In Game Pet Peeves.

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In game pet peeves.
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Phoenix.Iamcanadian 2011-01-28 10:06:11
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Bismarck.Strange said:
Bahamut.Echojin said:
People in jeuno spamming jobemotes. go die
there is a job emote filter, use it and love it like i have.

Thank god SE gave us that atleast
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sey
Posts: 256
By Cerberus.Sey 2011-01-28 10:27:35
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16 pages so I didn't read thru then all but mine would be....

19:03:18 <Sey> /l {Hello!}
19:03:26 Tellguy>> Can you help me please?

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sey
Posts: 256
By Cerberus.Sey 2011-01-28 10:47:10
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Oh yes, this one is the worst too.

Leveling in Abyssea Guy reached level 40
<Leveling in Abyssea Guy> /l <job>

Leveling in Abyssea Guy reached level 41
<Leveling in Abyssea Guy> /l <job>

Leveling in Abyssea Guy reached level 42
<Leveling in Abyssea Guy> /l <job>
Etc, etc.

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1549
By Sylph.Liltrouble 2011-01-28 11:11:33
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Back in the day, people announced when they capped their job they were leveling and it was truly a big deal. Nowadays, people cap a job and announce it like they've accomplished something...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2011-01-28 11:30:10
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Leviathan.Solanis said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
Leviathan.Raborn said:
I really hate all you people
it just got better after that point lol but you're right. Yesterday I was in miseraux [A] and some guy started shouting "Tantra seals; Leg do you need it? 100k"

Is this how people act now? I mean jesus.

it's a commodity they've come across, why not sell it? I don't go out of my way to sell every last drop like that, but you can't seriously resent that someone does?

no one is owed anything; people who think they should be given free ***like seals and wins are my pet peeve.

I agree with this even though I've never considered selling drops.

Back when I soloed Khalimari for the Charis Necklace, I gave away well over a dozen helms. While seal farming with friends, we'd commonly ask in /say or /shout if anyone needed the in-pool seals that we didn't need. We gave away dozens and dozens of seals to people like us who were exping and/or working on seals themselves.

I've even been the beneficiary of such kindness. I was duoing Wherwetrice with a friend while another group fought Pallid Percy. They were kind enough to invite me to lot THF head seals. When my friend had to leave, I joined their group to TH *** for them in exchange for their earlier kindness. We all completed our +1 pieces in short order, everyone was really nice, and we all left happy.

If the recent epidemic of begging in Port Jeuno wasn't bad enough, the beggars have now moved into the Abyssea zones themselves. They hang out by ??? locations and beg for seals in /say or /tell whenever an NM is popped. This pisses me off. I like being kind to others and helping them out when I can, but I do not like it when strangers approach me, ask for seals, and just expect my friends and I to give them what they want. It's rude, and it makes me feel like a *** when I have to ignore them. The beggars are trying to take advantage of us and our generally good nature, and I don't *** appreciate that.

When beggars approach me, the seals they want hit the floor.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-01-28 11:33:13
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Sylph.Liltrouble said:
Back in the day, people announced when they capped their job they were leveling and it was truly a big deal. Nowadays, people cap a job and announce it like they've accomplished something...
when they do that now, people like at them like "SO WHAT, U FEEL SPESHUL ***?!"

Posts: 25
By fatlock 2011-01-28 11:48:48
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people that choose to be gimp.... just quit
Posts: 52
By Potpressure 2011-01-28 11:55:05
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I hate people that still use a light staff on WHM while wearing +2 AF3. If you had time to farm that gear you should have gotten trial cure staff!

Also hate when random people stand next to me in-game. Not sure why but if I dont know you and you stand next to me, when I notice, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2011-01-28 12:05:33
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So last night me and a group of Friends/Lsmates Get togather and are working on getting each other 5/5 +1 so we head to attowa to finish the whm’s head seals. We zone in get atmas. Head out to conflux 5 and there is a group of people camping Whiro. I take note of its HP and the rate the hp bar is going down and set my trusty egg timer to 14 mins and we head to the *** NM. There is a group there. Just standing there and standing there and standing there and standing there. 3 min go by and nothing. ??? up the entire time.

Dude just fing trade it there not doing anything I think ½ of them are afk or some ***.
We spawn it proc yellow in like the first 10 sec. then I see this.

/l great yall are here. That’s all I need to get over camped by my own LS.

I look around and in the group is a Ls mate. Yall weren’t doing anything. So we popped it real quick. By the time I got that said we proc blue. And smach it. Then we proceed to go back to whiro which is about 5 mins from spawning again. the group of people who killed it were farming the worms. Saw us coming and they run to camp Whiro as well.

It pops the our WHM claims. Gets like 6 links . I voke it off him and move to a safe place. (im nin btw) and proceed to proc yellow first spell. The rest of the group shows up minus the brd who now watchinh theLs member group pops the *** nm and I get the following tell

/t <me> by any chance can we get the next one.?
I respond umm this is our first claim it will be back in 15 mins.

/t <me> well we only want whm seals want to team up?
I reply we have 3 people in the group who have 90 whm and they want the seals I cant.
They give me the >< face. And we kill Whiro get 2 whm and 2 blu and drk

I set the egg timer to 12 mins and we head back to the *** nm. The ls mate and his group have the nm @ 70% we stand around the ??? waiting . after 5 more mins they finally kill it. We wait the 60 sec the ??? pops they attempt to run in and get it real fast but only agro 3 of the NQ ***. Our war pops the nm I take one of her links kill it we smash the nm. It drops 2 SCH seals.

In say I ask them if they want the SCH seals. No response I ask again. I watch them run off to where whiro is. Without attempting to pop the *** nm. Whiro is still 6 or 7 mins till pop. In LS the dude replies na id rather have whm seals. So we pop the *** again. get the remain WHM seals and jet out.

While I understand everyone wants a equal shake in life and FFXI. This is not just your online game and everyone doesn’t have the same amount of time to play as you do. And while I would love for a NM to drop 8 of the seals you want every time. We all know it just doesn’t work that way. I cant ask 5 other people to sit there and do nothing while you go afk and take for ever to kill a NM. Now before you people rip me apart we would let them pop it then we would pop it. That is as nice as I could be without 6 of us with trade macros hovering over the ??? I try to be fair. But I’m not here to babysit people

As for the other group. Are you serous you want me to rotate out a timed monster?
Your group was 3 thf a whm and a blm. Stop running around goofing off playing with worms when your nm is up and you wont lose it. If your only there for Whiro. Best be on you’re a game dog. Not running around going look at what I can do he hehehe. Camp your nm and your in out In a flash.

We left there went to Altep popped the iron clad. And with in 10 sec of seeing me run by with the ironclad in tow I must have gotten 20 tells … “you fixing to do rani . can I join?
Does no one do anything anymore, does 95% of these people just stand there and wait for stuff to just fall in their laps? Here is a idea you bunch of lazy *** reject. Stop doing Dom opps 24/7 and go out and do things. There is more to this game then running as many jobs as you can to 90 in a week. You got to do the other things as well. I’m not here to change your diaper and bottle feed you seals and wins. Contribute, participate, get in the trenches pay your dues and claim your rewards. dont sit there naked key whoring and begging me for a rani win. When you could get one yourself if you tried.

Sorry for the long rant. It was just one of those nights.

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1304
By Odin.Dirtyfinger 2011-01-28 12:53:40
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Gimp players who refuse to even try and gear their jobs correctly. Last week I was leveling my RDM from 85>90 and there was this SAM full timing 4/5 Hachiman gear with Wyvern Helm & Warwolf belt. He got shitty with me because when he asked for Haste I suggested wearing Turban/Dusk/Swift or Headlong.

I'm not being elitist before anyone says!

Also, people who don't *** listen to intructions and continue to melee/WS with wrong weapon, sometimes proc'ing red/blue again after it's been spammed not to use said WS/Spell.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Solanis
Posts: 210
By Leviathan.Solanis 2011-01-28 13:27:08
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Phoenix.Iamcanadian said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
Leviathan.Solanis said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
Leviathan.Raborn said:
I really hate all you people
it just got better after that point lol but you're right. Yesterday I was in miseraux [A] and some guy started shouting "Tantra seals; Leg do you need it? 100k"

Is this how people act now? I mean jesus.

it's a commodity they've come across, why not sell it? I don't go out of my way to sell every last drop like that, but you can't seriously resent that someone does?

no one is owed anything; people who think they should be given free ***like seals and wins are my pet peeve.
It seems desperate. For something you'd throw away why not help someone? Why is just helping someone so impossible to imagine, you know?
Whenever I kill seal NMs alone I just tell me ls to zone in quick if a random job drops or /seal all zone and offer it. It takes 5 seconds to help someone bleh

We've all been helped in some way or another in ffxi and yeah we could all need something in return for every action you're right. Maybe I'm backwards to be annoyed with this, but I still am

The problem with is for most people is that they don't get anything out if helping anyone. but i would rather give away a seal no one in my group needs then let it drop or god forbid become so cheap that i would try and make money off it. The life of FFXI is based around the group actions of people, if we all just sold our souls instead of helping each other this wouldn't be the same FFXI it is.

oh and current pet peeve:
everyone afking in front of the damn npc, it always happens but damn it your MH is just 5 seconds away.

it's genuinely not an issue of selfishness 99% of the time. aside from the fact that gil is basically useless and only good for buying food and tools, selling drops in abyssea is how I make my gil. whether it's people coming to my group specifically asking for us to kill something, or selling an extra drop we get while working on our own stuff, that's how I accumulate a padding of gil and pay for the daily expenses of endgame. anyone who calls that selfish is either blind, or deeply selfish on their own, to expect freebies given out. if I let them have the stuff for free, it means I become their servant and the entire economy of it is shot to ***. not to say my group doesn't give stuff out for free, because we do, but people who beg for stuff can watch us say happy birthday to the floor.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1304
By Odin.Dirtyfinger 2011-01-28 13:31:55
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One more! Players who Abyssea burn a job then return there the next day with their weapon skill rating under 100 and proceed to do no damage at all for a few hours. I once saw this MNK at a worm PT who was "trying" to solo one, it took him a few mins to break it's SS then he ran away when it recasted it, I lol'd.

I called him out on it as it's a waste of PT spot and you should do that ***in your own time.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4333
By Cerberus.Kylos 2011-01-28 13:55:28
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One word for me, "Abyssea". That is my pet peeve
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimatsu
Posts: 847
By Siren.Kunimatsu 2011-01-28 14:01:25
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Odin.Dirtyfinger said:
He got shitty with me because when he asked for Haste I suggested wearing Turban/Dusk/Swift or Headlong.

I'm so using that when someone like that asks for haste from me too.

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2011-01-28 14:03:01
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It's not selfish at all Solanis, it's humane and empathetic. I've worked for everything I own, and I've never been given a freebie of any sort throughout my entire FFXI career (7+ Years). I never ask for them, and I never expect them. Doesn't mean I don't give away my excess, because I certainly do.

In the days where AF mattered, I solo'd stranger's AF2-3 Quests. When a monster goes unclaimed and a group is having a seriously difficult time, I help instead of stealing it (This comes from both an individual and Linkshell dynamic. I've involved my LS in matters that don't concern us hundreds of times.). When drops fall that I don't need, ala Charis Feather, I search the zone for DNCs and give it to them out of the blue. These favors have never been returned by strangers to me, but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing it. If it were a drop that was meant to be sold, as in it wasn't Rare/Ex, well then I'd sell it and anyone who'd made the effort for the item would buy it, as that's how the economy works... but these items aren't, and there's absolutely no reason they should fall to the group and be wasted.

I survive off very little gil, but because of Abyssea I have more on my person than in a long time. I see selling drops as an excuse to serve the self, honestly, but giving things away is not an effort of receiving freebies; it's treating other people how you'd like to be treated, and that's with simple kindness. This game hasn't had that since NA release.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Solanis
Posts: 210
By Leviathan.Solanis 2011-01-28 14:18:52
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Cerberus.Tikal said:
It's not selfish at all Solanis, it's humane and empathetic. I've worked for everything I own, and I've never been given a freebie of any sort throughout my entire FFXI career (7+ Years). I never ask for them, and I never expect them. Doesn't mean I don't give away my excess, because I certainly do.

In the days where AF mattered, I solo'd stranger's AF2-3 Quests. When a monster goes unclaimed and a group is having a seriously difficult time, I help instead of stealing it (This comes from both an individual and Linkshell dynamic. I've involved my LS in matters that don't concern us hundreds of times.). When drops fall that I don't need, ala Charis Feather, I search the zone for DNCs and give it to them out of the blue. These favors have never been returned by strangers to me, but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing it. If it were a drop that was meant to be sold, as in it wasn't Rare/Ex, well then I'd sell it and anyone who'd made the effort for the item would buy it, as that's how the economy works... but these items aren't, and there's absolutely no reason they should fall to the group and be wasted.

I survive off very little gil, but because of Abyssea I have more on my person than in a long time. I see selling drops as an excuse to serve the self, honestly, but giving things away is not an effort of receiving freebies; it's treating other people how you'd like to be treated, and that's with simple kindness. This game hasn't had that since NA release.

I totally appreciate all of that, and I think it's a noble way to think about it. I happen to find beggars rude and unappealing though, and I sell drops to fund my stuff personally, so you must see, I don't have a lot of empathy for beggars. Seeking to give away stuff is very generous of you, but that's not the sort of thing i was even talking about. ^^;
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2011-01-28 14:28:47
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Beggars suck, agreed.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-01-28 14:33:16
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PPL who worry about what other PPL do with their time and character....It is none of their business.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2011-01-28 14:35:49
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People who lot Key items and win then take it from the chest. then ask what its for!

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4333
By Cerberus.Kylos 2011-01-28 14:37:14
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People who cant understand that not every single player is obsessed with abyssea, and does it religiously everyday
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-28 14:37:51
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You don't have to do it religiously not to suck brah
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-01-28 14:40:44
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Diabolos.Megatron said:
People who lot Key items and win then take it from the chest. then ask what its for!

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-01-28 14:43:24
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PPL who come in to an LS and ask for help to do something but have no idea how to even do the thing they want help for and expect you to look it up or just know what they need.

Girls who expect their boyfriend to get everything for them.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2011-01-28 14:44:01
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Cerberus.Irishlass said:

GirlsGuys who expect their boyfriend to get everything for them.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2011-01-28 15:40:28
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THF that can't pull in Dynamis and refuese to learn.


But still think they deserve TH gloves.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Kollosis
Posts: 298
By Shiva.Kollosis 2011-01-28 16:07:23
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My pet peeve is when i get /tells from people i barely know that ask to use my Herald's/Novio because they need them to solo something V.V
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neonblack
Posts: 3
By Phoenix.Smit 2011-01-28 16:31:55
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Hmmm. I think it would have to be ppl who leech in abyssea jobs to 90 and then don't gear them correctly... or play them correctly. i know everyone has a style they like to play etc but gear... gearing yourself properly should be a universal thing. i hate fulltime career mages who decide that now because of abyssea they want to level a dd job so they level drg and then you see them tp/ws in full perle. not even a swift belt but a warwolf belt and nq ammy. it's really not hard to get some of the pre80 gear. if you're going to level the job try try try try to gear it properly... i mean af3 pieces are not hard to get... i leveled war in abyssea (from previously leaving it at 66 before i quit/came back) and even i went out the same day i got it to 90 and got 3/5 war af3 pieces +1. honestly it's not hard... come on ppl!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: maxse
Posts: 1197
By Bismarck.Maxse 2011-01-28 16:42:54
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People that haven't had the time or money to buy the new abyssea expansions than come back to the game after a break and without knowing what abyssea is or trying it once firsthand keep saying it sucks.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5708
By Asura.Bluespoons 2011-01-28 16:44:27
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Casino people.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimatsu
Posts: 847
By Siren.Kunimatsu 2011-01-28 16:46:45
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Most likely been said, but when people want you to write a full step by step essay on how to do something when I know for a fact they have access to wiki.

Explaining the entire magian trial process gets old quick.
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