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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 126
By Lakshmi.Kingofbastok 2017-02-02 14:52:20
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Fenrir.Jumeya said: »
That might be true on some of the lower tier Abj items, but because kupo shield in itself exists, those same owners will still have an advantage/break tiers into higher level synths with Escutcheons.

The only difference will be shifting the markets upwards, but these same individuals will still maintain complete control of markets where they can break a tier with Kupo Shield vs those that do not own one.

Hopefully, that edge might be lessened with the release of similar bonused sub slot items.
I remember reading a Dev post somewhere (it might have been translated on the BG Forum) about how the new "relic" type crafting gear would be better than Kupo Shield and that you couldn't equip both at the same time. If that's true, then it should help a lot of crafters who didn't get lucky on marbles.

Asura.Avallon said: »
Unless SE puts a stop to players using their Crafting Mitts on their feet, and other exploits, I don't think the market will truly be fair play across the board (excluding Kupo Shield owners).
While I'm sure some people are doing this, I haven't really seen much evidence of it on my server. Also the items that I was looking at aren't super expensive, so I doubt anyone would risk their account for a somewhat small amount of gil.

edit: I just found the post about the new gear not working with the Kupo Shield on the OF. It was from the Freshly Picked Vana’diel 29 Digest and it said:

Ultimate synthesis equipment (tentative name)
We are planning to implement equipment that is comparable to relics for crafters. Since the slot it will occupy is the sub-weapon slot, they cannot be used in tandem with the Kupo Shield, but they will have very good stats to compensate for this. You will need to undertake various trials to obtain and enhance this equipment, and ultimately it will become something with a unique graphic. We’re working hard on creating this and carefully making adjustments, so it will take a bit of time to finalized, but we hope you look forward to it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Asura.Avallon 2017-02-02 15:28:49
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Oh, I could provide the evidence you need lol. Many people have screenshots of at least one person I know who brazenly went afk in the same spot for days while wearing the crafting gear illegitimately.

But, whatever.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 15:35:11
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
I've had an RDM healer on "serious" content one time in 18 months. (It was melee-yilan and we were all appropriately geared to find the content challenging) and if my PLD hadn't helped him heal, A LOT, we would have wiped.

We've used it when it's just a single tank in range of the NM. RDM and SCH are both great at single target healing a tank without a bunch of stuff around them, while also providing more utility and those amazing debuffs. For Omen I'm on RDM for our Fu (pet) and Kei (RNG TF + SCH) runs, works great.
Posts: 1533
By ScaevolaBahamut 2017-02-02 15:36:08
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update said:
February Existing Items ・Adjust prices of certain items when sold to an NPC

Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2017-02-02 15:48:32
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ScaevolaBahamut said: »
update said:
February Existing Items ・Adjust prices of certain items when sold to an NPC

Goodbye sparks -> gil 8D
Posts: 164
By Bamboom 2017-02-02 15:57:03
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Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
ScaevolaBahamut said: »
update said:
February Existing Items ・Adjust prices of certain items when sold to an NPC

Goodbye sparks -> gil 8D

¿¿¿¿¿¿Porqueeeeeeee(whyyyyyyyyy)?????? I really hope they don't. It's always a nice feeling when you go broke, but then you look at your sparks and have some emergency spark funds to get you back on your feet :|
By clearlyamule 2017-02-02 16:13:14
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
I just had a thunk when talking to a frund.

It would be kind of interesting to have Frazzle I/II/III reduce the target's magic evasion by 10/20/30%, maybe even allowing dMND to scale it higher, like it currently does. The percents might not be enough, I don't know what a mob's magic evasion number actually is.

But since unenhanced focus/languor wasn't always enough (focus as much as doubling one's magic accuracy), I'd say the number is pretty fairly high.

Clearly, the capability is there, lol.
That would be waaaaaaaaaaaay too much. While it's true we don't know meva we do know macc sort of.

Going back thru the rdm debuff drama in the omen thread it seems like fully pimped could land non dark debuffs on omen bosses fairly well for arguments sake say 90% magic hit rate while lesser had problems. I don't have a good set to reference plugging things into myffxigear.kicks-***.org and making some obvious changes like skill rings I'd put a pimped out fully jpd/merited jp at a bit over 1k macc so that would put the omen bosses at around 1k+ meva. -300 would be super big game.

Not really sure where you get regular focus as doubling macc... because that would be insanely ridiculous to the point of idris allowing naked people to land stuff on nms. Are you perhaps referring to observed hit rates instead? Cause big difference. Like from floored to capped magic hit rates is only 135 macc/meva
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Asura.Avallon 2017-02-02 16:25:11
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Bad move on SE's part if they change the value of various Sparks items sold to npc's. For some players (particularly returning, new or even veterans) this is one of their main sources of income.

Gain EXP isn't for our health. It's one way people earn money in the game.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Psycooo
Posts: 42
By Odin.Psycooo 2017-02-02 16:26:13
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I find it odd so many people are focused on one aspect of rdm. then again seeing as how people latch on to one specific role for every job and forget all the possibilities, it lowers my surprise.
rdm does not need cure 5 nor does it need curaga 3, do people not realize how fast that would create the downfall of whm? sure rdm still can't curaga 5 or ~na like a whm, but that won't matter rdm cure 4 hits 1k ish and capped fastcast with insta cast procs. the only ~na you really need to worry about on rdm is cursna due to rdm lack of healing skill. if a rdm had curaga 3 it would literally be able to spam it with never ending pool of mp, still be able to refresh/haste/flurry a party.
i have seen the debate about casting temper on party members, i am on the fence about it, yes i see it bringing in more rdm to the battle but that isn't an overall fix to rdm current situation. giving rdm the ability to cast temper on party just means it would pretty much only get invited for that one spell, most likely be a buff, drop and pop scenario. that doesn't get rdm in the fights it gets rdm in as a mule or a prebuffer.
rdm does not need more enhance duration gear, going for refresh potency instead of duration i still have enough time to haste an entire ally of 18, refresh my party, back heal, dd if needed the list goes on. can even make a toggle in your lua to lower some of the potency and increase the duration some.
enfeebles do need some work, heavy on the "some." too much tweaking on the potency of rdm enfeebles will make rdm bandwagon in a heartbeat. tons of players thinking full time jakari is ok for rdm. minimized potency but because se did the adjustment wrong it is still effective.
rdm is on the cusp of being overpowered right now. the enfeebles need a slight potency increase and the "half" resist, which is more like floored effect, to be adjusted. i don't think rdm needs to have capped haste spell, i think the more we add haste + the less we need other jobs. geo haste needs to be lowered, blu need to lose 15% in haste spells. as far as I have seen se has only talked about rdm enfeebles being changed, not their enhance or curing, i am ok with that. se has been careful on the melee gear they give rdm and I think that is largely due to temper. too much gear and melee rdm will be broken.
if se only does a 10% across the board for rdm enfeeble potency like they did to brd buffs and fix magic accuracy as well as the "half" resist i think that might be a fair adjustment for rdm.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-02-02 17:03:56
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WHM caps FC with insta cast procs too. RDM is fine healing if there is just a tank, but if you are doing something with multiple melees it becomes very meh. Really just because of how many status effects more than anything. You would have to have someone else help you, be it a BRD or say a BLU with White Wind.

RDM just needs a buff in some fashion where there is a real legitimate reason to bring one in a six man party.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 17:26:33
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RDM will never, ever, be a DD nor will it ever be a tank again. That leaves exactly one role left to fill, the one most critical to any group, support. RDM's have heaps and heaps of support potential, their buffs and buffs are quite potent and they can heal pretty damn well. The problem actually exists inside the games mechanics, after casting any spell regardless of casting time, there is a 3s period that the player can perform no action. Only after that period is over with can a player input another command to the server. In end game content against megaboss's, that pause means that the NM will be able to get off another move in-between the first and second cure casting and another one before the third casting goes off. This means that whomever is the third person is already dead or almost dead before the third cast goes off. The RDM then becomes unable to do anything else besides chase people's HP and eventually someone will die.

WHM's greatest healing ability isn't yagrush, isn't erase, isn't cure V, it's Curaga III. Being able to heal 640+ HP to three or more players within a single cast prevents that 3s lockout issue. You time your casts to happen right after the TP move and then you have a period of time to do something else before another heal is required. I've made Curaga II do pretty well but it's just not enough. So Curaga III is a minimum requirement for a RDM to heal a typical melee setup, the rest is just to balance out the various SJ choices and create diversity. Curaga IV is WHM's super ace-in-the-hole when something bad happens. Healing everyone for over 1000HP after something really bad is amazing, and WHM doesn't have to choose which SJ to use. A RDM going /WHM for curaga III is missing out on everything that is /SCH. A SCH going /WHM for curaga III is also missing out on /RDM power. So it creates a balance where the three healing jobs can choose their SJ's based on party composition and situation.

Aka imperfect balance.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2017-02-02 17:32:13
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Not sure why everyone thinks the sky is falling in regards to sparks item prices. It's been pointed out before but they updated the UI to make sparks transactions easier. They also added very costly synthesis materials to the guilds and lots of useful stuff to the curio moogle. The economy more or less relies on sparks at this point to make up for all of the gil that is funneled out through those NPCs. If anything I think they would be lowering the prices on some synthesis materials.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-02-02 17:43:13
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Leviathan.Stamos said: »
WHM caps FC with insta cast procs too. RDM is fine healing if there is just a tank, but if you are doing something with multiple melees it becomes very meh. Really just because of how many status effects more than anything. You would have to have someone else help you, be it a BRD or say a BLU with White Wind.

RDM just needs a buff in some fashion where there is a real legitimate reason to bring one in a six man party.

rdm can heal 6 man party with multiple melee, not always the least stressful ways to heal a melee party, but possible none-the-less.

As addressed, rdm can greatly benefit from boosting the potency of enfeebles to a non-broken level. Being able to land a 30% activation rate para would be pretty powerful in content, not to mention ease the ability of rdm healing in the event rdm main heals.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-02-02 18:05:51
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I'm thinking accolades, not sparks. I think prize powder being vendorable for the ratio they are was more an oversight than planning. Without using addons/plugins to mass sell them, it's pretty tedious and impractical to convert accolades to gil. However, I'd wager a pretty large portion of people who do gain exp are using tools to do so.

Possible it's an exploit or something, but leaving an exploit usable and just patching sale price(weeks out) seems unlikely.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2017-02-02 18:19:29
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Asura.Saevel said: »
RDM will never, ever, be a DD nor will it ever be a tank again. That leaves exactly one role left to fill, the one most critical to any group, support. RDM's have heaps and heaps of support potential, their buffs and buffs are quite potent and they can heal pretty damn well. The problem actually exists inside the games mechanics, after casting any spell regardless of casting time, there is a 3s period that the player can perform no action. Only after that period is over with can a player input another command to the server. In end game content against megaboss's, that pause means that the NM will be able to get off another move in-between the first and second cure casting and another one before the third casting goes off. This means that whomever is the third person is already dead or almost dead before the third cast goes off. The RDM then becomes unable to do anything else besides chase people's HP and eventually someone will die.

WHM's greatest healing ability isn't yagrush, isn't erase, isn't cure V, it's Curaga III. Being able to heal 640+ HP to three or more players within a single cast prevents that 3s lockout issue. You time your casts to happen right after the TP move and then you have a period of time to do something else before another heal is required. I've made Curaga II do pretty well but it's just not enough. So Curaga III is a minimum requirement for a RDM to heal a typical melee setup, the rest is just to balance out the various SJ choices and create diversity. Curaga IV is WHM's super ace-in-the-hole when something bad happens. Healing everyone for over 1000HP after something really bad is amazing, and WHM doesn't have to choose which SJ to use. A RDM going /WHM for curaga III is missing out on everything that is /SCH. A SCH going /WHM for curaga III is also missing out on /RDM power. So it creates a balance where the three healing jobs can choose their SJ's based on party composition and situation.

Aka imperfect balance.

Maybe not a full blown DD, but a well geared RDM with Almace and Temper II (possible to get 25%+ TA from the spell alone) is a force to be reckoned with.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 18:35:43
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Caitsith.Mahayaya said: »
Maybe not a full blown DD, but a well geared RDM with Almace and Temper II (possible to get 25%+ TA from the spell alone) is a force to be reckoned with.

Maybe against a MNK..

RDM isn't even in the league, much less the ballpark of the real DD's. The gear doesn't exist for it nor do the abilities. RDM can't get DW and Berserk at the same time, it's crippled in the attack and gear department. Temper II just puts it on equal standing as the other jobs for multi-attack, it doesn't give it an advantage.

If SE put RDM on Herc, Adhemar, Epona and other DD orientated gear then it might have a shot and not sucking, but right now it's in a tier lower then MNK and MNK's pretty low on the totem pole.

Asura.Thorva said: »
rdm can heal 6 man party with multiple melee, not always the least stressful ways to heal a melee party, but possible none-the-less.

On Apex sure, on anything harder no *** way. It's not a mater of cure potency but of time and built in game mechanics. Even if RDM had 100% Chain Spell effect, it still couldn't recast fast enough. Your first cure goes off then your waiting 3s before starting the second one, then another 3s starting the third one but it's already done another aoe and you gotta start all over again. Curaga II helps but it's not enough. Para and Slow mean absolutely nothing, the damage isn't from regular attacks it's from spammed Area of Effect TP Moves that hit anyone within melee range. Perfect Example : View Sync + Carasol from Craver, or nearly everything from the MB's. Every delve NM, every SR NM, every T2 or higher Escha NM, every Escha HELM, every HTBC and so forth. Don't thing there is a single high end fight that doesn't have damaging AoE's going off left and right.

Unless your fighting something without AoE's, which is absolutely nothing serious in this game.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-02-02 18:52:08
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If someone thinks rdm can't DD or tank they need to fix their gear. Rdm may not be the #1 spot in either of those categories, but they are far from being useless. A well geared rdm will have more than 2.8k hp and -50% pdt/mdt with a 480 stoneskin and more than 70 enmity in gear. The DD side of a rdm buffed can pound out 30k+ savage blade on just about any content there is.

Fyi, I have cure omen melee setups on rdm, don't tell people rdm can't heal pt of 6 beyond apex just because you don't think it is possible. Furthermore I have been known to keep pace with many people on their jobs as a rdm, I have people asking me all day long about my gear because they heard I was pulling massive dmg in parses.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 19:29:02
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***. But your known for that anyway.

WAR DRK SAM DRG BLU NIN DNC THF are all at least 100% stronger then RDM for melee. And healing a single DD isn't healing a melee PT. Stop fronting.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-02-02 19:32:10
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Asura.Thorva said: »
If someone thinks rdm can't DD or tank they need to fix their gear. Rdm may not be the #1 spot in either of those categories, but they are far from being useless. A well geared rdm will have more than 2.8k hp and -50% pdt/mdt with a 480 stoneskin and more than 70 enmity in gear. The DD side of a rdm buffed can pound out 30k+ savage blade on just about any content there is.

Fyi, I have cure omen melee setups on rdm, don't tell people rdm can't heal pt of 6 beyond apex just because you don't think it is possible. Furthermore I have been known to keep pace with many people on their jobs as a rdm, I have people asking me all day long about my gear because they heard I was pulling massive dmg in parses.

As it has been pointed out, RDM doesnt have the gear choices to outperform most DD classes if we talk on equal skill from both players but can it DD? yea of course, murgleis or the aeonic will do just fine but you have to choose btw /war or /nin, that's the first problem here, second is DD jobs have jas and traits for dmg which rdm doesnt have either.

In the scenario you said about doing 30k savage blades, any DD will do far more from white and WS dmg, its just pure logic and again, "30k+ savage blade on just about any content there is" is talking big without any proof.

I agree RDM can cure in omen since the content isnt that bad to heal around (i do it on sch on a daily basis but sch has regen 5 and the ability to spam accession) but as saevel said, healing just 2 DDs (i guess no PLD here) plus yourself in the front row can be tricky sometimes if the caturaes go douchebag, you'll get hit with debuffs and a bad silencega followed by an interference can suck.

Here is a video of some maju burning i did with my ls long ago, the first fight has a rdm which basically had everything for murgleis:

YouTube Video Placeholder

With the same buffs, prime/me ended 35-36% each pretty tied with hiideki following at 17ish and the rdm 12-13%, you see where saevel's point is? RDM can DD but it isnt on the level of real DDs, its on the league with WHM DD.

But for the sake of it, parse on something 140+ against competent blu, drk, war, you name it and bring the video to us so we shut up and trust you.

P.S.: I find it funny that ppl asking for your gear sets when its you the one asking around for people's DRK lua : D
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 19:32:17
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Valefor.Omnys said: »
I've had an RDM healer on "serious" content one time in 18 months. (It was melee-yilan and we were all appropriately geared to find the content challenging) and if my PLD hadn't helped him heal, A LOT, we would have wiped.

We've used it when it's just a single tank in range of the NM. RDM and SCH are both great at single target healing a tank without a bunch of stuff around them, while also providing more utility and those amazing debuffs. For Omen I'm on RDM for our Fu (pet) and Kei (RNG TF + SCH) runs, works great.

I'm not even joking when I say this.. There's a few higher-tier fights in Escha/Rei where if it's just the tank on the boss, smn/whm is a fine healer, geo/whm is a fine healer. Honestly, if you have enough refresh, mnk/whm is a fine single-target healer.

I mean, I know your stance on RDM already, I know you're not defending it. I just mean that if cursna or sacrifice isn't needed, frequently anything with enough Cure IV's can keep an aegis alive.
Posts: 57
By Calinar 2017-02-02 19:38:55
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Dood. Sparks nerf is the inevitable eventuality, but not yet, not like this!

Gain-money RoE puts like 500m gil(more tbh) into play every other day though, so not surprised when/if it happens.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 19:46:15
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
I'm not even joking when I say this.. There's a few higher-tier fights in Escha/Rei where if it's just the tank on the boss, smn/whm is a fine healer, geo/whm is a fine healer. Honestly, if you have enough refresh, mnk/whm is a fine single-target healer.

Yeah almost any job can spam Cure III / IV provided they have enough MP and access to decent potency gear. The problem comes when you have 3 Melee (or 1 tank 2 melee), a GEO and maybe even a COR in range of the NM and it does a 500 damage (hits tank for like 50) damage aoe. Your now casting single target heals buy by the time your at heal #2 or 3 its' done it again and now someone is down 1000HP. This continues until someone dies. And 500 is light damage, real things deal 800~1000 damage per aoe, with the tank eating maybe 100 (depending on tank and access to RMEs). Then an aoe status ailment goes off, paralyze, silence, slowga, and you need to not only cycle cures but also status debuffs. Things can quickly escalate because that damn 3s global timer becomes your barrier. When your "list of ***that needs doing" is 6~7+ deep then only one action per 3s becomes a giant limiter. With a powerful curaga you can just toss that after the TP move and then remove status ailments and if another TP move happens you toss it again. Otherwise it becomes a game of hoping the NM doesn't do a bad move when your in the middle of healing everyone, one at a time.

Now remove that issue, having just a tank and maybe a GEO, or even a single DD and a GEO and it's 10x easier. Something bad happens you just toss out two cures because you got just enough of a window before the next TP move to fit them in.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 19:46:48
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Asura.Avallon said: »
Bad move on SE's part if they change the value of various Sparks items sold to npc's. For some players (particularly returning, new or even veterans) this is one of their main sources of income.

Gain EXP isn't for our health. It's one way people earn money in the game.

They did the same thing with blinkers after blinkers forever-changed the economy.

Don't be surprised if shields are next.

They can say whatever they want about RMT but Blinkers did more to solve RMT than any nerf. They weren't interfering with players. They weren't doing anything players couldn't and some of them got downright-friendly with players.

On Valefor, the guys PLing you over-night would offer discounts if you came back multiple times and it wasn't because of other RMT competition. They agro'd sabotender one time and I dia'd it and ran off and dude PL'd my next job for free. Their regular price was, of course, cheaper than the cruor earned.

Same for sparks-conversion.

If I need gil, I can spend 4 hours on one character and come out with 4-6 million gil. That's 1% of even the most expensive items in the game, and that's not counting whatever I might spend keys on. Sounds terrible but people used to consider achieving 10 or 20k an hour good gil against items that sold for 3 or 5m and that's not even considering kclub, and Relic/Mythic's costs.

(Edit: I'm aware, of course, of the potentials of rock farming, especially when you multibox)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-02-02 19:49:55
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Ragnarok.Phuoc said: »
Asura.Thorva said: »
If someone thinks rdm can't DD or tank they need to fix their gear. Rdm may not be the #1 spot in either of those categories, but they are far from being useless. A well geared rdm will have more than 2.8k hp and -50% pdt/mdt with a 480 stoneskin and more than 70 enmity in gear. The DD side of a rdm buffed can pound out 30k+ savage blade on just about any content there is.

Fyi, I have cure omen melee setups on rdm, don't tell people rdm can't heal pt of 6 beyond apex just because you don't think it is possible. Furthermore I have been known to keep pace with many people on their jobs as a rdm, I have people asking me all day long about my gear because they heard I was pulling massive dmg in parses.

As it has been pointed out, RDM doesnt have the gear choices to outperform most DD classes if we talk on equal skill from both players but can it DD? yea of course, murgleis or the aeonic will do just fine but you have to choose btw /war or /nin, that's the first problem here, second is DD jobs have jas and traits for dmg which rdm doesnt have either.

In the scenario you said about doing 30k savage blades, any DD will do far more from white and WS dmg, its just pure logic and again, "30k+ savage blade on just about any content there is" is talking big without any proof.

I agree RDM can cure in omen since the content isnt that bad to heal around (i do it on sch on a daily basis but sch has regen 5 and the ability to spam accession) but as saevel said, healing just 2 DDs (i guess no PLD here) plus yourself in the front row can be tricky sometimes if the caturaes go douchebag, you'll get hit with debuffs and a bad silencega followed by an interference can suck.

Here is a video of some maju burning i did with my ls long ago, the first fight has a rdm which basically had everything for murgleis:

YouTube Video Placeholder

With the same buffs, prime/me ended 35-36% each pretty tied with hiideki following at 17ish and the rdm 12-13%, you see where saevel's point is? RDM can DD but it isnt on the level of real DDs, its on the league with WHM DD.

But for the sake of it, parse on something 140+ against competent blu, drk, war, you name it and bring the video to us so we shut up and trust you.

P.S.: I find it funny that ppl asking for your gear sets when its you the one asking around for people's DRK lua : D

Actually I see none of your points, first off the whole fight was bad, you should have all been spamming savage to prevent sc dmg and you wouldn't need to keep turning.

next up murg/cdc loses to aeonic/savage, also the rdm was not dual wield which slows tp gain and loses offhand ws mod from weapons. Next rdm doesn't have the raw attk to keep up to other jobs in a turn wait for regain type fight. It needs to not only use the correct ws, but needs the white dmg.

Just because someone has all the gear doesn't magically mean they are doing the highest potential of a job.

I was asking for a drk lua? No... I gave people drk lua and kept a lot of the drk forum updated. As for the "talking big without proof" well I don't run around recording everything I do to impress people, I don't save screenshots of dmg anymore because I am no longer impressed with the dmg of weapon skills or dps. If I say I can do something it is to alter the mindset of people that think it is impossible.

The bigger problem isn't if someone says they can do something or not, it is the problem with all the naysayers that can't do it or haven't seen it and think it isn't possible. I have repeatedly proved I was capable of doing things people said I couldn't do, it gets old. Either take my word or don't, but don't blame a job because you or someone you know can't gear properly enough to deal real dmg.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2017-02-02 19:53:26
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Valefor.Omnys said: »
I'm not even joking when I say this.. There's a few higher-tier fights in Escha/Rei where if it's just the tank on the boss, smn/whm is a fine healer, geo/whm is a fine healer. Honestly, if you have enough refresh, mnk/whm is a fine single-target healer.

Yeah almost any job can spam Cure III / IV provided they have enough MP and access to decent potency gear.


I feel like we're arguing over who can agree more, lol? I mentioned only having one RDM healer for a melee setup in challenging content. You mentioned RDM being a fine single-target healer and I said darned-near (d a r n =p) everything was, outside of some mechanics and now you're talking about where RDM (or any healer but SCH) fails, and even sch can struggle.
Posts: 164
By Bamboom 2017-02-02 19:53:54
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Ragnarok.Phuoc said: »
Asura.Thorva said: »
If someone thinks rdm can't DD or tank they need to fix their gear. Rdm may not be the #1 spot in either of those categories, but they are far from being useless. A well geared rdm will have more than 2.8k hp and -50% pdt/mdt with a 480 stoneskin and more than 70 enmity in gear. The DD side of a rdm buffed can pound out 30k+ savage blade on just about any content there is.

Fyi, I have cure omen melee setups on rdm, don't tell people rdm can't heal pt of 6 beyond apex just because you don't think it is possible. Furthermore I have been known to keep pace with many people on their jobs as a rdm, I have people asking me all day long about my gear because they heard I was pulling massive dmg in parses.

With the same buffs, prime/me ended 35-36% each pretty tied with hiideki following at 17ish and the rdm 12-13%, you see where saevel's point is? RDM can DD but it isnt on the level of real DDs, its on the league with WHM DD.

That's actually pretty cool... It's pretty sweet that they can make a 10+% contribution on damage while doing their rdm business...

Also why were they single wielding? Is that better for mythic sword?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 20:05:00
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Valefor.Omnys said: »
I'm not even joking when I say this.. There's a few higher-tier fights in Escha/Rei where if it's just the tank on the boss, smn/whm is a fine healer, geo/whm is a fine healer. Honestly, if you have enough refresh, mnk/whm is a fine single-target healer.

Yeah almost any job can spam Cure III / IV provided they have enough MP and access to decent potency gear.


I feel like we're arguing over who can agree more, lol? I mentioned only having one RDM healer for a melee setup in challenging content. You mentioned RDM being a fine single-target healer and I said darned-near (d a r n =p) everything was, outside of some mechanics and now you're talking about where RDM (or any healer but SCH) fails, and even sch can struggle.

Oh not arguing with you, just pointing out where the road blocks are at that prevent it from doing more.

Bamboom said: »
That's actually pretty cool... It's pretty sweet that they can make a 10+% contribution on damage while doing their rdm business...

Except it was taking up a slot that could of been filled by another full DD, a BRD, a GEO or a COR. Any one of those would of added much more then 10% to that fight from their buffs alone. Their not going to take up a DD slot but a support slot and the slot they fit the best into is the healer because healing skill is now extremely important to heals, plus it gets all sorts of support orientated stuff naturally.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-02-02 20:47:35
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This is for the naysayers, had to go hunt crap down for you guys.

Eirnys is while I was in the tank party on rdm, lacking buffs. No, I wasn't using temps either.
The CDC was 4 months ago, long before I got rdm up to the level I have now.
The parse data was 2-3 weeks ago my rdm vs aeonic rune, mythic sam and a 2100 hq abj blu, not rema.

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2017-02-02 20:56:09
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Dude only 30K? That's *** weak sauce on Erinys. Here I'm thinking it's on a real fight where your actually engaged and WSing the moment you have TP and not charging for once per 60s. On Erinys I average 51K Savage Blades and score right under Aeonic THF's (just can't catch those ***). Our LS's *** COR does 30K+ Savages on that guy.

Seriously .... you think 30K CDC on a T2 Escha Ruanne NM is something worth noting? Like I could understand if maybe it was average on a Reisen T2, but Kammavaca is something like CL128 or 129, that's Reisen T1 status.

We're talking a DD slot, meaning your DD competition isn't a sleeping BRD or a gimmy COR but WAR / DRK / DRG / SAM / THF / NIN / BLU and DNC. Those are the guys you need to be about 80% of to be worth considering for the slot, otherwise your support and only allowed to melee because the content is lolz worthy and it won't hurt anything. And those are just your highlights and carefully chosen not to show your lows, which in this game of randomness do happen. So your averages are MUCH lower then those numbers that everyone else gets.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-02-02 21:03:50
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I had to unblock you to address your lack of ability to see things. you completely missed the fact that I didn't have buffs and I was in the tank party. That means no warcry, no rolls, no bubbles, no songs, no temps, and still 30k. And I am betting your 51k comes from /thf and running mighty strikes.
And no... I don't mighty strikes everything like you do. Your sad 5k dps on kirin was laughable running MS and not even dealing with 6 invincible like I have and still walked away with 4.6k dps after 3 minutes of no dmg.
Secondly you completely missed the part I said the cdc was 4 months ago long before I fixed my melee sets.

Finally.... And I really was going to avoid this part, the other day you were in a ambu party that had a blu beating you in parse. That very blu only does 2/3 my dps, he is in my linkshell. You then made him change jobs and you took 3 2hd DD in there and got 2 minute clears. I clear Vd Vol 2 ambu in 2:00-2:30 this month pulling more than 45% of the parse with 4 DD. You have not only yourself tricked into thinking you are a great DD, but you have a bunch of others believing it as well.

Seriously, get over yourself. Please, it gets old.

The fact is I was told rdm can't hit 30k savage, I proved it. You come in and act hard, but you can't even beat the blu that I beat in parse. You never matched the dps I did on Kirin/Woc, you and many others know it. Your problem with me, is I have challenged you at every turn, I remember on a previous account your mythic capped out blu struggled to beat my 100jp blu in SR. A capped blu with mythic AND hq gear vs 100 jp nq tang/nibru blu that was only blu for a week and you were pulling 1800 dps while I was 1600 dps. Yet somehow you thought you were so amazing.

The bigger fool is not the one that has been fooled, but the one that believes he has fooled the people.
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