Got Talked To Today At Work :s

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Got talked to today at work :s
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 126
By Lakshmi.Kingofbastok 2010-12-21 14:50:13
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I'm sure people wouldn't get as bent out of shape over this if Hyp would have just said a car COULD be a deadly weapon rather than a car IS a deadly weapon. Truthfully, I think some of you are just trying to knit pick what he's saying and it's pretty pointless. While it's easy to say that alcohol, drugs, guns, or even airplanes aren't deadly weapons, in the right situation any of those things can be.

As for the OP, you should consider yourself pretty lucky if you end up keeping your job. Besides the fact that the people, who are making the decision on whether or not you keep your job, like you, not much else is in your favor. Missing five days in your first month makes you look pretty irresponsible to your employer, no matter what the reasons for missing were. On top of that, you had your license suspended for going 60 in a school zone, which, if you employer knows this, suggests a lack of good judgement on your part.

No matter what happens to you at this job, hopefully you learn from your mistakes and you get things turned around, so that you're never in this situation again, whether it's with this employer or a future one.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2010-12-21 15:04:32
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I am totally confused by how defining the car and the book and the kitchen knife gets OP his job back and saves him from the jaws of unemployment...but I am staying tuned for the next exciting episode of a karma ran over my dogma and then it killed my notebook with col mustard's kitchen knife in the ballroom, but only until my boss catches me goofing off.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-12-21 15:39:42
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how did we get from I cant goto work to cars are dangerous? O_o
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 1393
By Ragnarok.Zanno 2010-12-21 15:42:59
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I think that may have been my fault? /sigh

Ragnarok.Zanno said:
If my license got suspended I would have kept driving.

The car im driving atm is illegal to drive because it didn't pass the yearly checkup. I take my chances though, because the chances of me beeing pulled over otw to work is minimal and a risk I'm willing to take to keep my job.

Not driving and losing my job is way worse than driving and get caught and have to pay a fine imo.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-21 15:45:31
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Ragnarok.Zanno said:
I think that may have been my fault? /sigh

Ragnarok.Zanno said:
If my license got suspended I would have kept driving.

The car im driving atm is illegal to drive because it didn't pass the yearly checkup. I take my chances though, because the chances of me beeing pulled over otw to work is minimal and a risk I'm willing to take to keep my job.

Not driving and losing my job is way worse than driving and get caught and have to pay a fine imo.
Nah I don't think it was your fault.
The transition started to occur when for some reason Tiger started mentioning HS kids crossing the street...and it eventually went on that tangent due to the reasoning to why schools have their own special speed limits.
i like the ones that are only active during school hours.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-12-21 15:49:21
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Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-21 15:52:12
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Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>
Because they are in a HURRY!
being a few minutes early/late is an important thing!
don't get me started when they are actually already late...they gotta go so fast that they get there on time man!
Posts: 522
By Rustytiger 2010-12-21 15:52:13
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Shiva.Nikolce said:
I am totally confused by how defining the car and the book and the kitchen knife gets OP his job back and saves him from the jaws of unemployment...but I am staying tuned for the next exciting episode of a karma ran over my dogma and then it killed my notebook with col mustard's kitchen knife in the ballroom, but only until my boss catches me goofing off.

Well to the OP I hope things go well for him in the next few days. If it doesn't lets hope the lessons are learned here so when the next job comes along there will be the knowledge that he will utilize to keep his job.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-12-21 15:53:21
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Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>

Because American's people think they can do anything they want at anytime they want?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-21 15:58:01
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Kujata.Akeda said:
Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>

Because American's people think they can do anything they want at anytime they want?
and do it FAST!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: niktod
Posts: 103
By Quetzalcoatl.Serbzook 2010-12-21 20:18:37
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Muffincannon said:
Pretty much my attendance has been ***because I'm lame and my license got suspended and I have been depending on other people to get to work lately.

I'm suppose to get getting a better job position next week, starting at 10:30pm rather at 4am. .. yeah its a *** getting someone to take you at a time like that .-.;

Anyways, I pretty much gave them the current position I'm in and had been reviewed the days I had missed, which came to a total of 5, 2 of which were because I was lacking a ride, 1 I was sick, and the other 2 I apparently never called in, and I had asked if I could know the days and they couldn't give it to me, wtf?

so I just want others constructive criticism about this and what they have to say, do you think I'm going to be discharged or will I be able to recover from this? I had only been working there for a month-ish and was told they were going to talk to the person in Human Resources about it and they would get back to me by the end of the week, so I have off tomorrow and Thursday so I wont be seeing them until Friday.

Thoughts? o:

[edit] - and yeah I know I let this happen because I was not responsible on my behalf and what not :s

outta curiosity, how old are you? Its justifiable to miss school classes cuz you missed a buss or your car is out of order, but missing work lol? There are friends with cars, if not there are busses, if not there are taxies. Not being able to come to work because of transportation is totally unacceptable as a reason. They pay you to work, with that money you have more than enough to pay for public transportation of any kind even if it means that a taxi cab costed you as much as you earned that day.
Posts: 246
By Taigatan 2010-12-21 20:24:45
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I had a similar thing happen, I missed 5 days in a month, but they were for very different reasons and already had 4 months under my belt with perfect attendance. They gave me a chance, had almost perfect attendance after that, and then when I decided to leave 8 months later I just stopped showing up, the first of those days being black Friday, in retail... not using them as a reference!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: niktod
Posts: 103
By Quetzalcoatl.Serbzook 2010-12-21 20:30:46
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Kujata.Akeda said:
Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>

Because American's people think they can do anything they want at anytime they want?

idk about the usa, but here in canada kids are thought that they have the absolute priority over cars, so much that they dont even look left and right when they cross the street... so when i read in the news of kids geting hit by cars i blame their teachers as much as the driver.

* when i was a kid my dad was riding in the passenger seat with his friend when i tried to cross the street without looking and his friend braked in my face, my dad came outta the car and smacked me senseless, was a valuable lesson, not only can you get hit by a car, but your dad might be in that car there just to slap the living *** out of you :D
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-12-21 21:36:16
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Quetzalcoatl.Serbzook said:
Kujata.Akeda said:
Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>

Because American's people think they can do anything they want at anytime they want?

idk about the usa, but here in canada kids are thought that they have the absolute priority over cars, so much that they dont even look left and right when they cross the street... so when i read in the news of kids geting hit by cars i blame their teachers as much as the driver.

* when i was a kid my dad was riding in the passenger seat with his friend when i tried to cross the street without looking and his friend braked in my face, my dad came outta the car and smacked me senseless, was a valuable lesson, not only can you get hit by a car, but your dad might be in that car there just to slap the living *** out of you :D

Depends on where you are mostly.. Generally speaking (at least from my own experiences) the shittier the neighborhood the less they care about cars. You go to upscale yuppie land, and kids are mostly cautious, you go to the ghetto and they will walk out in the street in front of you, even if they see you coming.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-12-21 21:40:16
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Quetzalcoatl.Serbzook said:
Kujata.Akeda said:
Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>

Because American's people think they can do anything they want at anytime they want?

idk about the usa, but here in canada kids are thought that they have the absolute priority over cars, so much that they dont even look left and right when they cross the street... so when i read in the news of kids geting hit by cars i blame their teachers as much as the driver.

* when i was a kid my dad was riding in the passenger seat with his friend when i tried to cross the street without looking and his friend braked in my face, my dad came outta the car and smacked me senseless, was a valuable lesson, not only can you get hit by a car, but your dad might be in that car there just to slap the living *** out of you :D

Depends on where you are mostly.. Generally speaking (at least from my own experiences) the shittier the neighborhood the less they care about cars. You go to upscale yuppie land, and kids are mostly cautious, you go to the ghetto and they will walk out in the street in front of you, even if they see you coming.

Dude I cross the street when its my turn and I look both ways. Then you have this *** who turns doesn't even break. I had to jump the *** out of his way for him to notice like 3sec after he passed me.

People cant drive that is all
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 415
By Asura.Silvaria 2010-12-21 22:03:31
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Fenrir.Vazerus said:
Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
ITT: Stay in class and you won't get run over.

Really? I understand that the only reason you made that comment is to spark a reaction and draw lots of attention to yourself. Can you honestly tell me that you are ok with people speeding in a school zone and that kids (regardless if elementary or highschool) should always be prepared for this? That is retardation at its finest. This goes beyond looking both ways.
I understand "60 in a 20" is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE... if you go 40 over anywhere you're getting in big trouble. In most school zones in my area, you can actually see where people are walking, so why should I slow down from 35 to 20 for no reason?

I used to have that attitude. "Hey, if they can't watch where they're going, why should I worry about it?"

I don't know if you've ever seen someone get hit by a car, say it's not a pretty sight is the Understatement of the Year. The cavalier attitude ends very quickly when one sees the aftermath.

As someone says in another post, children are just that: Children. They generally don't possess the wisdom to make common sense decisions; a lot of that comes with age.

You may not believe this, but if you hit a kid and killed him or her because you were speeding and didn't have the time to brake for them as a direct result of your speed, you would have to live with taking that child away from their parents, as well as being responsible for ending all their hopes and dreams, for the rest of your days on earth.

To me, the common sense choice is to make sure we act in a responsible manner, and not take a -needless- risk that could be fatal to another person.

But, it's a free country. ^,^;
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Haxorking
Posts: 409
By Sylph.Haxorking 2010-12-21 22:18:19
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Ramuh.Thunderz said:
Why can't people just cross at stop signs and Lights >.>

A person poses little threat to a moving car, and even less to anything larger. If someone feels the need to dart out into traffic and play man vs bus, I say go for it
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:03:39
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Lakshmi.Kingofbastok said:
I'm sure people wouldn't get as bent out of shape over this if Hyp would have just said a car COULD be a deadly weapon rather than a car IS a deadly weapon. Truthfully, I think some of you are just trying to knit pick what he's saying and it's pretty pointless. While it's easy to say that alcohol, drugs, guns, or even airplanes aren't deadly weapons, in the right situation any of those things can be.

As for the OP, you should consider yourself pretty lucky if you end up keeping your job. Besides the fact that the people, who are making the decision on whether or not you keep your job, like you, not much else is in your favor. Missing five days in your first month makes you look pretty irresponsible to your employer, no matter what the reasons for missing were. On top of that, you had your license suspended for going 60 in a school zone, which, if you employer knows this, suggests a lack of good judgement on your part.

No matter what happens to you at this job, hopefully you learn from your mistakes and you get things turned around, so that you're never in this situation again, whether it's with this employer or a future one.

basically was my point, entirely.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-12-22 00:04:46
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Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:09:19
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.

I think a personal much smaller much less powerful vehicle would be a better option, maybe even something on a track. You keep your personal space that way, and lose a lot of risks. I agree that there's no need for a vehicle that can go 90mph or higher in a city. There should be a safer alternative for highway use too, if they went to a controlled line instead of freely moving vehicles they could run them at much faster speeds, etc. (random thoughts)
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-22 00:10:50
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??!
what i mean to say is the majority of the midwest states don't have that.
i'd imagine it has to do with farming ton an extent.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:10:52
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I've used public transportation for awhile, and none are really options for people who don't live in big cities, and it will only get worse down the road. Parking's an issue too, not to mention waste (fuel)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:11:20
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??!
you live in Ohio? that explains so much about you man.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-22 00:13:02
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Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??!
you live in Ohio? that explains so much about you man.
i'm intrigued, pleas go on.
i'd like to hear what exactly being in ohio explains.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-12-22 00:16:00
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Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
I think a personal much smaller much less powerful vehicle would be a better option, maybe even something on a track. You keep your personal space that way, and lose a lot of risks. I agree that there's no need for a vehicle that can go 90mph or higher in a city. There should be a safer alternative for highway use too, if they went to a controlled line instead of freely moving vehicles they could run them at much faster speeds, etc. (random thoughts)
NOt to mention fuel efficient. What I find amusing is most vehicles are physically capable of going so fast but have limiters or governors on them stopping it anyways... though most don't kick in till over 100 anyways lol.

Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
I've used public transportation for awhile, and none are really options for people who don't live in big cities, and it will only get worse down the road. Parking's an issue too, not to mention waste (fuel)
Kinda depends on what you consider a big city. Transit here is pretty decent and none of the towns are more than 30k I think. But several ok sized ones I guess.

Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??! what i mean to say is the majority of the midwest states don't have that. i'd imagine it has to do with farming ton an extent.
I'd do it...
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:16:43
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??!
you live in Ohio? that explains so much about you man.
i'm intrigued, pleas go on.
i'd like to hear what exactly being in ohio explains.

It's a joke man. It means nothing, other than you're in/from Ohio.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-22 00:18:31
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
I'd do it...
My plan is to make a rural fast food courier service.
I would make millions.

Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??!
you live in Ohio? that explains so much about you man.
i'm intrigued, pleas go on.
i'd like to hear what exactly being in ohio explains.

It's a joke man. It means nothing, other than you're in/from Ohio.
that doesn't make me any less intrigued, can't you be creative about it and just make up some stuff.
it's fun to do so when you are joking around.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:21:21
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
I think a personal much smaller much less powerful vehicle would be a better option, maybe even something on a track. You keep your personal space that way, and lose a lot of risks. I agree that there's no need for a vehicle that can go 90mph or higher in a city. There should be a safer alternative for highway use too, if they went to a controlled line instead of freely moving vehicles they could run them at much faster speeds, etc. (random thoughts)
NOt to mention fuel efficient. What I find amusing is most vehicles are physically capable of going so fast but have limiters or governors on them stopping it anyways... though most don't kick in till over 100 anyways lol.

Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
I've used public transportation for awhile, and none are really options for people who don't live in big cities, and it will only get worse down the road. Parking's an issue too, not to mention waste (fuel)
Kinda depends on what you consider a big city. Transit here is pretty decent and none of the towns are more than 30k I think. But several ok sized ones I guess.

Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??! what i mean to say is the majority of the midwest states don't have that. i'd imagine it has to do with farming ton an extent.
I'd do it...

Indeed, I see no reason why they don't have electric cars that can only go 45mph tops (some places 35) and are small and compact-able, it would eliminate the need to make more public transportation etc, and if they ever got around to building more nuclear reactors there'd be more than enough power. Then again some more monorail systems would be nice too, but public transportation costs money too, along with security etc...
problems everywhere, so most places avoid dealing with them and leaving things as is. Even if somebody manages to make some awesome systems that are implementable and cheap, to get them adopted and in place would be insanely hard, especially if there's not profit to be made.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-12-22 00:22:48
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
I'd do it...
My plan is to make a rural fast food courier service.
I would make millions.

Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Really what we need to take from this is we rely on cars too much and need to use public transit/bikes/walking/running more.
in the winter in ohio!??!
you live in Ohio? that explains so much about you man.
i'm intrigued, pleas go on.
i'd like to hear what exactly being in ohio explains.

It's a joke man. It means nothing, other than you're in/from Ohio.
that doesn't make me any less intrigued, can't you be creative about it and just make up some stuff.
it's fun to do so when you are joking around.
They have those in some places.

Yeah, but I'm low on energy right now.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-12-22 00:23:55
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Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
They have those in some places.

Yeah, but I'm low on energy right now.
hence the word "rural", i agreed with your last post but not in so many words, your bolded worked lol.
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