Final Fantasy XV
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-12-15 14:47:20
My list of top 5 villains:
1) Kefka
2) Caius (only part I liked about XIII trilogy, Serah ruined the rest of XIII-2 for me)
3) Ardyn
4) Kuja
5) Golbez (only because of his twist)
Just can't agree that XV's villain is bad. He reminded me a lot of Vaas from Far Cry 3 who was arguably in the top 3 best video game villains of all time, but he didn't quite reach that level.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1325
By Bismarck.Patrik 2016-12-15 17:05:56
I agree that the villain was great. They just wasted so much potential, imo, by not really developing him and leaving the details of his past hidden in in game books and hints.
Still one of my favorites too though.
By Kalila 2016-12-15 21:04:52
Top 3/5 sounds right for Ardyn.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-12-15 21:17:02
Slowly making my way through the game because BS work schedule. Encountered level 54 Jormungandr at level 20 something. basically solo'd it over the course of a half game day.
The entire time, magitek units are being deployed and slaughtered by Jormungandr. Night time occurs and two Red Iron Giants and a level 74 Magitek unit spawn immediately after Jormungandr dies.
I high tail it out of there because I used up all of my potions and hi potions.
So much fun. :D
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
Posts: 131
By Vicious Zvahl 2016-12-15 22:28:34
I just beat the game last night and I would like to counter some of your points Kalila, especially with your rating on the villians.
Chapter 13 Chapter 13 is probably one of the most misunderstood part in this game. The big upsets was them briefly touching on Prompto's reveal and the Ring being utterly weak. Other than that the Chapter captured everything it needed too. Before that chapter Noctis is slowly stripped of everything that he depends on. Ignis loses his eyesight, Prompto falls of the train and then we get to Chapter 13 where he loses the regalia and parts way with the rest of his friends. He has no weapons and therefore has no choice but to accept his power and put the ring on. The game becomes VERY linear at this point. Noctis has this amazing power but he is powerless to control his fate which is still being controlled by Ardyn. He proceeds forwards trying to do right, like the rest of the game, but is subject to whatever Ardyn wants him to do and the ending of the chapter reflects all of that. Most people felt frustrated and annoyed with that chapter, you were supposed to feel frustrated and annoyed. The game wanted you to experiencing what Noct was experiencing and they did a beautiful job doing that.
Story Rating:
My personal Story rating 7.5/10 (May get better with DLC)
Spoilers: The biggest downside is that the story does feel rushed but I don't agree with your flow, I also disagree with the predictability issue. If you understand that the game is being told from Noctis's perspetive that should clear up a lot of the issues. The quick cuts, time skips are all explainable by Noctis's state. Take the quick cut after Titan, Noctis passes out so you don't know what else happened. The game is about capture his emotions and having you feel the way he does through gameplay. I actually found that aspect extremely unique. A good example is Ramuh, you just wake up and start going after the altars but you aren't doing it to get Ramuh you are doing it so you can fulfill what needs to be done to see Luna. As the player you want to see Luna because she has the ring, which is power to you but Noctis wants to see her because he loves her and is greatly concerned with her wellbeing. This type of thing happens through out the game, like in the mines with Gladio constantly saying crap about you running ahead or on top of the train and even in chapter 13. The game wasn't about telling a story of the world, but rather a story of a prince who has to accept the responsibilities pushed on him. I always felt like Noctis did up until the very end. That is why I would rate the story much higher. The downsides, being that it was rushed and felt really short. Also as for predictability, most ever game is predictable at some point and time but I find it hard to believe that you predicted some of the major twists in this game. If you did then power to you, but some of them weren't even hinted at (Ignis eyesight, Luna's fate, Promptos fate + Reveal, Fall of Niflheim, Ardyns true name.
Villain Rating:
For me: Villains: 8/10
More spoils: I strongly disagree. Ardyn was an amazing Villian. He was every bit of a modern Kefka, but still not as good. He established control from the very beginning of the game. He created this weird sense of "Trust" but "Mistrust" through your journey and he culminated in Chapter 13. As you are climbing the structure you truly see how incredibly evil he is as you read the pamphlets and hear him mocking you. You know what you must do and what you must do is exactly what he wants you to do. Just like Kefka, Ardyn won. He got the world he wanted and essentially destroyed everything. Unlike Kefka though, Ardyn was much more devious and controlling. The story played out exactly how he wanted it too and continually mindeffed Noctis. Easily one of the best villians in the Final Fantasy series, I do think Kefka was better but not too much better. Aside from the main Villain, I agree that all others fell flat which is why I would give the whole category a 8/10. If it was just off the main Villain it would have been an easy 9.5/10.
In terms of emotional story telling this game is easily in the top 5 for the FF series for myself. It lacks in other areas though, such as the un-epicness of the story fights. Seriously the Levi fight and final fight... like wtf were they thinking.
I just wanted to agree with this rating. The Royal Arms and the RoL were all disappointing. You get very few weapons one of the best swords is available extremely early in the game. They could have done this a lot better.
Everyone will have different opinions but I think hearing multiples opinions is always a good thing. Cross counter!
Chapter 13
Whether you felt frustrated or not is pretty subjective. I felt that the ring was very powerful, until they told you that it no longer worked by making its X-zone ability miss(starting with the Red Gargoyle that was actually the Emperor). Noct had been frustrated long before this chapter as well, the tension had been building in what you had referenced with the loss of Ignis's sight. The schism between friends, and the loss of Prompto. They are experiences that not many people can relate to. Not a lot of people know friends who go blind from battling for them. Not a lot of people get tricked into hurting their dear friends. And certainly, no one is a Prince who has everything handed to them, except for money and money exchange systems, cause we gotta give you motivation to do hunts and stuff I guess. I can agree that it definitely shows you that Ardyn is in control, but the entire game has pretty much been showing that. Whenever he shows up, they pretty much have no choice but to dance his dance, since he has way more resources and power than they do.
The chapter was very weak and poorly put together and delivered, like most of the story. During the scene where Noctis is engulfed by the crystal, you can't even enjoy the dialogue without subtitles, because Noctis is HNNGHAFHing too hard to even make out half of what Ardyn is saying. When you kill the red gargoyle, its death speech that lets you know it was the emperor is drowned out by other noises. Prompto's "reveal" wasn't even a reveal. There was nothing to hint at it earlier in the game. Nothing whatsoever. It was literally just tacked on.
Being that you can't really relate to Noctis, though you may certainly empathize with him, the chapter is just sort of ***. People's frustration doesn't just stem from a state of weakness/powerlessness. It stems from the fact that this was supposed to be the high point of the rising action that leads to the climax, and it fell flat on its face. Not because the story is bad, but because the delivery was god awful. Much felt forced, and honestly, Sudden Exposition Bahamut didn't really help either.
Story Rating
The story's biggest weakness is its delivery and lack of content and characters. Even taking into account a Noctis Perspective, the game shows us things that Noctis could not possibly know, like the fight between Regis and the Magitek Knights, as well as the gathering of the Imperial high command. Ravus. Other various scenes with Luna and such. If they wanted it to be just Noctis's perspective, they shouldn't have shown us any of that. It would have made it more clear, but they didn't, so it really just appears to be slap chopped together and it probably was. There wasn't really any time for me to get into feeling with or for Noctis. Story was so short and travel was so long that I felt as though I spent half of my play time traveling, a third of it fighting, and the last sixth of it having actual story scenes/dialogues. Lots of those "twists" weren't even twists. They were plot happenstance and mostly tacked on just to be something that happened, the best of which was Ignis's loss of eyesight. They hinted heavily at Luna being at risk for dying. You know from the moment that Ardyn recites that poem or rhyme or whatever before taking you to see Titan that he is a big deal, and that he is probably the major villain. It is signed and sealed when he kills Luna. You know that Niflheim is going to go to ***when Aranea tells you that Magitek creations are made from demons. The game is not actually very subtle at all.
Villain Rating:
What villains? Ok, ok. I won't go that far, but really, the villainy wasn't very villainous, beyond the act of sacking Insomnia and killing Luna and King Regis and that old man that you see once and then never again. Every antagonist either changes sides or isn't really evil, just misunderstood/left with no other option really. Ardyn was nothing like Kefka. Kefka was driven insane by an experimental process which imbued him with magical powers. Ardyn was made a hero by gods, but then stripped and cast down by the same gods who made him a hero and cursed with an onerous burden at the same time. He really didn't have any other option, because not even the gods could kill him, as evidenced by him being shattered into nothing but ice fragments and water vapor on the train. He needed Noct to kill him and end his misery. I don't see some awesome villain in him. I see a miserable suffering man without recourse. If there's any real villains in the story, it's the gods themselves, because though they side with Noct and help him right their own wrong, they still caused everything bad that happened too lol. Douchebag Gods if you ask me. Ardyn gets points for being the one of the most fleshed out characters in the whole game though. He had the a large portion of the dialogue in the game. Could have been a lot better though.
For me it was largely emotionally vacant.
I agree with the weapons rating as well, though I guess I'd point out that they probably didn't see the point in adding a lot, since in the end, it's more about how you fight in real time. I would have liked to see more, and I definitely agree about the utility versus cost aspect of the ancestor weapons.
Overall I agree with Kali pretty much. It would have been a nice side game, or a nice game on its own. Like if they'd released this game and called it, "Gods of Lucis," or something like that, would have been like, "Hey let me see more of this idea you have." But nah, it's an FF title. I actually thought to myself when I finished it, "Man, I actually liked FFXIII better... goddamn it." lol
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-12-15 22:35:38
Quote: Today Square Enix announced that the first DLC package of Final Fantasy XV will be released on December 22nd for PS4 and Xbox One.
There will actually be two separate DLC: The Final Fantasy XV Holiday Pack (Free Version) will be released for free for everyone who purchased the game, while the Final Fanyasy XV Holiday Pack+ will be reserved to those who purchased the Season Pass.
The Holiday Pack+ Will include useful accessories that boost things like item drop rate or lower stamina consumption, on top of a ticket to a carnival to be held in-game in January, and more. It won’t be sold separately, so if you want it, you need the Season Pass.
The free Holiday Pack includes some accessories as well, and a carnival ticket of its own, that apparently is the same as the one included in the Holiday Pack+ (which, I assume, means that those who have the Season Pass will get two tickets).
A game update coming at the same time includes the new game plus feature, that let you use a save game after clearing the game to restart from the beginning of the story, and a feature that lets you add playful frames to pictures shared on social networks.
Below you can find the full list of items included in each package. Keep in mind that the info comes from a press release in Japanese, so official translations in English for the names of the items might differ.
Holiday Pack+
Ring of protection
Command booster (only for Noctis)
Phantom booster (only for Noctis)
Paean of the Instant Kill
Paean of Battle Skill
Good Luck Key
Stamina Anchor (only for Noctis)
Carnival Style costume (only for Noctis) – Available with an update scheduled for late January
Photo Frame (Holiday Pack Limited Edition) – Available with an update scheduled for late January
Limited-time carnival ticket +
Holiday Pack (Free Version)
Level Limiter
Paean of Annihilation
Moogle Chocobo t-shirt+ hat (only for Noctis) – Available with an update scheduled for late January
Limited-time carnival ticket (same as the “+” version. The name is simply different)
The carnival tickets will give you access to the Moogle Chocobo carnival, which will be held for a limited time in game in January. You can see an image in the gallery below.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2016-12-16 04:41:02
Just saw a video of the secret Jumping Puzzle, after trying it for a few mins yesterday and finding it fun.
Now I think I completely lost my will to even try it further lol
By Ackeron 2016-12-16 07:08:06
So I beat this game, Here's my stuff and thangs about it.
Just a heads up I just played the game none of the extra stuff.
Villain - Meh, I get the point and what is driving him but there wasn't much build up for the actual character himself.
Story - First 1/2 the game was actually pretty good but then it all went to ***. Feels like the whole second half was rushed like crazy. I mean you spend most of it on a train or in some hallways. You go through a bunch of zones with no sidequests or anything.
Ignis AKA Iggy - Combat wise pretty good his overwhelm destroys single targets, story wise ..... well I honestly have no clue who this guy is other then the smart guy who cooks and drives.
Gladious - Combat wise has the best AoE attacks, hardest hitting auto attacks, and is beefy as hell. Story wise it seems like he is the Brute guard of the Prince.
Prompto - Combat wise .... meh? He has that Gravshot thingy for grouping monsters, it also ignores resistances when it comes to Custards and Dulce.
Now here is the huge *** problem for the Prompto, story. Chapter 13. Ugh ... just ugh, guy's im an escaped magitek trooper. Ok sure. Moving on. .... Really? Just gloss over something that huge?
Okay so one of the things I did see outside of the game was Prompto was a fat kid. How the hell did this fat kid escape from a military compound that turns people into 1/2 machines and installs demons in them, then travel over 1/2 a continent away to hide ALONE in a city of his nations enemy. Then manages to go to school and support himself enough to keep himself pudgy, clothed, and with up to date camera equipment.
Just what?!
Combat - 2 buttons guys. Yup. Once you get the Black Hood it turns 1 button. Only thing you can do to *** up is attack at the wrong time or try to block an unblockable move. While this is still stupidly simple it still can be entertaining.
Camera - >_> This is one of the big problems. The game has lock on, but when you lock on you can't control the camera. This results in fighting against the camera rather then the enemy itself.
Magic - It took me a while to figure out how the magic worked and when I did I figured out it was for the most part overly complicated, and extremely overpowered. You can cap basic magic damage with only 100 potency, leaving you with a possible 899 potency that does absolutely nothing. Oh you got a 200+ potency -aga spell? that's great it wont do anymore damage since basic spells are capped at 9999 which you can once again hit at 100ish potency.
Music- OH snap! This game not only has good music of its own but it has good music from almost EVERY FF GAME! I-XIV + Dissidia 1 and 2, it's amazing!
-Post Game-
Hunts - Some of the special hunts at the end are great. Demon Wall was a challenge. Adamantoise though was not as great as it was supposed to be, just a bunch of warp striking.
Dungeons - No maps, No hints, Doors lock behind you, and some of the battles actually were pretty tough. *** those Yoda Tonberries. Still have 2 of these dungeons left. One of the dungeons was 100 floors long. It took me 4 hours to get through.
Rare spawn - There is a Lv99 Mech that can spawn other then this idk, but this mech is a beast, *** Flakk Cannons.
In conclusion, even though I believe the game was released unfinished I still enjoyed the game enough to play over 150 hours.
I'd give it around a 7/10.
My personal value system, I measure in movie tickets costs.
150 hours Playtime
2 hours = Average movie time.
$7 = average ticket price.
FFXV Value so far = $525
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-12-16 07:38:37
Combat - 2 buttons guys. Yup. Once you get the Black Hood it turns 1 button. Only thing you can do to *** up is attack at the wrong time or try to block an unblockable move. While this is still stupidly simple it still can be entertaining.
Personally I don't do all the things with combat that you can do but it's more complex than this since you can cancel attacks and use the analog stick to start a special type of attack (like the tempest-ish greatsword attack, the charge up, the drop kick with daggers etc)
It's not mentioned anywhere in the game though so I don't think most people know how to execute these attacks properly. I linked a youtube page with movesets on page 47
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-12-16 07:43:30
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Quote: Today Square Enix announced that the first DLC package of Final Fantasy XV will be released on December 22nd for PS4 and Xbox One.
There will actually be two separate DLC: The Final Fantasy XV Holiday Pack (Free Version) will be released for free for everyone who purchased the game, while the Final Fanyasy XV Holiday Pack+ will be reserved to those who purchased the Season Pass.
The Holiday Pack+ Will include useful accessories that boost things like item drop rate or lower stamina consumption, on top of a ticket to a carnival to be held in-game in January, and more. It won’t be sold separately, so if you want it, you need the Season Pass.
The free Holiday Pack includes some accessories as well, and a carnival ticket of its own, that apparently is the same as the one included in the Holiday Pack+ (which, I assume, means that those who have the Season Pass will get two tickets).
A game update coming at the same time includes the new game plus feature, that let you use a save game after clearing the game to restart from the beginning of the story, and a feature that lets you add playful frames to pictures shared on social networks.
Below you can find the full list of items included in each package. Keep in mind that the info comes from a press release in Japanese, so official translations in English for the names of the items might differ.
Holiday Pack+
Ring of protection
Command booster (only for Noctis)
Phantom booster (only for Noctis)
Paean of the Instant Kill
Paean of Battle Skill
Good Luck Key
Stamina Anchor (only for Noctis)
Carnival Style costume (only for Noctis) – Available with an update scheduled for late January
Photo Frame (Holiday Pack Limited Edition) – Available with an update scheduled for late January
Limited-time carnival ticket +
Holiday Pack (Free Version)
Level Limiter
Paean of Annihilation
Moogle Chocobo t-shirt+ hat (only for Noctis) – Available with an update scheduled for late January
Limited-time carnival ticket (same as the “+” version. The name is simply different)
The carnival tickets will give you access to the Moogle Chocobo carnival, which will be held for a limited time in game in January. You can see an image in the gallery below.
Perfect timing. Getting my gallbladder removed on the 23rd, I'll have nothing to do but lay on the couch and run through FFXV. Guess I'll finish the first run through of the story (just started chapter 13) before patch and be ready to hit it up whenever the drugs let me be coherent enough to play.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2016-12-16 07:53:33
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Combat - 2 buttons guys. Yup. Once you get the Black Hood it turns 1 button. Only thing you can do to *** up is attack at the wrong time or try to block an unblockable move. While this is still stupidly simple it still can be entertaining.
Personally I don't do all the things with combat that you can do but it's more complex than this since you can cancel attacks and use the analog stick to start a special type of attack (like the tempest-ish greatsword attack, the charge up, the drop kick with daggers etc)
It's not mentioned anywhere in the game though so I don't think most people know how to execute these attacks properly. I linked a youtube page with movesets on page 47 Let's relink it then! And this list is by no means complete either. There's a LOT of depth in this battle system. It pretends to be just another action game but it's quite the other way around.
Altough I still think the wonky wait and target mode (plus bad explaining) don't really help the full depth of it to stand out from the pretense of being an action game RPG
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2016-12-16 08:24:12
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Combat - 2 buttons guys. Yup. Once you get the Black Hood it turns 1 button. Only thing you can do to *** up is attack at the wrong time or try to block an unblockable move. While this is still stupidly simple it still can be entertaining.
Personally I don't do all the things with combat that you can do but it's more complex than this since you can cancel attacks and use the analog stick to start a special type of attack (like the tempest-ish greatsword attack, the charge up, the drop kick with daggers etc)
It's not mentioned anywhere in the game though so I don't think most people know how to execute these attacks properly. I linked a youtube page with movesets on page 47 It tells you in the tutorial that the direction you hold while attacking changes your combo. IE with the sword if you hold back you'll dodge away then warp strike back in, daggers you quick step when holding to the sides instead of attacking which makes it easier to blind side. Some of the royal arms have their own thing as well like the great sword you get before titan has an attack buff if you attack a certain way.
One of the reasons I feel they did fairly well on the combat design is if you want to min/max and work out different load outs you can, but at it's base it's simple enough that players new to the genre can pick it up and not be discouraged. The trade off is as Ack said you can just use 2 buttons if that's all you care to do, but as I've said before every FF played at base is not difficult with basic math and you can spam the attack command and heal when needed needed to win. The only way they become interesting and difficult is when you set your own challenges or try to max things out/find the best combinations of jobs/characters/etc or even just for shits and giggles type builds. This one is no exception.
My only major complaint about the combat is not just how freely you can use items but the abundance of them... like in other games if if I use a mega phoenix I cringe a little inside, in this one I'm just like "meh I'm too lazy to make more than 1 person use an elixer, mega phoenix go!". I feel like their should have been either a cool down on using potions (similar to Star Ocean 3 or Dragon Age 2) or a limitation on how many you can carry by type or total (ie Dragon Age 3 or Legend of Dragoon).
5 potions
3 hi potions
1 mega potion
5 elixer
2 hi elixers
1 megalixer
3 phoenix downs
1 mega phoenix
In my invantory at any given time would probably be a limitation I probably place on myself if I do another play through.
By eliroo 2016-12-16 08:33:27
Yea, the abundance of items makes it to easy to not die.
That being said, the combat totally changes once you get Airdance, I mean wow it feels so much nicer when fighting bigger mobs.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2016-12-16 08:36:21
Yea, the abundance of items makes it to easy to not die. Unless you afk you literally can not game over unless you run out of phoenix downs because it gives you time to use them after Noct hits 0... Apparently on easy mode you have a chance at getting Carbuncle summon if you wipe as well.
By eliroo 2016-12-16 08:42:51
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »It's not mentioned anywhere in the game though so I don't think most people know how to execute these attacks properly. I linked a youtube page with movesets on page 47
The game does mention that moving the analog stick during a blitz will effect the outcome of the combo, but they don't go into depth with it. I think they wanted the player to discover the combos.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-12-16 08:45:39
Who plays the tutorial lol
By eliroo 2016-12-16 08:46:26
I also think the whole "Player Discovery" is another motif they are going with, and while I don't mind it, it is pretty clear that its objective is to sell DLC, side content and sequels.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2016-12-16 08:53:19
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Who plays the tutorial lol Don't tell me how to live my life bear!
By eliroo 2016-12-16 09:25:23
Interesting theory I found on reddit today:
When we see Ardyn on the train and start attacking him, his dialect changes and he acts surprised that we are attacking him. The theory is that he was Prompto from the very beginning. That makes it so effed because I didn't hesitate to hit that button hoping to kill him.
Another point was brought up that when you go save the fake Prompto Ardyn says "Are you sure it wasn't the real thing?" Implying very early in Ch. 13 that Prompto was a MT
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2016-12-16 09:41:53
Interesting theory I found on reddit today:
When we see Ardyn on the train and start attacking him, his dialect changes and he acts surprised that we are attacking him. The theory is that he was Prompto from the very beginning. That makes it so effed because I didn't hesitate to hit that button hoping to kill him.
Uhh you mean from the beginning of the game or something? The loading screen between chapters tells you Ardyn used a spell to make Noct think Prompto was him and the fact that fake Ardyn not only talked but moved and acted like Prompto made it obvious to the player that Noct was under some sort of hallucination.
By eliroo 2016-12-16 09:45:30
Interesting theory I found on reddit today:
When we see Ardyn on the train and start attacking him, his dialect changes and he acts surprised that we are attacking him. The theory is that he was Prompto from the very beginning. That makes it so effed because I didn't hesitate to hit that button hoping to kill him.
Uhh you mean from the beginning of the game or something? The loading screen between chapters tells you Ardyn used a spell to make Noct think Prompto was him and the fact that fake Ardyn not only talked but moved and acted like Prompto made it obvious to the player that Noct was under some sort of hallucination.
Yea it mentions he uses a "stitch in time" to trick Noct, but I thought it was mentioning only the last moment when you push him off, not at the very beginning when you see him in the cart and it gives you the option to hit the attack button.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2016-12-16 09:48:52
Interesting theory I found on reddit today:
When we see Ardyn on the train and start attacking him, his dialect changes and he acts surprised that we are attacking him. The theory is that he was Prompto from the very beginning. That makes it so effed because I didn't hesitate to hit that button hoping to kill him.
Uhh you mean from the beginning of the game or something? The loading screen between chapters tells you Ardyn used a spell to make Noct think Prompto was him and the fact that fake Ardyn not only talked but moved and acted like Prompto made it obvious to the player that Noct was under some sort of hallucination.
Yea it mentions he uses a "stitch in time" to trick Noct, but I thought it was mentioning only the last moment when you push him off, not at the very beginning when you see him in the cart and it gives you the option to hit the attack button. Yeah that power of his isn't really ever explained. It being Prompto at the start of the sequence is definitely a thing not a theory though... he's even standing in the exact same spot Prompto was with Prompto no where in sight. Just another case of Ardyn being a sick ***.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-12-16 09:52:47
Interesting theory I found on reddit today:
When we see Ardyn on the train and start attacking him, his dialect changes and he acts surprised that we are attacking him. The theory is that he was Prompto from the very beginning. That makes it so effed because I didn't hesitate to hit that button hoping to kill him.
Uhh you mean from the beginning of the game or something? The loading screen between chapters tells you Ardyn used a spell to make Noct think Prompto was him and the fact that fake Ardyn not only talked but moved and acted like Prompto made it obvious to the player that Noct was under some sort of hallucination.
Yea it mentions he uses a "stitch in time" to trick Noct, but I thought it was mentioning only the last moment when you push him off, not at the very beginning when you see him in the cart and it gives you the option to hit the attack button. Yeah that power of his isn't really ever explained. It being Prompto at the start of the sequence is definitely a thing not a theory though... he's even standing in the exact same spot Prompto was with Prompto no where in sight. Just another case of Ardyn being a sick ***.
I wish they had elaborated on that 'stitch in time' part, or used it more throughout the game to *** with Noctis (maybe Ardyn did but we didn't realize?)
By eliroo 2016-12-16 09:54:29
Yea, I guess It just never occurred to me until I read that. Man that makes me feel so terrible, I need to go beat the game again so Ardyn can win again. I think the power to control time and space is part of the Lucis bloodlines powers. I mean the weapon throwing and such already show a bit of that. Ardyn has just had a long time to perfect that.
By eliroo 2016-12-16 10:07:13
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Spoiler Alert!
He used it a bit in Ch. 13 and I think he used it to make the bodies appear in the throne room.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2016-12-16 10:15:38
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Spoiler Alert!
He used it a bit in Ch. 13 and I think he used it to make the bodies appear in the throne room. Yeah but I meant earlier chapters, before we knew about it
Probably didn't but would be cool to figure out later lol
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2016-12-16 10:18:20
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Spoiler Alert!
He used it a bit in Ch. 13 and I think he used it to make the bodies appear in the throne room. Yeah but I meant earlier chapters, before we knew about it
Probably didn't but would be cool to figure out later lol After it came up I assumed it was how he was always able to be in the right place at the right time.
By eliroo 2016-12-16 10:24:06
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Spoiler Alert!
He used it a bit in Ch. 13 and I think he used it to make the bodies appear in the throne room. Yeah but I meant earlier chapters, before we knew about it
Probably didn't but would be cool to figure out later lol After it came up I assumed it was how he was always able to be in the right place at the right time. I'm pretty sure that Noctis was just where Ardyn wanted him everytime and not the other way around.
By Kalila 2016-12-16 11:14:10
Just saw a video of the secret Jumping Puzzle, after trying it for a few mins yesterday and finding it fun.
Now I think I completely lost my will to even try it further lol It took me a good 5 hours yesterday (my entire day after work) to complete that dungeon.
Really interesting, I wouldn't want more of those in the game unless they did something really different, but having it is great and I actually loved it...
except the controls in XV suck. Why must developers use a floaty character movement system? I don't care about your vision, I want 100% character movement and no exceptions. If I nudge forward I want to take 1 step, or even a half step, or a quarter step, not 3 steps forward. I raged during that dungeon not because it was difficult, not because it outsmarted me, but because of the controls. It's like the entire game is built on ice except you take 3 steps instead of sliding.
Controls are horrible when it comes to jumping puzzles of that complexity, and near the end it gets pretty freaking complex, in complete darkness with only your flashlight to guide you... all while you fall to your death (instant reset back to the last checkpoint) because of the controls.
I really hope they update the game to fix the fact that you can't nudge forward. So dumb. Floaty control systems need to go and never should of been a thing unless your game is specifically an artsy game and it needs it. Final Fantasy is not artsy and it does not and never will need floaty control systems... unless you're drunk or losing consciousness, or something.
By Kalila 2016-12-16 11:18:06
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Who plays the tutorial lol I did, why wouldn't I want to know what the game wants to inform me of? Otherwise I'd go through the game not knowing something exists.