The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide
By Crevox 2015-02-12 04:05:56
Is Balsam/Astral Watcher still the best Magical BP staff? I haven't played SMN in awhile and I haven't been keeping up.
Frazil Staff and Keraunos augmented are the best outside of Nirvana.
Keraunos may be getting even better next patch (this month), due to the third augment slot they're adding to it. It just depends on what the augment choices are.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2015-02-12 04:10:41
Ah cool, thanks. I haven't done Shiva yet but that staff looks nice.
By Crevox 2015-02-12 04:15:12
Ah cool, thanks. I haven't done Shiva yet but that staff looks nice.
If the Keraunos gets a good augment, it can match up. Keraunos can augment up to +21 MATK, which will actually be 1 more than Frazil, but getting a max roll may be difficult.
Alternatively you can double dip on Keraunos and get magic accuracy, which will result in like +43 avatar magic accuracy just off Keraunos alone, which is pretty nice.
Either way, Frazil is (relatively) easy to obtain and just about the best, unless you want to push for that +1 MATK. Skirmish augments can be very unforgiving.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2015-02-12 04:20:21
I hate the skirmish system, I`d rather just go with the Frazil. Lottery systems suck
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Shirai 2015-02-12 05:11:37
Keraunos may be getting even better next patch (this month), due to the third augment slot they're adding to it. It just depends on what the augment choices are.
Ugh...not very sure I want to go through that hell...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Asura.Vinedrius 2015-02-12 05:30:15
My Overdrive Set:
Avatar (1024 accuracy, 1000 attack, 24% haste, -14% damage taken, 3% double attack, 3MP/tick)
ItemSet 333232
Notice the extreme loss in MP/tick for the relatively small gain in avatar stats. With my avatar idle, not meleeing, I have 10MP/tick.
You have -10 perp and +5 refresh (2 of which is from trait) in that set. Are you using the coat with -3 perp augment? Because you must be break-even without that augment, instead of 3 mp/tick.
Btw, 5 more haste (and 3 dbl too) looks like a big gain to me :P In case you worry about the big loss of mp in the overdrive set, it should be considered that if you use unity legs instead of hagondes, you will only lose 25 attack (which won't even happen for most people, so safe to assume that the loss will be even smaller) to get -3 perp and 1-2 refresh. That brings you to -15 perp and 6-7 refresh, so 6-7 mp/tick, instead of 3. So you end up with same acc, same att but 5 more haste, 3 dbl and only 2 or 1 (which is most likely) less mp/tick over your conservative set.
...or am I missing something? :P
Edit: Also, I was worrying about the accuracy assuming no Nirvana. 2 more levels from Nirvana probably makes a noticable difference. Would Akamochi still be enough with 52 (or even 45 with argochampsa mantle, instead of samanisi cape) for most ilvl stuff without Nirvana?
By Crevox 2015-02-12 05:49:03
Quote: You have -10 perp and +5 refresh (2 of which is from trait) in that set. Are you using the coat with -3 perp augment? Because you must be break-even without that augment, instead of 3 mp/tick.
The coat has -5 perp. So that's -8 nirvana, -5 coat, -1 ring, capped. Sometimes I wish augments showed up...
Quote: to get -3 perp and 1-2 refresh.
The +2 refresh is nice, but in this case, I prefer the +25 attack for overdrive. I might prefer the +2 refresh, I dunno. It's debateable.
Like I said, there's a happy medium somewhere, choices like this. Just depends on how much you want the MP. In this case, I'd probably prefer the attack, because it's an "overdrive" set after all. Losing -5 perp and +2 refresh for the critical is just too much of a tradeoff when I'm using the coat to fix perp issues.
Nah, it's 25 less. The Hagondes Pants have +25 attack on them.
Quote: Edit: Also, I was worrying about the accuracy assuming no Nirvana. 2 more levels from Nirvana probably makes a noticable difference. Akamochi would still be enough for most ilvl stuff without Nirvana?
Without Nirvana, maybe, I don't know the exact accuracy with Akamochi and Gridarvor. It's probably enough. 1000 accuracy is all you need for most things (difficult battlefields, delve, etc). You can also keep in mind that any summoning skill excess on your gear for your blood pacts ends up being accuracy as well. Currently Nirvana grants around a total of +74 accuracy for my pet. Gridarvor is +25, and then Akamochi is another +75 accuracy, so I think that's more than enough for most content.
Akamochi is just a great food. Kusamochi is like +113 attack, Shiromochi is +140 accuracy, but then Akamochi is +75 of each. More total stat than the other two foods provide, and not an overflood of accuracy, while almost as much attack as Kusamochi.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Asura.Vinedrius 2015-02-12 06:08:22
The coat has -5 perp. So that's -8 nirvana, -5 coat, -1 ring, capped.
Oh ok, but doesn't that bring you to 5 mp/tick? 15 perp if you count the neck, 3 refresh from body and grip, 2 refresh from trait. It should at least be 4 mp/tick if we ignore the weather bonus on neck. This is confusing... orz
Quote: The +2 refresh is nice, but in this case, I prefer the +25 attack for overdrive. The coat's -5 perp, +2 refresh is too much to exchange for +12% critical.
Fair enough. I can see how unreliable that much crit rate on an avatar must be against anything serious.
Quote: Nah, it's 25 less. The Hagondes Pants have +25 attack on them.
I mean after you drop hagondes to wear unity legs.
Quote: Without Nirvana, maybe, I don't know the exact accuracy with Akamochi and Gridarvor. It's probably enough. 1000 accuracy is all you need for most things (difficult battlefields, delve, etc).
What about bean daifuku. Same acc as Akamochi, but haste instead of 75 attack. It isn't yet proven how much haste the food gives, right?
By Crevox 2015-02-12 06:11:07
Quote: Oh ok, but doesn't that bring you to 5 mp/tick? 15 perp if you count the neck, 3 refresh from body and grip, 2 refresh from trait. It should at least be 4 mp/tick if we ignore the weather bonus on neck. This is confusing... orz
Avatars only require -14 perp from gear. Their cost is -15, but you can never reduce it below -1. So, since it's always -1, you only need -14 from gear.
Well, I'm not counting the grip latent. :P Same I don't count Fucho-no-obi for other things. I could also count the Refresh spell, because I try to maintain it 100% with Grapevine, but yeah, that's all not consistent.
Quote: Staff is 25 and 75 from food if wiki is correct so 100 accuracy over Nirvana before level+2. What about Bean Daifuku btw? Same acc as Akamochi, but haste instead of 75 attack. It isn't yet proven how much haste the food gives, right?
I edited my post with some more info on accuracy from Nirvana. I edit a lot.
I actually just bought some Bean Daifuku +1 just now. We don't know how much haste it gives, and whether it's gear haste or magic haste, or even if that matters for avatars. Someone needs to test. I might.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Asura.Vinedrius 2015-02-12 06:19:05
Haha np, I edit a lot too XD So the accuracy with Gridarvor would be 1024-74+25=975... falls short. It would definitely need acc food for high tier stuff and most adoulin.
Edit: And about the body, would you just use relic 119 if you didn't bother with hagondes perp augment or something else?
By Crevox 2015-02-12 06:20:15
Haha np, I edit a lot too XD So the accuracy with JSE would be 1024-74+25=975... falls short. It would definitely need acc food for high tier stuff and most adoulin.
Keep in mind Merit Points and Job Points, if you're missing those. They help out some more. I have those maxed, so if you don't, you need to factor those in.
Either way, Akamochi is just nice. I bought a ton of it and just use it on any group content. It covers any little accuracy I might be missing with a nice chunk of attack. I'm working on a stock of Kusamochi too for those scenarios where I just certainly don't need accuracy.
Quote: Edit: And about the body, would you just use relic 119 if you didn't bother with hagondes perp augment or something else?
Well, in your situation, since it gives the crit, it's probably worth it. The +2 refresh on Hagondes is the main appeal for me, but getting a -5 body is certainly not easy (look at my gloves post earlier). You need to get -perp from somewhere, and you'll be starved for it in a melee set, so that's a nice option (for a melee set) and you'll need more because you don't have Nirvana.
Relic body should be avoided though if you're not using it in the melee set. There's other options for idle perp (Convoker's Pigaches, Assiduity, etc), and you're losing +2 refresh for using it over Hagondes body. If you can help it, don't use it for idle.
I'm not sure of an exact set you could use. I got this -5 perp body very early in my summoner life, so it's been with me and all my gear considerations for a long time. It was a lucky stone.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Asura.Vinedrius 2015-02-12 06:26:11
Haha np, I edit a lot too XD So the accuracy with JSE would be 1024-74+25=975... falls short. It would definitely need acc food for high tier stuff and most adoulin.
Keep in mind Merit Points and Job Points, if you're missing those. They help out some more. I have those maxed, so if you don't, you need to factor those in.
I knew I forgot something. 15 more accuracy from merits + 10 from job points (hate the grind ><) so that brings the acc to exactly 1000.
By Crevox 2015-02-12 06:27:06
Haha np, I edit a lot too XD So the accuracy with JSE would be 1024-74+25=975... falls short. It would definitely need acc food for high tier stuff and most adoulin.
Keep in mind Merit Points and Job Points, if you're missing those. They help out some more. I have those maxed, so if you don't, you need to factor those in.
I knew I forgot something. 15 more accuracy from merits + 10 from job points (hate the grind ><) so it brings it to exactly 1000.
Well, I factored it in to my total (I just pulled the stats straight from /checkparam with the gear equipped). So, if you check your stats and they're lower and can't figure out why, that's why. :)
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Phoenix.Rumblepakk 2015-02-12 18:51:20
I hate the skirmish system, I`d rather just go with the Frazil. Lottery systems suck
I hate this augmenting system with a passion but I always buy whatever snoworbs+1/+2 that I can get when possible just incase, I'm a psychoSMN
By kithaofcerb 2015-02-12 19:26:33
Hey folks,
I have recently leveled summoner, have all my avatars except for Odin, Fenrir and Caitsith, but I'm seriously behind on summoning magic skill.
Anybody have a good skillup script for gearswap or an effecient way of skilling up?
Thanks in advance,
By Acacia 2015-02-12 20:04:34
Code function aftercast(spell)
if spell.name == 'Carbuncle' and not spell.interrupted then
send_command('wait %s; input /ja release <me>':format(windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[172] + 1))
elseif spell.name == 'Release' and not spell.interrupted then
send_command('wait %s; input /ma carbuncle <me>':format(windower.ffxi.get_spell_recasts()[296] + 1))
Didn't test it but something like that should work.
On another note, VisibleFavor is now available in the dev version of Windower. I'm not sure how often they merge that into stable though, so it might be a while before it shows up there.
By kithaofcerb 2015-02-12 22:17:40
Code function aftercast(spell)
if spell.name == 'Carbuncle' and not spell.interrupted then
send_command('wait %s; input /ja release <me>':format(windower.ffxi.get_ability_recasts()[172] + 1))
elseif spell.name == 'Release' and not spell.interrupted then
send_command('wait %s; input /ma carbuncle <me>':format(windower.ffxi.get_spell_recasts()[296] + 1))
Didn't test it but something like that should work.
On another note, VisibleFavor is now available in the dev version of Windower. I'm not sure how often they merge that into stable though, so it might be a while before it shows up there.
Thank you for your speedy reply!
Unfortunately, I'm getting an error that the "arithmetic" in line 5 is a nil value. This is fixed by simply removing the format commands, in case any other potential summoners need this. Thanks a million Acacia!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-02-12 23:27:06
Fun food facts. All tests done with Seraphicaller and Nirvana.
Note that +1 food lasts for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
Akamochi is +75 attack, +75 accuracy for your pet.
Akamochi +1 is +81 attack, +81 accuracy for your pet.
Kusamochi is +113 attack for your pet.
Kusamochi +1 is +120 attack for your pet.
Shiromochi is +108 accuracy for your pet.
Shiromochi +1 is +114 accuracy for your pet.
Grape Daifuku seems to be +75 accuracy, +14 Magic Attack Bonus for your pet.
Grape Daifuku +1 seems to be +81 accuracy, +15 Magic Attack Bonus for your pet.
Rolanberry Daifuku increases accuracy by +75. The magic accuracy gain from it is, as always, near impossible to test, however we can assume it's probably around the same increase as the Grape.
Rolanberry Daifuku +1 increases accuracy by +81. The magic accuracy gain from it is, as always, near impossible to test, however we can assume it's probably around the same increase as the Grape +1.
Bean Daifuku is +75 accuracy, unknown amount of pet haste.
Bean Daifuku +1 is +81 accuracy, unknown amount of pet haste.
If anyone wants to provide a good way to test the pet haste, I will do so, but I'm not sure how I would go about it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 429
By Asura.Vinedrius 2015-02-13 01:13:41
If anyone wants to provide a good way to test the pet haste, I will do so, but I'm not sure how I would go about it.
Hmm. Reives must have fixed HP. Maybe campaign forts too. You can measure how long it takes avatar to break one down with and without the food. They don't have innate multi-attack, right?
By Crevox 2015-02-13 01:16:02
If anyone wants to provide a good way to test the pet haste, I will do so, but I'm not sure how I would go about it.
Hmm. Reives must have fixed HP. Maybe campaign forts too. You can measure how long it takes avatar to break one down with and without the food. They don't have innate multi-attack, right?
Correct. Reives might be a pretty good idea, since they're fairly tanky. It would be time consuming, but it would work.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Shirai 2015-02-13 02:18:37
Thanks for testing this stuff, Crevox.
That said, the Bean Daifuku's usefulness would largely depend on the sort of Pet haste it provides.
Though, for Summoners who care less for Pet TP sets it would still be nice I guess...
On another note, VisibleFavor is now available in the dev version of Windower. I'm not sure how often they merge that into stable though, so it might be a while before it shows up there.
I'll wait until they add it to the stable version, until then I will just install any update manually.
Once again, thanks for this awesome little addon, it makes my life a ton easier.
By likard 2015-02-13 05:34:06
Hey folks,
I have recently leveled summoner, have all my avatars except for Odin, Fenrir and Caitsith, but I'm seriously behind on summoning magic skill.
Anybody have a good skillup script for gearswap or an effecient way of skilling up?
Thanks in advance,
You have a few options for skilling up. AFK windower script will be the absolute slowest.
1. Abyssea and just blow up mobs. Using BPs has a chance to skill you up and targeted BPs have the best chance.
2. Use your sparks to buy skill up books. It doesn't take terribly long to max sparks if you have a good aoe to spam.
3. the script.
input /ma "Ifrit" <me> <wait 8>
input /pet "Inferno Howl" <me> <wait 4>
input /pet dismiss
Repeat with next avatar and buff. All wait times depend on your gear, so fine tune it as necessary. Save as txt document in your scripts folder and go from there.
It's basic. It will run you out of mp pretty quickly. Once you have the times right, you can copy paste it to infinity so it lasts forever. I am not skilled enough to know how to include healing for mp. I would say watch it go for a few cycles, see where you run out, and add in a heal <wait 30> <wait 30> <wait 30>
to allow for mp refresh.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2015-02-13 07:37:45
Skillchains are your friend.
EDIT: Credits to Acacia for this next one, funny. :p
I might've been able to go longer, but I didn't want to get greedy.
Note that Orthrus Seether is a Cerberus, so he acts weird when it comes to physical/magical damage. As one is dealt, it deals less and less while the other does more and more. The damage might be quite different on a normal mob.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-18 01:39:04
Ok so, appearently the gods of RNG like to troll me.
After trying endlessly to get good augments on Hagondes for SMN the other day I went to augment an Hagondes Coat +1 to get Mab and PDT for my GEO and I got pet Macc +24... >_>
Ok, I kept it and put it into my pet Ward debuffs set.
Yesterday I got another Hagondes Coat, upgraded to +1, went to augment it hoping for Mab and I got... PDT-4, MDT-4 and Perp -5 >_________>''''''
Ok so appearently now I'll have to update my avatar out idle sets <.<
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2015-02-18 01:55:40
Speaking of which, anybody mind sharing with me their non-nirvana avatar out idle sets?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Shirai 2015-02-18 02:00:28
ItemSet 332416
ItemSet 332417
Avatar's Favor:
ItemSet 330696
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 125
By Leviathan.Vow 2015-02-18 02:47:38
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Shirai 2015-02-18 04:45:06
This is what I work with as Avatar engaged set right now:
ItemSet 280750
(Selenian cap Augments Pet: haste +5, Pet: Critical hitrate +3)
Hopefully I can replace the now not very functional Globidonta with a Thurandaut tonight (which will replace Marduk +1 feet with Glyphic +1 until I get Nirvana).
I also made rules in my Gearswap which switches slots to refresh pieces when my MP level gets below certain percentages.
By Crevox 2015-02-19 00:30:16
New job categories are:
Mana Cede Effect, +50 TP per point
Avatar's Favor, +3 second potency starting duration per point
-5 sec bp recast (!)
+10 pet macc, +10 pet meva
+13% cp
+5 smn skill
+5 mdef
+15% cp
+5 meva
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2015-02-19 01:22:01
So, for those curious, the -5 does stack with current gear (I figured it would be BP I -5 knowing SE...) timer was at 32 secs. Still no BP II on JSE cape, so I can't say if its BP II or not (assuming BP II caps at 15)
Edit: Just saw this,
Helios Spats
DEF:100 HP+43 MP+69 STR+23 VIT+10
AGI+15 INT+32 MND+22 CHR+17
Evasion+27 Magic Evasion+107
"Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+5%
Avatar: Magic Accuracy+15
"Blood Pact" damage +6
/goodbye Ngen Seraweels