If you swap Gessho out for Valaineral, that's the exact trust setup I use on RNG/DNC in Reisenjima. Checking your profile, you're better geared than I am, and I get 20~30+ CP/hr in there w/o really trying that hard. (As someone pointed out, COR is faster. But, that's apples to oranges.)
Additionally, if you go after mobs closer to your level, you can convert a bunch of that ACC you're stating you need for apex, into something to help you kill faster.
@Enestinus I see your point. I've done these Apex bats as well. It's fun to beat them. However, yes smaller mobs may give less CP than Apex. But if you're getting 5-6 an hr @appx 1 JP per fight, that means each fight is 10~12 mins. You can kill mobs at about 30-45 seconds each in other zones and get 10k easy on those (the lowest I've seen is around 4k, no ring, no cp buff). Math shows that lots of little numbers > very few big numbers.
I have soloed CP in Reisenjima and on COR and I can tell you it's pretty awesome camp. Leaden 1 shot(or close to 1 shot) every mob, and it's fast pull/chain with ranged attack/ra/QD. It's very easy to chain over 42. Earned about 38 JP in less than 1hr, half the time were spent on farming ascended NM for stones. Since RNG can use trueflight I guess it could work for RNG too. Alternatively you can do lower lv apex mob such as Apex raptor, which dies in 30 sec with Ayame SC.
I don't think apex bats are good solo CP target though. Even if I'm going to solo those bats, I wouldn't use unbuffed last stand.
Mmm you can do that. I prefer this strategy. Can chain weaker mobs for 2~3k cp/kill, or go for the more difficult targets for 20~30k cp/kill.
Gessho can infinitely tank even the toughest of Apex bats. I'll pull a bat and basically go afk just spamming RA/WS without even looking at the screen.
I haven't tried Reisenjima. Would it work that well on RNG?