Hello Bards!
I've had quite a few people ask me for my
TP sets so thought I would post them on here, as up to date sets seem non-existent on the forums.
Highest Odyssey C Seg Farm Bard DPS in 2022:
6.48M Damage This was a full clear 2812 checkout. Previous record 6.3M. Average BRD DPS is 5M-5.6M per run though.
Previous record:
If you are playing DD BRD in a seg farm and using my sets in this post - and not hitting at least 3M damage, you are not playing aggressive enough, or not switching targets effectively.
I'm sure lots of people will build completely different sets, but this is what works for me.
Ashera Harness I got my Ashera Harness from AMAN Trove. Personally I think the difference between Ashera and Ayanmo+2 body is unnoticeable. and the Item is so unattainable, I haven't included it in any sets apart from the BIS.
Nyame All my Nyame is Path B - WSD and Double Attack.
These TP sets I normally wear for seg farms 100% of the time without needing to switch into hybrid.
Odyssey Bard can do great damage now. Your Savage Blades will hit harder than a COR's, but you TP slower. 5-6M damage in a 30 minute seg farm is Doable.
3.5-4M should be the benchmark you try to reach.
I've tried out various variations of accessories and belts (windbuffet +1, Reiki Yotai etc.) and this is what I settled on.
How these sets will change in the future: At the moment the only thing confirmed is R30 Odyssey gear. At which points I will most likely full time Nyame body, legs and feet. Maybe one day they will introduce non-squishy TP legs and feet from new content /pray.
These TP sets I normally wear for seg farms 100% of the time without needing to switch into hybrid.
For Bard's without Odyssey gear: Your options are 5/5 Ayanmo (good for capping haste and using a different belt), or ayanmo body and head with 3/5 Telchine Augments 6 STP on each. You could also go for Chironic pieces with Triple Attack Oseem Augment. I'd definitely consider R0 Nyame hands, legs and feet with Ayanmo +2 head and body for a DT set. The Bunzi's Gloves are good even at R0, whilst the head needs R20 at least.
This set -
in my opinion is currently the best in slot for TP'ing. BRD has crappy options compared to other jobs, so we have to make do.
ItemSet 383806
Bunzi's: R25
Nyame: R25 Path B
Sailfi Belt: R15
JSE Neck: R25
Linos: 3 Quad Attack, 4 STP, 15 Acc/Att - 3% Double Attack instead of 4stp works well also
Cape: Dual Wield +10, 20 Dex, 30Acc, 20 Att
Volte Tights: Telchine Brocani with max augments: 6 Store TP, 10 Dex, 20 Acc, will out parse Volte Tights, but the haste from Volte Tights allow swaps elsewhere if you choose to (such as changing sailfi belt)
- Swap options would be Moonlight Ring (my personal preference to reduce squish)
- Volte feet over Nyame R25 for more STP but losing DT
- Dedition Earring is an option but cento off hand accuracy is terrible.
Starter Set
ItemSet 383741
This is the set I would make if I was starting out. It's not super easy to make, but it's all soloable apart from the hands, which just need R0 to be good.
To do list:
- Get Ayanmo head and body +2 from Ambu (and the legs for fast cast)
- Go do boring Alluvian Skirmish for the Linos and Telchine (or use your RoE rewards, and/or Red Mog Pells/Mellidopt Wings.
- Farm Sailfi Belt from UNM, Scales from Sheol A chests
- Centovente; TP +1000 route.
- Ambu cape; 20 Dex, 30 Acc, 20 Attack, 10 Double Attack or Duel Wield
- Linos; trade in Copper Vouchers for Obsidian Fragments, farm or buy the upgrade items and get the best stats you can whilst ensuring you get 3 Quadruple Attack, and 3 Double Attack or 4 STP
- Telchine Legs and Feet: Focus on 6 STP and Accuracy
- Bunzi's Gloves. Unaugmented they still have 8 double attack. Get them via any means
- Rings and Earrings changeable based on what you can get yourself. Focus on Accuracy, Store TP and Double Attack. 2 NQ Chirich Rings work fine.
- Get a JSE Neck. +2 is worth it, but if not go for +1. The Quadruple Attack and Damage Limit+ makes a big difference
TP set 1
ItemSet 383480
Bunzi's: R25
Nyame: R25
Sailfi Belt: R15
JSE Neck: R25
Zoar Subligar: R15
Linos: 3 Quad Attack, 4 STP, 15 Acc/Att - 3% Double Attack instead of 4stp works well also
Cape: Double Attack or Dual Wield
Currently I am not using ANY Dual Wield at all - just focus on multi attack.
TP set 2
ItemSet 383481
Bunzi's: R25
Nyame: R25
Sailfi Belt: R15
JSE Neck: R25
Talchine Legs: 20 Acc, 6 Store TP, 10 Dex (Already has 3 double attack on base piece). Swap in Volte Legs If you like.
Linos: 3 Quad Attack, 4 STP, 15 Acc/Att
Cape: Double Attack or Dual Wield
A note on Volte: the Volte set is nice, but definitely not needed and they are all extremely squishy. People will generally have a squishy volte build to be able to use a different belt than Sailfi to cap haste.
The hands are good for a store TP build. The head I would avoid. The legs are probably the best piece - Telchine legs can get 6 STP and 3 Double Attack if you are looking at purely fast TP'ing. Volte feet can be matched for STP with Telchine Feet which can also be augmented with STP 6.
Normal Hybrid Set
ItemSet 383482
Bunzi's: R25
Nyame: R25
Sailfi Belt: R15
JSE Neck: R25
Linos: 3 Quad Attack, 4 STP, 15 Acc/Att
Cape: Double Attack or Dual Wield
Bumba V20
This is the set I used to beat Bumba V20. Depending on what add you get, some can hit very hard - especially with Defence Down Aura. Could go more defensive than this, but it seemed like a happy medium - and it worked.
food for Bumba V20 was Popotoes Con Queso. Songs were HM Minuet madrigal Minne STR Etude
ItemSet 383483
Bunzi's: R25
Nyame: R25
Odnowa & Sailfi Belt: both R15
JSE Neck: R25
Linos: 3 Quad Attack, 4 STP, 15 Acc/Att
Cape: Double Attack
Savage Blade
These are the sets I currently use for Savage Blade. These will do circa 50-65K on mobs in Odyssey C.
I have no intention of ever doing the extra adoulin missions so NQ ring for me, for life.
ItemSet 383803
ItemSet 383804
Linos: STR 8 WSD 3, Acc/Att. or STR 6 DEX 6 If you don't want to make another Linos
Cape: Acc/Att WSD, STR +30
Nyame is R25
Moonshade Earring - I play COR and various other jobs so my Moonshade Earring is always TP+250, MAB +4. Other options would be better for BRD WS, but I won't be changing it.
PRE NYAME R20/R25: Relic +3 is a must. Realistically at this stage in game progression (unless you want all relic +3 for the yellow box/magic evasion etc) I would stick with Nyame R0, and slowly get RP to up it to R10/R15/R20 etc.
Rudra's Storm
Rudra's hits between 35-45K with this set in Odyssey Sheol C.
ItemSet 383805
Cape: Acc/Att WSD, Dex+30
Linos: 8 DEX, 3 WSD + Acc/Att. Or 6 STR 6 DEX to save a Linos
Open to suggestions and comments