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Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-21 16:11:27
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About Vorseal Table:

You want hints, eh? Since it’s Friday and all, I suppose a tiny hint wouldn’t hurt.

I’ll start with a vorseal that was added in the May version update, which is comparatively a bit easier to grasp the prereqs.

MSPaint Winner
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2015-08-21 16:21:57
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Gotta be the add-on missions, was doing them on my mule to see what Vorseals they give but I'm having connection problems and can't get her back in now.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-08-21 16:22:05
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Pantafernando said: »
About Vorseal Table:

You want hints, eh? Since it’s Friday and all, I suppose a tiny hint wouldn’t hurt.

I’ll start with a vorseal that was added in the May version update, which is comparatively a bit easier to grasp the prereqs.

So that's add-ons, I'm betting.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-25 19:11:40
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The initial effect of the job trait Inquartata gives a 5% increase to the rate of parry while the subsequent ranks increase this effect by 2%. The effect of “Inquartata +” when wearing Erilaz Leg Guards gives you an additional rank (+2%), and when wearing Erilaz Leg Guards +1, it gives you two additional ranks (+4%).

While I cannot share the exact value of the parry cap, when fighting a monster that is the same level or above, the value is such that you will not be able to reach the maximum. On the other hand, when fighting monsters that are lower level than you, there will be cases that you reach the cap; however, these are monsters that are so weak that you wouldn’t be rewarded experience points from them.

This is a 5% increase to your current parry rate.

Another example is with the job ability Battuta. This gives a 40% increase to your base parry rate, and with each merit point upgrade into this ability it increases in 4% increments.

Additionally, the effect from the job ability Battuta and the job trait Inquartata aren’t determined by the enemies’ strength, but applied directly as a percentage. (In cases where you see "Parry skill" and "Parry skill +", these values will change depending on an enemies’ strength.)
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-26 16:26:59
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Enfeebling Potency - How MND and INT Differences Play a Role

Greetings, everyone!

As many of you already know, MND and INT play a major role when enfeebling enemies, but depending on the difference between your stats and your foe’s stats the potency of your spells will differ.

Let’s take a quick look at some examples of this and how different the potency becomes when you are able to overpower your enemy’s stats!

Slow (Change in attack delay)
Lowest effect value when MND is 75 less than your enemy: around 7.3%
Highest effect value when MND is 75 more than your enemy: around 29.2%

Slow II (Change in attack delay)
Lowest effect value when MND is 75 less than your enemy: around 12.5%
Highest effect value when MND is 75 more than your enemy: around 35.1%
*With each merit point increase, the effect value grows by about 1%.

Paralyze (Change in the rate of Paralysis)
Lowest effect value when MND is 40 less than your enemy: around 5.0%
Highest effect value when MND is 40 more than your enemy: around 25.0%

Paralyze II (Change in the rate of Paralysis)
Lowest effect value when MND is 40 less than your enemy: around 10.0%
Highest effect value when MND is 40 more than your enemy: around 30.0%
*With each merit point increase, the effect value grows by about 1%.

Blind (Change in reduced physical accuracy effect)
Lowest value when your MND is 40 under an enemy’s INT: 5
Highest value when your MND is 60 over an enemy’s INT: 30

Blind II (Change in reduced physical accuracy effect)
Lowest value when your MND is 40 under an enemy’s INT: 15
Highest value when your MND is 60 over an enemy’s INT: 40

Distract (Change in reduced physical evasion effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 50 over an enemy’s MND: 10
*When your enfeebling magic skill is 125, the maximum value for this effect is 25. MND is then factored into this after.

Distract II (Change in reduced physical evasion effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 50 over an enemy’s MND: 10
*When your enfeebling magic skill is 350, the maximum value for this effect is 40. MND is then factored into this after.

Distract III (Change in reduced physical evasion effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 50 over an enemy’s MND: 10
*When your enfeebling magic skill is 610, the maximum value for this effect is 80. MND is then factored into this after.

Frazzle (Change in reduced magical evasion effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 100 over an enemy’s MND: 10
*When your enfeebling magic skill is 135, the maximum value for this effect is 25. MND is then factored into this after.

Frazzle II (Change in reduced magical evasion effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 100 over an enemy’s MND: 10
*When your enfeebling magic skill is 365, the maximum value for this effect is 40. MND is then factored into this after.

Frazzle III (Change in reduced magical evasion effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 100 over an enemy’s MND: 10
*When your enfeebling magic skill is 625, the maximum value for this effect is 80. MND is then factored into this after.

Addle (Change in reduced magical accuracy effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 100 over an enemy’s MND: 20
*Regardless of enfeebling magic skill, the amount of reduced magical accuracy is -20.

Addle II (Change in reduced magical accuracy effect)
Lowest value when your MND and an enemy’s MND are the same: 0
Highest value when your MND is 100 over an enemy’s MND: 50
※*Regardless of enfeebling magic skill, the amount of reduced magical accuracy is -50.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-26 16:27:46
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We’re planning to implement a feature that allows you to toggle certain effects on and off, such as alter ego auras. Getting this feature prepared will take some time, so please look forward to this in a future version update.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-26 16:38:17
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[dev1283] New High-Tier Mission Battlefields

  • New High-Tier Mission Battlefields and Their Leaders

★One to be Feared

Players will clash wills with Omega and Ultima.


Cast off the Chains that shackle you in a struggle against Promathia.

  • Joining the Fray

The key items required to participate in these battlefields can be acquired from the following NPCs in exchange for merit points.

Trisvain in Northern San d’Oria (J-7)

Raving Opossum in Port Bastok (J-11)

Mimble-Pimble in Port Windurst (L-5)

  • Required Key Items

Battlefield Name Key Item Number of Merit Points Required
★One to be Feared Feared One Phantom Gem 15
★Dawn Dawn Phantom Gem 15

Players must be level 95 or greater and have completed the normal versions of the appropriate mission battlefield in order to receive its key item.

  • Regarding Difficulty Levels

Difficulty Content Level
Very Easy 113
Easy 116
Normal 119
Difficult Greater than 119
Very Difficult Greater than 119

* Any player may select a difficulty level, but the battlefield's level will be determined by the first person to enter.
* Players must have cleared the battlefield on normal to select either difficult or very difficult.
* All party members must be in possession of the required key item to enter.

  • Battlefield, Boss, and Entry Restrictions

Battlefield Name Point of Entry Boss Entry Restrictions
★One to Be Feared Sealion’s Den Omega
All Levels
Thirty Minutes
Six-Person Party
★Dawn Empyreal Paradox Promathia All Levels
Thirty Minutes
Six-Person Party

  • Spoils

Spoils are rewarded both for vanquishing the boss and clearing the battlefield, and include items needed for reforging artifact, relic, and empyrean equipment in addition to equipment unique to each battlefield.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-27 04:34:54
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[dev1284] New Seekers of Adoulin Quest

A new Seekers of Adoulin quest will be added.

  • In the Land of the Blind

This quest concludes the Erfimia/Robertioux story arc that began with the quest The Secret to Success.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-28 04:14:40
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[dev1285] Mog Garden Adjustments

Rank 6 of monster rearing will be ulocked.

  • New creatures will be made available to rear.

  • New Chacharoon Cheer effects will be added.

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Tilanna
Posts: 28
By Shiva.Tilanna 2015-08-28 19:28:58
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Pantafernando said: »
Enfeebling Potency - How MND and INT Differences Play a Role

Are those really supposed to be all MND? Even the Black Magic ones like Blind and Frazzle/Distract?
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-08-31 18:28:05
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Discontinuing “E-mail Address 2” (Sep. 28)

In order to improve security, the “Email Address 2” in the Square Enix Account Management System will be discontinued on Sep. 28, 2015.
*The time will be announced at a later date.

After discontinuation, the registered “E-mail Address 2” that were saved on the servers will all be deleted, and the following functions will stop working.
- Password resets using the “E-mail Address 2”
- E-mail address changes using the “E-mail Address 2”

Please make sure that the e-mail registered as “E-mail Address 1” is verified before the discontinuation of “E-mail Address 2”.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-01 17:48:58
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[dev1286] Quality of Life Improvements

  • A new NPC who will accept certain pieces of equipment with the Ex attribute in exchange for special points will be added.

  • A new NPC who will store chapters of Rem’s Tale, required to reforge artifact and relic equipment and empyrean equipment, will be added.

  • A new function to display the time remaining of certain effects on status icons will be added.

  • A new function to compare the attributes of the currently equipped piece with those of a selected piece when changing equipment will be added.

  • New items will be able to be stored via the Porter Moogle.

  • New entries will be added to the Adventuring Primer.

Windows/Xbox 360 Versions Only

  • The widths of log windows when using the multi-window function will be able to be adjusted individually.

Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 19:46:20
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Tetsujin has more or less figured out how the Amplifier functions. When you are trying to land a magic burst, the automaton will have its elemental magic cool down timers reset, and it will select the appropriate element to use for the burst.

Automatons have been set to check their actions once every three seconds, and the way they use their elemental magic is determined by this routine check as well. This verification speed can actually be sped up even further by using the Tactical Processor. When you have three ice maneuvers with this attachment equipped, the check delay will be reduced to 1.15 seconds. Give it a shot
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 19:46:56
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Currently we do not have any plans to increase the cap for the Group 1 or Group 2 merit point categories.

We currently do not have any plans to increase the availability and acquisition of Heavy Metal Plates, Riftcinders, and Riftdross.

We understand the desire for geomancer to be added to the coin weapons from Walk of Echoes; however, we have no plans to do so at this time.

In order to help, we need a little more information to determine what's happening.

Are you attempting to summon alter egos for battles related to the avatar quests? If this is the case, this is working as intended, as we designed these encounters to restrict the use of Trust magic. The same applies for Einherjar.

Please let us know if you are unable to summon alter egos while engaged in the Alexander fight related to the battlefield of the Treasure of Aht Urhgan mission "Nashmeira’s Plea." We have tested and confirmed that alter egos can be used for this mission battle.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 19:50:06
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Pantafernando said: »
About Vorseal Table:

You want hints, eh? Since it’s Friday and all, I suppose a tiny hint wouldn’t hurt.

I’ll start with a vorseal that was added in the May version update, which is comparatively a bit easier to grasp the prereqs.

More hints? Okay, I’ll give you another.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 19:50:30
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Thanks for the feedback thus far on Domain Invasion.

In the September version update we will be implementing an evaluation system. This will be similar to what we have in place for reives, and you will be able to earn capacity points depending on the amount of evaluation points you accrue.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 19:50:55
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When you have more than 30 MP that can be consumed, Full Cure will remove the following status ailments. (It removes the same status ailments that Benediction does.)

Sleep*/Poison*/Paralyze*/Blind*/Silence*/Petrify*/Disease*/Curse*/Bind*/Gravity*/Slow*/ Addle/Intimidate/Kaustra/Mute*/Plague*/Bane*/Burn/Frost/Frost /Rasp/Shock/Drown/Dia/Bio/Flash/STR Down/DEX Down/VIT Down/AGI Down/INT Down/MND Down/CHR Down/HP Max Down/MP Max Down/ TP Max Down/Inhibit TP/Critical Hit Evasion Down/Accuracy Down/Attack Down/Evasion Down/Defense Down/Magic Accuracy Down/Magic Attack Down/Magic Evasion Down/Magic Defense Down/Helix/Gambit/Inundation/Quickstep/Box Step/Stutter Step/Feather Step

*There are cases where status ailments from certain enemies cannot be cured.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 19:56:36
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Effect Values of Indicolure Enfeebling Spells

Greetings, geomancers!

For your reference, the following is a list of the lowest and highest values for each of the Indicolure enfeebling spells. Hopefully this aids you in your adventurers!

*The skill values are a combination of both geomancy skill and handbell skill.
*Geomancy + shows the added value when you have +1 from equipment.
The item “Idris” will boost the effect by 10 times.

  • Indi-Poison (poison damage over time amount)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 1 damage every 3 seconds
    Highest Value (Skill total of 600) 30 damage every 3 seconds
    Geomancy +: 3 damage every 3 seconds

  • Indi-Slow (attack delay increase)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 0.9%
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 14.9%
    Geomancy +: 0.5%

  • Indi-Paralyze (Rate of paralysis)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 1.0%
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 15.0%
    Geomancy +: 1.0%

  • Indi-Gravity (Amount of movement speed reduction)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 3.9%
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 19.9%
    Geomancy +: 1.1%

  • Indi-Wilt (Amount of reduced attack)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 4.6%
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 25.0%
    Geomancy +: 4.6%

  • Indi-Frailty (Amount of reduced defense)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 2.7%
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 14.8%
    Geomancy +: 2.7%

  • Indi-Slip (Amount of reduced accuracy)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 1
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 65
    Geomancy +: 6

  • Indi-Torpor (Amount of reduced evasion)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 1
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 50
    Geomancy +: 5

  • Indi-Fade (Amount of reduced magic attack)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 5
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 20
    Geomancy +: 4

  • Indi-Malaise (Amount of reduced magic defense)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 3
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 15
    Geomancy +: 3

  • Indi-Vex (Amount of reduced magic accuracy)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 1
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 65
    Geomancy +: 6

  • Indi-Languor (Amount of reduced magic evasion)
    Lowest Value (Skill total of 0): 1
    Highest Value (Skill total of 900): 50
    Geomancy +: 5

Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 20:02:01
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On the topic of automaton damage, I think you will be interested to hear about how the Flame Holder attachment works and see some data on the stats for various automaton weapon skills.

  • Flame Holder
    This attachment currently gives a similar effect to “Damage varies with TP” and the effect value varies depending on the amount of fire maneuvers you have, which is shown below.

    • No fire maneuvers: damage +25%
      *Currently there is a bug and no damage bonus is given when you do not have any fire maneuvers. This will be fixed in the September version update. Also with this change, the effect of the Flame Holder attachment will stack additional damage onto the damage from Magic Mortar that is calculated from the automaton’s missing HP.
    • 1 fire maneuver: damage +100%
    • 2 fire maneuvers: damage +175%
    • 3 fire maneuvers: damage +250%

Now then, onto the weapon skill data…

  • Chimera Ripper
    Base stat: Damage +500%, Accuracy +100
    Modifier stat: STR50%
    TP1000: Damage±0%
    TP2000: Damage+250%
    TP3000: Damage+500%

  • String Clipper
    Base stat: Twofold attack, Damage+250%, Attack +25%
    Modifier stat: STR30%, DEX30%
    TP1000: Accuracy±0
    TP2000: Accuracy +50
    TP3000: Accuracy +100

  • Arcuballista
    Base stat: Damage+600%, Accuracy+100
    Modifier stat: DEX60%
    TP1000: Damage±0%
    TP2000: Damage+300%
    TP3000: Damage+600%

  • Slapstick
    Base stat: Threefold attack, Damage +166%
    Modifier stat: STR30%, DEX30%
    TP1000: Accuracy ±0
    TP2000: Accuracy +40
    TP3000: Accuracy +80

  • Bone Crusher
    Base stat: Threefold attack, Damage +166%, Additional effect: Stun, Against undead: Damage +100%
    Modifier stat: VIT60%
    TP1000: no effect
    TP2000: no effect
    TP3000: no effect

  • Armor Piercer
    Base stat: Damage +300%, Accuracy+100, Defense ignored -50%
    Modifier stat: DEX60%
    TP1000: Damage±0%
    TP2000: Damage+150%
    TP3000: Damage+300%

  • Magic Mortar
    Base stat: Damage varies depending on automaton’s remaining HP
    Modifier stat: none
    TP1000: Damage+50%
    TP2000: Damage+75%
    TP3000: Damage+150%

  • String Shredder
    Base stat: Threefold attack, Damage +50%, Accuracy +10, Attack +36%
    Modifier stat: VIT50%
    TP1000: Critical +20%
    TP2000: Critical +40%
    TP3000: Critical +70%

  • Armor Shatterer
    Base stat: Damage +500%, Accuracy +50, Additional effect: reduced defense -15% (90 seconds), Attack +125%
    Modifier stat: DEX50%
    TP1000: Extended effect duration for additional effect±0%
    TP2000: Extended effect duration for additional effect+33%
    TP3000: Extended effect duration for additional effect+66%

  • Cannibal Blade
    Base stat: Damage +1500% (*)
    Modifier stat: MND100%
    TP1000: Damage±0%
    TP2000: Damage+750%
    TP3000: Damage+1500%
    *Base damage varies depending on melee skill.

  • Daze
    Base stat: Damage+500%, Accuracy+150, Additional effect: Stun
    Modifier stat: DEX100%
    TP1000: Damage±0%
    TP2000: Damage+250%
    TP3000: Damage+500%

  • Knockout
    Base stat: Damage +500%, Accuracy +50, Additional effect: reduced evasion -10% (30 seconds)
    Modifier stat: AGI100%
    TP1000: Damage±0%
    TP2000: Damage+250%
    TP3000: Damage+500%

Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2015-09-03 20:03:47
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[dev1287] Unity Concord and Records of Eminence Adjustments

  • New Wanted targets will be added.

  • New Records of Eminence objectives will be added.

  • Players will now be able to purchase both escha silt and resistance credits with copper A.M.A.N. vouchers.

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 332
By Shiva.Kingmancat 2015-09-03 20:13:09
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Fafhogg UC. Not at all out of the realm of possibility that one of its drops would be an iLvl Ridill.

Paired with the new Joytoy = iLvl Sword-chucks, yo!
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gobbo
Posts: 300
By Sylph.Gobbo 2015-09-03 20:30:29
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It's like we've come full circle.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2015-09-03 20:50:14
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Ridill would be nice, but my guess is a ilvl Aegishjalmr and Balmung. Anything but an ilvl Andvaranauts lol (Although this is SE we're talking about...).

I wonder if they're doing Behemoth/Aspid also, I don't see them giving out ilvl D rings, but they really don't have any good drops. An ilvl Sipar is the only thing I see with potential.
MSPaint Champion
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-09-03 21:58:48
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I'd like them to do Behemoth/Aspid too, but not even stop there: Adamantking, Overlord, Manifest, Cerberus, Hydra, Khimaira, Gulool Ja Ja, Medusa, Gurfurlur, Ixion, Sandworm.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Echandra
Posts: 546
By Asura.Echandra 2015-09-03 22:06:03
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Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
I'd like them to do Behemoth/Aspid too, but not even stop there: Adamantking, Overlord, Manifest, Cerberus, Hydra, Khimaira, Gulool Ja Ja, Medusa, Gurfurlur, Ixion, Sandworm.

That would be great, bring back all the HNM mobs. The way things are going, I am going to be very amused if the last Escha zone event is a Vrtra type mob.
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2015-09-03 22:55:34
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The sky gods could be really neat to add!
MSPaint Champion
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-09-04 00:01:33
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Creecreelo said: »
The sky gods could be really neat to add!
Kinda wondering if they'd do something like with the 4 shadows in Fei'Yin, or just make level 135 Kirin and call it a day.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2015-09-04 00:06:45
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I just hope they find a way to make the drops viable. I can't imagine Ridill fitting into current game FFXI.
Posts: 936
By Chyula 2015-09-04 00:10:20
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Please an ilvl Dring so I can congrat on those spending 100+ pops on KB.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2015-09-04 00:15:02
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I really like this new direction of telling us the stats on things rather then having us try to "figure it out" by testing against really weak mobs.
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