Pics That Make You LOL |
Pics that make you LOL
Ramuh.Krizz said: » Due to the new forum rules, the old thread is being nuked. It's over 900 pages long, and there are numerous offending posts in it. And by numerous, I mean probably at LEAST one per page. Not including quotes. Take the time to read through the below forum rules if you already have not. Remember, intentionally bypassing the profanity filter is not allowed. Forum.Rules said: We are implementing a global profanity filter for all users under 13, and for users not logged in. As we no longer ask for birthdays at registration, this means it will apply to all new users as well. (You can no longer verify your age, and the profanity filter option has not been added to account options yet.) Did anyone download the other thread before they nuked it. - Slurs based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or similar protected statuses are not permitted, even in jest, or even by members of the same group. - All sexual content now falls under "American network television" rules. While this naturally involves a certain gray area, if you won't see it on standard television (not cable), don't post it. (If you're not sure, don't post it.) - Overly hostile and repeat attacks against a given user which would normally fall under harassment policies in-game will no longer be allowed. - Posting any personal real-life identifiable information or images about a particular user without their permission is not allowed, unless they have previously posted it here. - Player Warnings are no longer permitted. (This includes posting it in an already existing thread.) - Do not link to or advertise external sites for blatant 3rd party hacks and tools that would probably get you immediately banned from FFXI/XIV. Guildwork Client and Windower are ok. - These policies apply to all sections of the site: forum, item and player comments, screenshots, avatars, etc. Images violating any of the above rules will be removed if discovered by an admin or mod. I will lock the other thread for now to give users time to save their favorites. Edit: Do not expect a moderator to take the time to edit your post to remove a single image bypassing the profanity filter. If that is done, it is as a courtesy, not a requirement. If you are derailing or attacking someone, you risk your post being deleted regardless of including a picture in it. Those that bypass the profanity filter risk being topicbanned. There is a profanity list. If you can't take the time to read it, then don't post images. Did anyone download the thread before it was nuked.
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: » ![]() Then frantically hitting Disengage so I can take advantage of the weapon delay when re-engaging to smash that WS macro. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
i hate dating games i never played one it just sounds weird i even disliked persoan coz of school ***stuff, But in the other hand Digital devil saga is the goat My friend pointed something out to me today, and this was the best response I could come up with.
![]() That reminds me of the time my cat sat behind me and stared in awe at the opening cutscene to Besieged. He was in love with Galeserpent General Najelith.
![]() ![]() they are selling a record player with a ff14 sticker on it for $1500 Thats what she actually thinks when players interact with her
Pantafernando said: » This is NOT a lol pic, but I got this one and well... that only the good memories stays with us... forever! Oh I saw that, RIP!
Translating the text: "Im not mature enough to see this without laughing"
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