Going AFK In Abyssea Parties

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Going AFK in Abyssea Parties
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Carste
By Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud 2010-11-01 11:08:52
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Okay I was finally guilty of something 2 nights ago that has been a major pet peeve of mine for quite some time.

I usually play late at night, and when my Abyssea exp parties are winding down, it usually anywhere from 1 AM to 5 AM EST in the states. When it is that late at night and ppl are getting tired, it makes it more difficult for parties to catch ppl that just afk and leech. (Taking 5-10 minute breaks is different than just leaving your character logged on and going to bed)

So I've always had the position if you are too tired to continue, even if you are just DD'ing, and even if you don't have a replacement. just say so, warp out, and drop party so you are not a dead weight. It's normally not that hard to find a replace at any time of night for an good exp party that is already established.

Anyone else have a thought or position on this?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 278
By Ragnarok.Cerelyn 2010-11-01 11:11:55
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People are lazy, They will not just warp or log when they can get a couple merit/s or level/s by just afking and go to bed or w/e.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: volkom
Posts: 1294
By Quetzalcoatl.Volkom 2010-11-01 11:13:37
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does it come with cake?
and if you see someone afking/leeching like mad...just kick them
Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud said:
if you are too tired to continue, even if you are just DD'ing, and even if you don't have a replacement. just say so, warp out, and drop party so you are not a dead weight.
i like people who say that. makes my life easier, but like a 20min warning would be nice so you can start looking for a rep instead of people who are like "oh, i'm sleepy, cya" and leave and you're like WTF that was sudden -_-;
Posts: 584
By BorealisV2 2010-11-01 11:16:10
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People with children annoy the *** out of me. I will always remember the shitty BRD who had a macro to AFK every 5-10 *** minutes; "baby argo brb 5 mnis"... Needless to say she was kicked before we'd capped any form of light >.>

Love shout parties...
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2010-11-01 11:16:28
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I know what you mean, but you also have to remember...

hang on, brb.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-11-01 11:16:53
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There are people who actually give a ***about exp parties?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aurilius
Posts: 1726
By Lakshmi.Aurilius 2010-11-01 11:17:13
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There's this *** assclown on Lakshmi named Healthy/Muhnayz. Twice over this weekend, he has put together an abyssea alliance and then after a while went on perma afk, mooching with both of his characters.

In Misareaux, he was hiding behind the wall behind the bugard camp so no one could see him leeching. In vunkerl, he was hiding behind the bushes behind the murex camp so no one could see him leeching.

The only thing that pisses me off more than people joining an abyssea party and doing nothing, is when people put together an abyssea party with the sole purpose of mooching and doing nothing. We booted his afk *** and reformed the alliance without him. I'd imagine he timed out, but I don't know for sure.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Greyfin
Posts: 471
By Bismarck.Nexdeus 2010-11-01 11:22:31
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That's what assist/pl/autobuff bots are for!

It does get annoying when people give absolutely 0 warning. I guess common party manners were thrown out the window for good once abys came out.

However, I have been invited to some absolutely horrible parties before. When a party sucks too much, I just leave. *** that ***, wasting my time by putting me in a crappy party just for some mediocre exp that the leech will only benefit from.
One comes to mind, where the COR was the only form of "healing" in my party. They tried to maintain the party using dancers roll /facepalm.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Carste
By Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud 2010-11-01 11:23:15
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Lakshmi.Aurilius said:
There's this *** assclown on Lakshmi named Healthy/Muhnayz. Twice over this weekend, he has put together an abyssea alliance and then after a while went on perma afk, mooching with both of his characters. In Misareaux, he was hiding behind the wall behind the bugard camp so no one could see him leeching. In vunkerl, he was hiding behind the bushes behind the murex camp so no one could see him leeching. The only thing that pisses me off more than people joining an abyssea party and doing nothing, is when people put together an abyssea party with the sole purpose of mooching and doing nothing. We booted his afk *** and reformed the alliance without him. I'd imagine he timed out, but I don't know for sure.

This made me lol. when they hide behind something you knowing they are doing it with intent. it's one thing to fall asleep in the middle of the fighting camp, and another to hide like a little #%@!#.

At any rate, you that when you can only keep you eyes open to engage and WS and that's it. it's time to say good night.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-11-01 11:24:46
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Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: volkom
Posts: 1294
By Quetzalcoatl.Volkom 2010-11-01 11:26:11
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BorealisV2 said:
People with children annoy the *** out of me. I will always remember the shitty BRD who had a macro to AFK every 5-10 *** minutes; "baby argo brb 5 mnis"... Needless to say she was kicked before we'd capped any form of light >.> Love shout parties...
i lol'd
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: ginger
Posts: 70
By Alexander.Kewitt 2010-11-01 11:26:58
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My husband, Used to always end up falling asleep well seeking well 4-5 years ago I got on his butt, and told him if your tired log out.

If you are falling asleep leave the party. It's to do that then look like an *** hole.

Well he learned.

I'm always the 1st to kick people out of abyssea parties for leeching. We are working hard and you getting a free ride f that!!!

I am also agaist keywhore leeching. Yes they are doing something but what's the *** point of having a job at 85 if you have no *** clue how to play the damn job!!! People take a little pride in our achivements.
Posts: 584
By BorealisV2 2010-11-01 11:27:20
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Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?

^ See so many of them... So *** many.

For the Store TP, yo!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: volkom
Posts: 1294
By Quetzalcoatl.Volkom 2010-11-01 11:29:25
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Alexander.Kewitt said:
My husband, Used to always end up falling asleep well seeking well 4-5 years ago I got on his butt, and told him if your tired log out. If you are falling asleep leave the party. It's to do that then look like an *** hole. Well he learned. I'm always the 1st to kick people out of abyssea parties for leeching. We are working hard and you getting a free ride f that!!! I am also agaist keywhore leeching. Yes they are doing something but what's the *** point of having a job at 85 if you have no *** clue how to play the damn job!!! People take a little pride in our achivements.
i'm fine with keywhoring~ especially if you get one of those abyssea parties where theres tons of chests everywhere. as long if the keyleecher is like /somethinguserfullike(cor,whm,brd) for some mediocre buffs/heals and actually openings chests in a timely manner
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 1393
By Ragnarok.Zanno 2010-11-01 11:30:05
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It's funny when you catch someone who has been AFK for 1+ hour, and they come back the second you boot them with some lame excuse "Oh I fell asleep and just woke up". How convinient.

I usually put in my seacom though that I dont wanna join alliances who got any form of leeches.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Carste
By Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud 2010-11-01 11:30:17
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I'd still prefer ppl to just drop than afk it. What's the difference? If they just afk and go to bed, it's worse than just dropping. You are still down a man, and you can't replace him until he/she are actually kicked.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fyyvoaa
Posts: 18930
By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2010-11-01 11:32:24
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oooo :x I have some funny stories about a certain individual that would set up these so called "godly" abyssea parties then would end up going afk 99% of the time, we ended up booting this certain individual and wouldn't you know it, as soon as that happened they magically came back and started to complain, we gave him another chance, but he did it again.

Was funny as ***.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Xslayrx
Posts: 384
By Bahamut.Xslayrx 2010-11-01 11:32:58
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Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?
Food is for chumps, and atma costs cruor which I use to sell abyssea gear to make my gil to pay for my NQ hauby!
Posts: 584
By BorealisV2 2010-11-01 11:34:11
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Last time I called someone out for AFKing their 'online girlfriend' threw a *** fit in what can only be called Frenglish and tried to get me kicked... even though I was the sole DD in the alliance capable of doing over 500 WS.

Shiva; made of lol.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Carste
By Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud 2010-11-01 11:36:09
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Bahamut.Xslayrx said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?
Food is for chumps, and atma costs cruor which I use to sell abyssea gear to make my gil to pay for my NQ hauby!

By itself that was just mildly funny, but something about Hansel Male Model avatar made it even more funny.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 552
By Odin.Sinharvest 2010-11-01 11:36:39
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with me trio boxing, I've found myself getting xp 100x faster than I would in a mass afk pt, I just cant take abyssea pts, usually its only 1 healer, 1 buffer, 1 DD, and 13 afk people.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Gilgamesh.Thedreamer 2010-11-01 11:38:39
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When i see someone afk
1- 15mn+ i ask leader kick him (strangely 90% of them come back assap...)
2- When its 30mn i say : you kick him or i warp
3- I warp cause an ally leavin afk peoples for long is boud to make shitty xp and finish soon w
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Deboro
Posts: 158
By Phoenix.Deboro 2010-11-01 11:40:50
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Lol so do people prefer Afk people or Blatently Auto-botting people?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aurilius
Posts: 1726
By Lakshmi.Aurilius 2010-11-01 11:48:14
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I prefer the auto botting people. At least they are doing something.

If you have to afk for a few minutes that's fine. If you afk for 30 minutes, then come back for 10, then afk again for 30, well then *** you.
Posts: 753
By FireDeath 2010-11-01 11:49:21
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Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?

huh... Hey welcome #1 Epin Fenrir server, there a tons of 'short bus ppl like this here :)'

That just retard if what you just said is: if you have good stuff then you can AFK 50%... Is retard as the 2 guy in same LS that built an Abyssea PT and started ninjar everything saying: Well is for our LS ('Give me a god damn break')

Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud had a good point, and ppl should stop thinking they are special...

On side note, if your superiority is that insane, why don't you just go Duo? Oh wait is it bc you could not go AFK'ish? ... w/e...

Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2010-11-01 11:51:10
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Gilgamesh.Thedreamer said:
When i see someone afk
1- 15mn+ i ask leader kick him (strangely 90% of them come back assap...)
2- When its 30mn i say : you kick him or i warp
3- I warp cause an ally leavin afk peoples for long is boud to make shitty xp and finish soon w
Posts: 584
By BorealisV2 2010-11-01 11:55:41
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FireDeath said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?

huh... Hey welcome #1 Epin Fenrir server, there a tons of 'short bus ppl like this here :)'

That just retard if what you just said is: if you have good stuff then you can AFK 50%... Is retard as the 2 guy in same LS that built an Abyssea PT and started ninjar everything saying: Well is for our LS ('Give me a god damn break')

Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud had a good point, and ppl should stop thinking they are special...

On side note, if your superiority is that insane, why don't you just go Duo? Oh wait is it bc you could not go AFK'ish? ... w/e...

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-11-01 11:58:10
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BorealisV2 said:
FireDeath said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?

huh... Hey welcome #1 Epin Fenrir server, there a tons of 'short bus ppl like this here :)'

That just retard if what you just said is: if you have good stuff then you can AFK 50%... Is retard as the 2 guy in same LS that built an Abyssea PT and started ninjar everything saying: Well is for our LS ('Give me a god damn break')

Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud had a good point, and ppl should stop thinking they are special...

On side note, if your superiority is that insane, why don't you just go Duo? Oh wait is it bc you could not go AFK'ish? ... w/e...

Posts: 753
By FireDeath 2010-11-01 11:59:26
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BorealisV2 said:
FireDeath said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?

huh... Hey welcome #1 Epin Fenrir server, there a tons of 'short bus ppl like this here :)'

That just retard if what you just said is: if you have good stuff then you can AFK 50%... Is retard as the 2 guy in same LS that built an Abyssea PT and started ninjar everything saying: Well is for our LS ('Give me a god damn break')

Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud had a good point, and ppl should stop thinking they are special...

On side note, if your superiority is that insane, why don't you just go Duo? Oh wait is it bc you could not go AFK'ish? ... w/e...


Posts: 753
By FireDeath 2010-11-01 11:59:58
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Fenrir.Snick said:
BorealisV2 said:
FireDeath said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
Am I the only one who would prefer someone who is AFK half the time but has those weird things called "Atmas" and uses another odd tool called "food" to kill faster over someone who uses neither and does 100 damage WSs and TPs in full aurore?

huh... Hey welcome #1 Epin Fenrir server, there a tons of 'short bus ppl like this here :)'

That just retard if what you just said is: if you have good stuff then you can AFK 50%... Is retard as the 2 guy in same LS that built an Abyssea PT and started ninjar everything saying: Well is for our LS ('Give me a god damn break')

Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud had a good point, and ppl should stop thinking they are special...

On side note, if your superiority is that insane, why don't you just go Duo? Oh wait is it bc you could not go AFK'ish? ... w/e...

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