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Screenshots » id:82778
98k monk ws at 1k TP
Score: 2.88
Votes: 42
Classification Item » Verethragna
Tags monk, victory smite, mnk
Date Submitted 2023-09-30 07:02:09
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Commentaires (4)
Bahamut.Netheb[Report] Score: -1
No need to crap on someone's personal achievements. Nice job, :D
2023-10-22 03:38:07
Diabolos.Genome[Report] Score: -1
if this enemy seems too easy to some, here's a 73k one at 1k TP soloing with just trust buffs on, on the C boss in sortie: but the number is not as cool
2024-05-09 20:58:37
Carbuncle.Twillin[Report] Score: -3
Nice! I don’t care what mob you WS on seeing 99999 or anything close to it is sexy as hell!!!

…. Plus if you talk to players who’ve played since the early 2000’s I bet most of us could tell you how it was common to joke about how cool it would be to see so many 9’s in your WS damage since at the time a you were dishing out some serious damage if your ws broke 1k lmao
2023-10-27 21:40:30
Asura.Lordtrey Montrer Score: -12
Too bad it wasn't on a mob that doesn't take bonus damage from blunt and h2h or in a zone that buffs up stats and gives temp items that would be ep to anyone ml 40+
2023-10-21 18:44:39