4K Resolution FFXI And PS4

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4K resolution FFXI and PS4
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Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 14:03:01
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Jassik said: »
Steam is hardly popular in a AAA developer's eyes.

This might be 100% anecdotal, but Square-Enix, one of the most stubborn of publishers, a Japanese company, in which PC gaming is almost non-existent, has consistently been releasing more and more Final Fantasy titles on Steam on a streamlined and consistent basis.

Within a fiscal year, we got: XIV, III, IV, IV The After Years, XIII, XIII-2 and now V. So that ain't nothing.

Jassik said: »
I completely agree on backward compatibility. I do like that a lot of them are being offered on PSN/XBL for the newer systems, but I cannot believe they don't offer some kind of "you already bought it" credit.

This was the last nail in the coffin that made me give up on console gaming for the most part, outside exclusive titles I absolutely must have. I was sick and tired of being forced to re-buy all my old games. Console manufacturers are notorious for this.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 14:05:23
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Artemicion said: »
Jassik said: »
Steam is hardly popular in a AAA developer's eyes.

This might be 100% anecdotal, but Square-Enix, one of the most stubborn of publishers, a Japanese company, in which PC gaming is almost non-existent, has consistently been releasing more and more Final Fantasy titles on Steam on a streamlined and consistent basis.

Within a fiscal year, we got: XIV, III, IV, IV The After Years, XIII, XIII-2 and now V. So that ain't nothing.

As a sales platform, it'd be stupid to ignore, but I was thinking from a Steam OS development standpoint.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 14:07:05
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Jassik said: »
Artemicion said: »
Jassik said: »
Steam is hardly popular in a AAA developer's eyes.

This might be 100% anecdotal, but Square-Enix, one of the most stubborn of publishers, a Japanese company, in which PC gaming is almost non-existent, has consistently been releasing more and more Final Fantasy titles on Steam on a streamlined and consistent basis.

Within a fiscal year, we got: XIV, III, IV, IV The After Years, XIII, XIII-2 and now V. So that ain't nothing.

As a sales platform, it'd be stupid to ignore, but I was thinking from a Steam OS development standpoint.

Ah, well Steam OS is still an obscure thing in the works without any real defined objective or outlook on what it's meant to do or be. However, Valve announced that they do indeed have plans to have a retail presence in the US and Europe for their Steam Machines, Steam Controllers and their Steam Streaming Devices.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 14:19:15
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MGS5 actually does run 60 fps on both PS4 and Xbox One.
Was searching for PC vs PS4 sales of the game and unfortunately nothing.

If and when PC starts out selling console franchise games on PC over PS4 then I would imagine PC will defeat console but all this speculation and hypothesis on the future of gaming doesn't change reality. Not until console developers are smoothed over by PC sales. So it's basically in the hands of the gamers themselves dictating the future w/ their own personal purchasing power.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 14:31:34
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Artemicion said: »
Jassik said: »
Artemicion said: »
Jassik said: »
Steam is hardly popular in a AAA developer's eyes.

This might be 100% anecdotal, but Square-Enix, one of the most stubborn of publishers, a Japanese company, in which PC gaming is almost non-existent, has consistently been releasing more and more Final Fantasy titles on Steam on a streamlined and consistent basis.

Within a fiscal year, we got: XIV, III, IV, IV The After Years, XIII, XIII-2 and now V. So that ain't nothing.

As a sales platform, it'd be stupid to ignore, but I was thinking from a Steam OS development standpoint.

Ah, well Steam OS is still an obscure thing in the works without any real defined objective or outlook on what it's meant to do or be. However, Valve announced that they do indeed have plans to have a retail presence in the US and Europe for their Steam Machines, Steam Controllers and their Steam Streaming Devices.

You can bet if developers were willing to embrace it, they'd be working a lot harder on it. Heck, even the fact that there is such a market for console style peripherals should be a wake-up call.
By Aeyela 2015-10-06 14:35:07
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Siren.Akson said: »
If and when PC starts out selling console franchise games on PC over PS4 then I would imagine PC will defeat console but all this speculation and hypothesis on the future of gaming doesn't change reality. Not until console developers are smoothed over by PC sales. So it's basically in the hands of the gamers themselves dictating the future w/ their own personal purchasing power.

There are pros and cons to only owning a PC and there are pros and cons to only owning a console. The two are not mutually exclusive and at no point will either be 'defeated'.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 14:42:16
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Aeyela said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
If and when PC starts out selling console franchise games on PC over PS4 then I would imagine PC will defeat console but all this speculation and hypothesis on the future of gaming doesn't change reality. Not until console developers are smoothed over by PC sales. So it's basically in the hands of the gamers themselves dictating the future w/ their own personal purchasing power.

There are pros and cons to only owning a PC and there are pros and cons to only owning a console. The two are not mutually exclusive and at no point will either be 'defeated'.
I couldn't agree more. I understand how frustrating at times it must be seeing games on console and not PC when ya know PC is just capable of more but until we reach such a point. PC will never be #1 for gaming nor sales. Which I think is what such gamers are looking forward to?
Hell.. even this website is the aftermath of a console exclusive franchise for years ( since 1987 ) turned MMO and PC.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Shiva.Cymopoleia 2015-10-06 14:58:07
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Siren.Akson said: »
My PS4 ran me $400 day 1 launch so unless PC is equal price and specs then it's all about the games themselves and in that standpoint PC is not equal.

The thing most people forget is they already have a PC, you don't already have the Ps4. So dropping 400$ into your existing PC can net you a huge return if you don't buy top dollar ultra high end. Which isn't needed anyway.

When the PS5 comes out, you have to buy that whole system.
But half the parts in your PC keep working fine and will play the new game, just toss that 400$ on it for as needed upgrades, and you basically achieve the same results.

The common thought when people talk about gaming Pc's is them having a 2,000$ price tag as requirement, which is a truly mythical beast (you can spend 500$ for a whole system and get good fidelity). And that you tend to buy a whole new PC. Which also isn't true. 8/10 times you can reuse half your parts, including hard drive, OS, power supply, disc drive, even case and ram usually, as well as mouse/keyboards (or use your consoles controller), saving several hundred dollars at least.

A lot of advantages consoles had for gamers are starting to rapidly fade, others are dead.

Such as plug and play (pop in the game and play): Definitely dying. Systems can take gigs worth of updates before even counting the games.

And PC's being restricted to desks is long dead. Pc's now come in small ITX boxes capable of modern games with ease and are very mobile if needed, and can run on any TV with HDMI, often even with VGA cables on older TV's, and generally support most modern controllers.

The only benefit now is consoles do all updating by default, users don't have to fiddle with drivers. Both sides are more or less the same, excluding customization.
By 2015-10-06 15:17:00
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Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 15:18:39
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Angierus said: »
Shiva.Cymopoleia said: »
Such as plug and play (pop in the game and play): Definitely dying.

Plug and play is plugging in any USB peripheral device and having it work and function, such as keyboards, mice, game pads, etc.
ftfy ;-)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Shiva.Cymopoleia 2015-10-06 15:22:29
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Angierus said: »
Shiva.Cymopoleia said: »
Such as plug and play (pop in the game and play): Definitely dying.

Plug and play is plugging in any USB device and having it work and function, such as keyboards, mice, game pads, etc.

Technically, yes.
But it's also a fitting term used for consoles, I guess it's a bit old tho, consoles don't use carts any more, (except the vita and 3ds) so "plug" is a bit outdated.

But either way, consoles don't just let you put the game in and your playing in 2 mins. Not at first anyway... sometimes for awhile depending on the how poorly the game was made. But PC's are the same way.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 15:38:02
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Shiva.Cymopoleia said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
My PS4 ran me $400 day 1 launch so unless PC is equal price and specs then it's all about the games themselves and in that standpoint PC is not equal.
The thing most people forget is they already have a PC, you don't already have the Ps4.
I know both console and PC have both come a long way cept ya ignored my point. It's always been all about the games themselves selling consoles. I respect the fact some ppl prefer PC over console yet the fact remains. The greatest gaming developers on this planet are all aligned w/ the same format that all dwell below the names of Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. PC game developers are just not up to par for whatever reason. Which is the problem PC gamers face and why console gaming remains supreme even w/ inferior technology.
Console is the Hollywood of gaming while PC is all Bollywood.
By 2015-10-06 15:40:49
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2015-10-06 15:44:28
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shitty thing is, games sometimes have good potential, but are developed for a console, and going the cheap way around, they just "port" it to other consoles and pc, resulting sometimes in low quality games and not realizing their full potential.

just look at the last Batman game pc release fiasco
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 15:46:34
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Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

Bismarck.Misao said: »
shitty thing is, games sometimes have good potential, but are developed for a console, and going the cheap way around, they just "port" it to other consoles and pc, resulting sometimes in low quality games and not realizing their full potential.

just look at the last Batman game pc release fiasco

That's my biggest gripe with PC gaming. The big game developers focus on consoles and really drop the ball with the PC ports. I get the reasoning behind it, but it's sad to see games like Batman and Watchdogs suffer on PC's specifically because consoles exist.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 15:47:21
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Jassik said: »
Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

Load times on old games would disagree.
By Aeyela 2015-10-06 15:49:30
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Siren.Akson said: »
I know both console and PC have both come a long way cept ya ignored my point. It's always been all about the games themselves selling consoles. I respect the fact some ppl prefer PC over console yet the fact remains. The greatest gaming developers on this planet are all aligned w/ the same format that all dwell below the names of Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. PC game developers are just not up to par for whatever reason. Which is the problem PC gamers face and why console gaming remains supreme even w/ inferior technology.

First of all, it's your opinion that those developers are better. I'm sure plenty will disagree. I for one think Bethesda and the Unreal team are damn good developer studios. The Unreal Engine is being used on a lot of your console games, too.

You're also missing one key point from your very biased assessment. PC games often come with construction and editor tools that allow players to make their own content for games. Facilitating them takes more resources on the developer's side in order to allow people with varying degrees of computer power to use them. The limitations of consoles makes this impossible for console, yet it's something that's still relevant to comparisons. One only needs to look at the plethora of custom plugins for the three Elder Scrolls games to see just how much people love making their own content.

You could argue that console developers are lazier because they can't be bothered to deliver a better all around product for their customers. The replay value of said games is far higher, too, which increases their life expectancy.
By Aeyela 2015-10-06 15:50:53
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Jassik said: »
Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

You're all missing his point, albeit he chose a poor phrase to use. He means that "just playing" a game on consoles doesn't exist anymore, which it doesn't. You have to go through Gigabytes of downloads and what not.

Not much of a point since most PC games are the same, but anyway. This whole plug 'n' play discussion is a bit off tangent.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 15:51:07
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Jetackuu said: »
Jassik said: »
Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

Load times on old games would disagree.

Not sure what you're saying. Load times have remained pretty consistent throughout the generations, yet the amount of data that needs to be loaded has increase exponentially.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 15:52:46
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Aeyela said: »
Jassik said: »
Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

You're all missing his point, albeit he chose a poor phrase to use. He means that "just playing" a game on consoles doesn't exist anymore, which it doesn't. You have to go through Gigabytes of downloads and what not.

Not much of a point since most PC games are the same, but anyway. This whole plug 'n' play discussion is a bit off tangent.

That's what I was addressing. Modern consoles have to install games on the HDD or you'd be sitting for 5 mins at loading screens. Popping a disk in and going hasn't been the norm for any game in quite a few years.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 15:52:58
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Jassik said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Jassik said: »
Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

Load times on old games would disagree.

Not sure what you're saying. Load times have remained pretty consistent throughout the generations, yet the amount of data that needs to be loaded has increase exponentially.
First gen optical media, load times were insanely awful.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 15:54:33
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Jetackuu said: »
Jassik said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Jassik said: »
Plug n'Play is far from dead. Windows 10 actually has almost the entire windows supported driver cache native. Plug it in and play a game functionality of consoles is kinda out, mainly because so much information is being read, they put a portion of the assets on the HDD to offset disk read speeds. Early CD systems didn't need to install because they just weren't as large or complex as newer ones.

Load times on old games would disagree.

Not sure what you're saying. Load times have remained pretty consistent throughout the generations, yet the amount of data that needs to be loaded has increase exponentially.
First gen optical media, load times were insanely awful.

Compared to cartridges, sure, but compared to current systems, they really weren't that bad.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 15:55:31
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Jassik said: »
Compared to cartridges, sure, but compared to current systems, they really weren't that bad.
Just gonna have to disagree.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 15:56:34
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Aeyela said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
I know both console and PC have both come a long way cept ya ignored my point. It's always been all about the games themselves selling consoles. I respect the fact some ppl prefer PC over console yet the fact remains. The greatest gaming developers on this planet are all aligned w/ the same format that all dwell below the names of Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. PC game developers are just not up to par for whatever reason. Which is the problem PC gamers face and why console gaming remains supreme even w/ inferior technology.

First of all, it's your opinion that those developers are better. I'm sure plenty will disagree. I for one think Bethesda and the Unreal team are damn good developer studios. The Unreal Engine is being used on a lot of your console games, too.
I'm going by sales figures and just knowing Console history. There never was a Final Fantasy nor Zelda nor Metroid nor Metal Gear and so on and so forth gaming on PC.
All the AAA quality developers are exclusive to console. I'm sure there are some half decent development on PC but sales figures and gameplay wise console has remained dominant over the years.
All those games mentioned doesn't even scratch the surface of what console has provided and even if we claim it's my opinion. Sales figures are not equal neither which solidifies my biased position.
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Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-10-06 15:56:40
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Siren.Akson said: »
Shiva.Cymopoleia said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
My PS4 ran me $400 day 1 launch so unless PC is equal price and specs then it's all about the games themselves and in that standpoint PC is not equal.
The thing most people forget is they already have a PC, you don't already have the Ps4.
I know both console and PC have both come a long way cept ya ignored my point. It's always been all about the games themselves selling consoles. I respect the fact some ppl prefer PC over console yet the fact remains. The greatest gaming developers on this planet are all aligned w/ the same format that all dwell below the names of Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. PC game developers are just not up to par for whatever reason. Which is the problem PC gamers face and why console gaming remains supreme even w/ inferior technology.
Console is the Hollywood of gaming while PC is all Bollywood.

This has been true for a few titles, but PC is still the decidedly superior experience for a multitude of others. Between mods, superior graphical capabilities, and control flexibility PC is still the Swiss army knife of gaming, and consoles will never be capable of living up to the same potential unless the engineers behind designing them figure out a way to put in nearly the same level of power and customization without making them cost even more than they already do.

Licensing concerns are also a major issue. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo have far more sway over what goes on their systems than what anyone has over what goes on a PC (despite Microsoft owning a majority of the market share for Operating Systems). This is exactly what is preventing mods from being available on PS4 for Fallout 4.

PC developers themselves, the few who still exist such as CDProjektRed (Witcher 3) and Firaxis (upcoming PC-only XCOM 2), still put out quality games that run excellent on PC and are an absolutely amazing experience to witness. Metal Gear Solid V is another recent example, Pillars of Eternity and Divinity: Original Sin being others.

Games like Arkham Knight, while they should be capable of running flawlessly on almost any PC configuration, are the prey of either 1) poor budgeting of time/resources, 2) amateur developers put into the role of "PC Porting", or a simple lack of giving a *** from the publisher resulting in an even more severe reason #1. It's a similar problem to console exclusivity agreements and first party titles: the games would almost assuredly make more money if they were thrown onto all of the consoles at a reasonable point of parity, but it is often not the case due to console license owners wanting more of their hardware to be sold. Does it work? Sure, some big ticket games may cause a handful of people to go out and buy a new console just to play that game, but I can almost guarantee that there would be more money to be had by shoveling the game out onto each platform and then collecting on royalties (in the case of first party dev'd games).

You'd also build a more powerful bond with your target audience, the common gamer who will be throwing down $60 or more for your game, who has numerous other options to choose from and may decide to go for another game they have their eye on for the platform that they already own.

tl;dr PC is still the superior experience to consoles for a majority of games, and PC being "behind" on the curve is not a flaw in PCs themselves but rather a flaw in the gaming landscape of modern times

Siren.Akson said: »
There never was a Final Fantasy nor Zelda nor Metroid nor Metal Gear and so on and so forth gaming on PC.
All the AAA quality developers are exclusive to console.

This is outright false. Outside of the obvious omission of Nintendo First Party franchises, there have been several Final Fantasy and Metal Gear games on PC. In fact, Final Fantasy VII and VIII, while not the best ports, were released on PC even before modern times (a year or so after their initial console releases). And mods made them a better experience than the console versions all the while.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 16:01:01
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Jetackuu said: »
Jassik said: »
Compared to cartridges, sure, but compared to current systems, they really weren't that bad.
Just gonna have to disagree.

With objective measurements? PS4/XBO loading times are actually longer than last generation consoles and about on par with PS2/XB loading times. Unless you're talking SegaCD era.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 16:01:20
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
This is outright false. Outside of the obvious omission of Nintendo First Party franchises, there have been several Final Fantasy and Metal Gear games on PC. In fact, Final Fantasy VII and VIII, while not the best ports, were released on PC even before modern times. And mods made them a better experience than the console versions all the while.
I wasn't born yesterday. Which you claim is extremely new and never was the case. Ever.
It took console development years to port over to PC and that was w/in the last 5yrs or so of gaming history. Remakes of games from ancient console gaming.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ninjaface
Posts: 227
By Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface 2015-10-06 16:02:43
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
This is outright false. Outside of the obvious omission of Nintendo First Party franchises, there have been several Final Fantasy and Metal Gear games on PC. In fact, Final Fantasy VII and VIII, while not the best ports, were released on PC even before modern times (a year or so after their initial console releases). And mods made them a better experience than the console versions all the while.
They're pretty clearly talking about developing to release primarily/exclusively on that platform.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 16:06:57
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Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
This is outright false. Outside of the obvious omission of Nintendo First Party franchises, there have been several Final Fantasy and Metal Gear games on PC. In fact, Final Fantasy VII and VIII, while not the best ports, were released on PC even before modern times (a year or so after their initial console releases). And mods made them a better experience than the console versions all the while.
They're pretty clearly talking about developing to release primarily/exclusively on that platform.

I don't even discount ports so long as they are either optimized for PC or able to be modded on some level to take advantage of the better hardware. I'm honestly not sure if Skyrim is a dedicated PC build separate from the console version or just a properly done port, but that tier of PC support is what I'd consider "made for PC".
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Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-10-06 16:07:51
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Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
This is outright false. Outside of the obvious omission of Nintendo First Party franchises, there have been several Final Fantasy and Metal Gear games on PC. In fact, Final Fantasy VII and VIII, while not the best ports, were released on PC even before modern times (a year or so after their initial console releases). And mods made them a better experience than the console versions all the while.
They're pretty clearly talking about developing to release primarily/exclusively on that platform.

In what capacity? I read a broad, ignorant statement such as "All the AAA quality developers are exclusive to console." as "The AAA developers have never developed or ported a game for PC", which is a complete and total lie.

Siren.Akson said: »
I wasn't born yesterday. Which you claim is extremely new and never was the case. Ever.
It took console development years to port over to PC and that was w/in the last 5yrs or so of gaming history. Remakes of games from ancient console gaming.

May not have been born yesterday, but your rationale and evidence for your claims certainly were.

Once again, using such a term as "this was never the case. Ever." is bold, especially since you're completely wrong. This wasn't just a modern development. There were in fact Final Fantasy games (and other big name franchises, such as Tomb Raider) being developed and ported over to PC as early as the '80s.
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