@ Leviathan.Erang
Everyone justifies having guns with " I would rather be prepared and not have to use it than be in a situation where I need it and don't have it."
But really, how often do you hear people say "Good thing I had guns, or that would have gone badly." More often, what happens is people accidentally shooting an unarmed person who "looked threatening" or shooting their own kid by mistake.
Adults protect their assets with door locks, alarm systems, insurance, and good old not being an idiot. There's no need for guns.
Also, if you feel the need to have a concealed gun, you proved Morier correct.
Shield .40 - Love this thing. This bad boy is everything a personal defense handgun should be: concealable, powerful and reliable.
entry level AR-15 - just a toy, pretty accurate and almost field ready out of the box.
bolt action .22LR - plinker for my lady
Kojo, I'm looking at the Mossberg Maverick actually! It makes me smile that you understand. <3
Yes Drayco, I'm fairly certain this will put holes in more than just paper :D
Interesting comment Morier - Why would anyone say anything like that to somebody they do not know? I will try to justify - I would rather be prepared and not have to use it than be in a situation where I need it and don't have it. When you venture outside of your room, away from FFXI, away from mommy and daddy and when you finally have some assets of your own to protect... you might understand. I think I just heard Charlton Heston roll his eyes a little... <3