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Screenshots » id:81198
So many Gin scales
Score: 6.51
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Whiiskey
Tags Ashera Harness
Date Submitted 2019-07-21 13:36:27
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Commentaires (4)
Asura.Nebohh[Report] Score: 12
So much Gin. Where’s the juice?
2019-07-23 09:15:53
Lakshmi.Buukki[Report] Score: 4
Another case of "why doesn't this item stack to 99?". You can't even sell it..."
2019-07-24 20:18:02
Phoenix.Tigertail[Report] Score: -2
Wow if only those were muleable.
2019-07-26 18:30:11
Asura.Ladyofhonor[Report] Score: -8
When I was spamming Gin, I considered saving the scales in case they ever add a trade system of scales for a drop. I quickly realized this was SE and never going to happen, so I just started tossing scales.
2019-07-24 16:19:25