Final Fantasy XV |
Final Fantasy XV
Not saying I like it much, I prefer older protagonists, but it explains why they look the way they do at least.
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Not saying I like it much, I prefer older protagonists, but it explains why they look the way they do at least. Eh. The way they look, to a degree, is secondary to other issues. I mean, you want them to look cool or w/e I mean, even with FFVII; Cloud was essentially the same. One could argue that ALL of the FF main characters in everything but IX were like that. And even Zidane was like that in the concept art for IX. Just for I-VII they were sprites, thus not as defined in the game itself. whoops, no I was right!
Terra wasn't even male! ever since ever since 7, FF series has been.. uhm, very giving to the yaoi fandom.
I do remember this 2 girls at school, anime/games club just loving the cloud x sephiroth, squall x seipher pairings and doujins.... Final Fantasy characters have always been pretty. As far back as Cecil rocking that lipstick and eyeliner. Guys or gals it's never mattered. If you were female and played FF, you've had a cadre of men to fawn all over as much as Yuffie is my waifu.
You guys can keep balloontits Tifa. XV is like a bro fantasy. The *** are the women, the beastpeople, the weirdo cat on a stuffed moogle, the super tall Na'vi with a broken horn or *** anything not human? Even XII managed to give us one Viera and that was a missed oppurtunity in a world with Bangaa, Nu Mou, Seeq etc. As a long time administrator of a FF dedicated forum, I can tell you there are swarms of youg girls who appeared over the years who thought of Squall as dreamy and they wanted to marry him.
Some about Cloud and Tidus. ...and but one idiot who thought that monstrosity of Vaan was hot. Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: » Final Fantasy characters have always been pretty. As far back as Cecil rocking that lipstick and eyeliner. Guys or gals it's never mattered. If you were female and played FF, you've had a cadre of men to fawn all over as much as Yuffie is my waifu. You guys can keep balloontits Tifa. XV is like a bro fantasy. The *** are the women, the beastpeople, the weirdo cat on a stuffed moogle, the super tall Na'vi with a broken horn or *** anything not human? Even XII managed to give us one Viera and that was a missed oppurtunity in a world with Bangaa, Nu Mou, Seeq etc. I wouldn't mind a bit more racial diversity in the cast, but we've gotten further away from that since X also. Khimahri was cool. There better be not human races! >:c
Well we haven't seen anything from the other 4-5 countries and what exists in the wilderness yet, hopefully they have some beast-like people. Maybe even a beast tribe with a city
Valefor.Sehachan said: » ...and but one idiot who thought that monstrosity of Vaan was hot. Vaan and his *** inverted abs
Siren.Mosin said: » Basch was superior in every way. Do I really need to haul out my man-crush on Balthier again? Basch had a better backstory for a main character than Balthier though, considering the whole twin-brother-frames-him-for-regicide
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Basch had a better backstory for a main character than Balthier though, considering the whole twin-brother-frames-him-for-regicide Oh. I dunno...I really think Balthier competes. Ex-judge, dad is evil genius, has his own airship, oozes awesome... Balthier bangs a viera though. Bonus points.
He's an amazing supporting character and would be awesome in a spinoff game but within the story of 12, Basch is a better main character.
Except no one of them is a main character. Ashe is.
I'm saying if he were, as he was supposed to be.
No wonder Balthier turned tail and bailed from Archadia. If my dad was as cool as XIIs Cid? I'd fly the coop too. With haste.
Mad scientist Cid was the best idea XII ever put to screen. Guy uses nukes on Nebudis, causes a war to obtain said nukes, dismisses the nukes as mere baubles, creates his own nukes with help from God, goes full Shakespeare, middle fingers the gods by blowing up their power source and then uses an eldritch abomination on the team before going out in a blaze of glory. And the best part? He got everything he wanted. Like a *** boss. Cause he's Cid. Valefor.Sehachan said: » Except no one of them is a main character. Ashe is. I like Ashe. Really, while Vaan is a bit annoying, it's sort of that "kid brother" annoying; there's no one in the XII party I really dislike. I dislike Ashe, she's kind of a ***
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » I dislike Ashe, she's kind of a *** How so? She had to consider a pretty big decision as the deposed princess of a vassal kingdom. Revenge vs. Responsibility to your people. To the characters, especially in the beginning. I get that she has a lot to think about but she doesn't need to be rude to people she just met lol
Well she's a young princess and they're peasants.
edit: actually two are pirates, one is a thief and another a supposed regicide so... So about that FFXV...
Bismarck.Dracondria said: » To the characters, especially in the beginning. I get that she has a lot to think about but she doesn't need to be rude to people she just met lol She acts as she has been raised to act, and grows on the way. Cliche to a point, but still. It's not even they're peasants. Ashe is a fugitive from the start and has little time to be wasting on formalities when people are trying to kill you. She shuts Vaan down because he's a kid, a stupid kid asking stupid questions.
Throughout the game shes burdened with all these responsibilities to herself, country, God (dem Occuria) and promises of peace vs. assured war. I think XII was pretty good at showing that a political FF is something that can both use the fantasy trope while also veering away from a IV-esque cheesefest. A pity the game wasn't well received by fandom. |
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