4K Resolution FFXI And PS4

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4K resolution FFXI and PS4
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Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 11:10:27
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Elizabet said: »
Jassik said: »
but give PC gamers a configuration tool that lets us get the most out of our hardware.

I feel your pain, and as a dev it pisses me off too.. and the irony is that the whole duration of the game's dev we're building it on PCs...

But what's happening is that most of the time, a console game is made at a studio and the PC port (not even going to try calling it "version") is offloaded to a outsourcing firm / studio / company... The people actually making the game do very little for a pc version (if its not a pc main sku game .. so basically any console game really..) Studio just pay a service to get the console game ported. and a lot of times its happening in parallel with the game's console version (so sometimes some bugs slip through the PC version more, and its more sensible due do a much more varying hardware).

As a dev, I hate that my studio does that, and I think its a shitty thing to do. BUT, I understand the higher ups PoV too. The amount of money you get on a PC version barely pays for the service of porting you paid to get it done.. (which is cheaper than doing it in house) and so... there is very little incentive for a company to do those things differently... Unless you are valve / blizzard and PC gaming is your main thing.

Why not just develop a real emulation tool, sell it to PC owners as a "downloadable console" and let PC gamers be part of the console market? You could even design in DRM if that's the concern. A true emulator would let them define their hardware, tweak the settings, and nearly eliminate the need for PC ports at all.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ninjaface
Posts: 227
By Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface 2015-10-06 11:14:26
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Jassik said: »
Elizabet said: »
Jassik said: »
but give PC gamers a configuration tool that lets us get the most out of our hardware.

I feel your pain, and as a dev it pisses me off too.. and the irony is that the whole duration of the game's dev we're building it on PCs...

But what's happening is that most of the time, a console game is made at a studio and the PC port (not even going to try calling it "version") is offloaded to a outsourcing firm / studio / company... The people actually making the game do very little for a pc version (if its not a pc main sku game .. so basically any console game really..) Studio just pay a service to get the console game ported. and a lot of times its happening in parallel with the game's console version (so sometimes some bugs slip through the PC version more, and its more sensible due do a much more varying hardware).

As a dev, I hate that my studio does that, and I think its a shitty thing to do. BUT, I understand the higher ups PoV too. The amount of money you get on a PC version barely pays for the service of porting you paid to get it done.. (which is cheaper than doing it in house) and so... there is very little incentive for a company to do those things differently... Unless you are valve / blizzard and PC gaming is your main thing.

Why not just develop a real emulation tool, sell it to PC owners as a "downloadable console" and let PC gamers be part of the console market? You could even design in DRM if that's the concern. A true emulator would let them define their hardware, tweak the settings, and nearly eliminate the need for PC ports at all.
I would so buy a software version of consoles.
Posts: 2877
By leo 2015-10-06 11:15:03
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Jassik said: »
Why not just develop a real emulation tool, sell it to PC owners as a "downloadable console" and let PC gamers be part of the console market? You could even design in DRM if that's the concern. A true emulator would let them define their hardware, tweak the settings, and nearly eliminate the need for PC ports at all.

That exists already. It's called "Direct X"...
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 11:18:27
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leo said: »
Jassik said: »
Why not just develop a real emulation tool, sell it to PC owners as a "downloadable console" and let PC gamers be part of the console market? You could even design in DRM if that's the concern. A true emulator would let them define their hardware, tweak the settings, and nearly eliminate the need for PC ports at all.

That exists already. It's called "Direct X"...

DirectX is so far from a console emulation tool...
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-06 11:21:58
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Jassik said: »
Why not just develop a real emulation tool, sell it to PC owners as a "downloadable console" and let PC gamers be part of the console market? You could even design in DRM if that's the concern. A true emulator would let them define their hardware, tweak the settings, and nearly eliminate the need for PC ports at all.

Preaching to the choir my friend. I've been telling that to sony / M$ for years. But Playstation is a completely different entity in the Sony group that Sony is... and while they are the cash cow, they don't have much say... At microsft, windows and xbox are also 2 different entities. Different teams, offices, people... etc.. Yet at least in Microsft's case we're seeing steps towards that with win10 (and its xbox's live things)

Another thing I've been telling sony for years: "Why can't I make phone calls / send texts with my Vita..." If that would've been the case when the Vita came out, it would've been the perfect "gaming phone" that never happenned.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-06 11:23:19
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leo said: »
Jassik said: »
That exists already. It's called "Direct X"...


That's like saying a car door is like a school bus emulator.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 11:24:12
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missdivine said: »
I don't see any purpose of playing ffxi beyond 1080p unless you got a huge tv that makes everything looks horrible when trying to upscale everything in order to compensate the lack of native anti-alias.
Yeah exactly my issue. 1080p looks decent enough but better off on my 1080p TV if using such and might just revert bk to that tv in the end. Freeing up my SUHDTV for everything not FFXI going side by side dual TV setup. Heh idk.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 11:26:27
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Having consoles emulated on a PC would be an insane amount of resources. Considering the power it takes to even accurately emulate a SNES.

It's a pipe dream.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ninjaface
Posts: 227
By Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface 2015-10-06 11:36:01
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Jetackuu said: »
Having consoles emulated on a PC would be an insane amount of resources. Considering the power it takes to even accurately emulate a SNES.

It's a pipe dream.

That's actually a misrepresentation. The resource problem of emulation has to do with an imperfect representation of the software versions of the hardware. People code things that work "well enough." With a more accurate representation(or, in the case of this hypothetical official emulator, a completely perfect representation) that problem would go away.

Current consoles run on about half as many resources as my own PC. It is completely feasible.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 11:36:29
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Jetackuu said: »
Having consoles emulated on a PC would be an insane amount of resources. Considering the power it takes to even accurately emulate a SNES.

It's a pipe dream.

If the emulators are designed by the company that makes the console and their existence is considered when designing the console itself, that would change a lot. Most of the headache with emulating consoles is the trickery that needs to be done with software to mimic decidedly un-PC like console architecture. This generation of consoles will be much more resource friendly for emulation, whereas the previous generation like PS3 are incredibly difficult.

It also doesn't help that most emulators are being made by college students in their free time and not by teams of professional programmer with access to the actual hardware and source code.
Posts: 2877
By leo 2015-10-06 11:40:20
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Elizabet said: »
Jassik said: »
That exists already. It's called "Direct X"...


That's like saying a car door is like a school bus emulator.

I meant in the sense of achieving portability and functionality.

You don't really need to emulate a PC inside another PC unless you want to segregate what the stuff running on "one of the PCs" see. That would make it a Virtual Machine, no?

Basically that Direct X gives a standard interface, it doesn't matter if you're running windows or a Microsoft console, the game will run mostly the same, no?

Maybe not the best way to say what I wanted to. I admit.

I'm not a big fan of emulation, too. Inaccuracies pile up everywhere and make for weird stuff all the time on the games you emulate.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 11:42:25
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YouTube Video Placeholder

Putting this here to help clear the waters.
By 2015-10-06 11:42:39
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Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 11:43:49
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This is also worth reading
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 11:44:04
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Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Having consoles emulated on a PC would be an insane amount of resources. Considering the power it takes to even accurately emulate a SNES.

It's a pipe dream.

That's actually a misrepresentation. The resource problem of emulation has to do with an imperfect representation of the software versions of the hardware. People code things that work "well enough." With a more accurate representation(or, in the case of this hypothetical official emulator, a completely perfect representation) that problem would go away.

Current consoles run on about half as many resources as my own PC. It is completely feasible.
Yeah, no.

You're completely wrong.

Jassik said: »
If the emulators are designed by the company that makes the console and their existence is considered when designing the console itself, that would change a lot. Most of the headache with emulating consoles is the trickery that needs to be done with software to mimic decidedly un-PC like console architecture. This generation of consoles will be much more resource friendly for emulation, whereas the previous generation like PS3 are incredibly difficult.

It also doesn't help that most emulators are being made by college students in their free time and not by teams of professional programmer with access to the actual hardware and source code.

Yeah, better, but still not quite there. The sheer power it takes to emulate properly timed execution of another system's cpu and other processes is enormous, and no simple task. The last bit is just a silly assertion.

The fact that the PS4/Xbone are on x86 based architecture should make things much easier and cheaper to port though, but full on console emulation would be silly.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-06 11:44:21
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Jetackuu said: »
Having consoles emulated on a PC would be an insane amount of resources. Considering the power it takes to even accurately emulate a SNES.

It's a pipe dream.

I used to be, but today's console are basically optimized PC. They runs the same graphics pipelines. There is still some console specific things going on because company fight over market shares and wanna keep their edge and stuff. But ultimately there is basically only one reason left why we sill have consoles, there is still demand for a small sized focused PC that requires only hardware updates every 7 or 8ish years without the hassle of dealing with complicated OS.

Think of it this way, if on your PC you had Steam, and a Steam-like xbox live, and a Steam-Like PSN and you would find your PS exclusive on the PSN Steam-like thing.. The end result is the same... The more console like Steam gets, and the easier small steam box pc can be built / distributed... the more console are going to go extinct.

We're close to this point. We'll see a PS5 and maaaaybe a PS6... But I doubt we'll have consoles still for a PS7 to ever come out. at that point, I'm pretty sure it'll just be a mode / drm system "a la steam" you can run on any computer.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 11:45:25
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leo said: »
Elizabet said: »
Jassik said: »
That exists already. It's called "Direct X"...


That's like saying a car door is like a school bus emulator.

I meant in the sense of achieving portability and functionality.

You don't really need to emulate a PC inside another PC unless you want to segregate what the stuff running on "one of the PCs" see. That would make it a Virtual Machine, no?

Basically that Direct X gives a standard interface, it doesn't matter if you're running windows or a Microsoft console, the game will run mostly the same, no?

Maybe not the best way to say what I wanted to. I admit.

I'm not a big fan of emulation, too. Inaccuracies pile up everywhere and make for weird stuff all the time on the games you emulate.

True emulators are actually virtualizations. The name is a bit of a misnomer. Think of DirectX as emulation and an emulator as virtualization if you're thinking in PC terms.

Still, most of the issues with inaccuracy in emulators is their amateur nature. Lots of estimating, tweaking, optimizing, and compromises. Truly virtualizing a console is a pretty precise process, you have to consider bit rates through the virtual cores and meter that through logical and physical cores at exacting rates, virtualizing GPU's is another really tricky part of it. A professional development team would be able to build those structures with near perfect accuracy because they just flat out have more resources and time.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 11:47:38
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I expect a high stadard of 1080p 60 fps, but I'll never demand a video game stay at 4k 60 fps lol. would rather they push the graphics higher quality at 1080p

On the bright side, the higher the res we go, the less we'll need AA :)

AA is just fake resolution anyways.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-06 11:54:52
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I expect a high stadard of 1080p 60 fps

Even in today's market on a ps4 1080p @ 60fps is almost a dream... You can do twice as much graphically intensive things running at 30... And when you sacrifice graphics for 60fps... the first thing that happens is you get slapped in the face with MGS5(30fps) looks soo good!? why does you game not look as good? Until Dawn (30 fps, highly tailored environments no free camera control) looks really good!! Why does your game not look as good? And all you got to defend yourself is "Well we run in 60fps" welp... Reviews don't care because that doesn't show on screenshots. Marketing doesn't care cause that doesn't show on the back of the box.

Funny enough, it boils down to PC master race vs Casual Console Plebians if you wanna put it in 4chan terms.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 11:55:24
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YouTube Video Placeholder

May as well put this here too.
Though I will say motion blur effects do serve a purpose under proper conditions; particularly racing games.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-10-06 11:58:16
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Elizabet said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Having consoles emulated on a PC would be an insane amount of resources. Considering the power it takes to even accurately emulate a SNES.

It's a pipe dream.

I used to be, but today's console are basically optimized PC. They runs the same graphics pipelines. There is still some console specific things going on because company fight over market shares and wanna keep their edge and stuff. But ultimately there is basically only one reason left why we sill have consoles, there is still demand for a small sized focused PC that requires only hardware updates every 7 or 8ish years without the hassle of dealing with complicated OS.

Think of it this way, if on your PC you had Steam, and a Steam-like xbox live, and a Steam-Like PSN and you would find your PS exclusive on the PSN Steam-like thing.. The end result is the same... The more console like Steam gets, and the easier small steam box pc can be built / distributed... the more console are going to go extinct.

We're close to this point. We'll see a PS5 and maaaaybe a PS6... But I doubt we'll have consoles still for a PS7 to ever come out. at that point, I'm pretty sure it'll just be a mode / drm system "a la steam" you can run on any computer.

It still is, and I'm well aware of what they are. I also can certainly understand the desire for a simplified gaming experience, hell I would personally rather deal with a PC's issues than having to update a locked down console. (My PS3's hdd going into a disk check loop was one of the final straws).
Posts: 2877
By leo 2015-10-06 12:01:14
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Jassik said: »
True emulators are actually virtualizations. The name is a bit of a misnomer. Think of DirectX as emulation and an emulator as virtualization if you're thinking in PC terms.

Still, most of the issues with inaccuracy in emulators is their amateur nature. Lots of estimating, tweaking, optimizing, and compromises. Truly virtualizing a console is a pretty precise process, you have to consider bit rates through the virtual cores and meter that through logical and physical cores at exacting rates, virtualizing GPU's is another really tricky part of it. A professional development team would be able to build those structures with near perfect accuracy because they just flat out have more resources and time.

Interesting though that neither SONY nor Microsoft were able to achieve decent backwards compatibility on the previous generation even with full understanding of how their hardware worked. To ahcieve it the PS3 needed to have half of a PS2 inside (the first model units had, CPU, CPU RDRAM and graphics chips of a PS2 in them). XBOX360 backwards compatibility was as wonky as you would expect an "amateur" emulator can be in the middle of it's development cycle...

So even professionals can be left scratching their heads on this matter, I suppose...
By 2015-10-06 12:01:40
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Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 12:04:13
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I like to think consoles will slowly get closer and closer to stable 1080p 60 fps, and then I'll be content and always keep it there instead of going to 4k 30 or 60

Honestly, they're several generations away from that standard as long as general expectations within the industry rely on "pretty" things, more so than how quickly their game is rendered, or how refined their image is.

Truth of the matter is, res and frame rates are taxing to put into fruition and would sacrifice far too much graphical details for what kind of hardware is under the hood of current gen consoles.
Posts: 761
By Elizabet 2015-10-06 12:04:28
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And the PS2 worked saem way.. The Ps2 backward compatibility was accomplished through the inclusion of the original PlayStation's CPU which also serves as the PS2's I/O processor.

Honestly, they're several generations away from that standard as long as general expectations within the industry rely on "pretty" things, more so than how quickly their game is rendered, or how refined their image is.

^ This.

Hardware keeps getting better... and we keep getting games at 30 fps cause... well.. cause we can. Everytime a stronger console comes out and we get the specs, no one in the office goes "woot we can make 60 fps games".. Everybody goes "Oh I bet we could do raytraced skies..." or "realtime Global Illumination!" or "Actually use Tesselation in context of something more than a tech demo / checkbox!"

And once someone does it, it becomes "standard" and whatever new power you had, it spent on various new things waaaaay before you can spend it on more framerate.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 12:05:20
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leo said: »
Jassik said: »
True emulators are actually virtualizations. The name is a bit of a misnomer. Think of DirectX as emulation and an emulator as virtualization if you're thinking in PC terms.

Still, most of the issues with inaccuracy in emulators is their amateur nature. Lots of estimating, tweaking, optimizing, and compromises. Truly virtualizing a console is a pretty precise process, you have to consider bit rates through the virtual cores and meter that through logical and physical cores at exacting rates, virtualizing GPU's is another really tricky part of it. A professional development team would be able to build those structures with near perfect accuracy because they just flat out have more resources and time.

Interesting though that neither SONY nor Microsoft were able to achieve decent backwards compatibility on the previous generation even with full understanding of how their hardware worked. To ahcieve it the PS3 needed to have half of a PS2 inside (the first model units had, CPU, CPU RDRAM and graphics chips of a PS2 in them). XBOX360 backwards compatibility was as wonky as you would expect an "amateur" emulator can be in the middle of it's development cycle...

So even professionals can be left scratching their heads on this matter, I suppose...

It isn't a matter of head scratching. They determined that it wasn't a cost effective consideration for next-gen consoles. They kinda learned their lesson with the PS3. Basically, adding that functionality would either significantly impact their ability to optimize the console for new games or significantly impact the price. It didn't help that the PS3 and 360 used some really wonky hardware setups that were kind of a middle point between older consoles and more PC-like modern ones.
Posts: 2877
By leo 2015-10-06 12:06:55
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Elizabet said: »
And the PS2 worked saem way.. The Ps2 backward compatibility was accomplished through the inclusion of the original PlayStation's CPU which also serves as the PS2's I/O processor.

Well the PS2 is like a SEGA Genesis with a 32X hooked on it.

There's the original system and a new GPU+CPU combo slapped on top of it.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-10-06 12:20:29
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Elizabet said: »
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I expect a high stadard of 1080p 60 fps

Even in today's market on a ps4 1080p @ 60fps is almost a dream... You can do twice as much graphically intensive things running at 30... And when you sacrifice graphics for 60fps... the first thing that happens is you get slapped in the face with MGS5(30fps) looks soo good!? why does you game not look as good? Until Dawn (30 fps, highly tailored environments no free camera control) looks really good!! Why does your game not look as good? And all you got to defend yourself is "Well we run in 60fps" welp... Reviews don't care because that doesn't show on screenshots. Marketing doesn't care cause that doesn't show on the back of the box.

Funny enough, it boils down to PC master race vs Casual Console Plebians if you wanna put it in 4chan terms.
Further testament to how 30 fps is actually sometimes the best route to a much higher quality game. I believe what ya said about the human eye sometimes, depending on the individual, being able to see beyond 60 fps yet looking at MGS5 in all its glory. How many are complaining?
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I like to think consoles will slowly get closer and closer to stable 1080p 60 fps, and then I'll be content and always keep it there instead of going to 4k 30 or 60
4k @30 fps can and will make everyone forget all about 60 fps 1080p gaming.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2015-10-06 12:25:24
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Siren.Akson said: »
Further testament to how 30 fps is actually sometimes the best route to a much higher quality game. I believe what ya said about the human eye sometimes, depending on the individual, being able to see beyond 60 fps yet looking at MGS5 in all its glory. How many are complaining?

For consoles, sure. You're always gonna get the biggest bang for your buck keeping resolution and framerate consistently on the lower echelons, because for the most part, consumers are generally indifferent about those two parameters. In exchange, you can squeeze out significantly more graphical nuances and details and overall a much more visually appealing game.

But if you ever want to go the route of no compromises (outside publishers releasing console shitty ports), you should consider PC gaming.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2015-10-06 12:27:52
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Artemicion said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Further testament to how 30 fps is actually sometimes the best route to a much higher quality game. I believe what ya said about the human eye sometimes, depending on the individual, being able to see beyond 60 fps yet looking at MGS5 in all its glory. How many are complaining?

For consoles, sure. You're always gonna get the biggest bang for your buck keeping resolution and framerate consistently on the lower echelons, because for the most part, consumers are generally indifferent about those two parameters. In exchange, you can squeeze out significantly more graphical nuances and details and overall a much more visually appealing game.

But if you ever want to go the route of no compromises (outside publishers releasing console shitty ports), you should consider PC gaming.

And for the most part be dissatisfied with the game selection and arbitrary limitations imposed by console-centric game development. In all honesty, you'll still have to own a console or two.
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