These New-age WHM Make Me /sigh

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These new-age WHM make me /sigh
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Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Amesbhe
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By Ramuh.Amesbhe 2009-06-30 17:40:01
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Didn't say they shouldn't have it and it doesn't enhance just that I've stopped arguing about it. Learned that trying to convince someone to use it when they refused because they get hit with AoE too much for sublimation...huge arguments. But this is from a whm who thinks they have to stand right next to their party to heal and not just when they have to buff.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Zor
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2009-06-30 17:40:15
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I consider myself a pretty good whm (which prolly means I suck) my gear is nothing special, for hells sake I don't even have AF2 legs yet..DAMN YOU DYNAMIS! Whm does get old fast and if you go to every event day after day it makes me want to kill ppl or maybe just not cure ppl ^^! But the last update whm got hooked up and now /sch is the overall winner for best sub for whm.

But for the most part I would have to agree most whm that I encounter do end up sucking at most things in life. And by "sucking" I mean they are lazy and don't even try hard to do much at all. I've met so many whm's that don't even think they have to haste anyone becuase they focus on cure instead, I just don't understand. After all these years whm is still needed at almost anything can kinda be replaced but never will be 100% un-needed.

I am one of those crazy ppl that actually really loves whm and doesn't mind going to whm to any event. Its a fun freakin job and /sch and with decent merits it can be even more fun.(Even tho I am currently re-thinking my whm merits..)

[/Rant]And remember to be nice to whm's when it comes to merit pt invites. I think it's just as easy to keep MP on whm over rdm in Merits and now /sch makes it even easier. And a good whm can cure circles around a rdm in merits, and if anyone says anything about rdm and convert? Who the ***still needs convert in merits!!
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Zor
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2009-06-30 17:46:33
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^ this is all imo btw forgot to add that..
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Etrayis
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By Bahamut.Etrayis 2009-06-30 18:12:14
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October said:
/sch onry ヽ(`д´)ノ

^^ This
Serveur: Pandemonium
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user: Andross
Posts: 15
By Pandemonium.Andross 2009-06-30 18:16:39
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/sch is better then any gear WHM can currently equip. It's not even that it offers better MP management; that's just one of the many benefits of /sch. You guys forget that light arts boosts WHMs innate enhancing and enfeebling magic to B+. Enhancing magic boosts Barspells so Zorander, with /sch you're probably getting nearly the same bar spells as a whm/blm with AF2 legs.

Then you can switch to dark arts. This gives you access to B+ dark magic along with Drain and Aspir. If you have the charges to spare, you can use Addendum: Black to gain access to Dispel and Sleep with B+ enfeebling magic skill. Sleep isn't too useful thanks to Repose, but Dispel can help occasionally.

I could go on and on listing the many benefits of /sch. When I list the benefits of /blm, I stop at Elemental seal, warp, escape, and tractor. /smn sucks and you should feel bad.

I think I'll say what I said last time:
The 2 handed DD didn't cry nearly this much about having to change their SJs to SAM, I have no idea why WHMs do with /sch.
Serveur: Odin
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user: arnor
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By Odin.Arnor 2009-06-30 18:25:32
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again i say it i have no problem with sch sub its an amazing sub im not bashing it at all.. but all im saying is dont bash someone or tell someone how to play thier job for not having /sch.. and noone should feel bad about /smn with max MP boost and auto refresh its a decent sub.. its not a question of what thier sub is a whm/blm or /smn could be great and a /sch might suck and id take a /blm or /smn that knows what they are doin over a /sch thats only doin what everyone else says they should any day -.- if you have sch use it by all means but dont go telling others they have to do it when they can do just fine without it too.. cause people play this game to have fun.. not be bashed for playing it the way they want to
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
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By Kujata.Daus 2009-06-30 18:44:20
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You have to admit it is really sucky to come in after a playstyle that has been normal the past 5 years or so and tell them that they have to lvl a new subjob, especially when you think you're done lvling subs.

I was really bummed out by that also for my whm because I really wanted to spend my limited time doing something else. So I dont judge the whms who dont have the sub still. Alot of the whms I know who have whm as a secondary or tertiary (whatever-else-ary) dont have /sch yet. Its not really disrupting their playstyle much. If people continue to push it then testy whms are just going to get more testy and defensive. Yes you can play whm just fine with oldschool subs. I know so from experience also.

but /sch really is a step up for your own sanity for those who are on whm alot. The day I got sch to 36 I took it to nyzul isle and Id been lvling it under a lvl30 cap so I really had no idea how sch worked at 36 let alone subbing it to whm..and I noticed a huge improvement despite my JA fumbling. Before, we still managed to trek up some odd 80 floors of nyzul just fine, but it was alot of mp watching and item buying and hoping for lamp floors so that I could sit at the lamp and rest my mp back. Now unless Im srsly unlucky its like having a convert ready every 5mins and it feels like you're never out of mp. It really is a godsend for the constantly standing nyzul whm.

and if that doesnt win you over. Looking at 10 JAs in your JA box on whm makes you feel extremely superior..remember a year ago when you had like..3?
By 2009-06-30 18:48:39
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By 2009-06-30 18:52:54
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Serveur: Seraph
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user: Caiyuo
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By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-06-30 18:57:19
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Daus said:
and if that doesnt win you over. Looking at 10 JAs in your JA box on whm makes you feel extremely superior..remember a year ago when you had like..3?
I'd probably end up trying NIN/SCH one day for JA count alone. lol One is just meannnn.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: joxertd
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By Carbuncle.Ceinwyn 2009-06-30 19:22:54
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Good Topic. I don't agree with Full timing Af2 Pants and Using Zenith Slacks. I unfortunately am still stuck with my MP rings until I find something better and finish out my mp Merits. I am Elvaan so I need all the mp I can get. :P I lost 50 of it when I started using Goliard Chapeau over my Zenith Crown.
Serveur: Caitsith
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user: Heimdall
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By Caitsith.Heimdall 2009-06-30 19:24:49
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just a thought from a earlier post wouldnt +int be goodfor whm/sch since they have aspir and drain dispel and a sleep? and what would be considered a good cure 5 nmber and woudl krin pole be better for it then apollo?
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Antipika
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By Garuda.Antipika 2009-06-30 19:31:06
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10% cure potency way superior than +10MND.
Serveur: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-06-30 19:32:53
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I'm not a WHM, but I'll be damned if the WHM in my party dies without RR.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
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By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-06-30 19:37:33
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By the way, for those questions about what to use for cure, you may want to check out this link:

That really explains it in depth, I found it to be really helpful to me.
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: baracca
Posts: 9
By Alexander.Baracca 2009-06-30 19:38:02
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In a earlier post someone was complaining about WHM's casting cure while wearing astral rings ect.... Whats the issue with that? Should they be using +Mnd rings ect? Bear in mind my WHM is 23 and will never go higher than 37.... even that is iffy.. ^^

So immediately after I posted this my screen refreshed to show the above post. Thanks!
By 2009-06-30 19:40:15
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Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-06-30 19:41:14
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October said:
"I don't have the time to level /sch" is a good excuse for not having /sch.
"/blm is just as good!" is not. :|

e: and you can say "It's their money, they pay for their account, let them play how they want", but it's also my money for my account, and me paying to do nyzul runs with whm/blms who slow the group down by having to stop and rest mp constantly.

I'd fault your WHM. A PREPARED WHM/BLM would bring some type of refresh. I've PT'd with WHM/SCH and WHM/BLM. The majority of the WHM/BLM I know have performed better in PTs and events. Not 1 WHM/BLM I know(Dyna/Assault/Nyzul) did not come unprepared in an event.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-06-30 19:46:10
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Good Topic. I don't agree with Full timing Af2 Pants and Using Zenith Slacks. I unfortunately am still stuck with my MP rings until I find something better and finish out my mp Merits. I am Elvaan so I need all the mp I can get. :P I lost 50 of it when I started using Goliard Chapeau over my Zenith Crown.

I dont see alot of whms wearing zenith these days. I often regret having mine now that much better things exist :/ I just use them nowadays because I have them. Full time AF2 pants wearing kinda pisses me off..I think they're beautiful and desperately want them, but Id still be fulltiming blessed lol. Nothing compares to blessed.

Goliard chapeau is better statwise than zenith crown and with goliard you only lose about 30 more mp then you would with zenith. I use the goliard hat in my cure5 macro...the loss of that 30mp or any of your mp from your full mp+ set isnt really that bad as generally you're going to lose most of it on stuff like buffs which is imo only what mp+ should be used for.

just a thought from a earlier post wouldnt +int be goodfor whm/sch since they have aspir and drain dispel and a sleep? and what would be considered a good cure 5 nmber and woudl krin pole be better for it then apollo?

yes, if you want to drain/aspir then stocking up on dark magic would be smart. Sleep is enfeebling unless you're talking about repose which is divine. I cant seem to be able to find a good time to change books /sch to drain/aspir..seems like whenever I wanted to try I wanted my penury back for cures.

In a earlier post someone was complaining about WHM's casting cure while wearing astral rings ect.... Whats the issue with that? Should they be using +Mnd rings ect? Bear in mind my WHM is 23 and will never go higher than 37.... even that is iffy.. ^^

So immediately after I posted this my screen refreshed to show the above post. Thanks!

healing magic is broken, a smn has been able to main heal by using a 37 whm subjob...stocking up on mnd rings isnt really going to do anything for lowered tier cures. Only Cure5 will have a noticeable boost with mnd and of all cures, that one should get a mnd boost. If you're just going to be tossing out cure3s and regens then its not going to matter.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: izzlet
Posts: 33
By Midgardsormr.October 2009-06-30 19:51:24
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Trooper's Ring!
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Andross
Posts: 15
By Pandemonium.Andross 2009-06-30 20:09:20
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Arnor said:
again i say it i have no problem with sch sub its an amazing sub im not bashing it at all.. but all im saying is dont bash someone or tell someone how to play thier job for not having /sch.. and noone should feel bad about /smn with max MP boost and auto refresh its a decent sub.. its not a question of what thier sub is a whm/blm or /smn could be great and a /sch might suck and id take a /blm or /smn that knows what they are doin over a /sch thats only doin what everyone else says they should any day -.- if you have sch use it by all means but dont go telling others they have to do it when they can do just fine without it too.. cause people play this game to have fun.. not be bashed for playing it the way they want to

I'm not saying WHM/BLMs suck, just that /blm is not a good SJ for WHM. It isn't. /sch is better. There's really no reason to defend /blm. /blm does nothing for WHM outside of ES. I have no idea why it's the most common SJ for WHM. I assume people are stuck in 2004.

/smn shouldn't be used outside of sacing dyna xarc. Most WHM sub it for Auto Refresh, which makes no sense. I've never seen a /pld, which offers the same Auto refresh, but also some good defensive options (sentinel, for example).

If there wasn't /sch, I'd go /drk for stun.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-06-30 20:31:54
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Andross said:
/sch is better then any gear WHM can currently equip. It's not even that it offers better MP management; that's just one of the many benefits of /sch. You guys forget that light arts boosts WHMs innate enhancing and enfeebling magic to B+. Enhancing magic boosts Barspells so Zorander, with /sch you're probably getting nearly the same bar spells as a whm/blm with AF2 legs.

Then you can switch to dark arts. This gives you access to B+ dark magic along with Drain and Aspir. If you have the charges to spare, you can use Addendum: Black to gain access to Dispel and Sleep with B+ enfeebling magic skill. Sleep isn't too useful thanks to Repose, but Dispel can help occasionally.

Thank you for that post. I was going to ask what the benefits of /SCH was (I'm not a WHM or have SCH unlocked) but you answered it for me, many thanks. These posts actually make me want to level WHM though lol.

A good WHM [read player] will always be a good WHM [read player] regardless of the subjob [read job and/or subjob] they use. Having SCH to 37 isn't going to help if the WHM doesn't cure. I think the answer you are all looking is that as a subjob /SCH does benefit a WHM in most situations but having /SCH /BLM and /SMN up and knowing what situation to use each is what's important. Each sub has its benefits, end of story, saying that you should only use /SCH is ignorant if the situation requires you to have Escape or if the situation requires you to carby pull.

I will say that I am really impressed with the latest update to WHM.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-30 21:35:13
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You know, whm isnt the only job that the "New generation" is *** up. Iv seen wars fulltiming Str gear...even when asked to tank they have no good def gear. Iv seen rdms who refuse to do anything but cast refresh. There are Drks who hit /a <t> then go afk until the mob is dead. There are PLD who gear for DD and disband if (god forbid) they have to tank. Blms who over nuke then *** when they die. Dnc (see drk). Nin (see drk) Thfs that refuse to use SATA. Thfs that dont know HOW to use SATA. PLD full timing GS. And no one can forget those Sams that have no idea what a SC is or blms that dunno what MBs are...

Edit: Just had a RDM complain b/c he had to refresh more than just himself...the only other person he had to refresh was the PLD....
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Thunderz
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By Ramuh.Thunderz 2009-06-30 21:35:46
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sub /sch

just do it

Serveur: Odin
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user: Blazza
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By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-30 21:38:20
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Dubont said:
You know, whm isnt the only job that the "New generation" is *** up. Iv seen wars fulltiming Str gear...even when asked to tank they have no good def gear. Iv seen rdms who refuse to do anything but cast refresh. There are Drks who hit /a <t> then go afk until the mob is dead. There are PLD who gear for DD and disband if (god forbid) they have to tank. Blms who over nuke then *** when they die. Dnc (see drk). Nin (see drk) Thfs that refuse to use SATA. Thfs that dont know HOW to use SATA. PLD full timing GS. And no one can forget those Sams that have no idea what a SC is or blms that dunno what MBs are...

That's got nothing to do with new generation, that's just ***players, and they've always been around.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-30 21:47:21
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Blazza said:
Dubont said:
You know, whm isnt the only job that the "New generation" is *** up. Iv seen wars fulltiming Str gear...even when asked to tank they have no good def gear. Iv seen rdms who refuse to do anything but cast refresh. There are Drks who hit /a <t> then go afk until the mob is dead. There are PLD who gear for DD and disband if (god forbid) they have to tank. Blms who over nuke then *** when they die. Dnc (see drk). Nin (see drk) Thfs that refuse to use SATA. Thfs that dont know HOW to use SATA. PLD full timing GS. And no one can forget those Sams that have no idea what a SC is or blms that dunno what MBs are...

That's got nothing to do with new generation, that's just ***players, and they've always been around.

true but i have noticed it more in the past year than over the entire time iv been playing. And its not just every other party. In EVERY party theres at least 1-2 ppl that have no clue wtf they are doing..probably campaigned or AB'd their way to the levels they are at...
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-06-30 21:50:16
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I think it's more that people are playing the game how they want to. FFXI is a rather hardcore game and there are some pretty big expectations by the player base on how to perform ones job. Casual players may just not want to play that way, doesn't mean they're wrong, as long as they're having fun. They may just not know because everyone assumes everyone knows everything there is about every single job but instead we're just being elitist snobs.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-06-30 21:53:13
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Karusan said:
I think it's more that people are playing the game how they want to. FFXI is a rather hardcore game and there are some pretty big expectations by the player base on how to perform ones job. Casual players may just not want to play that way, doesn't mean they're wrong, as long as they're having fun. They may just not know because everyone assumes everyone knows everything there is about every single job but instead we're just being elitist snobs.

well if you go by the "they play how they want" logic then that makes this entire thread void. What if some whms dont want to cure ptys? What if they do want to DD? What if they want to full time Str gear? What about acc? Hell what if one wanted to full time an AGI build? Would they be wrong...since they are playing how they want?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: delan35
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By Lakshmi.Tyndal 2009-06-30 22:00:00
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Dubont said:
well if you go by the "they play how they want" logic then that makes this entire thread void. What if some whms dont want to cure ptys? What if they do want to DD? What if they want to full time Str gear? What about acc? Hell what if one wanted to full time an AGI build? Would they be wrong...since they are playing how they want?

simple answer: no, they aren't wrong
long asnwer: If they are getting things done they want, then more power to them. If they don't meet your standards, don't invite/play with them and find people who do meet your standards. If you do happen to get in a party with them, don't worry about leaving said party/don't worry about changing their mind about the game. #1 reason why I don't play with random people is I'm tired of meeting people who do not meet my standards of play, but sure as hell can bet when I go level solo/goof around with friends/whatever, I try some dumb stuff cause I can and it is fun.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-06-30 22:00:30
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Just because they're playing how they want doesn't mean you can't *** about them, we're elitist snobs after all! :D
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