Going AFK In Abyssea Parties

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Going AFK in Abyssea Parties
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-06 11:37:15
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I think they're fighting, idk lol. A lot of their acc is horrible and ws dmg is ***.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-06 11:37:41
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Don't forget to add Wuffi to my dmg.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-11-06 11:44:15
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I havent done any Aby parties, but why do you need 4tanks?

and yeah those two rangers accuracy is bad. one even in the 60s percent.

edit nvm, I see you have some blu mages
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Rocketpop
Posts: 11972
By Ramuh.Laffter 2010-11-06 11:45:52
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Abyssea is all about non-DD jobs DDing because nobody cares about party set-up anymore as long as everyone stays alive.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-06 11:48:23
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Seraph.Rafik said:
I havent done any Aby parties, but why do you need 4tanks?

and yeah those two rangers accuracy is bad. one even in the 60s percent.

edit nvm, I see you have some blu mages
no clue, but I'm leaving lol. At this rate, never gonna get 85. Just dinged 81, so leaving as soon as my rep gets here
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-11-06 12:21:33
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DRG is seriously broken with RR atma.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Riee
Posts: 136
By Bahamut.Rienea 2010-11-06 12:42:37
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Most jobs are broken with RR atma, not just DRG. Silly Raen and his DRG fetish.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-11-06 14:24:07
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Lol I'm gonna afk soon in this pt. I'm doing way too much of the work

I don't think this can b emphasized enough. I really should try parsing next time I go on my DRG to an exp pt :s
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-06 14:29:03
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Just joined another pt. At least I made it to 83 this time before repping out
Damage Summary
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Eemon 35337 2.23 % 23600 0 0 10661 0 1076
Horovivi 136818 8.63 % 65453 0 0 15312 56053 0
Kristian 229141 14.46 % 97890 0 0 125061 0 6190
Myaihze 31344 1.98 % 23379 0 137 7828 0 0
Tadakazu 5 0.00 % 5 0 0 0 0 0
Taint 1701 0.11 % 1443 0 0 258 0 0
Tigerwoods 671199 42.36 % 252405 0 51560 367234 0 0
Tossh 132598 8.37 % 82824 0 545 49020 0 209
Yashii 24260 1.53 % 19899 0 0 3791 570 0
Yoku 64683 4.08 % 62502 0 0 2181 0 0
Zarde 2923 0.18 % 0 0 0 0 2923 0
Zazx 33842 2.14 % 0 0 0 0 33842 0
Carbuncle 350 0.02 % 188 0 162 0 0 0
Diabolos 21092 1.33 % 7437 0 13655 0 0 0
Fenrir 771 0.05 % 771 0 0 0 0 0
Garuda 44682 2.82 % 13705 0 30977 0 0 0
Leviathan 429 0.03 % 429 0 0 0 0 0
LuckyLulush 66074 4.17 % 65794 0 280 0 0 0
NurseryNazuna 3704 0.23 % 3704 0 0 0 0 0
Shiva 5145 0.32 % 226 0 4919 0 0 0
Titan 303 0.02 % 303 0 0 0 0 0
Wuffi 76059 4.80 % 62918 0 13141 0 0 0
SC: Compression 578 0.04 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Gravitation 85 0.01 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 881 0.06 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Transfixion 545 0.03 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1584549 100.00 % 784875 0 115376 581346 93388 7475

Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Eemon 23600 66.79 % 158/5 96.93 % 43/115 81.35 74 132/294 226.58 46.84 %
Horovivi 65453 47.84 % 849/64 92.99 % 41/111 64.38 173 95/158 126.76 20.38 %
Kristian 97890 42.72 % 551/29 95.00 % 90/244 150.98 122 186/333 271.47 22.14 %
Myaihze 23379 74.59 % 545/529 50.74 % 0/72 31.09 104 42/153 92.98 19.08 %
Tadakazu 5 100.00 % 2/2 50.00 % 0/5 2.50 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Taint 1443 84.83 % 41/111 26.97 % 0/125 32.29 3 64/82 72.00 7.32 %
Tigerwoods 252405 37.61 % 777/50 93.95 % 85/338 180.74 408 283/662 455.18 52.51 %
Tossh 82824 62.46 % 1141/285 80.01 % 2/69 34.51 631 58/148 103.37 55.30 %
Yashii 19899 82.02 % 280/77 78.43 % 12/95 49.90 69 83/176 135.80 24.64 %
Yoku 62502 96.63 % 1714/358 82.72 % 6/62 28.63 333 36/123 68.97 19.43 %
Carbuncle 188 53.71 % 10/18 35.71 % 8/27 16.11 1 43/43 43.00 10.00 %
Diabolos 7437 35.26 % 194/144 57.40 % 24/56 35.76 14 58/106 71.50 7.22 %
Fenrir 771 100.00 % 11/7 61.11 % 47/69 57.43 4 84/107 92.25 36.36 %
Garuda 13705 30.67 % 303/193 61.09 % 31/65 42.33 21 66/104 84.14 6.93 %
IceSpirit 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Leviathan 429 100.00 % 10/2 83.33 % 32/52 42.90 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
LuckyLulush 65794 99.58 % 623/119 83.96 % 71/144 93.43 78 150/257 190.67 12.52 %
NurseryNazuna 3704 100.00 % 13/1 92.86 % 143/215 176.00 8 260/432 353.00 61.54 %
Shiva 226 4.39 % 5/0 100.00 % 34/40 38.00 1 74/74 74.00 20.00 %
Titan 303 100.00 % 7/3 70.00 % 39/50 43.29 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Wuffi 62918 82.72 % 611/25 96.07 % 50/100 61.64 281 106/195 151.52 45.99 %

Ranged Damage
Player Range Dmg Range % Hit/Miss R.Acc % R.Low/Hi R.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Yoku 0 0.00 % 0/12 0.00 % 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %

Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg
Eemon 1076 5/0 74/280 215.20 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Kristian 6190 29/0 109/874 213.45 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Tossh 209 2/0 78/131 104.50 0 0/0 0/0 0.00

Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg
Eemon 10661 30.17 % 7/0 100.00 % 1127/1920 1523.00
- Ascetic's Fury 10661 100.00 % 7/0 100.00 % 1127/1920 1523.00
Horovivi 15312 11.19 % 23/0 100.00 % 303/1193 665.74
- Savage Blade 15312 100.00 % 23/0 100.00 % 303/1193 665.74
Kristian 125061 54.58 % 112/6 94.92 % 161/2667 1116.62
- Tachi: Kasha 120946 96.71 % 101/6 94.39 % 667/2667 1197.49
- Tachi: Koki 4115 3.29 % 11/0 100.00 % 161/812 374.09
Myaihze 7828 24.97 % 23/1 95.83 % 132/659 340.35
- Asuran Fists 686 8.76 % 3/0 100.00 % 132/362 228.67
- Howling Fist 7142 91.24 % 20/1 95.24 % 151/659 357.10
Taint 258 15.17 % 1/0 100.00 % 258/258 258.00
- Onslaught 258 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 258/258 258.00
Tigerwoods 367234 54.71 % 155/0 100.00 % 808/4256 2369.25
- Drakesbane 367234 100.00 % 155/0 100.00 % 808/4256 2369.25
Tossh 49020 36.97 % 57/0 100.00 % 180/1791 860.00
- Ascetic's Fury 46711 95.29 % 52/0 100.00 % 180/1791 898.29
- Asuran Fists 1939 3.96 % 4/0 100.00 % 334/562 484.75
- Tornado Kick 370 0.75 % 1/0 100.00 % 370/370 370.00
Yashii 3791 15.63 % 5/0 100.00 % 480/1291 758.20
- Blade: Jin 3791 100.00 % 5/0 100.00 % 480/1291 758.20
Yoku 2181 3.37 % 5/0 100.00 % 342/628 436.20
- Dancing Edge 2181 100.00 % 5/0 100.00 % 342/628 436.20

Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg
Kristian 0 0.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Blade Bash 0 0.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
Myaihze 137 0.44 % 2/0 100.00 % 64/73 68.50
- Chi Blast 137 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 64/73 68.50
Taint 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Feral Howl 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00
Tigerwoods 51560 7.68 % 92/2 97.87 % 163/1314 560.43
- High Jump 12246 23.75 % 31/2 93.94 % 163/842 395.03
- Spirit Jump 39314 76.25 % 61/0 100.00 % 450/1314 644.49
Tossh 545 0.41 % 8/0 100.00 % 49/97 68.13
- Chi Blast 545 100.00 % 8/0 100.00 % 49/97 68.13
Carbuncle 162 46.29 % 4/0 100.00 % 37/50 40.50
- Holy Mist 50 30.86 % 1/0 100.00 % 50/50 50.00
- Meteorite 112 69.14 % 3/0 100.00 % 37/38 37.33
Diabolos 13655 64.74 % 32/2 94.12 % 21/521 426.72
- Nether Blast 12614 92.38 % 29/0 100.00 % 423/478 434.97
- Night Terror 1020 7.47 % 2/0 100.00 % 499/521 510.00
- Nightmare 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Somnolence 21 0.15 % 1/0 100.00 % 21/21 21.00
- Ultimate Terror 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00
Garuda 30977 69.33 % 49/1 98.00 % 31/1381 632.18
- Predator Claws 30911 99.79 % 47/1 97.92 % 67/1381 657.68
- Wind Blade 66 0.21 % 2/0 100.00 % 31/35 33.00
LuckyLulush 280 0.42 % 1/0 100.00 % 280/280 280.00
- Foot Kick 280 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 280/280 280.00
Shiva 4919 95.61 % 7/1 87.50 % 157/1270 702.71
- Diamond Dust 4919 100.00 % 7/0 100.00 % 157/1270 702.71
- Sleepga 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00
Wuffi 13141 17.28 % 136/0 100.00 % 15/498 96.63
- Flame Breath 170 1.29 % 4/0 100.00 % 27/62 42.50
- Frost Breath 11970 91.09 % 114/0 100.00 % 24/498 105.00
- Gust Breath 15 0.11 % 1/0 100.00 % 15/15 15.00
- Hydro Breath 586 4.46 % 11/0 100.00 % 27/124 53.27
- Lightning Breath 276 2.10 % 2/0 100.00 % 27/249 138.00
- Sand Breath 124 0.94 % 4/0 100.00 % 31/31 31.00

Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg
Horovivi 56053 40.97 % 63 0 116/1862 889.73 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 1888 3.37 % 4 0 289/696 472.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Goblin Rush 22447 40.05 % 21 0 347/1398 1068.90 0 0/0 0.00
- Head Butt 1475 2.63 % 10 0 116/166 147.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Quad. Continuum 30243 53.95 % 28 0 257/1862 1080.11 0 0/0 0.00
Yashii 570 2.35 % 15 0 6/116 38.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Doton: San 58 10.18 % 1 0 58/58 58.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Huton: San 13 2.28 % 2 0 6/7 6.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Hyoton: San 58 10.18 % 1 0 58/58 58.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Katon: San 91 15.96 % 6 0 10/28 15.17 0 0/0 0.00
- Raiton: San 129 22.63 % 2 0 13/116 64.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Suiton: San 221 38.77 % 3 0 54/108 73.67 0 0/0 0.00
Zarde 2923 100.00 % 9 0 6/534 324.78 0 0/0 0.00
- Bio II 6 0.21 % 1 0 6/6 6.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 1088 37.22 % 3 0 60/534 362.67 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder III 1829 62.57 % 5 0 228/463 365.80 0 0/0 0.00
Zazx 33842 100.00 % 40 0 0/1770 846.05 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 4573 13.51 % 7 0 354/818 653.29 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 17756 52.47 % 16 0 282/1317 1109.75 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 222 0.66 % 6 0 0/67 37.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Freeze II 5880 17.37 % 5 0 837/1770 1176.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Stone V 5411 15.99 % 6 0 315/1325 901.83 0 0/0 0.00

Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg
SC: Compression 578 1 578/578 578.00
SC: Gravitation 85 2 27/58 42.50
SC: Light 881 3 271/338 293.67
SC: Transfixion 545 7 10/148 77.86
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-06 14:29:33
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Code tags on this site blow, but heh, deal w/ it.

HOro, Etrigan, Balder, Eemon, Kneelah, Kristian pt had the only brd in the alliance, too, lol.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-11-06 14:50:56
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Bahamut.Rienea said:
Most jobs are broken with RR atma, not just DRG. Silly Raen and his DRG fetish.

I never said only DRG was broken :( although it is definitely among top DDs at the moment.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2328
By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2010-11-06 15:15:48
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Bahamut.Rienea said:
Most jobs are broken with RR atma, not just DRG. Silly Raen and his DRG fetish.

He never shuts up about DRG. That or THF. Let's not mention DRK though
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Riee
Posts: 136
By Bahamut.Rienea 2010-11-06 19:19:52
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He never shuts up, let's just leave it at that.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2010-11-06 19:22:47
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full bst pt and your done, prolly the only and effective job that can outdd anyone out there on abyssea with lvl 80/85 pets hitting by 100-200's almost no miss dps, specially with pet bonus stats gear
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [49 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2010-12-26 04:32:27
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Siren.Ilax said:
Fairy.Lethewaters said:
Ragnarok.Cerelyn said:
People are lazy, They will not just warp or log when they can get a couple merit/s or level/s by just afking and go to bed or w/e.

Kinda like SMN burns

I don't understand that one, i hope you not thinking abyssea PT is that much better then smn burns PT, bc after you get lv85 BAD news for you, even without leeching, you way under Weapon skill CAP. And for who is leeching is even worse.

No I'm referencing to the ppl that would pay for a leech spot or just stand and do nothing. I've never burned. The amount of time gaining the EXp then having to skillup later is the amount of time I would spend in PT. With the exception of WHM, BLM and SCH I've tanked as every job in the game
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-12-26 04:36:27
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I was in a pt the other day with my thf that I hadn't touched in like 2 years... I started out at 75 ended at 90 and even at 75 I was doing most the dmg with 85+s there. Once I got into the 80s and stuff it was rediculous I could afk for 1/3 the time and still end up doing over 25% of the dmg.

Now if you are wondering how this is possible only had 1-2 other people that I could call DDs. I mean sure there were other DD jobs... but well let's just say the drg in my pt that was a higher lvl than me frequently hit 0 dmg penta thrust against bugards. And I don't think ever broke 100 dmg on them lol. While from the begining to the end I was doing 1-4.5k ws lol. I think I did my part
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Helixx
Posts: 266
By Bismarck.Helixx 2010-12-26 05:22:25
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You will usually have:
6 ppl that really need the exp.
1~2 low lvl leech.
10 soso mediocre afk ppl.

And guess what, I'm fine with that since the 10 AFK ppl most likely will suck so bad that with or without them, the exp/h will not change!

Yes i'm talking to you DRG's WAR's MNK's SAM's NIN's THF's and all other DD's that run around in dex+2 rings, +1%-haste belts, lvl 7 leather armor!
Oh, btw. Yesterday i met a lvl 90 BLM without stun <.<

Best ever: Make group of 6 Good players and go do DOM's in new zones. 100k/h easy.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-12-26 05:58:52
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outparsed my entire alliance other day as PLD/SAM with GS
Atmas: RR/VV/AO 1.2k~2k Spinning Slash's/Ground Strikes

Tried MM at first to up INT for modifier but didnt seem to help much, just gave me lots of MP to spot heal and still outparse group -.-

I never said only DRG was broken :( although it is definitely among top DDs at the moment.
DRG broke at birds with RR/VV/Griffon Claw XD
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Leviathan.Korialstrasz 2010-12-26 06:17:51
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DRG really does put out silly damage in abyssea though. I remember at 75 being sad if I didn't get to pop out a few 2k ws, and now I feel like I'm not doing my job if I don't get at least a few 5-6k. I've yet to parse against others, but with 500-1500 jumps and more TP than I know what to do with half the time, I'd imagine there aren't very many jobs that can keep up with a (good) DRG.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Irishlass
Posts: 578
By Cerberus.Irishlass 2010-12-26 07:49:23
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
I was in a pt the other day with my thf that I hadn't touched in like 2 years... I started out at 75 ended at 90 and even at 75 I was doing most the dmg with 85+s there. Once I got into the 80s and stuff it was rediculous I could afk for 1/3 the time and still end up doing over 25% of the dmg. Now if you are wondering how this is possible only had 1-2 other people that I could call DDs. I mean sure there were other DD jobs... but well let's just say the drg in my pt that was a higher lvl than me frequently hit 0 dmg penta thrust against bugards. And I don't think ever broke 100 dmg on them lol. While from the begining to the end I was doing 1-4.5k ws lol. I think I did my part

HAHA NICE! Finaly proof that THF can DD. Love it. MAN I love this I can't even tell you how much I love to see this! After beeing told by some high mucky muck that THF is only good for TH. <3 you and <3 THF.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-12-26 08:05:09
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Cerberus.Irishlass said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
I was in a pt the other day with my thf that I hadn't touched in like 2 years... I started out at 75 ended at 90 and even at 75 I was doing most the dmg with 85+s there. Once I got into the 80s and stuff it was rediculous I could afk for 1/3 the time and still end up doing over 25% of the dmg. Now if you are wondering how this is possible only had 1-2 other people that I could call DDs. I mean sure there were other DD jobs... but well let's just say the drg in my pt that was a higher lvl than me frequently hit 0 dmg penta thrust against bugards. And I don't think ever broke 100 dmg on them lol. While from the begining to the end I was doing 1-4.5k ws lol. I think I did my part

HAHA NICE! Finaly proof that THF can DD. Love it. MAN I love this I can't even tell you how much I love to see this! After beeing told by some high mucky muck that THF is only good for TH. <3 you and <3 THF.

3 THFs parse top 3 spots in this group

Damage Summary
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
#3 Calamity 99424 11.55 % 55936 0 0 43488 0 0
Evaneau 59940 6.96 % 23402 0 13534 23004 0 0
George 3107 0.36 % 2538 0 0 569 0 0
Hakkuro 38717 4.50 % 0 0 0 0 38717 0
Khali 51892 6.03 % 39828 0 124 11815 0 125
Kiarri 18888 2.19 % 11938 0 0 6950 0 0
#1 Krazyrs 172085 19.99 % 93895 0 0 78150 0 40
Kut 64 0.01 % 0 0 0 64 0 0
Kzcloud 29675 3.45 % 18428 11 0 11236 0 0
Mtmoogle 22291 2.59 % 15240 0 0 7051 0 0
Reikon 49294 5.73 % 36055 0 473 12050 0 716
Sywen 75729 8.80 % 41335 0 0 34282 0 112
#2 Thandar 124522 14.47 % 70578 0 0 53613 0 331
Vivio 98527 11.45 % 44156 0 0 53954 0 417
Lady 8343 0.97 % 6209 0 2134 0 0 0
NurseryNazuna 5250 0.61 % 5250 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Compression 834 0.10 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 445 0.05 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Detonation 2 0.00 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 352 0.04 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Reverberation 1299 0.15 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Scission 3 0.00 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Transfixion 150 0.02 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 860833 100.00 % 464788 11 16265 336226 38717 1741

srsly DRGs parsing under6% at birds make me sad
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-12-26 08:34:43
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Yeah a thf with Ok tp set and no ws set with just RR is kinda boss lol.
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