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Perfect Ghostfyre Augment
Score: 8.68
Votes: 69
Classification Player » Otsego
Date Submitted 2015-06-05 20:56:24
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Commentaires (8)
Asura.Netero[Report] Score: 4
its so beautiful <3
2015-06-06 12:50:11
Carbuncle.Bukadan[Report] Score: 0
the point is to be the best you can be at any given moment, kenrusai, not to be worried about whether or not its exceptional value will remain intact after an update or not. i know youre probably just trolling or whatever but getting perfect augments on anything these days usually means that itll have a place for awhile, or at the very least give you the option to put off getting the next best back piece in favor of something else more impactful. i mean, it could even turn out that the new piece ends up being something you have to carry around in addition to this, too.
2015-06-06 22:49:08
Bahamut.Aedon[Report] Score: -1
rack city
2015-06-06 11:32:00
Leviathan.Edane[Report] Score: -1
way to go!
2015-06-06 12:55:50
Cerberus.Jiko[Report] Score: -2
Most rate downs are gonna come from the ones who are jelly.

Nice job having the dedication to get max aug. :)
2015-06-06 11:36:05
Siren.Bruno[Report] Score: -5
it looks so buttery
2015-06-06 14:59:00
Asura.Sechs Montrer Score: -10
While this cape is absolutely beautiful, all it does is saving inventory space.
You don't need enha skill/enha duration when you're casting debuffs, and you don't need enf skill/macc when you're casting buffs.
Could totally have 2 different capes for these 2 different roles, which is a more realistic goal to give one's self. (we could argue about the value of enha skill as well, given how tiers work today)
2015-06-08 01:55:58
Asura.Kenrusai Montrer Score: -12
perfection obtained, now, say goodbye next update
2015-06-06 06:41:46