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Screenshots » id:77644
Friend who won the bonanza awhile back.
Score: 8.45
Votes: 44
Classification Item » Judgment Day
Tags Judgment Day Painting
Date Submitted 2015-12-19 11:22:00
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Commentaires (3)
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: 6
pretty awesome painting. I wouldnt mind having that
2015-12-19 13:19:32
Lakshmi.Ryanx[Report] Score: 2
once the bonanza numbers are out Think I should be able to make that beastmen sign
2015-12-19 18:15:54
Asura.Felgarr[Report] Score: 2
Thank you for posting this. I was always curious about the dimensions of this painting because in ToAU cutscenes, you see the painting to be about the width of 2-3 humes and it appears to be the same size here.

Also, I didn't know about the banner! Thanks again!
2015-12-19 21:11:08