In Game Pet Peeves.

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In game pet peeves.
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2011-01-23 13:55:26
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Had to go with a twofer on this.
Phoenix.Kirana said:
People who pronounce obviously japanese terms/items incorrectly. Technically it's a ventrilo pet peeve...

shihei "shiihii"
hagun "heyguhn"
masamune "masahmyuun"
kamome "kamohm"
You would hate me on vent... well my pronunciation at least.
I try my best though, just not very in tune with Japanese um... culture.
Asura.Bluespoons said:
Asura.Bluespoons said:
People shouting for a teleport or D2 or retrace, then when you get them in your pt, they ask you to wait for them to change jobs or get something from their MH and take 10 minutes doing it.

Don't freaking shout if you aren't ready ><

quoting myself cuz it got stuck on the bottom of the first page.

am I the only one this annoys? lol
In days of old when I responded to tele/D2 shouts, yeah that ***was irritating.
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Sagi
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By Ramuh.Sagittario 2011-01-23 13:55:26
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Diabolos.Wrayth said:
Ok this one really gets me and i'm sure its happened to everyone especially in LS chat you ask a question and nothing not even a GTFO and stop asking questions just nothing I don't care if the answer is NO!!!! just give me the dam answer.

Only happens to people that nobody likes.

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2011-01-23 13:56:30
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Wars with Ukonvasara still using ebody. I see a few of those.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Caliber
Posts: 1907
By Asura.Matzilla 2011-01-23 13:59:44
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Bahamut.Bojack said:
Titan.Lillica said:
When I am soloing a mob and someone sends me 10 tells about how they just want atma and not drops and how they can proc this and that and then even after I ignore them they still send me invites.

When people are lowmanning a monster and I'd just like to pick up the Atma, or Zone clear and I get ignored. :P

yep, way2b an *** lillica :D
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5710
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-01-23 14:00:21
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Sylph.Siccmade said:
Asura.Bluespoons said:
Asura.Bluespoons said:
People shouting for a teleport or D2 or retrace, then when you get them in your pt, they ask you to wait for them to change jobs or get something from their MH and take 10 minutes doing it.

Don't freaking shout if you aren't ready ><

quoting myself cuz it got stuck on the bottom of the first page.

am I the only one this annoys? lol
In days of old when I responded to tele/D2 shouts, yeah that ***was irritating.

I always try and get them if I'm not in the middle of something because I don't charge and it's HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to make someone pay like 5-10k for one. But when they ask you to wait, it's so stupid.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2269
By Cerberus.Wolfshadow 2011-01-23 14:07:37
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The people who just afk and chill at the atma infusionist like a champ, like constantly there, you know who I'm talking about. You don't know how they're still there and who's getting time for them, but they're constantly there. They're the ones who make it so you lag and skip a page where your Razed Ruins or Gnarled Horn or Minikin is on, or even worse accidentally exiting while trying to get Atma of the Apocalypse or Roaring Laughter as they're almost on the last page.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-23 14:21:05
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Alexander.Tidusblitz said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
Alexander.Tidusblitz said:
People full timing twilight helm and mail. Yes its good WS gear. dont TP in it.
If I had twilight mail I'd be tping in it. Blows away many previous pieces for both tp and ws.

You are right about the helm though

Im not sure what job you have, but all the jobs that can use twilight can use a haste body too

Edit: wait does sam?

I cap haste on WAR with just W.turb, Timarli Dastamas, Blitz,Goading, +2legs, +1 Feet. Leaving my body free to use w/e i like.

Its Twilight Mail right now, Cause theres nothing better for me right now. (Except +2 body and/or Askar for the Store TP if you're not getting 6/5-hit another way)

But not the helm >.O! So at least one of the jobs can cap haste without Body D:.

Also, My Pet peeve?

*** Dancer's Soloing mobs. I know, "QQ more", this is a QQ Thread, I hate nothing more than watching a DNC take 30 minutes to solo some mob with people standing around them (All of them are praying the DNC dies btw) while it widdles its HP from 100% to 0% without procing a single weakness, essentially wasting the mob just for the sake of "yay, i can solo it! look at me!"

BIG *** DEAL, So can half the other game! get some *** friends and at least try to proc yellow if You're after Seals! Red if you're after the KI! and Blue if you're after the drop!


its a QQ Thread! blow me ;; i can rage if i want.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Lunatone
Posts: 149
By Gilgamesh.Lunatone 2011-01-23 14:24:30
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Pet peeve, people who seek party and put in their comments "experience points can i have it" then when i ask them for a party, they say "no seeking for nms"
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:24:58
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There are plenty of bodies better than Twilight, quit fooling yourself.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2011-01-23 14:25:34
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"Why are you wearing that?"

"Because it looks pretty."

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-23 14:28:07
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
There are plenty of bodies better than Twilight, quit fooling yourself.

Often times in midst of sarcastic responses you tend to validate your claims by providing the names of those bodies. Assumed capped haste, CappedAcc.

Absolutely Serious, I will replace that body in a heartbeat... I want nothing more than to play the job better.

No ones fooling anyone, I looked at my current set of Body armors, And i already had capped haste, I picked the one that would best supliment my melee stage. If theres an Armor out there i need to go get i want to know it, I might have over-looked it.

Edit: for WAR mind you.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 287
By Caitsith.Jessie 2011-01-23 14:28:23
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Diabolos.Wrayth said:
Ok this one really gets me and i'm sure its happened to everyone especially in LS chat you ask a question and nothing not even a GTFO and stop asking questions just nothing I don't care if the answer is NO!!!! just give me the dam answer.
Sometimes people are afk. In fact, lots of hardcore players are logged in even when they're asleep, and sometimes people just go afk-- you're not going to log out or turn the LS off when you're just going to the washroom or going to take a shower or go answer the phone or something.

Though that does remind me of another pet peeve of mine. People who don't acknowledge you even when they ARE at their keyboards (although maybe that's what you were referring to Wrayth; if so, my apologies). I hate being at an LS event and asking an important question like "Which party should I follow" or "What's the next NM we're going to fight after this?" and getting no answer from any of the 17 other people. Ask again, still nothing. Ask again, still nothing. Just gets under your skin.

And another pet peeve of mine is actually something the game does, not a fellow player: USELESS NPC'S. The two best examples are the two NPC's that stand on either side of the NPC that gives you Assault tags. All they do is say something along the lines of "Talk to the NPC to learn about Assault". Why do those NPC's even need to be there?? The only purpose they serve is to get in the way when you try to highlight the NPC in the middle that actually does something.

Similarly are NPC's that give you too many or too few prompts. Aht Urhgan Warp Tarutaru? Talk to him and you can't exit the conversation unless he takes your silver piece and you warp away. Or the other Taru in Aht Urhgan who gives you a pass to use the Runic Portal-- he doesn't have a simple prompt that says "Give me a Runic Pass" and then he gives you one. No, you have to read dialogue, and then click on "Ask about using Runic Portals", and then continue on through more dialogue and then say "Yes, I want a Pass", and then he'll slowly reach into his pocket and give you one and then you have to sit through another line of dialogue. Otherwise he might reach into his pocket and then say "Oh, you already have one".
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:33:16
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Asura.Karbuncle said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
There are plenty of bodies better than Twilight, quit fooling yourself.

Often times in midst of sarcastic responses you tend to validate your claims by providing the names Name a few for me, Assumed capped haste, CappedLOlAccuracy(Srsly kill yourself if you're not)

Absolutely Serious, I will replace that body in a heartbeat... I want nothing more than to play the job better.

No ones fooling anyone, I looked at my current set of Body armors, And i already had capped haste, I picked the one that would best supliment my melee stage. If theres an Armor out there i need to go get i want to know it, I might have over-looked it.

Edit: for WAR mind you.
This is abyssea, acc is not a factor.
Outside of abyssea? Content designed for 75, acc is not a factor.

Perle body is better than Twilight.

Even w/o dropping your xhit, askar is better. Aurum is also better. War body+1 is better. Byrnie+1 is better. If we're still in abyssea, fstr should be capped,, making twilight slightly worse than nq haubergeon.
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Lillica
Posts: 1612
By Titan.Lillica 2011-01-23 14:33:32
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Asura.Matzilla said:
Bahamut.Bojack said:
Titan.Lillica said:
When I am soloing a mob and someone sends me 10 tells about how they just want atma and not drops and how they can proc this and that and then even after I ignore them they still send me invites.

When people are lowmanning a monster and I'd just like to pick up the Atma, or Zone clear and I get ignored. :P

yep, way2b an *** lillica :D

If only SE would make a way that the mobs would reappear after someone else fights them, and include other content in the game to occupy people until such an event were to occur.

Oh wait...
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Dijana
Posts: 131
By Quetzalcoatl.Dijana 2011-01-23 14:35:42
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1. People shouting or putting in the seacom to be keyperson in abyssea...I dunno, but I've never seen that spot go to random pickup person. Always reserved for leader/friend of leader

2. People in abyssea pts who sneak off and switch to a low lvl job while hiding to leech...especially the time I had no real healing except me on dnc while I was pulling at the same time, invite a whm who the moment he's in zone and invited, disappears back to jeuno. I caught him on search just before he went anon after changing to 40 dnc and snuck back in, hiding behind a wall.

3. Everything else ._.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2011-01-23 14:36:46
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Mtmoogle: Abyssea Altepa do you need it? 1/?? /tell.
leech1: <key> <master> <do you need it?>
leech2: can i go as 31 pup?
leech3: i have 200keys
leech4: i can go as 89whm but i want my mule and lvl 38 friend to come also.
leech5: need a person to do chests?
85blm: ill go
By 2011-01-23 14:38:17
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-23 14:39:13
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Asura.Karbuncle said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
There are plenty of bodies better than Twilight, quit fooling yourself.

Often times in midst of sarcastic responses you tend to validate your claims by providing the names Name a few for me, Assumed capped haste, CappedLOlAccuracy(Srsly kill yourself if you're not)

Absolutely Serious, I will replace that body in a heartbeat... I want nothing more than to play the job better.

No ones fooling anyone, I looked at my current set of Body armors, And i already had capped haste, I picked the one that would best supliment my melee stage. If theres an Armor out there i need to go get i want to know it, I might have over-looked it.

Edit: for WAR mind you.
This is abyssea, acc is not a factor.
Outside of abyssea? Content designed for 75, acc is not a factor.

Perle body is better than Twilight.

Even w/o dropping your xhit, askar is better. Aurum is also better. War body+1 is better. Byrnie+1 is better. If we're still in abyssea, fstr should be capped,, making twilight slightly worse than nq haubergeon.

Okay So of the ones you named, Which do you think would be the best?

Cause I'd put my vote on Askar body considering the 2% Double Attack?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:39:24
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Fenrir.Mtmoogle said:
Mtmoogle: Abyssea Altepa do you need it? 1/?? /tell.
leech1: <key> <master> <do you need it?>
leech2: can i go as 31 pup?
leech3: i have 200keys
leech4: i can go as 89whm but i want my mule and lvl 38 friend to come also.
leech5: need a person to do chests?
85blm: ill go
I do this, but not for mule exp, bring my whm mule so i can get TEs and do NMs afterward. Though, that being said I guarantee them I'm worth more than 2 pick up pt dds, and generally prove myself right when I parse 40%+ of the alliance damage, so they don't mind my 2nd char sitting there.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:39:50
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Asura.Karbuncle said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Asura.Karbuncle said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
There are plenty of bodies better than Twilight, quit fooling yourself.

Often times in midst of sarcastic responses you tend to validate your claims by providing the names Name a few for me, Assumed capped haste, CappedLOlAccuracy(Srsly kill yourself if you're not)

Absolutely Serious, I will replace that body in a heartbeat... I want nothing more than to play the job better.

No ones fooling anyone, I looked at my current set of Body armors, And i already had capped haste, I picked the one that would best supliment my melee stage. If theres an Armor out there i need to go get i want to know it, I might have over-looked it.

Edit: for WAR mind you.
This is abyssea, acc is not a factor.
Outside of abyssea? Content designed for 75, acc is not a factor.

Perle body is better than Twilight.

Even w/o dropping your xhit, askar is better. Aurum is also better. War body+1 is better. Byrnie+1 is better. If we're still in abyssea, fstr should be capped,, making twilight slightly worse than nq haubergeon.

Okay So of the ones you named, Which do you think would be the best?
would have to see your build to make that decision.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-01-23 14:40:24
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
When people ask in shouts, BLM/RDM/WHM can I have it?

How about a *** SCH?

You guys had your fun when you first came out!
I had to solo my *** WHITE MAGE from 60 to 75 in campaign battle because every exp party only wanted a Sch, lol.

By 2011-01-23 14:42:15
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 287
By Caitsith.Jessie 2011-01-23 14:42:47
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Quetzalcoatl.Dijana said:
2. People in abyssea pts who sneak off and switch to a low lvl job while hiding to leech...especially the time I had no real healing except me on dnc while I was pulling at the same time, invite a whm who the moment he's in zone and invited, disappears back to jeuno. I caught him on search just before he went anon after changing to 40 dnc and snuck back in, hiding behind a wall.
Even worse is when the leech is like the party leader's best friend or something. You can't convince the leader to kick the leech, and it's a pain in the butt to stage a 15-person mutiny and get everyone to join up in a new party. Chances are, some people just can't be bothered, some people don't speak English, some people are the leecher's friends too...
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:42:48
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
When people ask in shouts, BLM/RDM/WHM can I have it?

How about a *** SCH?
I just shout for blm or whm. Why would anyone need rdm or sch?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-23 14:46:33
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Asura.Karbuncle said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Asura.Karbuncle said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
There are plenty of bodies better than Twilight, quit fooling yourself.

Often times in midst of sarcastic responses you tend to validate your claims by providing the names Name a few for me, Assumed capped haste, CappedLOlAccuracy(Srsly kill yourself if you're not)

Absolutely Serious, I will replace that body in a heartbeat... I want nothing more than to play the job better.

No ones fooling anyone, I looked at my current set of Body armors, And i already had capped haste, I picked the one that would best supliment my melee stage. If theres an Armor out there i need to go get i want to know it, I might have over-looked it.

Edit: for WAR mind you.
This is abyssea, acc is not a factor.
Outside of abyssea? Content designed for 75, acc is not a factor.

Perle body is better than Twilight.

Even w/o dropping your xhit, askar is better. Aurum is also better. War body+1 is better. Byrnie+1 is better. If we're still in abyssea, fstr should be capped,, making twilight slightly worse than nq haubergeon.

Okay So of the ones you named, Which do you think would be the best?
would have to see your build to make that decision.


(Removed body, Lets assume I'm /SAM making this easier)

If you see any other improvements I'm happy to humor them too, My mindset is inside abyssea, most stats like fSTR, dDEX are capped, so is Accuracy, So i try to accomidate my gear sets around things that don't cap through Cruor/Atma, like Haste(Duh), My6-hit(Duh) and Double Attack.

I use RCB, and Either have Berserk, or Stalwarts up most of the time (Always farm Azure/Pearl before a big session, so plenty of Temp item boxes)

I know my set is far from perfect.
By 2011-01-23 14:47:03
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:48:52
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Unless you're dedicated in swapping a lot of gear out, and just want body w/ that particular set, then I'm going to go w/ Askar here.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-23 14:49:41
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Unless you're dedicated in swapping a lot of gear out, and just want body w/ that particular set, then I'm going to go w/ Askar here.

Askar sounds good.

now, I don't mind a fuller explanation, I have plenty of macros, A few more couldn't hurt.

(Also, I realize Belenos is over-kill for 6-hit, I already meant to change it to Atheling Mantle, But i forgot to before posting it)
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-23 14:49:48
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
When people ask in shouts, BLM/RDM/WHM can I have it?

How about a *** SCH?
I just shout for blm or whm. Why would anyone need rdm or sch?

Alacrity Stun.
Weather Bonuses.
Backup in case either positions suck.
High nuke damage output with extremely low enmity if you have Merciless Matriarch when you want.
Crowd control
Buffs lasting 2.75x longer.


Blm is !! procs only, you can't proc what blm can proc.

You don't have cure 5.

Only 2 things I need whm or blm for, you don't fit either role as SCH.
By 2011-01-23 14:54:36
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