 1000 EXP to level up to Lv. 2
Some of the "upgraded" job ideas....
Warrior > Gladiator
Monk > Black Belt
Thief > Rogue
Black Mage > Sage
White Mage > Devout
Red Mage > Onion Knight
Paladin > Holy Knight
Dark Knight > Vampire
Beastmaster > Tamer
Bard > Musician
Ranger > Hunter
Samurai > Ronin
Ninja > Assassin
Dragoon > Dragon Master
Summoner > Caller
Blue Mage > Magus
Corsair > Pirate
Puppetmaster > Machinist
Scholar > Professor
Dancer > Figurant
Geomancer > Elementalist
Rune Fencer > Runic Knight
Each of these upgraded jobs would have their own lore, their own Artifact and Relic armors. They all will also have their own synthesized gear of all levels 1 through 99 which would revitalize the crafting market and include items that are not normally used as synthesis materials. Also, weapons already in existence can be used by these jobs. Plus there would be new synthesizeable weapons that are specific to the upgraded jobs. Of course people would be screaming FF14 but you're right this is an old FF system. Be interesting a final form of "AF" sort of speak.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:35:32
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs:
No more new jobs, seriously no more. Each additional job adds another layer of difficulty in balance between them. There are only six positions in a party and we already have several jobs that are practically mandatory. This game has become support heavy because they all stack and SE kept adding more of them.
Instead current jobs should be further enhanced via new spells and abilities that horizontally expand the job. I see your point.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:37:26
Even Everquest had a tutorial town + dungeon. It's long overdue.
To get the most response to the addition of a tutorial/npc flags, start an ad campaign for the game to spur new blood. It's the only thing I can think of to revitalize the game. lower the baseline of the learning curve in game + try and rope in a bunch of people at the same time, so they aren't stuck playing solo to 99 instead seeing other new players all around them to join up with.
Name: New Player tutorial
lands: Tavnazia (S)
zone: Lufaise Meadeaus as it was during the great war.
story: Player starts as a non-combatant escaping from the battle of tavnazia's fall in great war. You must find a boat and flee before you are killed by the invading beastmen.
missions: many missions/quests are given starting with learning how to navigate the menus and ending with a full scale battle against some low level goblin NM with several trusts assisting.
Point of playing: Get new players acclimated with the game so they aren't just thrown in the world.
Gear: some accessories increasing combat/magic/crafting skill gain can be given out at the point in time when each is taught to the player.
Price: free.
Content: In addition to adding new areas for players, add a toggle to display new/current quest, mission, vendor, etc flags above npc heads. I dislike them but to help ease new/returning players into the game it would probably be a nice addition. I enjoy this addition. It's very true starting in FF11 is very "figure it out for yourself."
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:38:34
Far East / north / south would all be dope additions. Gigas homelands to the north Mithras to the south and the ever fabled Far East we always see items describing and where things like ninja and samurai come from.
As much as I'd like an epic story like that of chains of promathia and cut scenes like that of wings of the goddess I'd be completely happy with a bare bones expansion with little to no main missions and the whole thing revolve around keeping this faction or that faction from an effort to invade the homelands of bastok sandy and windy in the form of an assault or campaign style system as stated above. Definitely something they haven't ventured in and should!
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2017-08-18 21:40:49
make it super simple. to reduce dev time drastically just do something talked about in game lore that reuses a lot of models and is very story limited. maybe even no story at all except for some introductory and quests. All end game combat like escha/reis
Name: Orcish Campaign
lands: orcish homeland
-a small barebones fort, mainly elvaan manned, would like a colonial american style semi wooden/ semi stone fort (maybe even like a quebec city style thing)
-an open grasslands with regular mobs and interspaced orcs
- mountainous region that actually has a real climb like a non-snowy ulu range. Maybe a magically volcano on top with a quest to restore and fight phoenix for SMNs
- a monastic caverns 2.0, much bigger, maybe a mission or quest involving orcish shaman trying to revive an orc emperor or god or something.
- swampy area, has a troll encampment (new beastmen, sorta like skinny orcs, allie to orcs).
- orc stronghold, like a way more fortified ghelsba.
-maybe 1-2 other zones for completion.
quests: mostly based on a coalition/campaign op/assault system involving efforts to keep down the orcs, ex: supply raids, NM assassinations, fortification take downs. could have a small campaign style thing.
what's in it: you find a troll forge at one point that can +2/3 relic and empyrean armor.
new jobs: as much as I would like to see new jobs, there are too many as is. Just make aesthetic sets (or useful armor). New sets can include onion knight, calculator, time mage, mime; easy for SE to make to please fans, and put stats that related to said job on the gear.
story: orcs have finally built their forces back up after the last campaign (post crystal war that was alluded to in wings). The elvaans and their allies can hold anymore and have asked adventurers to enlist to aid in holding off a mass scale invasion of the mainland. The orcs are preparing to revive one of their fallen leaders to finally invade the middle lands. Its not so much involving the avatars and gods this time, mostly a mortal conflict. I enjoy this. Especially the skinny orcs idea hehe.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 713
By Shiva.Eightball 2017-08-18 21:45:53
I like Siviards idea however I would rather the "master" jobs have access to ALL the equipment the "novice" class could use AS WELL AS some new equipment and 1 new RMEA level wep that is master job specific, and let this additional gear and maybe a change to some JAs like possibly slightly more potent JAs or slightly lower JA delays is what makes it stronger and not Overwhelmingly stronger than its novice so you can still play that job till you finish the Master equivalents to 99.
This is a friendly positive brainstorming topic. Possibly vote on some ideas presented. Trolling is always great but let's see who really is invested and interested in helping this game. After reading the long topic of "this game is dying" post Cherrywine has actually given me an idea. Okay I'm a long (too long) playing ffxi player who has never taken a hiatus. Play when I can now but the most hiatus I've ever taken was a week. Now here's the thing:IF yes that's IF you had the chance to make a new FFxi expansion here are the questions that must be answered:(take time when answering)
Amount of chapters/missions:
2-3 new jobs,their main focus,job abilities and 1 hours,REMAs:
The land:what kind of land and government would it be? Describe different areas, etc
Content:new battle content or endgame content
Relation: how it helps present game and still continuing with the new content.
Story:The main beginning,middle and end.
Old FF into new expansion: what characters or avatars could be in this expansion taken from Any Ff game that have not been included already in 11.
Point of playing: it's relation and importance of doing this expansion.
Rewards:what kind of rewards do you get at finishing this expansion?
Price:how much
Now would be nice to see people take this seriously it would be neat to see people's ideas. I will revisit these in exactly one month then maybe we can vote. Also this is a work in progress not for people to argue back and forth. Mine won't be posted for awhile because I'll be busy with doctor appointments. But let's be chival guys and girls. No judgement on people's ideas let's see what people can create.