Shiva.Bailiegrace said:
I have been doing all that I can to learn & really enjoy Varus.
I think my current build is different but will pay off if I have support with me.
Runann's Hurricane
Static Shiv
Blade of the ruined King
Infinity Edge.
I understand that Runann's hurricane isn't for everyone but I enjoy it.
Theres a cap for attack speed at 2.5. I'm pretty sure you are hitting that cap if not more, not to mention that Varus' passive wont proc since youre capped.
You either drop Runann's or you drop Static Shiv and build a Last whisper to keep your damage as effective as possible.
Theres many ways to go about building your ADC:
BotRK - Phantom Dancer - Last Whisper - Defense/Blood thirster - Infinity Edge/Defense
Infinity Edge - Phantom Dancer - Last Whisper - Defense/BT - Defense/BotRK
Blood thirster - Phantom Dancer - Last Whisper - Defense/Infinity Edge- Defense/BotRK
Thats usually your damage build, depending on how your laning phase is going, team comp, enemy team comp, may determine which way you start, or just how much farm you have on your first back :P That being said 5th or 6th slot may take up a defensive item of your liking(which is why I added that "defense" part), if not, if you feel your team can protect and peel for you, then the respective offensive item is listed.
Mind you , you can always swap some things around to best fit your situation, need more pushing power? build a Statikk shiv.