Here, since the OP is worthless I went and did some small samples. These tests aren't perfect because sample size was small and the raptors leveled up a tiny bit occasionally, so damage fluctuated by about 10-15.
These were done in Aby-Miser on EP/DC raptors with no buffs/atmas. I logged on to Iceday and figured, why not. Here are the sets I used (yes they have room for improvement, but mages have turned into just proccing jobs nowadays, so been lazy to upgrade):
Literae Hat has Int+2
Diamond Ring has Int+3
Used 99 Magian Thunder/Ice staff
Used T.Cape/Obis on day/weather
For SCH: Used AF3+2 head with Ebullience
For BLM: Used Relic legs on day
Oh yeah, for SCH weather I used Klimaform.
Overall, sets are fairly comparable. Here is the damage results:
SCH Blizz No Ebull
None Weath W+D
IV 1523 1662 1862
V 2358 2551 2860
SCH Blizz Ebull
None Weath W+D
IV 1925 2057 2208
V 2992 3195 3394
BLM Blizz
None Day
IV 1782 2021
V 2760 3112
ja 3116 3510
SCH Thund No Ebull
None Weath W+D
IV 1608 1973 2101
V 2467 3013 3222
SCH Thund Ebull
None Weath W+D
IV 2035 2506 2813
V 3135 3833 4093
BLM Thund
None Day
IV 1953 2133
V 3014 3256
ja 3398 3630
Long story short:
With the same exact nuke, SCH+Ebull>BLM>SCH+No Ebull assuming same day of the week and SCH has weather over the BLM. However, if you compare SCH two best nukes (IV/V) with BLM two best nukes (V/ja), BLM wins in Blizzard and ties in Thunder.
Combine this with the fact that in a nuke zerg, BLM has many more high tier nukes to cycle through while SCH is mostly limited to one element without gimping themself, and they have to worry about stratagems.
Also, I would like to see a SCH rip 20 mobs apart at once.
TL/DR: SCH can epeen a nuke better than BLM, but BLM still holds the title of #1 nuker in the game.