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~My 1st Aeonic~ ...About a month ago I have finally obtained my first Aeonic...and just now got the chance to show my appreciation to all who made it possible for me after almost a year...Even though some of us from the following list below,we no longer talk or is no longer around...I just wanted to take the time to show that I didnt forget your efforts as you came selflessly to make this possible at the end...Granted,I was stuck on my last needed win for about 5 months...leaving me to break down to pay a small group of fearless individuals at the end (you know who you are lol)...And we all know that without a group to do these Aeonics with it is quite a struggle to obtain...All in all,thank you for everything you all have done in the past for me @;<- ...~Those who have helped in one way or another~ ---> *Arislan *Slythroth *Kasa *Joeblack *Spiridion *Jooks *Barokins *Infrabon *Jammingjamie *Dominis *Promethius *Pukkaup *Nokizaru *Glutious *Morta *Bengalkat *Wreckedprogress *Sidsith *Shiro *Candybarte *Ridst
Score: 5.54
Votes: 26
Classification Player » Kkya
Tags Aeneas , Aeonic
Date Submitted 2018-09-28 07:44:50
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Commentaires (1)
Shiva.Kkya[Report] Score: 0
So I guess i have typed too much in there lol ...So I will show my appreciations of all who has helped me in here...~Those who have helped in one way or another~ ---> *Arislan *Slythroth *Kasa *Joeblack *Spiridion *Jooks *Barokins *Infrabon *Jammingjamie *Dominis *Promethius *Pukkaup *Nokizaru *Glutious *Morta *Bengalkat *Wreckedprogress *Sidsith *Shiro *Candybarte *Ridster *Fernandinho *Cuetka *Hour *Tick *Chim *Zena *Envy *Kudos *Ozaii *Orhime *Wanoyano *Darksniper *Hiep ...Thank you once again,all of you /bows
2018-09-28 07:50:36